Convince me, please.

Originally posted by Adam
For the followers, religion is a crutch.

For the leaders, it is a power-tool.

Wow!!! :eek: I actually agree with Adam!! Wow, I didn't know you were this smart...:D

Damn right Andrew111. All spiritual truth comes from inside. If you get it from outside, it's a crutch.

Whooaaa, I think I might commit suicide...I agree with him again!!! :eek:

Andrew111, you are on the money!

Originally posted by Raithere
Atheism is not derived from the Theistic argument it is the refutation of the Theistic argument.

Without theism, there would be no atheism. An objection or opposition would never occur if the claim never existed in the first place. The idea has to come into existence and place first, then it can be refuted.

Your statement is as absurd as saying that without people who believe in Santa Claus there wouldn't be people who didn't believe in Santa Claus.

Let me clear myself up, if people never made a claim that God exists then there would be no refutation. These people are theists, the other people are athiests.

The idea has to come into the picture first, then the refutation will enter, never the other way around.

You may define something by it's opposite but that does not mean that it doesn't exist without it's opposite. If there were no liquid would the state of being dry cease to exist.

True, if there were no theists left, then there could be still atheists. The idea has already been brought into the picture by the theists.

And just an added point; without Theism no one would call themselves Agnostic either. If no one believed in God how could someone be unsure of whether it existed or not. Or do you walk around daily wondering if Whinny the Pooh and Darth Vader may or may not be real?


Hahaha :p, I meant the "without knowledge" aspect of agnosticism.
So now I'm smart because one of my opinions matches your own? I don't know, kids these days...

Do me a favour and don't agree with me. Your agreement reduces the credibility of any ideas I might put forth.
Round 3

Originally posted by Teg
This has nothing to do with convictions. This is about mechanics of the English language. To prove that atheism contains some negativism requires all atheists to be habitually negaitve in some function. You haven't given me any data to prove that all atheists have a negative outlook. You might equally object if I said theism contains some stupidity. I would however be more in keeping since theism has a set of characteristics that are shared by all. My fault would be that not all theists are stupid.

Atheists are habitually against believing in God, correct? They are what they repeatedly do. And they refute against theism.

So tell me, Teg, what is the whole point of atheism?

Just restate in keeping with the English language and you will have a correct statement. In its current form we have a false blanket statement.

Blanket? Sorry I haven't used one yet...:D

It differentiates you from us in the neutral state of human being. Atheism is just an assertion of that neutral state. You missed my link of theism in general to any given religion. Your belief is not based on spontaneous realization or an observation. You have been infected as have we all by a submersion in god-culture. You may claim no affilitiation to religion and yet you must have been infected by one such organization. Religion and god are the same thing, interchangable.

Neutral state? You aren't saying atheists are the neurtal ones, right?

I wouldn't put it in the terminology of "infected" - rather influenced. I was born a Catholic, the idea of God was instilled in me, and I refuted it. Later on I realized how atheism isn't the right way to go. And I base it on my personal experiences, most atheists are negative and belitting against most theists and most agnostics. I think that they need to do this to support their cause, anti-identification, a need to "feel" superior and better than the "misguided" - how belitting :rolleyes:

But this is surmised from my opinion and experiences alone. Visiting only helped me to some more nasty sides of atheism.

It all goes back to medieval Europe and the birth of the second set of Western Civilizations. The Pope replaced the Roman Emperor and a belief structure was embedded into the "savage" Western Europeans. Monarchs used this idea of afterlife and god to enslave the peons. The same thing occurs now. Bush uses the devotion to to this disease as a means of control.

Marxism and atheism are connected by a distrust in oligarchies. The universal brotherhood idea integral to Marxism can be traced to the schools in Hellenistic Greece. The School of Cynics in particular with its rejection of material goods and embrace of nature creates the first evolutionary step in the development of both ideas.

You say that you have no affiliation? Then how do you describe your god. It seems convenient in that your god can be anything you wish it to be or nothing at all. Why do you believe in something you cannot describe? Your belief sounds more like a poorly educated guess.

All I can conclude of God is that:
  • God is the ultimate creator.
  • God is a higher being.

Meanwhile I don't claim to know God's power, capabilities, etc. I realized the error in that a long time ago.

Poorly educated? I don't believe in a infinite reality, an infinite universe. And if it is not infinite, it deductively begs for a beginning creator that lead to it all.

You are assuming that prior to atheism, theism was still present. Atheism predates theism simply for the fact that theists have chosen to define all who have not yet heard of theism as atheists. Atheism is simply the lack of theism. Theism has not always existed and thus atheism predates theism. Just because the atheists did not define themselves as such does not change their status. A bird is still a bird even though it is not familiar with that term.

Ok...what is your definition of atheism? Elaborate as best as you can.

You do know, that the natural state is agnostic (they wouldn't know there are agnostics) but they are "without knowledge" - which is what agnostic is mostly about.

You accept science and yet you say we are ignorant. You haven't made a choice.

Your logic is flawed here. I do accept science, but does science answer everything for us? Just the many things on earth, correct? What's past a quark, gluon? What's out there in the universe? How did it all start? Is the universe really infinite? Is there really dark matter? Other dimensions?

We are ignorant when concerned with the total encompassment of knowledge as a whole. We know so little about the universe.

Either we are all ignorant and because of this lack of knowledge must assume a higher power is present (navigate the errors in logic in that one) or we know some things but are also ignorant and thus must put trust in a being we think is possible (again unreasonable). I don't see how ignorance leads you to a belief in god.

I'm didn't say a higher power *must* be present. I believe, not certain that it must, etc. etc. All that loopholing is defeatable logic.

You seem to want to put words in other people's mouths.

No, you did earlier, Teg. Where is your evidence? I can link posts where Cris and Raithere both mention that atheism is at *least* a part of atheism.

Habitual is a characteristic that manifests itself often. The manifestation of negativity is the denial of or resistance to new ideas. Theism is not new. Science is relatively new. In this most theists would be closer to negativism. You are somewhere in between, a hypocrite.

How am I a hypocrite? Give me the reasons and quit making little baseless claims.

Ok Teg, show me explicitly where: "The manifestation of negativity is the denial of or resistance to new ideas."

  • It is erroneous to assume a word has meaning only if it fits one’s personal definition of meaning. If a person dislikes the meaning of something he simply denies it has any meaning.

I thought I made this clear to you?

Sarcasm is the last refuge of the ignorant.

No, it works in all the debates I have participated in...maybe you need more experience debating? I see you making lots of formally debated before, right?

Sarcasm is used to make a point, I stated: Sure...Teg, the flawless atheist in this argument!...

You should think about the intent of that sarcasm. Outright saying that, "I am capable of being wrong...just not here" signifies that you will not look at the perspective of possibly being wrong...thus close-mindedness.

I always look at the argument and see if I can be wrong or not, I never make an absolute decision that I cannot be wrong period. You're an atheist, you should avoid absolutes...:D You see the sarcasm in that, right? Hopefully...

Does the fact that you agree mean that you too think belief is irrational or that you missed that part of the staement.

No, I'm just saying that since Cris loopholed the idea that if I claim being illogical in my belief that it makes another aspect of me illogical.

Cris is very manipulative, it was people like him, smart, intelligent atheists, that cajoled me into becoming an atheist.

If I advanced a hypothesis with no basis in observation or data, I would feel lucky if it were true.

Yes, and that is your opinion and conviction.

But do you agree with some other atheists that the existence of God is "infinitesimally small"? Or so very higly unprobable?

It all depends on how many thousands of years you are willing to wait for proof. None so far but hey, a they might still find something. That person is neither atheist, nor agnostic. That is my definition of pathetic. Its like the girl waiting at 5:00AM for a date who said they would be there at 6:00PM three years ago. How many times you are willing to accept lies from theists only to have the proof removed once it is found empty. Theists say god exists. Skeptics say prove it. The matter has stalemated for more than two thousand years. I am open minded. My open mind is just not gullable enough for the agnostic standard.

"Waiting for proof"? They don't necessarily wait for it, certain agnostics are just saying that they will believe when adequate proof is shown, if not then they will remain in their lack of belief.

Why is that person "neither atheist, nor agnostic"?? Reasons?

Pathetic? Now you belittle the wonder there are *ONLY* atheists here at, I have not encountered one agnostic here yet. You even compare it to such a degrading analogy, I mean how wonderful of you to do so. :) Agnostics aren't skeptics?

Agnostic n: a person who does not deny the possible existence of God but holds that this existence and the origin of the universe are not known and probably cannot be known.

I don't deny the possible existence of God, good, I believe in God though, certain agnostics are faithless concerning God. In my lifetime, I don't believe we will reach substantial evidence for God, so I rather pick a position that's more positive.

That sounds more like your position. I said earlier that you were probably closer to agnostic anyway.

Yes, you could call me an agnostic-theist or "weak-theist"

I don't have an origin in my model. I am also not going to assume that we will never understand our existence.

Understand our existence? You are an atheist Teg. There is no need to understand human existence - it is pointless, correct? We are accidents of the universe. What is there to understand? I think you meant that you will not assume you will never understand *HOW* existence came to be...correct?

I don't believe we can possibly come to a point of truly understanding our existence and how it really came to be.

You persist with the "come from?" That is denying the basic observation of infinity. I can grasp that what was before cannot be known at this point. It seems illogical however that nothing was before.

How does it seem illogical that nothing came before?

The way I look at it is, the physics laws are absolute rules for matter, energy, mass, etc. to follow and obey so existence can sustain itself.

How so finite in time. Do you see an end in the future. From what I can figure out that is not likely. Instantons sounds like appeasement for the creationists. That's one theory and not very credible. Hawkings has the ability to be wrong also. Remember the wormhole fiasco? That was a great bit of wishful thinking.

Do you have the credibility of being wrong here?

I don't see an end, but I believe that an end could be possible. I believe in cycles, almost everything we know of has life cycles, so actually there is no end, but there is a possible beginning.

So far, the Big Bang theory is the dominating theory. Plasma Cosmology is very interesting also.

Just a point to make:
  • It is erroneous to assume the object of a man’s desires or wishes cannot exist.

The matter can all be accounted for. Earth is just the limits of our thinking. Earth is only a collection of rocks. The person with an urn will still considered the ground remains of their loved one that person. What is different here?

You don't see the difference? The planet Earth no longer exists, it is destroyed into little rocks. It is no longer a planet. Earth is gone.

Why don't you let reality in?

You can't cut a statement out of context and call it blanket only with a blanket staement. Logic defines a proccess of thinking by which a conclusion is made from evidence. Proof by reasoning. I reason that there is insufficient proof to support a god, therefore I shall continue to disbelieve.

I did not make a blanket statement. I simply clarified your position. It is not simply "flawed." It is "flawed concerning logic."

I shall also reason that there is insufficient proof to support a God, but I chose to believe based on our how much we don't know about the universe and everything...but this isn't the total reason to why I believe.

Teg? You disbelieve? I thought you lacked a belief, I guess you are illogical also...:D

Scientists and by extension those who would accept science generally requires proof, observation and measurement. Scientist believe in the theory and not the hypothesis. The hypothesis is just a guess. It can be educated. Theism is still at hypothesis after a couple thousand years sicne its inception. How then can you believe in something that is not even credible enough to be a theory?

Yes, I understand what you mean. I'm a very logical person also.

But, you do not believe, all claims made must be all false. It takes one simple truth. What if there is already proof? But it wasn't observed to all and/or it isn't repeatable/testable/verifiable etc.?

How can I believe? It's all over this thread, the reasons. But most of it depends on what I have personally experienced.

What evidence do you have to support that a begging is even possible. Continuation and space are all I need for the infinite.

All you need? Why don't you elaborate? How can you support this hypothesis? There is the Big Bang Theory, there is the idea of cycles all around us. Stars have life cycles, they don't exist forever (you agree to that statement correct?), earth does not exist forever, humans do not, etc.

That is a contradictory statement. You admit infinity to be the state of humans. We are made of the same stuff as everything else. Why should we be so special? We are no greater than anything else that has seen the Earth's surface.

Contradictory statement? Where? and with what?

We can imagine anything we want (basically), it is unlimited. But that is within the human mind, our thoughts, and not reality. Dreams aren't reality.

Yes you can. Though the composition may differ the sand is representitive of the whole. Atoms compose everything that is made of matter. Everything is relative.

Yes, in that sense (atoms, etc.) everything is relative. But you are applying this sense and throwing a blanket over all other ideas. You can't accurately describe the earth from a piece of sand. All you can say is they are composed of matter, etc. How would you know earth had rivers and valleys from a grain of sand? What about the universe?

In fact a grain of sand compared to the size of the earth is *nothing* compared to the earth with comparison to the size of the universe.

Now who is being closed minded. "Will" is too absolute.

Can you imagine humans reaching an end to knowledge?

Once you do imagine such, describe it to me.

You invoked his name. I only observed that and recorded it.

And...? I invoked others' names also...does that mean I will be fond of them too?

Or are you just assuming again? You observed that and made a conjecture from it.

Where did I do so to you?

Err...I quoted it...

What I was has been converted. I think I covered this pretty well in that urn scenario.

But does Teg, the unique individual and human still exist? Are your thoughts still there? Your heart? Mind?

You're pathetically digging a big hole for yourself.

Why don't you just say the dinosaurs still exist also? Common sense Teg. Dinosaurs are gone, they don't exist. When I die, I no longer exist, right?

All of that is only the current idenitity.

Yes, the identity is gone, the structure of that specific matter is gone, it doesn't exist anymore.

You can't make a statement and say dinosaurs still exist can you?

You are trying to avoid a direct question.

Let me try again: Do dinosaurs still exist or no?

Watch you say, yes, the matter still exists, etc. etc. You revert to ad hocism claims.

That's garbage and you know it. All those special feelings are just a hiccup in your brain. Religious experiences have all been explained as the lack of oxygen to the brain. Drug use does the same thing.

You are just refuting what you don't know about. I said personal, not specifically religious experiences.

Let's say religion saved a man's life and brought him back on his feet in life. It helped to correct his negative and violent behaviors, helped him to become more friendly and led to a bright future in his life. Corrected his moral standards and so on.

Thanks to religion and what he believed in. Some would belittle and degrade the man, saying he is misguided, stupid, illogical, etc. Just to prove their superiority and how "better" they are. That's pathetic to do so. I'm sick of the "I'm so superior attitude" some atheists give off. Theists do this also, I'm in no way being one-sided here.

Black Holes are extraordinary and yet we can detect them consistently. This status may change as we progress, but at one point any phenomena is extraordinary. At one point the Copernican solar model was an extraordinary claim. It had extraordinary proof and we moved on. The Copernican model defeated the theistic opposition.

Yes, the theists back in those days were fools. But now there is a new age of understanding and scientific development, no longer are we that ignorant and foolish to reject science and support anti-intellectualism...:D

Teg here are some "everything is relative" test for you:

  1. Relativism and History:

    Premise: Since there is no god,
    Conclusion: there are no absolutes.

    Premise: Since there are no absolutes,
    Conclusion: everything is relative.

    Premise: Since everything is relative,
    Conclusion: history is relative.
  2. Relativism and Science:

    Premise: Since there is no god,
    Conclusion: there are no absolutes.

    Premise: Since there are no absolutes,
    Conclusion: everything is relative.

    Premise: Since everything is relative,
    Conclusion: science is relative.
  3. Relativism and Logic:

    Premise: Since there is no god,
    Conclusion: there are no absolutes.

    Premise: Since there are no absolutes,
    Conclusion: everything is relative.

    Premise: Since everything is relative,
    Conclusion: logic is relative.

You agree to all three or no? Elaborate and explain why or why not. Goodluck...:)
Last edited:

Originally posted by Adam
So now I'm smart because one of my opinions matches your own? I don't know, kids these days...

Do me a favour and don't agree with me. Your agreement reduces the credibility of any ideas I might put forth.

Why the negativity? Hahaha, you can't take a joke?

Like Xev says...fuck'em if they can't take a joke...:D
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Without theism, there would be no atheism. An objection or opposition would never occur if the claim never existed in the first place. The idea has to come into existence and place first, then it can be refuted.

Let me clarify as well, my last post was poorly stated. Atheism is the state of not believing in God. Therefore, if someone had never heard of or conceived the notion of God they would, obviously, not believe in God and therefore be an Atheist despite the fact that the term Atheist would not exist. The state does not rely on a concept of God even if the word does.


Originally posted by Raithere
Let me clarify as well, my last post was poorly stated. Atheism is the state of not believing in God. Therefore, if someone had never heard of or conceived the notion of God they would, obviously, not believe in God and therefore be an Atheist despite the fact that the term Atheist would not exist. The state does not rely on a concept of God even if the word does.


  1. Now if the notion of God was never introduced, there would be no need for the identity of "atheist" to exist.

    An atheist believes that God's existance is 0% probable or the probability of God not existing is 100% probable, correct?

    There is probability involved, and person who never heard of God would lack a belief and not resort to probabilities.
  2. It's like saying since the intoduction of spirits were never introduced (Animism) then they are all materialists, even though that term was never introduced. Do they believe matter to be the ultimate reality if notions of spirits were never introduced?
  3. Atheists, are called atheists because they do not believe in God, that is their identity.

    Meanwhile in a world that has never heard of a notion of God, they would not identity themselves as atheists, therefore you cannot state it is their "natural state" to be atheist. No identity as such would exist, therefore they are not atheists. They do not identify that they do not believe in God - which is the whole point of atheism or calling yourself an atheist.

Thus it's a loophole argument.

Furthermore "weak atheism" and "agnosticism" is the same thing, so what? at, a weak atheist is more refered to as a members just narrowed the definition of agnosticsim so the population would be dominated and identified as mostly "atheists."

I mean come on. Teg: Agnostics are cowardly atheists.

I can link lots more of posts to prove my point, agnostics aren't welcomed here and their definition is suffocated. I mean, it seems here that agnosticism is a bad thing.
Atheists are habitually against believing in God, correct? They are what they repeatedly do. And they refute against theism.

So tell me, Teg, what is the whole point of atheism?
1 reuired negative response. Theists were the ones who defined us as atheists. In reality we exist in a state neutral to belief structure. We have not accepted a positive hypothesis. We do not sway based on heresay. We are the base state.

Neutral state? You aren't saying atheists are the neurtal ones, right?

I wouldn't put it in the terminology of "infected" - rather influenced. I was born a Catholic, the idea of God was instilled in me, and I refuted it. Later on I realized how atheism isn't the right way to go. And I base it on my personal experiences, most atheists are negative and belitting against most theists and most agnostics. I think that they need to do this to support their cause, anti-identification, a need to "feel" superior and better than the "misguided" - how belitting

But this is surmised from my opinion and experiences alone. Visiting only helped me to some more nasty sides of atheism.
The truth remains that without the invention of theism we would be in a state of athiesm. It is the most natural state. "Belittleing" are we? Don't hold back...

It has been my experience that theists like to paint atheists as a bunch of criminals, anarchists. Those are the children. Adults can be explained as intellectuals whose god complex requires them to refute theism. And then there are the contraries. Where are these indicative of the word atheism? These are a bunch of stereotypes invented by theists to excuse us misguided atheists. The problem is that people rarely fit into little niches that can be grouped and paired by personality traits. And most of us have more in common theists than these stereotypes. What needs be understood is that people do not vary much in motivation. Most theists are a greedy lot pursuing only dollar signs. Churches are multimillion dollar making industries exploiting faith fora buck. But there is no money in atheism. So we tend to attract a better, albeit smaller lot. This sort of assertion is ussually seen as egotistical when in truth it is a simple observation.
Blanket? Sorry I haven't used one yet...
You are developing into Tony1 with every breath. Pursue the dark side, you know you want to.
All I can conclude of God is that:

God is the ultimate creator.

God is a higher being.

Meanwhile I don't claim to know God's power, capabilities, etc. I realized the error in that a long time ago.

Poorly educated? I don't believe in a infinite reality, an infinite universe. And if it is not infinite, it deductively begs for a beginning creator that lead to it all.
You assume a creator. There is no indication of one. How so does it deductively beg for a deity? Every phenomena we know of can be explained as a naturally occuring state of the universe. Show me something that does not fall under this heading.

Your god is an unidentifiable thing that you are sure exists because you think so. It might explain something that can already be explained without it. Because it gives your life meaning it must be true.
No, it works in all the debates I have participated in...maybe you need more experience debating? I see you making lots of formally debated before, right?

Sarcasm is used to make a point, I stated: Sure...Teg, the flawless atheist in this argument!...

You should think about the intent of that sarcasm. Outright saying that, "I am capable of being wrong...just not here" signifies that you will not look at the perspective of possibly being wrong...thus close-mindedness.

I always look at the argument and see if I can be wrong or not, I never make an absolute decision that I cannot be wrong period. You're an atheist, you should avoid absolutes... You see the sarcasm in that, right? Hopefully...
I have seen this tactic employed. It is the surest indicator that the person in question has run out of ideas. It is the purest form of pandering to the lowest common denominator. It is just lazy.

As for that second statement, did I not show my work? You haven't yet disputed what I said. That tends to be how arguments are won and loss. You are employing Tony1 like tactics. Sarcasm: check, Ignoring statements: check. now just argue that the lack of crap in the world is proof for creationism and we will have our new Tony1.

As for judging whether you might be wrong, that occurs in everyone's mind. Do you think you are the only one who has doubt? The problem is that for some reason we have reached an impasse. Perhaps it has something to do with life experiences. You mentioned that you were a Catholic before being just plain theist. I was a Christian, but only in the fact that I was dragged as a child. But my parents inheriting some of those looser hippie values encouraged my independent development. Perhaps we could make a psychological study of this.

Ok...what is your definition of atheism? Elaborate as best as you can.

You do know, that the natural state is agnostic (they wouldn't know there are agnostics) but they are "without knowledge" - which is what agnostic is mostly about.
Atheism is the state lacking a belief in a deity. In that theism is belief in a god, atheism is the opposite in that it has no deity.

Agnosticism may sound a bit like a neutral stae at first glance. You must remember that a deity is very much a part of this belief. It grants equal validity to a god. How can a group grant equal validity to something that has not yet been invented? The neutral state holds no belief. Agnostics are undecided. You are making the argument that without the ear a sound is not made when the tree falls in the forest. Yet you add that somehow agnostics would usurp our neutrality.

Atheist are defined by you as requiring theists yet agnostics somehow do not?

I approach you with the almighty Zoafromalbizan the one true god. I ask you to disprove that this deity exists. Tell me how this being should receive any less creedance than your god. What if I go further and have more support for Zoafromalbizan than you for your god? I define this being as the force that pushes the universe toward expansion. Zoafromalbizan is what your kind has explained as dark energy. You must now believe in Zoafromalbizan because of my superior evidence. I also add a corollary that Zoafromalbizan has the ability to create instantons.

Your logic is flawed here. I do accept science, but does science answer everything for us? Just the many things on earth, correct? What's past a quark, gluon? What's out there in the universe? How did it all start? Is the universe really infinite? Is there really dark matter? Other dimensions?

We are ignorant when concerned with the total encompassment of knowledge as a whole. We know so little about the universe.
Either science explains everything or nothing. That is the nature of the beast. Any unexplainable phenomena is a hurdle for science. Therefore you must sometimes be willing to follow even the shakiest of theories. But science also benefits from adaptability. In science any deity is superfluous. Hawkings said as much as would any free thinking scientist. Agnostics would even shy away from the use of neccessary to describe a god.

When you say we are ignorant relative to the whole body of knowledge you are making assumptions about something you say you know nothing about. Don't you see the error there? Ignorance is really just a sugar-coated copout. Our laws explain the patterns we observe. It is only wishful thinking that alows you to state that more knowledge exists.
I'm didn't say a higher power *must* be present. I believe, not certain that it must, etc. etc. All that loopholing is defeatable logic.
You stae that we and by extension you, are ignorant. Explain how this allows the certainty to assert a positive hypothesis as your belief.
o, you did earlier, Teg. Where is your evidence? I can link posts where Cris and Raithere both mention that atheism is at *least* a part of atheism.
Assuming you mean negativism and not atheism, I can conclude that you are still not fully understanding what it is that I am saying. To know is one thing to understand is another matter. It all depends upon their use. If they used absolutes I would disagree with their generalization. We are capable of disagreeing regardless of any similarity of belief structure. Where did I put words in peoples mouths?
How am I a hypocrite? Give me the reasons and quit making little baseless claims.

Ok Teg, show me explicitly where: "The manifestation of negativity is the denial of or resistance to new ideas."

It is erroneous to assume a word has meaning only if it fits one’s personal definition of meaning. If a person dislikes the meaning of something he simply denies it has any meaning.

I thought I made this clear to you?
You missed my block of proof so here goes.

negativism :an attitude of skepticism and denial of nearly everything affirmed or suggested by others

That is the only meaning I can find that pretty much fits all dictionaries. New ideas are those occurring recently. That seems intuitive enough. Also for atheism to have negativism you must make a showing that nearly everything suggested by others is regarding theistic arguments. That is you must prove that theists are obsessed with being in a state of theism that they will make it nearly everything they talk about. There are some theists, but they are in the minority.

The majority of ideas that fall under the status of reject or hold are new. You don't frequently make analysis of old ideas. These are often much clearer matters.

Of course my opinion of your hypocracy is mine alone. A hypocrite would never admit to falling under this category anyway. This will go nowhere.
No, I'm just saying that since Cris loopholed the idea that if I claim being illogical in my belief that it makes another aspect of me illogical.

Cris is very manipulative, it was people like him, smart, intelligent atheists, that cajoled me into becoming an atheist.
The intelligent person lets his/her position clear. Then they let you decide. Cris does this. Manipulation? I haven't seen any indications. He goes through a proof and defends it against any abberant, unjust claims. The sneaky person makes up for a lack of argument with sarcasm. Tony1 was the best at that. The Scopes monkey trial was the victory of such deceptive tactics. Jokes hide lies. It is that simple.
Yes, and that is your opinion and conviction.

But do you agree with some other atheists that the existence of God is "infinitesimally small"? Or so very higly unprobable?
I think I've made that clear. To even register on the probability scale, you need some proof. If I had some proof I would change my status to agnosticism. As of now I have to remain atheist.
"Waiting for proof"? They don't necessarily wait for it, certain agnostics are just saying that they will believe when adequate proof is shown, if not then they will remain in their lack of belief.

Why is that person "neither atheist, nor agnostic"?? Reasons?

Pathetic? Now you belittle the wonder there are *ONLY* atheists here at, I have not encountered one agnostic here yet. You even compare it to such a degrading analogy, I mean how wonderful of you to do so. Agnostics aren't skeptics?
But what about about Zoafromalbizan? What about time-travelling monkies with enhanced brain power. Why stop at god? I have an infinite number of ideas that lack just as much proof. Perhaps if 90% of all people accepted all these ideas the definition of agnosticism would change to encompass them all. That way they can continue to be cowards. They never have to make any decisions whatsoever.
I don't deny the possible existence of God, good, I believe in God though, certain agnostics are faithless concerning God. In my lifetime, I don't believe we will reach substantial evidence for God, so I rather pick a position that's more positive.
You are saying that because you cannot prove a thing, you wil choose to believe it. That makes no sense. That is only positive in the face of hypothetical terminology. I would argue that your belief causes more harm. You pick the position of ignorance; it does not pick you.
Yes, you could call me an agnostic-theist or "weak-theist"
You can't be both. Theism is a resolved belief in god, no doubt.
Understand our existence? You are an atheist Teg. There is no need to understand human existence - it is pointless, correct? We are accidents of the universe. What is there to understand? I think you meant that you will not assume you will never understand *HOW* existence came to be...correct?

I don't believe we can possibly come to a point of truly understanding our existence and how it really came to be.
You assume that because we have no intended purpose we cannot intend a purpose for ourselves. Life is the meaning of life. We survive. I cannot deny my own programming. "Came to be" is false. Accidents have an interesting way of introducing spectacular realms of possibilities. Mutation is such a mechanic. We would never have existed if a rock hadn't smashed into the Earth. That accident set about many other chains of events. Random occurences shape our world.
How does it seem illogical that nothing came before?

The way I look at it is, the physics laws are absolute rules for matter, energy, mass, etc. to follow and obey so existence can sustain itself.
Define nothing, what is it? You can't. It is an abstract human concept that has no place in discussion of reality. Have you ever encountered nothing. Can you measure it? We aren't talking about the vaccuum of space as that is just another property of the universe. We are talking about no space...nothing. How do you make something from nothing?
Do you have the credibility of being wrong here?

I don't see an end, but I believe that an end could be possible. I believe in cycles, almost everything we know of has life cycles, so actually there is no end, but there is a possible beginning.

So far, the Big Bang theory is the dominating theory. Plasma Cosmology is very interesting also.

Just a point to make:

It is erroneous to assume the object of a man’s desires or wishes cannot exist.
We can only describe what we know. You have not made sufficient eveidence that you comprehend and have examples of an ending.

I too believe in cycles as well. Everything we can observe has a cyclical consistancy. The big bang appears to be just another part of the cycle. Expansion and contraction is a common phenomena.

The wish does not make it so. It has no impact either way, but can sometimes convince that person of proof that does not exist. It lets the observer see what he/she wants to see.
You don't see the difference? The planet Earth no longer exists, it is destroyed into little rocks. It is no longer a planet. Earth is gone.

Why don't you let reality in?
It has transited in its cycle. Everything that it was is still present, though it may change matrices in the process of contraction and accumulation, that does not remove it from being. It will always have been the Earth and its matter and energy will persist. That is what I meant.
I did not make a blanket statement. I simply clarified your position. It is not simply "flawed." It is "flawed concerning logic."

I shall also reason that there is insufficient proof to support a God, but I chose to believe based on our how much we don't know about the universe and everything...but this isn't the total reason to why I believe.

Teg? You disbelieve? I thought you lacked a belief, I guess you are illogical also...
It was a blatant misquote. Tony1 was the best at that and I learned to do it back. Observe:

The planet Earth no longer exists
Liar what am I sitting on right now!
there is insufficient proof to support a God
Kudos, you are absolutely right.

That is called responding to sectional statements. Good debaters will take on the entirety instead of using one sentence.

On the difference between disbelief and lack of belief I can have both as they are just a variance in degree. They both describe a state in which I have no belief in your god.
Yes, I understand what you mean. I'm a very logical person also.

But, you do not believe, all claims made must be all false. It takes one simple truth. What if there is already proof? But it wasn't observed to all and/or it isn't repeatable/testable/verifiable etc.?

How can I believe? It's all over this thread, the reasons. But most of it depends on what I have personally experienced.
Proof must be repeatable and verifiable. Otherwise it is heresay. I can say many things about encounters with Zoafromalbizan, but you would be a fool to believe me without witnessing what I speak of. I have searched for this proof to exhaustion. Mainly what I get is, "the proof comes after you accept god." What a scam!

Personal experience has a funny way of entering bias and clouding an otherwise reliable sense of open-mindedness. Eye-witnesses have been proven to be wrong by DNA evidence. How much can you trust your feelings. The true test for a belief is verifiable results. Otherwise you can easily be subject any number of manipulations due to stimuli.
All you need? Why don't you elaborate? How can you support this hypothesis? There is the Big Bang Theory, there is the idea of cycles all around us. Stars have life cycles, they don't exist forever (you agree to that statement correct?), earth does not exist forever, humans do not, etc.
Sometimes it is the lack of understanding that frames a position. You still have yet to grasp my transitional argument. The star will always have been a star and its make up will persist in other forms. Just because you cannot immediately recognize something as belonging to a prior matrix does not mean an end has come to it. Only your limited perception has ended. That has nothing to do with reality and more to do with abstract human devices.
Contradictory statement? Where? and with what?

We can imagine anything we want (basically), it is unlimited. But that is within the human mind, our thoughts, and not reality. Dreams aren't reality.
If the universe continues to expand where is the end. We have no signs of such a thing. Perhaps even it will contract back into another big bang. What part of the cycle is the end and beginning. In a cycle these are irrelevant.
Yes, in that sense (atoms, etc.) everything is relative. But you are applying this sense and throwing a blanket over all other ideas. You can't accurately describe the earth from a piece of sand. All you can say is they are composed of matter, etc. How would you know earth had rivers and valleys from a grain of sand? What about the universe?

In fact a grain of sand compared to the size of the earth is *nothing* compared to the earth with comparison to the size of the universe.
The grain of sand tells me that it is composed of atoms. Rivers and valleys are made of atoms too. I am not talking about specific features, but a design. Everything follows the same set of rules. The grain of sand has the same basic structure. Of course I cannot extrapolate meangingless details.

The sand is always something. You cannot describe any tangible detail as nothing. That is just a slang usage.
Can you imagine humans reaching an end to knowledge?

Once you do imagine such, describe it to me.
When concerning the rules I can. Physics cannot invent new properties. It can only describe existing phenomena.
And...? I invoked others' names also...does that mean I will be fond of them too?

Or are you just assuming again? You observed that and made a conjecture from it.
You used them to make a point. That seems enough to say that you highly prize them. Would you have used an idiot for support?
Err...I quoted it...
That's not sufficient evidence.
But does Teg, the unique individual and human still exist? Are your thoughts still there? Your heart? Mind?

You're pathetically digging a big hole for yourself.

Why don't you just say the dinosaurs still exist also? Common sense Teg. Dinosaurs are gone, they don't exist. When I die, I no longer exist, right?
You overestimate our abilities. All of those things are just chemical reactions. What you shared exists. Life exists still. You may dies but the organism of life continues and you have only been converted into more fuel for the system. Converted not destroyed. We continue by imparting ideas, passing genes, and insuring the continues existance of life. You were a cycle of cells and were also part of a bigger cycle of organisms. When I remove a cell does that organism cease to be recognized as an organism. If you choose the limited view you can see ends. When you widen your scope however you must come to accept that no such thing happens.
Yes, the identity is gone, the structure of that specific matter is gone, it doesn't exist anymore.

You can't make a statement and say dinosaurs still exist can you?

You are trying to avoid a direct question.

Let me try again: Do dinosaurs still exist or no?

Watch you say, yes, the matter still exists, etc. etc. You revert to ad hocism claims.
Dinosaurs have only been converted. They are birds and fuel.

The identity is only relevant for a while. The structure changes but everything that made the structure persists. One solar system begets another ad infinitum. The atom may not remember being a star, but that does not change the fact that it was.
You are just refuting what you don't know about. I said personal, not specifically religious experiences.

Let's say religion saved a man's life and brought him back on his feet in life. It helped to correct his negative and violent behaviors, helped him to become more friendly and led to a bright future in his life. Corrected his moral standards and so on.

Thanks to religion and what he believed in. Some would belittle and degrade the man, saying he is misguided, stupid, illogical, etc. Just to prove their superiority and how "better" they are. That's pathetic to do so. I'm sick of the "I'm so superior attitude" some atheists give off. Theists do this also, I'm in no way being one-sided here.
I was reffering to "unique something." That is purposefully vague. I was a bit punitive in taking the harshet interpretation, but it sounded like a backdoored statement of relgious experience to me.

Am I to assume the opposite. Is the man better than me because he seriously needs someone to tell him how to live. People who need to be told not to kill are a plague on this society.

A superiority complex is something different than atheism.

When I say belittling things about that reformed peron it is in response to the sum of his actions. He made choices. He is not the duped one though. The theists who believe in forgiving all are the vulnerable ones. They will continue to forgive the actions of this person. This person will continually take advantage of their compassion. The theists that take him back are the ones I call stupid. The man is simply taking advantage of an easy deal. He gets to do whatever he wants and attention when he is reformed. Their pity gives him more or just as many opportunities as the person that would not have committed those acts.
Yes, the theists back in those days were fools. But now there is a new age of understanding and scientific development, no longer are we that ignorant and foolish to reject science and support anti-intellectualism...

Teg here are some "everything is relative" test for you:

Relativism and History:

Premise: Since there is no god,
Conclusion: there are no absolutes.

Premise: Since there are no absolutes,
Conclusion: everything is relative.

Premise: Since everything is relative,
Conclusion: history is relative.

Relativism and Science:

Premise: Since there is no god,
Conclusion: there are no absolutes.

Premise: Since there are no absolutes,
Conclusion: everything is relative.

Premise: Since everything is relative,
Conclusion: science is relative.

Relativism and Logic:

Premise: Since there is no god,
Conclusion: there are no absolutes.

Premise: Since there are no absolutes,
Conclusion: everything is relative.

Premise: Since everything is relative,
Conclusion: logic is relative.

You agree to all three or no? Elaborate and explain why or why not. Goodluck...

1. A god is not neccessary for absolutes. In fact a god introduces a variable that could equal any amount of inconsistancy, while a system without influence would neccessarily have a pattern.

2. Actually this is the same as #1

3. This is the same. Because all three are based on the need for a god to have absolutes they are all false.

By the way I went to a den of agnostics and called them cowardly. That agnostic forum was only 22 people and it required me to give up too much personal info to join. I instead went to:
Weak Teg...weak...

Originally posted by Teg
1 reuired negative response. Theists were the ones who defined us as atheists. In reality we exist in a state neutral to belief structure. We have not accepted a positive hypothesis. We do not sway based on heresay. We are the base state.

I grow tired of this, you are the ad hocism master Teg.

Atheism and Agnosticism

If you look up 'atheism' in the dictionary, you will probably find it defined as the belief that there is no God. Certainly many people understand atheism in this way. Yet many atheists do not, and this is not what the term means if one considers it from the point of view of its Greek roots. In Greek 'a' means 'without' or 'not' and 'theos' means 'god.' From this standpoint an atheist would simply be someone without a belief in God, not necessarily someone who believes that God does not exist. According to its Greek roots, then, atheism is a negative view, characterized by the absence of belief in God.

[Michael Martin, "Atheism: A Philosophical Justification", p. 463.
Temple University Press, 1990.]

Atheism relates to negativism

Ask any other well-known and respectable atheist here.

  • Cris

Why are you saying atheism is not related to at least some negativism at all? What hinders your logic here? Look at the website I linked, it is probably the most popular atheist website.

The truth remains that without the invention of theism we would be in a state of athiesm. It is the most natural state. "Beittleing" are we? Don't hold back...

The agnostic position is the same as the "weak-atheist" position. I consider any weak-atheist an agnostic. There is no need for the term weak-atheist. Agnostic is not negative, it does not reject, it is a lack of belief. You suffocate the definition greatly, give agnosticism some room to breath. Atheism is not neutral.

Most atheists are atheist because of dislike and negativity towards religions. They would not want to be called agnostics, they literally hate what religions have done to the world. So they want to become the anti-identifiers and refuters against theism.

Check this thread out: Atheism in Australia

Notice how negative the atheist organizations are, I mean: mortal enemies?

It has been my experience that theists like to paint atheists as a bunch of criminals, anarchists. Those are the children. Adults can be explained as intellectuals whose god complex requires them to refute theism. And then there are the contraries. Where are these indicative of the word atheism? These are a bunch of stereotypes invented by theists to excuse us misguided atheists. The problem is that people rarely fit into little niches that can be grouped and paired by personality traits. And most of us have more in common theists than these stereotypes. What needs be understood is that people do not vary much in motivation. Most theists are a greedy lot pursuing only dollar signs. Churches are multimillion dollar making industries exploiting faith fora buck. But there is no money in atheism. So we tend to attract a better, albeit smaller lot. This sort of assertion is ussually seen as egotistical when in truth it is a simple observation.

I agree with you here, churches are multimillion dollar industries, but what do they use the money for?

Theism is not the sole problem, more of the problem rests on the varying individuals. Humans are the ultimate problem.

You are developing into Tony1 with every breath. Pursue the dark side, you know you want to.

Oh really? A baseless claim. Where's your evidence?

"Pursue the dark side"? What are you smoking Teg?

You assume a creator. There is no indication of one. How so does it deductively beg for a deity? Every phenomena we know of can be explained as a naturally occuring state of the universe. Show me something that does not fall under this heading.

  • I believe that the universe is finite.
  • If the universe is finite, there *must* be a beginning.
  • If there is a beginning, there *must* be a creator who caused such a beginning.

Your god is an unidentifiable thing that you are sure exists because you think so. It might explain something that can already be explained without it. Because it gives your life meaning it must be true.

Once again, you miss what I have said, very becoming of you Teg. I BELIEVE God exists. I never said I was sure that God exists. What have you Teg? Your premises in this argument are extremely pathetic.

You don't really have much grounds against me...pathetic really.


Teg:"Because it gives your life meaning it must be true."

Have I said that since it gives my life meaning it must be true? Or did you ASS-U-ME? You are becoming more and more baseless in this argument, it's because you have nothing to actually point out against me. You resort to ad hocism claims and baseless assumptions.

I have seen this tactic employed. It is the surest indicator that the person in question has run out of ideas. It is the purest form of pandering to the lowest common denominator. It is just lazy.

Don't even go there "Mister I'm not capable of being wrong here." :rolleyes: This is really laughable. Tactic? You are attacking *just* my sarcasm, the sarcasm has a very valid point.

Once again, you are baseless. Nothing left to argue so you resort to this?

In arguments, you have a valid premise, then you continue to support it with valid points, I made a point and you ignored it and attacked the delivery of that point. Sad really. :)

As for that second statement, did I not show my work? You haven't yet disputed what I said. That tends to be how arguments are won and loss. You are employing Tony1 like tactics. Sarcasm: check, Ignoring statements: check. now just argue that the lack of crap in the world is proof for creationism and we will have our new Tony1.

Where have I ignored ANY relevant and valid statements from you Teg?

You are the one making assumptions here. Scroll up in the argument will you?

List of Assumptions by Teg:
  1. Assuming that I had fondness of James R when I had not mentioned that.
  2. Assumption: "Because it gives your life meaning it must be true."
  3. Telling me I am wrong: "As defined earlier negativity percludes logic. All my ideas are based on logic. In a way I am the opposite of negativists. I am one of those atheists and thus you are wrong. I am certain that even if your statement were ammended to most, you would still be wrong. Perhaps you missed the definition earlier in this post."
  4. Not accepting the fact that matter can be destroyed, from this argument you start to fall back on "everything is relative" and ad hocism claims. Just digging a pitiful hole for yourself.
  5. Failing to answer my questions: "Wow, laughable? Why don't you quote and cite? You asserted and now I'm asking you to prove, don't make another claim saying, "it's apparent" Prove it to me beyond a doubt, quote and cite. So where did I "fail to find" your opposing assertions?" Avoiding statements in arguments means something is wrong.

Gee, Teg, I could list a lot more, you are the ad hocism master. I applaud you for such skill.

There is my evidence, now where the hell is yours? I quote word for word so I don't miss anything and settle everything, you, on the other hand, like to run and hide. I admit and accept where I am wrong, if valid proof/reasons are shown to me.

As for judging whether you might be wrong, that occurs in everyone's mind.

So you could be wrong in this argument then?

Do you think you are the only one who has doubt? The problem is that for some reason we have reached an impasse. Perhaps it has something to do with life experiences. You mentioned that you were a Catholic before being just plain theist. I was a Christian, but only in the fact that I was dragged as a child. But my parents inheriting some of those looser hippie values encouraged my independent development. Perhaps we could make a psychological study of this.

Yes, my life is nothing easy. I am glad for the forcing of religion on me, the discrimination I have faced, the unjust actions done against me - it has all made me so much stronger and open-minded person than you could possibly imagine.

Atheism is the state lacking a belief in a deity. In that theism is belief in a god, atheism is the opposite in that it has no deity.

Agnosticism is the lack of belief in a deity also.

Agnosticism may sound a bit like a neutral stae at first glance. You must remember that a deity is very much a part of this belief. It grants equal validity to a god. How can a group grant equal validity to something that has not yet been invented? The neutral state holds no belief. Agnostics are undecided. You are making the argument that without the ear a sound is not made when the tree falls in the forest. Yet you add that somehow agnostics would usurp our neutrality.

How does it grant "equal validity to God"? Elaborate.

Atheist are defined by you as requiring theists yet agnostics somehow do not?

Atheism is without theism, everyone should agree to that. Theists brought the notion of God in, then atheists refute, it never happens the other way around.

I approach you with the almighty Zoafromalbizan the one true god. I ask you to disprove that this deity exists. Tell me how this being should receive any less creedance than your god. What if I go further and have more support for Zoafromalbizan than you for your god? I define this being as the force that pushes the universe toward expansion. Zoafromalbizan is what your kind has explained as dark energy. You must now believe in Zoafromalbizan because of my superior evidence. I also add a corollary that Zoafromalbizan has the ability to create instantons.

*Must* now believe? *Superior* evidence? You can believe whatever you want.

Either science explains everything or nothing. That is the nature of the beast. Any unexplainable phenomena is a hurdle for science. Therefore you must sometimes be willing to follow even the shakiest of theories. But science also benefits from adaptability. In science any deity is superfluous. Hawkings said as much as would any free thinking scientist. Agnostics would even shy away from the use of neccessary to describe a god.

Strictly in science, God is superfluous so far. Agreed.

Teg, I'm curious, how did you get from the subject of answering to explaining? You are clearly going tangent and being awry in your arguments. No need to add-in to prolong the debate, debate what is debated.

When you say we are ignorant relative to the whole body of knowledge you are making assumptions about something you say you know nothing about. Don't you see the error there? Ignorance is really just a sugar-coated copout. Our laws explain the patterns we observe. It is only wishful thinking that alows you to state that more knowledge exists.

Yes, more knowledge does exist. Can you prove otherwise? Humans are in a constant learning.

Answer these two simple questions:

  1. What is the total knowledge you possess in the entire history of mankind?
  2. What is the total knowledge you possess in the entire universe?

Answer in percentages out of 100%.

You stae that we and by extension you, are ignorant. Explain how this allows the certainty to assert a positive hypothesis as your belief.

We are all ignorant. We know alot about the earth, but the universe? All we can do is observe.

There is no certainty, stating I am ignorant is not a negative outlook.

Assuming you mean negativism and not atheism, I can conclude that you are still not fully understanding what it is that I am saying. To know is one thing to understand is another matter. It all depends upon their use. If they used absolutes I would disagree with their generalization. We are capable of disagreeing regardless of any similarity of belief structure. Where did I put words in peoples mouths?

Refer to the list of points I made earlier. You assumed things of me.

So are you saying atheism relates to negativism at least in some way? Changing your position?

You missed my block of proof so here goes.

negativism :an attitude of skepticism and denial of nearly everything affirmed or suggested by others

That is the only meaning I can find that pretty much fits all dictionaries. New ideas are those occurring recently. That seems intuitive enough. Also for atheism to have negativism you must make a showing that nearly everything suggested by others is regarding theistic arguments. That is you must prove that theists are obsessed with being in a state of theism that they will make it nearly everything they talk about. There are some theists, but they are in the minority.

I'm curious, where did you get that definition?

Negativism: A habitual attitude of skepticism or resistance to the suggestions, orders, or instructions of others.

"pretty much fits all dictionaries"? Prove it, link at least 5 dictionaries for me. LINK THEM, don't give me *your* little definition.

The majority of ideas that fall under the status of reject or hold are new. You don't frequently make analysis of old ideas. These are often much clearer matters.

Negativism has *nothing* to do with new ideas. Look at the definition for crying out loud.

Of course my opinion of your hypocracy is mine alone. A hypocrite would never admit to falling under this category anyway. This will go nowhere.

Whatever, you have not shown me any reasonable proofs and evidences to prove my hyprocrisy. Quote and cite. You can't, can you?

The intelligent person lets his/her position clear. Then they let you decide. Cris does this. Manipulation? I haven't seen any indications. He goes through a proof and defends it against any abberant, unjust claims. The sneaky person makes up for a lack of argument with sarcasm. Tony1 was the best at that. The Scopes monkey trial was the victory of such deceptive tactics. Jokes hide lies. It is that simple.

I don't care about Tony1, he just likes to stir up waters. Cris on the other hand, loopholes many things. He links certainty, must, sure, all with believe. He believed I was an atheist when I first came here. Also claiming that since I admit to being illogical in my belief, that this illogicality transfers over to a blanket over every other aspect of me.

He surely loves his blankets alright :D

I think I've made that clear. To even register on the probability scale, you need some proof. If I had some proof I would change my status to agnosticism. As of now I have to remain atheist.

So you disbelieve? Or do you lack a belief?

But what about about Zoafromalbizan? What about time-travelling monkies with enhanced brain power. Why stop at god? I have an infinite number of ideas that lack just as much proof. Perhaps if 90% of all people accepted all these ideas the definition of agnosticism would change to encompass them all. That way they can continue to be cowards. They never have to make any decisions whatsoever.

God to me = the one/thing that started it all. And if the universe is finite, it is a reasonable conclusion. Whatever started everything, the one that is ultimately responsible for creation, I call God.

There goes your narrow definition of agnosticism again...:rolleyes:

You are saying that because you cannot prove a thing, you wil choose to believe it. That makes no sense. That is only positive in the face of hypothetical terminology. I would argue that your belief causes more harm. You pick the position of ignorance; it does not pick you.

How does it cause more harm? Amuse me Teg. We are already ignorant.

Either I lack a belief in God and have an empty answer for the true beginning of the universe. Or I believe and *at least* have some sort of answer there that I believe. And you get nothing from taking the negative view.

You can't be both. Theism is a resolved belief in god, no doubt.

I see the possibility of God existing and I accept it. The accepting part makes me the theist. I am more towards an agnostic-theist version.

You assume that because we have no intended purpose we cannot intend a purpose for ourselves. Life is the meaning of life. We survive. I cannot deny my own programming. "Came to be" is false. Accidents have an interesting way of introducing spectacular realms of possibilities. Mutation is such a mechanic. We would never have existed if a rock hadn't smashed into the Earth. That accident set about many other chains of events. Random occurences shape our world.

I already stated that I believe in individual responsibility.

Now...once again...prove your claim Teg...where did I ASS-U-ME that because we have no intended purpose we cannot intend a purpose for ourselves.

How is "came to be" false? I did come into existence through the universe and earth and my parents. So, give me your reasons.

Define nothing, what is it? You can't. It is an abstract human concept that has no place in discussion of reality. Have you ever encountered nothing. Can you measure it? We aren't talking about the vaccuum of space as that is just another property of the universe. We are talking about no space...nothing. How do you make something from nothing?

I have no clue, and we can only hope to answer such a grand question.

We can only describe what we know. You have not made sufficient eveidence that you comprehend and have examples of an ending.

I have, but you use ad hocism claims. Dinosaurs existence have ended, correct? Or are you still blind?

I too believe in cycles as well. Everything we can observe has a cyclical consistancy. The big bang appears to be just another part of the cycle. Expansion and contraction is a common phenomena.

Yes, cycles, if it were a cycle, then how would it start? At what point in the cycle?

The wish does not make it so. It has no impact either way, but can sometimes convince that person of proof that does not exist. It lets the observer see what he/she wants to see.

True, that is wishing, but the point is, just because it is a wish does not mean it cannot exist.

It has transited in its cycle. Everything that it was is still present, though it may change matrices in the process of contraction and accumulation, that does not remove it from being. It will always have been the Earth and its matter and energy will persist. That is what I meant.

Whatever, this is the worst case of ad hocism I have ever seen. Congratulations, you are the most persistent atheist I have argued with, you won't give up will you?

Answer with a simple yes or no: Do dinosaurs still exist?

It was a blatant misquote. Tony1 was the best at that and I learned to do it back. Observe:

Blatant misquote? Ok, now I know you errored, but how does that make me related in anyway to Tony1? REASONS?

Liar what am I sitting on right now!

Kudos, you are absolutely right.

That is called responding to sectional statements. Good debaters will take on the entirety instead of using one sentence.

On the difference between disbelief and lack of belief I can have both as they are just a variance in degree. They both describe a state in which I have no belief in your god.

Tony1 took things out of CONTEXT. I have not, prove to me where I have, can you?

The good debater analyzes and argues on a point by point basis, trying to not miss any points. He analyzes the argument and breaks it up into pieces to receive a better perspective on the argument, then applying it to remain consistent to the whole argument.

Don't even dare to try to relate me to Tony1.

Proof must be repeatable and verifiable. Otherwise it is heresay. I can say many things about encounters with Zoafromalbizan, but you would be a fool to believe me without witnessing what I speak of. I have searched for this proof to exhaustion. Mainly what I get is, "the proof comes after you accept god." What a scam!

True, if I have not witnessed then I have no motive to believe in your claims. The truth is contained just within you and it isn't verifiable.

Personal experience has a funny way of entering bias and clouding an otherwise reliable sense of open-mindedness. Eye-witnesses have been proven to be wrong by DNA evidence. How much can you trust your feelings. The true test for a belief is verifiable results. Otherwise you can easily be subject any number of manipulations due to stimuli.

Whatever you personally experience, it will shape your life, it affects your life. I'm also a skeptic if you disregard my belief in God.

Sometimes it is the lack of understanding that frames a position. You still have yet to grasp my transitional argument. The star will always have been a star and its make up will persist in other forms. Just because you cannot immediately recognize something as belonging to a prior matrix does not mean an end has come to it. Only your limited perception has ended. That has nothing to do with reality and more to do with abstract human devices.

I don't want a transitional argument. You aren't getting to the point. You are avoiding the argument I am trying to make. Common sense Teg, that is all it takes really. Why does everyone say dinosaurs do not exist anymore?

You are only performing such a transitional argument for the sake of the argument itself, thus that is ad hocism and weak.

If the universe continues to expand where is the end. We have no signs of such a thing. Perhaps even it will contract back into another big bang. What part of the cycle is the end and beginning. In a cycle these are irrelevant.

It's a dilemma. Chicken and egg scenario.

The grain of sand tells me that it is composed of atoms. Rivers and valleys are made of atoms too. I am not talking about specific features, but a design. Everything follows the same set of rules. The grain of sand has the same basic structure. Of course I cannot extrapolate meangingless details.

The sand is always something. You cannot describe any tangible detail as nothing. That is just a slang usage.

But how would you even know there are rivers and valleys on earth from a grain of sand? Care to explain that?

Thus you can't say much about the universe from the standpoint of earth.

When concerning the rules I can. Physics cannot invent new properties. It can only describe existing phenomena.

Explain to me exactly how an end to knowledge would be like. You avoided.

You used them to make a point. That seems enough to say that you highly prize them. Would you have used an idiot for support?

Still, you assumed that I had fondness of James R. Also what if I thought Hawking was an idiot? I don't look at things emotionally, rather intellectually.

That's not sufficient evidence.

Trace it back. You mentioned "credible"

You overestimate our abilities. All of those things are just chemical reactions. What you shared exists. Life exists still. You may dies but the organism of life continues and you have only been converted into more fuel for the system. Converted not destroyed. We continue by imparting ideas, passing genes, and insuring the continues existance of life. You were a cycle of cells and were also part of a bigger cycle of organisms. When I remove a cell does that organism cease to be recognized as an organism. If you choose the limited view you can see ends. When you widen your scope however you must come to accept that no such thing happens.

Your thoughts are gone. Your emotions are no longer there. People can't talk to you directly any further. Thus you no longer exist.

But Teg is gone, just like the dinosaurs, therefore he no longer exists, just like the dinosaurs, they are exitinct, what part of that don't you get?

Quit refering to conservation, I know that.

Dinosaurs have only been converted. They are birds and fuel.

You avoided the question, stop beating around the bush.

Do dinosaurs still exist? Yes or no?

The identity is only relevant for a while. The structure changes but everything that made the structure persists. One solar system begets another ad infinitum. The atom may not remember being a star, but that does not change the fact that it was.

Yes, it WAS.

I was reffering to "unique something." That is purposefully vague. I was a bit punitive in taking the harshet interpretation, but it sounded like a backdoored statement of relgious experience to me.

Am I to assume the opposite. Is the man better than me because he seriously needs someone to tell him how to live. People who need to be told not to kill are a plague on this society.

A superiority complex is something different than atheism.

When I say belittling things about that reformed peron it is in response to the sum of his actions. He made choices. He is not the duped one though. The theists who believe in forgiving all are the vulnerable ones. They will continue to forgive the actions of this person. This person will continually take advantage of their compassion. The theists that take him back are the ones I call stupid. The man is simply taking advantage of an easy deal. He gets to do whatever he wants and attention when he is reformed. Their pity gives him more or just as many opportunities as the person that would not have committed those acts.

Interesting viewpoint, both of it is valid.

1. A god is not neccessary for absolutes. In fact a god introduces a variable that could equal any amount of inconsistancy, while a system without influence would neccessarily have a pattern.

2. Actually this is the same as #1

3. This is the same. Because all three are based on the need for a god to have absolutes they are all false.

By the way I went to a den of agnostics and called them cowardly. That agnostic forum was only 22 people and it required me to give up too much personal info to join. I instead went to:

Ok good, I posted there also.

Are you saying absolutes exist?

Now new argument for you since you passed test 1.

  1. Relativism and History:

    Premise: there are no absolutes,
    Conclusion: everything is relative.

    Premise: Since everything is relative,
    Conclusion: history is relative.

  2. Relativism and Science:

    Premise: there are no absolutes,
    Conclusion: everything is relative.

    Premise: Since everything is relative,
    Conclusion: science is relative.

  3. Relativism and Logic:

    Premise: there are no absolutes,
    Conclusion: everything is relative.

    Premise: Since everything is relative,
    Conclusion: logic is relative.

Now do you agree to all three or no? Goodluck...:)
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Chosen, did you just call me "respectable"? :bugeye:

Now, athiesm as negation:

Athiesm is the base state of mankind. Thus is is neutral.

However, religion eventually evolved - fairly quickly in human development, too. So athiesm, within the context of modern society is a negation of this development.

This does not make it "negative" in the sense of being pessimistic. It is only "negative" in the way that a doctor, when removing a cancerous tumour, is negating the effects of said tumour.

Athiesm is neutral, individual athiests may be either neutral, negative, or positive re: religion.

Agnosticism is the lack of belief in a deity also.

No. Agnosticism is "I dunno, maybe". Athiesm is "I'm pretty sure not".

Adam: 69.

P.S: Teg, don't use logic to invalidate Chosen's claims, he does not like that. :p

Originally posted by Xev
Chosen, did you just call me "respectable"? :bugeye:

Xev, you don't supplicate to people here, you voice your opinion, you say what you want (while being respectable to an extent :D). Demanding indeed...;), I think that's really sexy. I respect people like that, I feel sorry for those that seek approval, attention, etc. You respect yourself and who are you.

In more simplified terms, I recognize a powerful person when I encounter one.

Now, athiesm as negation:

Athiesm is the base state of mankind. Thus is is neutral.

Isn't agnosticism the same thing? You are speaking of weak-atheism.

However, religion eventually evolved - fairly quickly in human development, too. So athiesm, within the context of modern society is a negation of this development.

you call yourself atheists for one reason, a constant anti-identification against theists.

This does not make it "negative" in the sense of being pessimistic. It is only "negative" in the way that a doctor, when removing a cancerous tumour, is negating the effects of said tumour.

Yes, agreed, negativism means opposition and resistance to an idea. Atheism contains that in its doctrine.

Athiesm is neutral, individual athiests may be either neutral, negative, or positive re: religion.

It's not neutral, how can a "neutral" state be pretty sure that God doesn't exists? I will elaborate on this when Raithere responds. It's all about the identification of atheism.

No. Agnosticism is "I dunno, maybe". Athiesm is "I'm pretty sure not".

There is ANOTHER deifnition of agnosticism, which is the same as weak-atheism.

Adam: 69.

He needs to let his hormones loose...:p

PS - Adam, have fun with some kangaroos or something....:p :D (eww)

P.S: Teg, don't use logic to invalidate Chosen's claims, he does not like that. :p

Funny :) You very well knew what i meant in the other thread Xev! :eek: :rolleyes:

Let's say theism never existed, would anyone call themself an atheist? "Atheism" would be an unknown word.
Before men had developed any language we could refer to them as illiterate. The fact that the word didn't exist at that time does not negate their status.

In the same way if theism never existed and the idea of a god had never been proposed then everyone would by default be atheistic - i.e. having no belief in a god. They would not call themselves atheists since the concept of theism would not exist, however, their status as atheists would clearly exist.

The need to refute theism would only need to occur when theism is introduced and the distinction between the two groups be required.

Another example: If all birds at one time were all black then we could always refer to them as just birds and everyone would know their color. If however a mutation occurred and white birds started to appear then we would have to differentiate between the two groups and start referring to black birds or white birds.

But without theism everyone would be naturally atheistic, but they would have no need to refer to themselves by any label. In the same way everyone is born as an atheist and their status will only change once they are introduced to the concept of theism and choose to change their natural status.

Originally posted by Teg
The truth remains that without the invention of theism we would be in a state of athiesm. It is the most natural state. "Belittleing" are we? Don't hold back...

The most natural state is to imitate.
To be influenced. ;)


Jan Ardena.

The most natural state is to imitate.
To be influenced.
This is true for immature and undeveloped minds, or the gullible. Once a person reaches a reasonable threshold of knowledge, then they are capable of intelligent reasoning. But without the concept of theism, everyone is naturally atheistic.


Originally posted by Cris

This is true for immature and undeveloped minds, or the gullible. Once a person reaches a reasonable threshold of knowledge, then they are capable of intelligent reasoning. But without the concept of theism, everyone is naturally atheistic.


You say atheist, I say agnostic. Atheism is just overlapping over some of the agnostic's definition.

But is flawed to say in a world (called X) that had never been introduced the notion of God to be people that are atheists (well they are considering your own view through identification).

Atheism serves an identification purpose. You identify yourself as: I disbelieve in God. - they do not

The people of X are not atheists because they do not identify themselves as such. Calling them atheists only means you are identifying them as such, but they don't identify themselves in anyway regarding God.

Thus, they are in the state of agnosticism or weak-atheism (concerning only the lack of belief). But they are neither agnostics or weak-atheists because they lack the identification for one.

So it is flawed to say "everyone is naturally atheistic" in X.

I rather say, everyone is naturally lacking a belief in God in X.
Ask any other well-known and respectable atheist here.






You keep saying that and they keep showing up to refute you. Haven't you noticed a pattern of repercussions following your acts of putting words in peoples mouths.
Athiesm is the base state of mankind. Thus is is neutral.

However, religion eventually evolved - fairly quickly in human development, too. So athiesm, within the context of modern society is a negation of this development.

This does not make it "negative" in the sense of being pessimistic. It is only "negative" in the way that a doctor, when removing a cancerous tumour, is negating the effects of said tumour.

Athiesm is neutral, individual athiests may be either neutral, negative, or positive re: religion.
Well put, Xev. Hopefully there is a surgeon of sufficient ability to remove the foot from ~The_Chosen~ 's mouth.
Why are you saying atheism is not related to at least some negativism at all? What hinders your logic here? Look at the website I linked, it is probably the most popular atheist website.
Why do you keep changing what I have said? I said it was possible for some atheists to also be negative. I simply stated that neither was mutually exlusive. My logic? Your logic says because you are ignorant you are right. Who is using hindered logic in that scenario?
The agnostic position is the same as the "weak-atheist" position. I consider any weak-atheist an agnostic. There is no need for the term weak-atheist. Agnostic is not negative, it does not reject, it is a lack of belief. You suffocate the definition greatly, give agnosticism some room to breath. Atheism is not neutral.

Most atheists are atheist because of dislike and negativity towards religions. They would not want to be called agnostics, they literally hate what religions have done to the world. So they want to become the anti-identifiers and refuters against theism.

Check this thread out: Atheism in Australia

Notice how negative the atheist organizations are, I mean: mortal enemies?
Raithere, Xev and I disagree.

That is an unvalid generalization. We are more saddened than any exhibition of hatred toward the machinations of religion. Atheists tend toward the more logical emotions. In no sense can any person use hatred to their benefit. It makes you do hasty things like the Inquisition, Crusades and years of Religious wars. Hate is what seperates Muslims from Christians, not Atheists from Theists.

An atheist is the mortal enemy of theists, agnostics, and "floaters".
It all depends on how you look at that statement. Theists are more active in this war and were indeed the ones to first perpetrate it. So we are mortal enemies, but no by our choosing. It was they who kept Evolution from being taught in schools. It was they who made sure to get the ten commandments, the word god, and prayer into schools. They indoctrinate, we argue using reason.
I agree with you here, churches are multimillion dollar industries, but what do they use the money for?

Theism is not the sole problem, more of the problem rests on the varying individuals. Humans are the ultimate problem.
Theism is their tool. You can't shoot somebody if you lack a gun.
I believe that the universe is finite.

If the universe is finite, there *must* be a beginning.

If there is a beginning, there *must* be a creator who caused such a beginning.
Even in a finite model there is no neccesity for a beginning. Unless by fintie you mean temporal and not in space. If you can define an end to time then your basis in this belief in justified. Now all that's neccessary is an end to time to prove that there was a beggining. Show me evidence of this.
Once again, you miss what I have said, very becoming of you Teg. I BELIEVE God exists. I never said I was sure that God exists. What have you Teg? Your premises in this argument are extremely pathetic.

You don't really have much grounds against me...pathetic really.


Teg:"Because it gives your life meaning it must be true."

Have I said that since it gives my life meaning it must be true? Or did you ASS-U-ME? You are becoming more and more baseless in this argument, it's because you have nothing to actually point out against me. You resort to ad hocism claims and baseless assumptions.
"Pathetic" is really just a way to say you lack sufficient argument to carry you past this hurdle. It is an interesting reversion that occurs when we are pushed beyond the linits of our thinking. The gap is often filled with name calling and unsubstantiated claims.

That assumption is yours. It is the only purpose I could find behind your Belief in a god.

I have often heard this ASS-U-ME colloqualism from many whose lack of invention has limited them to scripted responses regarding any given subject. The only person who appears to be the ass is the one who employs it.

Baseless?!?! Everything I have said has been supported by evidence. Cris, Raithere, Xev, and I have all said the same thing. We have all supported our defense of atheism as neutral. You have yet to dispute any of this. Perhaps you are more content to ignore any substance of my arguments and instead call me pathetic.

I have a colloqualism for you: People in glass houses should not throw stones.
Don't even go there "Mister I'm not capable of being wrong here." This is really laughable. Tactic? You are attacking *just* my sarcasm, the sarcasm has a very valid point.

Once again, you are baseless. Nothing left to argue so you resort to this?

In arguments, you have a valid premise, then you continue to support it with valid points, I made a point and you ignored it and attacked the delivery of that point. Sad really.
Baseless and laughable. Have you run out of argument? What point did I ignore? I have responded to every last word of your ramblings.
Assuming that I had fondness of James R when I had not mentioned that.
This is not even an argument really. You used his name to support a point. He did not support you. I used his support against you. There was obvious favor towards him since you used him. Your backstepping here has more to do with your vanity than any substantial point of dipute.
Assumption: "Because it gives your life meaning it must be true."
You invented that one. I gave you ample opportunies to substantiate your belief. You gave me all sorts of arguments that depended upon your ignorance and my inability to prove you wrong. I guess Xev was right, you are immune to logic.
Telling me I am wrong: "As defined earlier negativity percludes logic. All my ideas are based on logic. In a way I am the opposite of negativists. I am one of those atheists and thus you are wrong. I am certain that even if your statement were ammended to most, you would still be wrong. Perhaps you missed the definition earlier in this post."
You are ignoring my entire argument. I wasn't arguing with intent only the simantics. That you are still bringing this up is a testament to your will in the face of overwheliming evidence. This is an issue many theists have problems with.
Not accepting the fact that matter can be destroyed, from this argument you start to fall back on "everything is relative" and ad hocism claims. Just digging a pitiful hole for yourself.
You are the only person that has an afinity for science that has this belief. Matter cannot be destroyed it can only be converted. How many times do I need to say this.
Failing to answer my questions: "Wow, laughable? Why don't you quote and cite? You asserted and now I'm asking you to prove, don't make another claim saying, "it's apparent" Prove it to me beyond a doubt, quote and cite. So where did I "fail to find" your opposing assertions?" Avoiding statements in arguments means something is wrong.
Is the above not an opposite argument supported by an understanding of reality.

Are those your best positions? Not much to be proud of.

Xev: P.S: Teg, don't use logic to invalidate Chosen's claims, he does not like that.
My use of logic has yet to penetrate. This is more a fact of the obdurate nature of ~The_Chosen~.

My intent has been served. I have defended our position. He has yet to meet his burden and any prospective mind would be lacking to be swayed by his arguments. Lately the arguments have resorted to how many times he can call me the ad hocism master. Are there any more words you know beyond Ad hoc and superogation? Why not instead try a thesaurus.

I cannot continue to say the same thing to undeveloped arguments. It has no challenge, an excercise in tedium. Nor would I ask any to read this pile of drivel. I won the four or so arguments we actually had in all of this.

Atheism is the neutral state. Mutually agreed upon by all except Jan Ardana (you are lacking good company, ~The_Chosen~).

Atheism has some negative individuals. Atheism does not inherintly contain negativism. Become familiar with the simantics of the English language to learn your fault here. I tried to give you a lesson in this matter, perhaps you might be more accepting of a textbook.

Matter cannot be destroyed, only converted. I thought we all learned this one back in grade school.

Begginings are not possible. To say that they are means that you have knowledge of an ending. Any belief in either is baseless in the face of natural observation.

These are all arguments. You never provided sufficient evidence to dispute them. Reevaluate your skills of debate.
Originally posted by Cris

The most natural state is to imitate.
To be influenced.

Once a person reaches a reasonable threshold of knowledge, then they are capable of intelligent reasoning.

So you are saying such a person can no longer be influenced or imitates?
What kind of knowledge does such a person have that they become imuned to such subtle forces.
What do you regard as intelligent reasoning?

But without the concept of theism, everyone is naturally atheistic.

That is from your perspective, I could say without the concept of atheism everyone is naturally theistic. It is a pointless argument.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Atheism serves an identification purpose. You identify yourself as: I disbelieve in God. - they do not
Generally, in my experience, an atheist does not say "I disblieve in god". The entire question is simply not under consideration so much. It has as much importance as the dating techniques of ants.

Congratulations, you have seen the light. TheChosen is incapable of logic. He relies on assumptions and generalisations and completely ignoring what is presented. I find the best way to deal with such people is to view them as little bug-like things doing tricks, like a flea-circus.
Hello Everyone.

Thanks for your participation in this topic.

Although the debate is lively, nobody has presented their beliefs in a way that might convince me to take the same path.

Can anyone prove that the path they have taken is the correct one?