Conspiracy Theories!

Robert L Thompsett comes from a long line of fabian master spies connected to freemasonry. MI-6 was infiltrated years ago and is still infested with gramsian theorists belonging to the fabian society
The Cambridge Spies........

KGB Headquartes, Moscow

The dark, windowless room in KGB Headquarters held nothing more than a chair, rows and rows of file cabinets, and a long table. If the room had had a window, in the near distance the walls of the Kremlin could have been seen, ablaze with lights. The newly appointed officer sat at the table while a filing clerk piled file upon file upon it. As he went through the dossiers, the KGB official was astonished. Here was the history of four agents who had penetrated the highest reaches of the British intelligence establishment. Everything that Churchill or Roosevelt or Truman had thought had been reported to the Soviets as soon as the three great statesmen had uttered these thoughts. The files were clearly marked: "Transmission to Control, to Beria, to Stalin." No bureaucracy was to impede the flow of information from these spies. They were too important, their information too reliable. The KGB man smiled. KGB men rarely smiled.

The four were not characters in a spy novel. The KGB official was not an invention of a writer of fiction. They were real. The spies were Burgess, Blunt, Maclean, and Philby.

There have been no more successful, more dramatically impressive spies than a group of Englishmen who all met at Trinity College, Cambridge University in the 1930s. To one degree or another, they were active for the Soviet Union for over thirty years. They were the most efficient espionage agents against American and British interests of any collection of spies in the Twentieth Century. One of them, Kim Philby, served the KGB for almost fifty years.

All four were eventually exposed but --- amazingly --- never caught. One, Burgess, was a flamboyant, alcoholic homosexual. The second, Blunt, was a discrete homosexual who rose to knighthood as the Royal Curator of Art. The third, Maclean, was a tense, insecure diplomat of ambiguous sexual persuasion. The fourth, Philby --- and perhaps the most intriguing of the group --- was a dedicated heterosexual who has been called, not inaccurately, the "Spy of the Century."

Great spies are more interesting in fact than in fiction, more fascinating in reality than in the legends that grow up around them. It is easy to forget that successful spies, by their treachery, are some of the most adept of killers. Their murder victims are faceless, usually never seen by the agents who send them, unwittingly, to their deaths.

"Today, of course, it is well known that Harold Adrian Russell Philby was a Soviet agent within MI-6, a traitor to his own country and a man who betrayed many of the most important secrets of the Western democracies to the Soviet Union. Now Kim Philby is a legend --- a demon or an antihero, depending on one's philosophical bent. Philby himself, or a thinly disguised fictional counterpart, stalks through many modern spy novels."

--- Robert J. Lamphere, FBI Special Agent, 1986

No novel by John LeCarre, Ian Fleming, or Graham Greene can capture the brilliance of this group of Englishmen. No James Bond film, with all of its gadgets and action, can capture the drama of the Cambridge spies.
Englands MI-6 and other agencies tend to build media outlets to ridicue their enemies to influence the target government in this case it was quebec

I will post the french document proving my case in the next post
Enemy of the State
For most of this film, it runs along pretty much predictable lines with Will Smith in his usual role as the average all-American hero, running and dodging the killers sent by all-powerful, corrupt Government secret officials to whom his death would be extremely convenient. Aided only by a crusty ex-spook, played by Gene Hackman, he must take on the invincible machinery almost single-handed. As they say, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t all really out to get you.
Yet with barely half an hour to go, the plot suddenly twists and turns highly amusingly and unexpectedly, and even right up to last few minutes, you get a clear feeling you’re being set up for a cliché end like "Siege" with the FBI`s arrival imminent. BUT THE DIRECTOR DOESN`T COP OUT! The unthinkable really does happen! Hats off to the Director to have the guts to do it. However politically incorrect violence in films may be, the end is indescribable fun... it’s just brilliant!
An ending that’s 100% pure gold
Film Critic: Robert L Thompsett

Bourne Identity

Summer's Ace Action Movie
If you were broke and someone offered you $10,000 to drive them 500 miles, would you take the money? This is the dilemma that Marie Krutz, (Franka Potente), a German drifter faces after meeting Jason Bourne in Switzerland.
After being found floating unconscious in the Gulf Of Lyons by some French fishermen, Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) awakes with total amnesia and no record of his past life apart from two bullet holes in his back, a device in his groin that displays a Swiss Bank Account and the abilities of 007. Who is he? And why is everyone trying to kill him? With the help of the cash in his Swiss Account and Marie whom he meets at the US Embassy, he must unearth his past before it puts him under the earth. Assassins come through the windows, the doors and the fire escapes in displays of martial arts that are among the best I've ever seen. They're pursued in Marie's Mini Cooper, the same make as in the "Italian Job" in chases that would have made it's director envious, down flights of stairs and through buildings.
German star Franke Potente is quite exemplary playing Marie, a perfect portrayal of how a European woman would react in such a crisis. After finding the Police have listed her with Jason, she realises that staying with him is her only chance of survival. Indeed, as a European myself, comments of "No chemistry" border on insulting - unlike her American cousin, when bullets are flying, developing a relationship is the last thing on a European girl's mind.
Filmed entirely in Europe - Progue, Paris and Greece to be precise - it comes as a refreshing break from the streets of LA and I must confess that I really did not see the clever twist at the end.
The action never stops! I'm certainly going again
Film Critic: Robert L Thompsett
Modern Day "Maltese Falcon"
The CIA, the IRA, the RUssian Mafia, you name them, everyone wants one thing... ...Paul Chiarelli's lunchbox? Well, at least that's what it looks like handcuffed to the bald double of Paul Chiarelli. And bearing in mind that the IRA have, in real life, attempted to assassinate a British judge by booby-trapping his garden sprinkler during a drought hosepipe ban and risked life and limb to blow up the British Prime Minister's garden swing, perhaps this is more credible than it might at first seem.

Robert De Niro joins a group of Post-Cold War redundancy victims from the various spy organizations in a scramble across France (nice change from the US) as the box changes hands with backstabbing and double-dealing at every street corner as everyone tries to grab the box for themselves.

THis is like the very best of the old Cold War spy thrillers and features the most spectacular and brilliantly planned car chases I have ever seen.My only criticisms of the film are firstly the stunning repetitiveness with which the Russian Mafia always turn up at the most inconvenient time for themselves (one actually feels almost sorry for them by the end of the film) and the overbearing, excessively dramatic music which is so needlessly heavy as to be irritating.

By the way, I'll guarantee that you'll never actually guess what's in the box!

Almost a 10 - Utterly riveting
Film Critic: Robert L Thompsett
twowitnesses said:
You want a reason to be paranoid then here it is
every phonecall
every email
every transaction
every job
every thing
is noted

[Rest of the Spam in his post deleted]

Even if they were recorded or noted.... who reads/listens to it all? There aren't enough government employees even if you added in the janitorial staff of all the major Western governments to do the job efficiently.

Artificial Intelligence isn't to the point that it can effectively screen such data either... inflections of voice, humor, anecdotes of news broadcasts, etc couldn't be filtered by AI and, thus, you end up with the same mountain of data that a human has to screen.

In short: the idea is shit.
Your movie review copy/pastes from other sites are clearly off-topic. While most conspiracy theories are simply fiction or urban legend to begin with, I think it would be more prudent for you to at least do a better job of contrasting and comparing your plagiarized reviews and actual possible conspiracies. You've given no real evidence or support other than a few shot-in-the-dark accusations about Tompsett and MI6.

If you can't provide something of substance, I think it would be safe to say you're full of it.

Click Here.
take heed, anymore cut/paste inputs to the forums will continue to result in post deletion. If you want to discuss material from a source then you only ever need to do a brief paragraph either outlining what you percieved from the source or a *small* quote with either a URL to somewhere that contains the information online or a Reference to a book/author/publisher.

You should note the forums are for discussion, not somewhere to "spam" your personal research work, in fact most author's using such material would probably keep their "source" secret (secret sauce) otherwise people might realise just how undigestable their recipe truly is (or how far fetched)
SkinWalker said:
Your movie review copy/pastes from other sites are clearly off-topic. While most conspiracy theories are simply fiction or urban legend to begin with, I think it would be more prudent for you to at least do a better job of contrasting and comparing your plagiarized reviews and actual possible conspiracies. You've given no real evidence or support other than a few shot-in-the-dark accusations about Tompsett and MI6.

If you can't provide something of substance, I think it would be safe to say you're full of it.

Click Here.
listen real close monkey boy,im getting full up of your pompous ass,quirky remarks,why the f*** dont you get a job,you 'social retard',quite ironic wouldnt you say,oldtimer!!!!
They made a special feature for sock puppets and trolls.... tell me, Silas: did John Smith have anything useful to say? :cool:

<img src="">
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Yonatan said:
a) That the cabal of the world's power is run by child-molesting Lucifer worshippers bent on attaining One World Order.

b) That life on earth is a result of alien farming and experimentation

c) David Icke's lizard men shite

d) Tolkein mythos preceding life on earth as we know it

Re: a) Jon Ronson, in his book "Them" Adventures With Extremists, visits Bohemian Grove, in California, and documents a bizarre "Owl Ritual", with Dick Cheney presiding, with many other world leaders attending. Some video was obtained, and Ron put it on the Internet. Ronson also describes trying to get into a Bilderberg meeting in Portugal, in which members of high political and industrial standing meet at a hotel, and he, and Big Jim Tucker are chased off by some ominous security. He didn't get far, but he did prove there is such an organization as the Bilderberger's. Ron later had a meeting with a founding member of the Bilderberg's, Mr. Healey, from Britain, who described the Bilderberger members as a group of consultants that assists the world's leaders in how to improve their democracies. When Ron asked to look at a book of photo's of Bilderberg activities, and asked if the Bilderberg operate conspiratorially, as they are a secret organization, Healey became indignant, and said "No", (you can't look at book of photo's), and "F* off." So much for a friendly bunch of democracy helper's.

Does any of this represent a "cabal" of co-conspirator's, bent on world domination? Yes. No. There are many organizations that work with world governments to improve democracies, from the World Bank, to the WTO, the EU, the UN, and many others. John Perkins, in his book, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", describes a US "empire building" method, created by W.S. McNamara, in the 50's, while he worked at the World Bank. Basically it was a covert system of exorbitant private loans made to 3rd World nations, for S. American countries, Indonesia, and even S. Arabia, in the 70's, for large infrastructure improvements, such as power grid improvements, dam building, and other large public works. These loans were run through the World Bank, and backed by the US Treasury. Billions flowed into US corporations like Halliburton and Bechtel, and the host countries citizens incurred huge debt that became impossible to pay back--and that was the purpose--to cause "economic slavery" of 3rd World countries, so that the US could extract economic and political concessions and favors from host countries' leaders. This "system" that continues today, has created untold levels of impoverishment for millions of people, while the US continues to build it's 'empire' and tout democracy and free trade.

Perkins was the "insider" who made these impossibly wild economic 25-year projections for these countries economies that became the basis for the loans. He finished the book after 9-11, and suggests the terrorism we are experiencing has much to do with crushing poverty we've created through our draconian methods of clandestine foreign aid.

After reading Ronson's book, and other conspiracy-laden books, like Greer's "Disclosure", and Jim Marrs' "Rule by Secrecy", all the elements exist for a cabal, ie, unlimited financial resources, untold military power and security forces, secret means of rapid world communication, and the ability to move secretly through cover of legitimate democratic governments. But the "Cabal" I do not believe is what we've been led to believe. Rather than a small elite of world industrial and political controller's, I think it's a world-wide association of western nations, each with their "Bilderberg" overseer, each with their part to play. We can't see the whole elephant because the secrecy is too well managed to get a handle on, but we see it's effects in human misery, and through the manipulation of world economic markets, and finances, and by the instigation of wars by war profiteer's. And it's been going on since at least the American Revolution.

Is the known apparent "Cabal" a Lucifer worshipping bunch of pedophiles, working for the WTO, for a One World Order? We have a world peace court, in the Hague. We have a WTO with international rules of trade. We have a system of world-wide economic consolidation of raw materials and goods developing, treaties are loosening national and trade borders, and ethnic divisions are being slowly dissolved, and brought down. We have the EU, and an accepted single currency there. The Cabal could also be just a bunch of benign pagan frat-boy worshipper's, whose rituals of "virgin sacrifice", do not "kill" anything, except to burn owl effigies. But Lucifer-lover's? Not really, unless you consider the current President and his Administration are false Christian believer's. Tell that to the Religious Right since they elected Bush! I think they are a bunch of rich good old boys, who cut loose within the safety of their conclave. But Cheney as Lucifer? If only it were true! Pay attention to their networks and world alliances, not the Owl--it's probably a distraction to deflect serious public scrutiny.

Re: b) The controversial Billy Meier, who claims a close 60-year relationship with the alien Plejarens, has not had any of his hundreds of photo's and film of ufo's debunked; prophecies he claims given to him by the Plejarens, have predicted world calamities, from volcanoes and earth quakes, to 9-11 and the WTC bombing, all coming true, and given to Meier years in advance. Meier has a near cult following. He has been given information as to how we can save the earth from ecological meltdown, our origins, including alien "seed" planting's in the human population, and statements like there are over "40 million" types of human species throughtout the universe--see Meier's site:, and the book,"The Meier Contacts." Meier claims to have many witnesses who have seen him "call in" ufo's, witnessed ufo flight demonstrations, and attended sound recording's, but I've never read about witnesses affirming what Meier's claims has happened when they are present.

Re: c) Ronson has interviewed Icke, and much of what he says he offers no proof of, so you're forced to accept what he says on faith, or not, I suppose. However, a book by Budd Hopkins, "Sight Unseen", written with his wife, who is a bone-fide scientist, uses some of the most advanced theories in physics today, and she demonstrates examples (not proof) of scientific principles and experiments, to explain such things as: how aliens could move through walls, or appear to "disappear" or "reappear, as well as how ufo flight, and methods of mind control could happen. One thing is a fact: human vision and perception is limited to certain lightwave frequencies, and can be altered depending on the emotional state of the perceiver. Could the aliens conceal their "actual" lizard appearance, behind a more friendly "little grey" projection, or "shape shift" themselves into what they think our minds and emotions can handle, or even into something we invent for them to manipulate in our minds? Who knows? The basis for Hopkins' book is 100 cases of regression hypnosis, used on abductee's, often over many years. Some of these case examples are absolutely the most incredible things I've ever heard of, regarding alien abduction, human experimentation, and alien/human fetus abduction. Almost all include alien control of the mind, intermittently, and some over the course of many years. Thing is, if aliens exist in our dimensions, and have these kinds of mental abilities, including manipulating space and time, it seems that controlling their appearance with masking light waves, for example, or altering human consciousness with electromagnetic time-space "distortion" can at least suggest they can change their appearance, or implanting thoughts and/or images in the mind. Some of Hopkin's abductee's claim to remember seeing a tall lizard creature, or praying mantis figure; other's claimed to see them shift from insect to humanoid, and vice versa. One case involved a conscious abductee who claims to have mentally communicated with an alien, requesting to "see" him, and when whatever vision altering was removed, a mantis with big eyes was what he saw.

Re d) Tolkien and his "mythos" is what it is, it's not proof of any human evolution, or primal imprint on the human psyche. Rather, it's a fanciful fictional account. Either that, or Tolkien was toke'n on some powerful "weed." :m:
As per Stryder's request :

here's what i found of <i>Define:CONSPIRACY THEORY</i> on Google:
A conspiracy theory is a theory that defies common historical or current understanding of events, under the claim that those events are the result of manipulations by two or more individuals or various secretive powers or conspiracies.


"...defies common historical or current understanding of current events": Perkins' book came out in April 2004. The actions of the government were hidden from the public from the Hitman concept's inception, from the late 50's, until 2004.

" are a result of manipulations by two or more individuals,...or various secretive powers..." The name of Perkins company escapes me, but it was begun under the auspices of the NSA, and was a cover for CIA and NSA operations that coincided with official, private efforts at nation building. While Perkins' investigations eventually led to economic reports, the CIA was developing contacts which would allow them control of 3rd World leaders, to secure US Oil, and natural resources business interests.

I was responding the points in the post regarding the "Cabal" which while not a conspiracy between individuals, per se, it could be said to function between government agencies, private industry, political contacts in host countries, and Perkins says, is now a network of western nations all doing performing the same "hitman" operation, and it has been refined into institutions, as to be almost undetectable.

Secret operations with destructive intent, coordinated between governmental agencies and private industries would seem to indicate a conspiracy, or an abuse of power, at least from the point of view of the citizen/victims of these foreign "aid" projects.
A major, in our military with nothing to do all week long other then his job!(putting up weather balloons) Mistakes a weather balloon for a UFO. I don't know what planet most people come from but, I really don't understand why this simple little truth slipped by. Why not throw him in military prison. He is obviously one of the dumbest people alive.I really do have a problem with this. Stop trying to prove something happened and prove that our government is trying to prove that we our a bunch of dumbasses that will beileve any story they throw our way. :eek:
If a conspiracy is known and the pattern traced it is no longer a conspiracy.
In the case I posted on earlier, while it is true, from an insider, John Perkins, that the US has been involved in clandestine loans to 3rd World nations since WWII, most heavily from the 50's-90's, we just found out about it in 2004. The company he worked for dissolved several years after he quit; the function of "hitman" economist's making outrageous projections to justify huge expenditures goes on to this day.

What I've posted on is an old pattern traced by the originator, who waited 30 years to admit what he did: caused the impoverishment and political and economic turmoil of million of people, in developing countries around the world. While technically, the old conspiracy has been traced, and Perkins states there is a new model, it has morphed into new institutional methods of concealment of clandestine loan practices and they that continue to function through conspiratorial processes today.

Like any good black military project, the conspiracy is made the focus of investigation, which cannot be understood unless someone from the inside connects the dots, and admits what is going on. The term conspiracy is denigrated by those perpetrating the hoax, which in turn, denigrates and discredits the accuser, adding more mystery and cover to the hidden project. A conspiracy of silence and secrecy is the very thing that allows the operation to go on, with cover, and without public oversight ability. Add the compartmentalization of information about command structure, and the breakdown of parts of a clandestine project known individually only by those in that particular department, and you have a closed black project.
Did anyone besides me notice that twowitnesses was talking about agents that cuased change by sowing dissent and wreaking havoc, while he proceeded to do just that?

Anyway, for a theory, how about my take on World War 3.
China, seeking more land for its expanding population, creates secret alliances and then attacks the USA. The United States calls upon its allies for aid and, while Great Britain, Russia, Australia, Japan, Israel, Germany, etc. respond to the call, France and Italy cite America's actions in Iraq as a reason to stay out and Canada breaks all communication. Then, over the Great Lakes French and Italian landing ships cross to attack northern states. Apparently, Canada has been stealthily pacified by these nations and left with no defence and no ability to give aid. Following this, Arabian nations break all trade with Allied nations at France's request. (China is buying more oil now anyway). With limited resources and a separated force, nations then begin to be overwhelmed as less powerful nations, Iran, North Korea, Vietnam, Pakistan, and the like join in, all seeing power to be gained.
(I am not trying to offend anyone from the afformentioned nations. I am not holding anyone accountable for the actions of their leaders, just as I ask not to be held accountable for Bush's actions ;) ).
I wouldn't hold too much to you theory above. If you analyse the reason why you pick particular countries to be those that you believe will bring downfall you'll notice that you've probably had years of anti-communist semantics from people that couldn't even define what a communist was.

My basis of this was a interview with a SETI researcher that had at one point been working for the DOD that suggested that "he and other researchers" had drempt up the idea of the "Chinese radio system", where a network of bugging equipment could be placed in all electronic goods from China to bug everyone in the US.

Two points, those researchers that drempt it were American and they didn't actually have any proof that any such equipment had been devised, however they had named a country as responsible for it even though it didn't exist.

Simply all the Cold war nonsense that was probably fed to you as a kid should really be ignored, otherwise your just stoking a fire thats better off starving of fuel.

As for what I believe China is buying more oil for quite simply they are manufacturing alot of plastic's for the products that are sold around the world, if people still want cheap televisions, radio's, computers and mobile phones then obviously their oil demand has to be met cheaply too.

Another point on war is that many nations have people that object to war. Most developed countries know their countries boundaries and don't go looking to extend them. (Extending a country by force into the realms of another country would create nothing but trouble with resistance coming from those in that country, people in your own country disagreeing with your actions and from surrounding countries that also have to deal with the commitment of their people not forgetting all the Pact's and Alliances)

In certain respects you can suggest that the world does have an underlining stability, although there is a small minority that tries to rock the boat.
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Arquibus: Did you forget India?

As long as oil is moving freely to China, they will be happy. China's presence in Africa is growing. So why mess up a good thing going. The west dominated the world for a while - now it is the East....