Conversion to atheist Judaism?

The root problem is that the Winter Solstice, as a holiday, is not a legit possession of the Christian church.

Yeah of course it is not a legit possession of the Christian Church. It has nothing to do with the birth date of Jesus, it was and still is a pagan celebration.

It's usurping was originally, and is ongoing, the sort of cultural imperialism that the critics of Western colonialism are vociferous about in other contexts.

Who has userped whom???? Has the harlot church removed paganisim from christmas or has christmas paganised the harlot church. Most people know the pagan oragin of that celebration same with easter, They even adopted the name of the pagan god Ēastre in that act of harlotry. All it has done is provided anti-christs with a strawman they can attack and burn with accusations that the origins of Christianity is pagan. That’s what happens when you get into bed with paganism.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days