Conspiracy Theories!

While I agree that well developed nations in the west would not often try to do this kind of thing off the bat, China is a different story. Number one, they simply have so many poverty stricken people that need some kind of boost in life that they would have plenty of support from false claims about how their lives would improve. Next, China has the manpower to succeed and is probably the only country in the world which stands to put a fight to the USA. As for the oil, I didn't mean that China was doing it now to plan the invasion, merely that when the war occurs France will be able to convince the Arab nations to only sell to China and her allies. To the communist comment, I am fully aware of what a true communist is as well as the communists that started the Soviet Union, etc., and I rarely give much notion to other people's raving comments (my comments are raving enough).

Also, I did forget to mention India, which will not act until Pakistan does, in which case they will take the other side.
Anyway, for another minor conspiracy, actually probably just my paranoia coming through again, did anyone else notice that the man who wrote 1984 died the year after it was published?
Yet again (I know, I shouldn't be debunking on this thread), that old problematic conundrum of the conspiracy theorist. Picture the scene in 1949, the British Government secret cabal meet in their room, rubbing their hands with glee and cackling that they'd gotten rid of that loathsome troublemaker Orwell. Then one of them says, "Hey, wait a minute. Shouldn't we have killed him before he published his book??" It so happens that George Orwell was not a healthy man, tuberculosis still being a substantial killer back then. Last point - even the BBC have made this error more times than I can stand - the book is correctly referred to as Nineteen Eighty-Four, not "1984".

So, on this day of days let us reflect on the events of the past 66 days, where a guy with demonstrably strange habits and a known penchant for sharing his bed with children is put on trial by a seemingly laughably incompetent district attorney, whose strongest witnesses were a known liar, perjurer and con-artist, and the defendant's mid-custody battle ex-wife who referred to the defendant as "my friend" and "a great man" - and gets off every one of ten charges.

Clearly the whole thing was a put-up job, to accuse and exonerate him in such a way that no future attempts to charge him would ever have any credibility, so that he can go back to his activities in peace!
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Sorry about 1984 versus Nineteen Eighty-Four, I wanted to type it quickly. In the meantime, what if the British (or any government for that matter) just wanted to make sure he couldn't speak out again. Also, I know that he supposedly died of sickness, or really died of sickness, but regardless I thought of it as a little too convenient to be a coincidence. Then again, I am paranoid.
Any Author at that period of time was potentially seen as a "Communist threat", it's purely because the stories they wrote albeit fiction contained subject matter that was controversial and even allowed the authors to gain acclaim through their writing. (Namely the concern of powers that be, was there loss of power due to freethinking caused by what people choose to understand from the stories written.)

For instance P.K.Dick was renound to constantly believe he was being followed, or bugged at his home. The likelihood is that he probably was. In fact if you check the released FBI files from that period of time you'd see a number of "famous people" in their lists of those that were watch.

People were watched for various reasons, for instance Einstein was watched for the fear of the types of people that attempted to become apart of his life (In fact the FBI feared that Einstein was falling in with a "Communist crowd" from Cambridge, England who were Anti-War), even Abbot and Costello were under watch. In certain respects "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was depicted to be the future but in 1947 at the time of it's writing people were being watched all the time. (btw, 1948 is when the book was sold, note 48 inversed is 84)
Arquibus said:
Anyway, for another minor conspiracy, actually probably just my paranoia coming through again, did anyone else notice that the man who wrote 1984 died the year after it was published?
As Orwell had TB in the 1930s; insisted on moving to the remote Isle of Jura in the 1940s, despite his dubious health, and was being treated for it while he was writing 1984, I don't think there was any need for anyone to interfere to shorten his life.
Personally, if I thought someone was dangerous enough and they were going to die tomorrow, I'd still do my best to kill them today. But, I understand the point, and conspiracies come from us believing in our own insecurities too much most of the time anyway.
Sorry about 1984 versus Nineteen Eighty-Four I wanted to type it quickly.
Like I said, even the BBC have made that error in the past, I was just trying to be informative, not derogatory.
In the meantime, what if the British (or any government for that matter) just wanted to make sure he couldn't speak out again.
But, pardon me, what on earth do you think he was speaking out against? A communist-style totalitarian state overseeing the entire world, well, good luck to him! I'm quite sure the Labour Government of Clement Attlee and the Democrats of Harry S Truman equally, wished him well!
Also, I know that he supposedly died of sickness, or really died of sickness, but regardless I thought of it as a little too convenient to be a coincidence. Then again, I am paranoid.
Well, a guy dies of an illness, some time during the year after his last book was published, before penicillin was widely available and in the austerity of the post war period. People die all the time.

Nineteen Eighty-Four is hardly the most subversive thing he had written. Animal Farm, being an allegory of Soviet Russia, could be held to apply to all governments, whereas Nineteen Eighty-Four was a prophecy of the downside of technology, when harnessed by a post-Revolutionary government. The Road to Wigan Pier is an absolute indictment of the neglect of the poor and a fairly strident call for Socialism: far more insidious.

It would have meant something if the current Labour government were planning on imposing an all-seeing all-controlling totalitarian government, but evidently they weren't, or we'd be living under it right now.
Stryder said:
In fact the FBI feared that Einstein was falling in with a "Communist crowd" from Cambridge, England who were Anti-War
Just as a matter of history, I find that most unlikely. It was not even understood by our own secret services, let alone the FBI, that the "Cambridge Circle" were not only Communist, but actively subversive and traitorous, until it was far too late. Though Burgess and Maclean (Foreign Office wallahs) defected in 1951, Kim Philby wasn't unmasked for another twelve years, and he was in British Intelligence! Less important was Anthony Blunt, Keeper of the Queen's pictures, who was finally revealed as a spy in 1979 and stripped of his knighthood. He died the following year. In any case, these men were arts graduates to a man, and simply would not ever have had Einstein in their purview.
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My information was taken directly from the Disclosed FBI papers on the "Following/Watching" of Einstein.

Although you do bring some valid points to the discussion, although nowadays, Spy's don't even know they are spying. Since there is equipment to test whether a person is lieing (I would even state to read a persons mind however people will argue with me over that one) it means that any spy that knows they are spy is more than likely caught if tested, however if the spy doesn't know they are spying (through implants or being used as a biological filter for a matrix system) can they still be prosecuted for treason?

Of course if technology has reached that far then the likelihood is that alot of "Diversions" would have to be created, usually in the form of those people that seem slightly "Odd" (could be pushed as far as saying "nuts") when they start divulging to their doctors being stalked by black helicopters and having phone taps.
The person who wrote 1984 was a member of the fabian society. This society was a thinktank to help the freemason to remain in power.

Bilderbergs are freemason

United Nations is controlled by freemason

maurice strong is a top advisor to canada as well as go between between the freemason.

George lukas knew this that is why episode 2 and three of starwars resemble the plan of the freemason. Take away the aliens and you have the story similar to 1984 or watch thx1173 this story got george lukas banned out of hollywood.

If you still do not believe me look up fabian society

or look up my site
Howard Hughes battled freemasons over the domination of the airways and won.
remember to copy and paste the link because it is too long to be clickable

Howard Hughes medical institute is the most sophisticated on the planet and all the scientists have been secretly killed off. Howard Hughes did not go nuts like in the movie aviator he was heavily stalked by freemasons.
I think it is time people read it and learned ......far too long we act like walking wounded walking around never looking who caused the problems in the first place stunned by the aftermath of some geeks master plan. This thread is all about conspiracy and yet nobody is going to read it why?
Dean said:
The person who wrote 1984 was a member of the fabian society.
Gorge Orwell was not a Fabian. he despised Fabians. See The Road to Wigan Pier
This society was a thinktank to help the freemason to remain in power.
no it isn't. It is a society, open to anyone who agrees with its aims, dedicated to bringing about socialism in the United Kingdom by gradualist means. it is named after the Roman general Fabius Cunctator who avoided giving pitched battles in the Second Punic War.

Bilderbergs are freemason

United Nations is controlled by freemason

maurice strong is a top advisor to canada as well as go between between the freemason.

George lukas knew this that is why episode 2 and three of starwars resemble the plan of the freemason. Take away the aliens and you have the story similar to 1984 or watch thx1173 this story got george lukas banned out of hollywood.

If you still do not believe me look up fabian society

or look up my site
No evidence whatever for any of these allegations.
I removed two of your Threads Dean, one was just too long and involved a great deal of cut and paste information. (You only need to write a little like an introduction paragraph about what you want people to look at, and then supply a link to the original text. It saves the forum from long pieces of text that people do not necessarily read.)

The other post I removed because it was just links, with no introduction or topic.

Most people will ignore disjointed and unclear texts, so think about things before posting them.
How about, that the mob had murdered Marilyn Monroe because she made her husband Joe DiMaggio look like a schmuck?

or, did the CIA kill JFK because they were making to much money running guns and gathering drugs via the golden triangle to let him end Vietnam?

or Bush hired an actor to do bin Laden tapes and used Black opp money to hire mercs to start an organization to focus the US anger at then had them hit the 2 towers in order to start the Home Land security act?

or, other then Ronald Reagen all other presidents have been members of the skull and bones or from west point? ie, west point or an ivy league college{ this one can be proven in a almanac so im not sure if it counts}

or, that Bush senior and Howard Hughes were best friends, read up on Enron : Enron was previously called Hughes Tool - as in Howard Hughes

or, that the Bush family rules the USA like royalty because they are? think about it, Bush senior ran the CIA for 20 years then hired an actor to be president while he was vice president for 8 years then after Reagen was out of office he took over for 2 terms another 8 years and did not change 1 single cabinet member total of 36 years then Bush junior became President and put everyone of his father's cabinet members back in office and continued or reinstated everyone of his fathers laws and policies while Bush senior traveled the world keeping in touch with foreign countries and diplomats all through Clinton's term while gore did a pretty parade doing a good guy tour? another 8 years 44 and still going ....

imagine all the theory's one can think off just from these last 3 :)
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How about these...

The 2006 Asia Tsunami was caused by an american thermonuclear device placed in the Sumatran trench. No pre or post shocks were picked up leading ctheorists to belive that it was not an actual earthquake, but a single undersea explosion.

He does seem to like thinking that most/all explosions were caused by mini nukes.

Bali bomb - Mini nuke placed in the drainage pipe below the street close to the Sari Club.
No coventional explosives have the power to completely 'vanish' people. Every survivor standing in direct line-of-sight of its awesome ultraviolet emission received terrible flash burns, the like of which three eminent Australian burns surgeons would later claim on TV they “had never seen before”.

Lots of holes in the stories, but interesting reads.