Compromising with apartheid [second try]

And? What was the lie? Please quote the words that I said which are false, and why.
How can American Jews demand equality in the US and defend a system of inequality in Israel/Palestine?

Palestinians aren't citizens, therefore they can't be elected.
Arabs who identify as Palestinians and are also Israeli citizens can run for office and win, and also be hand picked for positions. Arabs historically have had opportunity. Thus it's their political positions being wildly out of step with the country that prevents them from winning positions. David Duke isn't elected in America because everyone hates his views.

It's no different.

Thus your claim of discrimination is a lie.
And where did I say anything about elections?

What is your response to the claims in this post, written by an American Jew?

What if Israel decided tomorrow that it would pull out all illegal settlers and allow the Palestinians to form their own state on the 1967 borders without any adjustments? This is of course unbelievably far-fetched, but what if it happened? Then we would still have Israel, a Jewish State with about 80% Jewish and 20% non-Jewish population. Would the 20% be full-fledged citizens? Of course not. To take just one area, education, Jewish and non-Jewish students are educated separately, with much more funding per pupil and many more resources devoted to the Jewish students. If that differential were eliminated, we would have separate but equal education, the kind declared unconstitutional in the US in 1954. So there would have to be vast improvement, the kind Israel has been unable to muster in 61 years, to achieve educational "parity" that has been unlawful here for nearly as long.

To take another area, Jews may not marry non-Jews in Israel. That sort of prohibition was outlawed in the US in 1967. Employment, housing, social status? Those areas have no pretense of equality either. Of course, Israel could try to minimize the differences between its Jewish and non-Jewish citizens, although its track record in that regard should not make anyone optimistic for even the slightest improvement. The situation is awful and getting worse. But even if things turned around dramatically, such officially sanctioned discrimination could never be eliminated entirely. Non-Jews would never feel equal to Jews in the Jewish State, even if Israel made enormous progress that is so unlikely as to be virtually impossible.

How can we American Jews, who rightfully demand equality in the land of our birth and country of our citizenship, and demand the same for other US minorities as well, defend or even tolerate a system in which others are denied that same basic equality? This is especially true where this discriminatory policy favors Jews and is maintained in the name of Jews everywhere. I think that one state, in which all citizens are truly equal, is inevitable. If it is, we should strive to achieve it sooner rather than later, and as peacefully as possible. I’m not opposed to the two-state solution; if it is more feasible as a short-term goal, the Palestinians who are not citizens of Israel are in a far graver position and need of immediate relief. But this two-state solution should be temporary, even if it takes an extended period to evolve. Eventually, the world should and will lose its patience with a Jewish State that officially discriminates against those who have inconvenient or unfortunate ethnicity.

Israel and its defenders have done a remarkable job in disguising the true nature of the conflict. It is not between Jews who want to live in peace and Arabs who cannot stomach their presence. It is between those who insist on Jewish domination and superiority over others, and those who insist on a resolution based on true equality. If Israeli Jews extend the hand of friendship, mutual respect and equality, I think it would be eagerly grasped. If Israeli Jews want to continue to live there, free to believe and worship as they please with some measure of peace and security and normalcy, they have no choice. Like all people, they deserve this result, but will never achieve it if they insist on eternal rule over others.

Which part is he lying about?
Thus your claim of discrimination is a lie.

so an arab can buy land where ever he wants in palestine? An arab can with out reproach say the forcible dispossession of him and other like him buy Israel was wrong? are arabs/muslims treated as dangerous and a threat just for being what they are? the answer to these question is No its is you who is lying and twisting the truth.
Mod Hat - General notice

Mod Hat — General notice

While I much appreciate the generally-civil—albeit sometimes taut—participation of the majority of members partaking in this thread, I am obliged to note that moderator action has been taken regarding some posts made over the weekend. A suspension has been issued; I have not yet decided how to carve up the posts in question. For the rest of you, please continue, as you have, doing your best to work through the relevant issues of this thread.

Thank you.
so an arab can buy land where ever he wants in palestine?
Does any Israeli law prevent Israeli Arabs from buying land in Israel?

(Interesting fact: Palestinians who sell land to Israelis are sentenced to death:

An arab can with out reproach say the forcible dispossession of him and other like him buy Israel was wrong?
Does any Israeli law prevent Israeli Arabs from saying what they like? Some of them mourn Israel's Independence Day every year, just like some Native Americans mourn America's Independence Day.

Is a Native American protected from reproach if he complains about America's land theft? Of course not - other Americans can respond however they like. It's called free speech.

are arabs/muslims treated as dangerous and a threat just for being what they are?
Treated by whom? You can't legislate away feelings of racism, only some of their effects.

Does any Israeli law give Israeli Muslims fewer rights than Israeli Jews? Cite one if you can - otherwise your claims are empty.

(Palestinian Muslims who aren't Israeli citizens obviously have fewer rights in Israel than Israeli Jews and Muslims, just like Mexican Catholics who aren't US citizens have fewer rights in the USA than American Protestants and Catholics do. That's not religious discrimination, it's how nation states work.)

they by no means treat them perfectly but a non muslim in muslim countries except for the worst has more rights legally enforced that a non jew does in Israel.
[citation needed]
Does any Israeli law prevent Israeli Arabs from buying land in Israel?

(Interesting fact: Palestinians who sell land to Israelis are sentenced to death:

Does any Israeli law prevent Israeli Arabs from saying what they like? Some of them mourn Israel's Independence Day every year, just like some Native Americans mourn America's Independence Day.

Is a Native American protected from reproach if he complains about America's land theft? Of course not - other Americans can respond however they like. It's called free speech.

Treated by whom? You can't legislate away feelings of racism, only some of their effects.

Does any Israeli law give Israeli Muslims fewer rights than Israeli Jews? Cite one if you can - otherwise your claims are empty.

(Palestinian Muslims who aren't Israeli citizens obviously have fewer rights in Israel than Israeli Jews and Muslims, just like Mexican Catholics who aren't US citizens have fewer rights in the USA than American Protestants and Catholics do. That's not religious discrimination, it's how nation states work.)

[citation needed]

Does the absence of Jim Crow laws mean that discrimination does not exist?

e.g. Imagine we are discussing the rounding up of Jews in WII pre gas chambers.

Was there a German law that indicated that Jews were to be rounded up and killed?

If not, does that mean it didn't happen?

Frankly I'm surprised that you would deny the system of apartheid in Israel. Aren't you South African? Haven't you read statements from prominent South Africans who have visited the Occupied territories and declared that Israeli policies are worse than apartheid [they include collective punishment which was absent in South African apartheid]?

Are you aware that Richard Goldstone has described Israeli policies as a "crime against humanity"?

Why would someone like you defend a system like this?
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They're talking about the occupied territories, SAM. The situation there is indeed terrible and the sooner the occupation ends the better.

Of course it's worse than Apartheid - it's a war. They could say the same about the situation in Iraq, Darfur or Sri Lanka, but for some reason that's not politically expedient.

What I'm disputing is pjdude's claim that Israeli Arabs are legally worse off than non-Muslims in Islamic states. While there have been cases of discrimination, when taken to court the Israeli court has ruled in favor of the person facing discrimination. That's why laws matter.

Does the absence of Jim Crow laws mean that discrimination does not exist?
No, but it means that Apartheid does not exist. America has the KKK, the UK has the BNP and India has the Hindutva. The individuals who sympathize with those groups discriminate all the time. Does that make America, the UK and India Apartheid states?

People like pjdude are bad for the Palestinians, SAM. Mixing false claims with real ones doesn't help anyone.
Hmm so if the Germans rounded up the Jews from their homes and put them in a ghetto and denied them citizenship or statehood its not apartheid?

If they then proceeded to attack them with WMDs while they smuggled guns through sewers its not apartheid, its war?

So was the ANC at war with South Africa? Were the bantustans not apartheid?
Not quite nihilist, but we're getting there

Zephyr said:

The individuals who sympathize with those groups discriminate all the time. Does that make America, the UK and India Apartheid states?

The KKK has very little political power left. India is inherently an apartheid state by its caste system. The BNP, of all things, would not be the tipping point that makes the UK an apartheid state; as British interests in South Africa and Ireland have largely resolved, the question in determining its apartheid status would be found in examining the rest of the Commonwealth, and while I'm certain we can find some inequity occurring, I'm not sure we'll necessarily find anything rising to the level of a caste system, South Africa, or the Israel/Palestine issue.
Hmm so if the Germans rounded up the Jews from their homes and put them in a ghetto and denied them citizenship or statehood its not apartheid?
If Germany kicked out all the Muslims and then declared war on the Muslim states they fled to would that be Apartheid?

India is inherently an apartheid state by its caste system.
That's an interesting claim, considering that there are affirmative action laws in place to undo the effects of previous discrimination.
If the Arabs were not attacking Israel and killing innocent people perhaps there would be less discrimination against them. One cannot expect one side to be pure and idealistic in the face of constant warfare. The Jews in Germany in the 30's were no physical threat to Germans, quite the contrary.