Corrective Rape

Well, in another thread, she seem awfully anxious to have a man to have sex with. So, ...I don't know, perhaps.

I assure you, I would not take that kind of treatment. I don't do victimhood. No matter how much I liked the guy, even if he has a 3in thick penis, even if he's Keanu Reeves, I am a fucking human being, not a doormat.
orleander said:
so they get rid of white rule and this is what they sink to?
I seriously doubt that outspoken, authority-defying, publicly independent black women were safe from rape and murder under white rule.
Well since that Chris Brown episode it is widely back in the media and every talk show from Oprah to Dr Phil are talking about it. They had some Women Abusers on and a lot of it stems from jealousy. Most of the men that were on hit or beat their women if they even looked at another man too long. One guy choked his wife in the car till she passed out because they were at a party and she danced with another man, very innocently.

The problem is that almost of these women stay with the man. A couple of them even gave up their own children because the courts would not let a child stay in that kind of environment. There is really something wrong with women who would give up their own child over a man, especially one that beats them. :mad:

And there are the women who instigate this sort of behavior, and even seem to like it. My ex GF was only twenty two, and on the rebound from divorcing her husband. Who she would still see from time to time (she made it clear from the start we wouldn't be exclusive) and at least twice while we were together, she made him so jealous that he hit her. And then she would tell me about it, and it would make me sick. And I would wonder why she would see him again ever, since he had done it in the past, and seemed likely to do it again?

After we broke up, we went out a few more times. The last time, we went to a club, and got a table. She went to get a drink, then danced with a guy who asked her to on the way back. And then another, and then another, and soon it had been about a half an hour (maybe longer), and she hadn't been back to our table once. I wasn't angry that she was dancing with other men, but by her never taking a break, and not coming back to our table, she was trying to instigate something. Though we weren't officially together at that time, we were on a date together. She knew exactly what she was doing, and if I were the same type as her ex husband, I probably would have hit her, made a scene, whatever. But I wasn't, so I left. Which was hard, because I'd ridden my motorcycle to her place, and we had left from there. This meant I had to walk about four or five miles to get back to my motorcycle, and then ride home. The next day she called, and asked if she could come over. I told her that if she wanted to hurt me, she had succeeded. She began crying, and apologized. Then she left, and I never saw her again.

If she didn't get some sort of thrill from making men angrily jealous in that manner, she wouldn't have acted that way. What the underlying cause is I have no idea. But I want no part of it.
Hey, I got to thinking about this topic ...corrective rape. Now tell me honestly, didn't the attack on the women "cure" her of being a lesbian? She's no longer a lesbian, is she? So, see, the cure works!!

Baron Max

Hey, this isn't funny. This is not a joke.
Hey, this isn't funny. This is not a joke.

Sure it is! Millions of people all over the world are murdered in many different ways all the time. Selecting only one of those victims in order to post the horrors of this one murder, while virtually ignoring all the others, is a major joke.

While you're reading this post, thousands of children have already died of starvation or of easily-cured diseases. Yeah, that's right ....thousands!

See how insignificant the death of one lesbian is? We make a big deal out of the lesbians death, yet say nothing about the other thousands. Joke, huh?

Baron Max
....See how insignificant the death of one lesbian is? We make a big deal out of the lesbians death, yet say nothing about the other thousands. Joke, huh?

Baron Max

but its not just one. This article focused on one, but its not just woman this is happening to.
but its not just one. This article focused on one, but its not just woman this is happening to.

Oh, I agree. But it's still focusing on one victim while thousands are dying ...RIGHT NOW, Orleander. How is that one victim, already dead and gone, so much more important than the thousands that just now died?

See? That's the joke of it all ...not the death itself, but the undue attention to it while all the others simply died and no one gave one single turd about them.

Baron Max
Sure it is! Millions of people all over the world are murdered in many different ways all the time. Selecting only one of those victims in order to post the horrors of this one murder, while virtually ignoring all the others, is a major joke.

While you're reading this post, thousands of children have already died of starvation or of easily-cured diseases. Yeah, that's right ....thousands!

See how insignificant the death of one lesbian is? We make a big deal out of the lesbians death, yet say nothing about the other thousands. Joke, huh?

Baron Max

Understand, but we can't say one of those murders is any less or more barbaric or appalling. You can't place a quantity requirement for morality. If murdering one person is wrong, than murdering a thousand is wrong, and vice versa. If one of those kids just died, we don't say, "Well, just another kid cured of disease or hunger." That is disrespectful of the other 999 kids in line to die!! The same is true for the woman. There is at least 2 more that are about to die from the same thing.

Have you no decency?
Oh, I agree. But it's still focusing on one victim while thousands are dying ...RIGHT NOW, Orleander. How is that one victim, already dead and gone, so much more important than the thousands that just now died?

See? That's the joke of it all ...not the death itself, but the undue attention to it while all the others simply died and no one gave one single turd about them.

Baron Max

Undue attention? We can't fix all the problems in the world at once, we fix them one at a time. Do you really think no one gives a turd just because unnecessary poverty and disease exist?? These problems don't exist just because people aren't trying to tend to them.

If you honestly feel the way you feel and want the right to come out here and make fun of a sigle death in the face of the thousands of deaths, then you must get out there are work towards fixing the problems. Otherwise, you have no vested interest in any person who is dying right now. You may have the right to say what you feel, but that doesn't make it right to say it.
Protest is good, why make it easy for the legal system to deteriorate anywhere? Deteriorations spread out and conglomerate into even bigger problems, so whack them wherever and whenever you can. Submitting your voice is a great way to apply mental pressure for corrective measures to take place. By remaining silent, your giving ease of mind for the perpetrators, making it conducive for them or such an activity to take place.
Undue attention? We can't fix all the problems in the world at once, we fix them one at a time.

Yeah, sure! Name a few that we've actually fixed. People in India have no sanitary sewer systems, their sewage runs right out into streets and playgrounds. Children have been dying of diseases from that sewage for ....thousands of years! Yet India sends a satellite into space. See? Even India don't give a fuck about those thousand kids that died today.

Do you really think no one gives a turd just because unnecessary poverty and disease exist?? These problems don't exist just because people aren't trying to tend to them.

Like the Indian sewage problem, the same is true of thousands of places in the world ...the same problems occur now that have been occuring for thousands of years. Yeah, Jay, I don't think people really give a shit ....they lie and claim to care, but they really don't.

.... Otherwise, you have no vested interest in any person who is dying right now. You may have the right to say what you feel, but that doesn't make it right to say it.

See, the difference is that I really don't care about people that die, and I'm not afraid to say it. But most people here claim to care, and I'd say that most people on Earth would say they care, yet nothing is done ...the same problems are going on now that went on 1,000 years ago! No, they don't care either, they're just too chickenshit to admit it.

Ya' want to have some fun about how much people care? Check out how much people spent on going to the movies last week. Or the week before that. Or any of the weeks over decades ......all the while claiming that they care about poor people and poverty, etc.

Baron Max
Protest is good, ... By remaining silent, your giving ease of mind for the perpetrators, making it conducive for them or such an activity to take place.

Now c'mon, do you really think that the rapists in South Africa come to sciforums or any other Internet site to check on what people are saying about the rapes that they commit????

Surely you're just being ....what ....overly idealistic?

Baron Max
Ya' want to have some fun about how much people care? Check out how much people spent on going to the movies last week. Or the week before that. Or any of the weeks over decades ......all the while claiming that they care about poor people and poverty, etc.

Baron Max

Do you expect everyone to jump out of their lives and join the Peace Corp? People care and are just needing a way. Every frickin organization that holds their hand out for help to solve these problems there are people giving and giving. This is all that some people can do. Are they supposed to then spend the rest of their life working to correct these problems instead of enjoying a movie? But, who will harvest the corn when we're all busy working to solve the unending problems of the world. It is foolhardy.

This is a job for people like yourself who have it in them that it isn't enough to just give money to organizations, to tell us folks who care what to do. Because to us, there is nothing that we can perceive that we can do to help these people more. And does it even matter, when the governments of the world keep the aid from its people and take it for themselves and let their people die? How can you help the kids if you can't get into the country?

I understand the injustice you are talking about. But, give people more credit. It is an illusion that people don't care. That's what it looks like, but it isn't true. Come up with a plan to solve even one of these problems, and people will rise up to help you in your noble cause.
I understand the injustice you are talking about. But, give people more credit. It is an illusion that people don't care. That's what it looks like, but it isn't true. Come up with a plan to solve even one of these problems, and people will rise up to help you in your noble cause.

If people cared about others as much as they claim, there'd be no problems of hunger or sickness in the world. Neighbors would help neighbors. Townspeople would help their fellows. And yet....?

Yeah, instead of helping their neighbors or other people in their own town, they spend millions going to the movies on the weekends. To get to the movies, they likely pass hundreds, if not thousands, of needy people ...but they prefer to spend their money on entertaining themselves.

So now tell me .....just how much do people really care? And if they obviously don't care, should we allow them to say that they do without calling them on it?

Baron Max
If people cared about others as much as they claim, there'd be no problems of hunger or sickness in the world. Neighbors would help neighbors. Townspeople would help their fellows. And yet....?

Yeah, instead of helping their neighbors or other people in their own town, they spend millions going to the movies on the weekends. To get to the movies, they likely pass hundreds, if not thousands, of needy people ...but they prefer to spend their money on entertaining themselves.

So now tell me .....just how much do people really care? And if they obviously don't care, should we allow them to say that they do without calling them on it?

Baron Max

So, what you are saying is that you also do not care?

Yes, there are some people who don't care. But, at least half do. A few of reasons you don't see neighbors joining together to help solve these problems is:

1) They don't care about each other.
2) They are pessimistic that their effort will put a dent in the problem.
3) They don't know what to do that will help more than putting money in an envelope.
4) They are under the false pretense that the problems are being dealt with by professionals and will help them if asked and need to be educated.
If people cared about others as much as they claim, there'd be no problems of hunger or sickness in the world. Neighbors would help neighbors. Townspeople would help their fellows. And yet....?

The issue here is most people don't care about their neighbors enough to talk to each other. If you don't look like you need help, they don't give a shit to know you or your situation. They care more about the needy kids who are dying than their neighbor. So, how can they join together if they are apathetic to each other so much that they cannot work together?

They need a leader to rally them.
This is some crazy shit.

The partially clothed body of Eudy Simelane, former star of South Africa's acclaimed Banyana Banyana national female football squad, was found in a creek in a park in Kwa Thema, on the outskirts of Johannesburg. Simelane had been gang-raped and brutally beaten before being stabbed 25 times in the face, chest and legs. As well as being one of South Africa's best-known female footballers, Simelane was a voracious equality rights campaigner and one of the first women to live openly as a lesbian in Kwa Thema.

Her brutal murder took place last April, and since then a tide of violence against lesbians in South Africa has continued to rise. Human rights campaigners say it is characterised by what they call "corrective rape" committed by men behind the guise of trying to "cure" lesbians of their sexual orientation.

Now, a report by the international NGO ActionAid, backed by the South African Human Rights Commission, condemns the culture of impunity around these crimes, which it says are going unrecognised by the state and unpunished by the legal system.

The report calls for South Africa's criminal justice system to recognise hate crimes, including corrective rape, as a separate crime category. It argues this will force police to take action over the rising violence and ensure the resources and support is provided to those trying to bring perpetrators to justice.​

What the hell is wrong with people????:mad:


Huh what? South Africa? Ahh hell obviously it's white people's fault.