Conspiracy Theories!

In trying to make blacks, women, and homosexuals equal with everyone else, 'they' took away rights from people belonging to none of those groups (ie a white, straight, male) I recently saw a banner for a site called, it is a dating site solely for black people. Its tagline? 'The world is yours.' I would bet my sanity that if a site equal of that, solely for white people, that it would be taken down, I would be labled a racist, and be sued/fined. They can have all women colleges, but I'll bet you you've never heard of an all men college. How about a channel called WET? White entertainment tv. Or, how about a straight-pride parade? How well do you think that would go down? Or how bout an anti-feminism rally (I think that's it's called) where males go and whine about how they aren't being treated equally, and that we have 'man-power' or come up with retarded slogans such as 'I am man, hear me roar'?? How well do you think THAT would go down? Do you think we'd get sued? WHY CAN'T WE HAVE PRIDE? We can't. It's called racism, anti-feminism, or homophobic. I guess people look at white, straight, males as 'normal,' so only 'different' people can have pride. I'll leave with this: Do I have to be gay to have pride? Or take part in a rally? Or have our own freaking flag, or slogan?
How about these...

The 2006 Asia Tsunami was caused by an american thermonuclear device placed in the Sumatran trench. No pre or post shocks were picked up leading ctheorists to belive that it was not an actual earthquake, but a single undersea explosion.....

That's a new one on me.
Were we just testing them or did you have a sinister reason?
And why is it always us???
In trying to make blacks, women, and homosexuals equal with everyone else, ....

Yeah, I do have to admit, that conspiracy is real, cuz I know I'm part of it. Have been for many many years.
I think we are called BloMeSex. blacks, women, and homosexuals. But its not official.