Convince me, please.

Why are we debating Einstein's opinions and beliefs? There are many Atheists with greater potential than he ever had. Case in point: myself.

What was Einstein's IQ? I know it was at least 10 points below my own (181), if I recall correctly it was 140. His early pursuit of physics is all that made him seen by us as such a genious.
Well, I guess it depends what you consider true genius. Einstein was crap at maths, for example, as he admitted, and he had some crappy ideas, which he also admitted. But he was creative, that's where he was good. He saw large concepts and managed to describe them.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Then why would he describe the imagined god as one who rewards and punishes?

Don't forget "whose purposes are modeled after our own" and "who is but a reflection of human frailty". Which, to me, includes any deity who would take any particular notice of us at all.

Isn’t this the bulk of argument for christians and atheists?

No. The bulk of the argument for Atheists is, "Where's the proof?"

There would have been no need to make that statement unless he was opposed to something and that something just happens to be institutionalised religion.

But he states very clearly what he is opposed to, "I do not believe in a personal God." One of Einstein's primary gifts was the ability to communicate effectively; otherwise his works would be as obscure as Maxwell's. I see no need to reinterpret his words.

Do you believe in God?

Not by any definition that I've ever encountered. The closest Theistic belief to mine would be Pantheism but the concept is still too concerned with intent and purpose to suit me. Buddhism is also close but that implies separation and reunification with a universal entity.

That’s a good place to start.

Except that such order doesn't seem to be absolute.

It is not a matter of making claims, but understanding what he said. It is definitely in the interest of the modern day atheists to claim Einstein, one of the great logical thinkers, an atheist, but his thoughts are not those of modern day atheists.

It depends on the Atheist.

Why are we debating Einstein's opinions and beliefs? There are many Atheists with greater potential than he ever had. Case in point: myself.
Holy shit, full of ourselves are we?

Show me your 'noble peace prize in physics' award and maybe we can talk further about this. Or maybe just a 4th grade science fair prize, I'm sure that will impress everyone...:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Why are we debating Einstein's opinions and beliefs? There are many Atheists with greater potential than he ever had. Case in point: myself.

Ah, but Einstein realized his potential. ;)

Actually, the discussion about Einstein is a digression but this topic devolved long ago so I don't feel too bad about it.


Today's episode was brought to you by the letter "D". ;)
Xev - I'm back for a little more~~

Originally posted by Xev
Having his writing style, as well as arguing for him, as well as being twins in the area of emotiocon usage was a clue. ;)

S'okay, nobody can resist the power of Sciforums for long.

Xev, you're very smart, but I'm afraid, you're wrong, when school starts again - I don't think I will be posting is next! ;)

I'm not Dark_Master if you are still wondering.

As for the poor little Teg...

Originally posted by Teg
Outside observers also introduce bias. People are more likely to see in favor of the arguer whose belief system is similar. Long relationships with others also introduce rose colored sentiments. Your words mean nothing as they come from an impartial perspective. How so "beaten" am I? I simply did not wish to restate my proofs. It was the inability to make his case that damned your friend. All of my arguments had support from multiple impartial observers. He had Jan.

Sure, the argument is still standing, you ignored it, I pointed, cited, and quoted out your assumptions and crap.

You still think you cannot be "beaten" - stay brainwashed for all I care.

Me: You are wrong because of point A and point B.
~The_Chosen~: Ha, I'm wrong, prove it!
Me: Point A and point B as previously displayed. Please accept or refute these.
~The_Chosen~: Teg is the ad hocism master. Cite it ! Give me some cites!

Where's the proof? Still no cites Teg.

Dark Master, the last say is only a matter of obdurate behavior. It has no intrinsic value in a conversation, especially when the person in question would rather ignore what you say. If ~The_Chosen~ is your idea of even a sufficient arguer, then you are susceptable to suggestion. That was the same garbage he was trying to sell me. Were you among those he converted?

What garbage was I trying to sell you?

You ignored what I said lots of times

I don't like hypocrites. :)
Who gives a shit

Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Why are we debating Einstein's opinions and beliefs? There are many Atheists with greater potential than he ever had. Case in point: myself.

What was Einstein's IQ? I know it was at least 10 points below my own (181), if I recall correctly it was 140. His early pursuit of physics is all that made him seen by us as such a genious.

Shut the fuck up, I respect Einstein for what he has done and accomplished.

Until you win your own Nobel Prize, develop a new theory, etc. then you can go ahead and criticize Einstein.

Meanwhile you're just a little punk that needs to learn.

I really hope you are fuckin joking. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Shut the fuck up, I respect Einstein for what he has done and accomplished.

I really hope you are fuckin joking. :rolleyes:

Yay!!! Once again we are blessed with TheChosen's well-trained debating skills! Yay!!!
"Shut the fuck up"

"Yay!!! Once again we are blessed with TheChosen's well-trained debating skills! Yay!!!"

"Holy shit, full of ourselves are we?"

Caaaaaaan you feeel, the loooove toonight.......

Who gives a shit

Originally posted by Adam

Yay!!! Once again we are blessed with TheChosen's well-trained debating skills! Yay!!!

And I am blessed with Adam's good tactics at constantly trying to discredit Chosen...:rolleyes:

In the mood of joking...Who gives a shit? :D :p
Now you two just kiss and make up while I get the video camera.

No, wait - HANDS OFF HIM, HE'S MINE! :p
Originally posted by Xev
"Shut the fuck up"

"Yay!!! Once again we are blessed with TheChosen's well-trained debating skills! Yay!!!"

"Holy shit, full of ourselves are we?"

Caaaaaaan you feeel, the loooove toonight.......


Well the boy did say he is greater than EINSTEIN.

I feel my response was pefectly valid!:cool:

edit: ps thanks a WHOOOOOOOOOOLE lot for putting *that* song in my head, I really appreciate it I swear...