Conservation of souls?

Not answering the question but have not got time at the moment to unpack

May come back but really this thread is boring for a single aspect item

Lots of aspects in a god thread but this????

You and God are one, M. What could possibly be more natural?
You and God are one, M. What could possibly be more natural?

Statement of "fact"???

Please provide evidence

Never mind

We all know there isn't any. 2,000 years, none produced

None has ever been produced and I doubt very much you have any

More natural you ask?

Physics - Big Bang

Much more natural than a anthropomorphism of a Sky Daddy

Sure, but if you can't differentiate theoretically possible from the possible in science it would be a wasted effort.
Ah, the way you do that is you ask whether the thing in question references natural causes.
What evidence do you need? Would your own existence be enough proof? Or need we part the sea to make you a believer? As if the the sea itself isn't proof enough?
So what is the sea NOT evidence of? A God? Many Gods? Ghosts? Souls? Mother Earth? Ancient aliens? At least aliens are a naturalistic cause.
Ancient aliens? At least aliens are a naturalistic cause.


Ask MR in thread Defence of UFOs

Atlantians managed to survive their city falling into the ocean
Build up a advanced civilization under the sea
Invent anti gravity to power their flying submarines

All perfectly natural :)

Okay. Proof. God is a pile of bricks.



  • God.jpg
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  • God.jpg
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Okay. Proof. God is a pile of bricks.


Oh lordy lordy I am converted

Send the rapture now at the hight of my greatest moment

Let me live in the glory of the Lord forever

Who knew a pile of bricks would have as much as a inpaci as CERN

I expect the pope will convert the rest of the Earth's heathens with The Holy Pile of Bricks Blessings

Forget the water font. Your forehead will be tapped with a trowel

What evidence do you need? Would your own existence be enough proof? Or need we part the sea to make you a believer? As if the the sea itself isn't proof enough?
The problem is, it's useless as a discussion topic - it's a discussion-ender.

If you essentially say "I believe this" then there is nothing further to discuss.
The problem is, it's useless as a discussion topic - it's a discussion-ender.

If you essentially say "I believe this" then there is nothing further to discuss.
Well, what more evidence can I offer. The conventional idea of God is that he is an entity that stands independent of man, but that's not the truth. Nothing is independent of the other, is it?

If you want to hold God's hand, take the hand of an other.
You have nothing to offer. I'm not even sure how you convinced yourself.
I have nothing to offer...

You are living in the greatest theme park imaginable. Not only are you living in it, you are living it. Raise your bowl of oatmeal in appreciation.
I have nothing to offer...

You are living in the greatest theme park imaginable. Not only are you living in it, you are living it. Raise your bowl of oatmeal in appreciation.

Are you the spaceLord, the lordofSimulations?