communication with other demensions

ozzie said:
The thing is as I have already have said, the brain is like a bell it is so sentitive to it's ambience [ via the senses.] The brain is also capable of sensing directly. Possibly you have heard of experiments of persons living brains with part of the skul removed. There is no doubt that we are very receptive to external stimuli. The Meninges [membrane that surrounds the brain] is responsible in the main for filtering these stimuli. However in this field of endevour it suffers from a certain inflamation, a sort of low level of meningitis. The symptoms are like a dull "woozy" headache. Tending to give the perception a surreality to it.

The 12 years of study and disciplined self therapies have only just now been able to return a 80 % average success rate. And this in the comfort of home and not on some stage in front of a super critical audience. Psychic distraction is a huge problem.

If we accept the reality of the psychic for just a moment, we have to accept that there are many facets to it. In fact as you already know there is a plethora of attributes. Ranging from fortune telling to clairvoyence, clairaudience, precog, tarrot readings, soul journeys, astrology, numerology, isometrics, telekenisis, mind reading, cohersion, possessions, exorcism, religion, santanism, witch craft, [wicca] sharmanism, uegy boards, cross dimensionalism, talking to dead people, aliens, and the list just goes on and on.
So even if we assume just for a moment that there is an element of truth to all of these past times, you can gather that the realm of the psychic can be a very confusing realm in deed.

Just the issue of aliens or extraterrestrials fills many a book and TV program.

So the psychic realm is full of fantasy and vivid imaginations as well as areas that are less imaginary.
To get to even 80% is a major achievement 80% average on a task list of over 5000 set tasks. [involving two sealed rooms and two people]
But even this is tenuous. Tensing and anxiety play a very significant role. Empathically picking up on all the interests and fears of other persons silently witnessing the tests from where ever they are, Earth bound or extraterrestrial. [ the uiverse is an awfully big place but as QQ would say it can fit on the end of pin] in the psychic realm distance is an illusion. The universe exists inside your head with out distance but out side your head with distance.

So the issue of sustainable proof is a big issue and a very difficult issue to solve.

I understand the notion of the environemnt influencing the content of the experience. I also understand that in the experiment in question two people are in two seperate rooms and one person is doing *something* that yields an ~80% accuracy (apparently, this percentage of success is very hard to achieve... heroic even). I would like to know more about the details of that *something*... this is very important piece of your position and it does require some explicit description.
Crunchy Cat said:
I understand the notion of the environemnt influencing the content of the experience. I also understand that in the experiment in question two people are in two seperate rooms and one person is doing *something* that yields an ~80% accuracy (apparently, this percentage of success is very hard to achieve... heroic even). I would like to know more about the details of that *something*... this is very important piece of your position and it does require some explicit description.

The doing of something is what I call a form of empressing. Where by I enter the other persons conscousness and place and image or sound for them to recognise.
In our testing it involves a number of props, such two decks of common playing cards, a random number generator, a selection of 200 pictures also selected by a random number generator. Sounds that have meaning and sounds that don't. For instance empressing a song or musical piece. [ the melody or rhythm.]
These are all systematical assessed and probability analysed and recorded.
The probabily success is deducted from the total pool of results. So the figure of 80% is based on results that exclude those results that have a probability of occuring any way. The exersise is deliberately set up to be strenuous and rigorous. The object not being to get stats on the board but to learn how to get past all the obstacles to doing it properly and comfortably.

The biggest reason for failure is an issue of courtecy. When you enter a persons mind you are violating that persons inner space. The natural reaction for that person is to reject that violition, in fact anger and defensive behaviour normally results.
The person involved [ in this case my partner ] has to learn to identify the empression as being from a friend and not a foe, she has to drop her defenses to recieve the information. Free will and self determination are a big feature. Also experiencing the empression is decidedly scarey. Fear laden.

Essentially it is doing to your own partner something a schizophrenic person is experiencing in the way of voices. The person internal mirror sees the empression and must see it it as foriegn or externally derived. This automatically pulls the adrenal system into the picture and the connection is reflexively shut down.
From my perspective I sense my empression [within her] and I also sense her reaction to it. A great need for respect of her freewill is needed.
So in the main it teeters from success to failure depending on the way I project that empression and the frustrations and fears that I feel and the way she reacts to my efforts.

Something that persons delving into this realm fail to understand is that free will is such a sensitive issue. It is possible to compell a person but that person will react as you would expect. Thus it is not sustainable to force anything into the mind of someone else nor is it ethical or morally acceptable to do so. [ it is however a great temptation and self restraint is always an issue]
Blackwinded for example mentions empressing a driver of another car. She also mentions the end result of that exchange. Not at all pleasant. For her or the other driver.
Often, when people walk/drive by me...say for example if someone is tailgating me on the highway: it makes me angry and nervous and i will then try and force my thoughts into the tailgater's head: telling them to get off my @$$ and leave me alone. Then, when the idiot finally realizes he can just pass me in the left lane and comes driving by me, i will feel him putting his evil thoughts into my mind: saying things like, "hahaha Sucker!", or "you are doomed"

If you read the above and realise that the reason Blackwinded got angry inthe first place was that she was experienceing some one elses subconscious desire to influence her, which provoked her angry retaliation. adn then the further angry retaliation by the other driver...a cycle of war has been established.

This issue is at the very heart of why Schizophrenia is so devastating. Cohersion, undue influence, a feeling that you are being possessed or an attempt is being made to possess...etc etc. causing reflective and compulsive behaviuour that only reinforces the problem. Subconscious to "normals" but conscious to the schizophrenic.

There is an ethical issue for all persons dabling in this area. And I tend to believe it is the most important aspect of why telepathy is restricted to the realm of pseudo reality. Most people have spent their entire lives achieving self determination and freewill is such a sensitive issue. They will react to attempts to over ride their freewills self expression and most of the time that reaction is very negative.
A schizophrenic often will site evidence by quoting experiences of other persons reactions to their rampant projections, however this isn't a clue to success but actually a clue to the failure of what naturally occurs at a subconscious level between persons all the time any way.

Any way , Crunchy Cat what sort of proof exercise would allow if successfully completed , you to be satified about the reality of "empressing"?

What test would you like to see successfully completed that would nullify you skepticism?
Maybe you could lay it out and I will incorporate it into our learning methods.

[Given that this is a wife/ husband partnership involved]
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The concept of Empressing is a most interesting one indeed and you've gone through great lengths to describe what it's like when it works and when it fails. Unlike most people with a fantastic claim, you are actually offering evidence and I find it fascinating the results that have been achieved so far.

I would be interested in offering myself as a willing part of the "Empressing" experiment as I would like to experience the event first hand. This would be an important step towards establishing credibility of the claim and evidence as well. If everything worked as expected I would do everything I could to help you achieve that full 100% success rate and get a fantastic new discovery acknowledged and recognized as absolute truth. Let me know what you think.
Crunchy Cat said:
The concept of Empressing is a most interesting one indeed and you've gone through great lengths to describe what it's like when it works and when it fails. Unlike most people with a fantastic claim, you are actually offering evidence and I find it fascinating the results that have been achieved so far.

I would be interested in offering myself as a willing part of the "Empressing" experiment as I would like to experience the event first hand. This would be an important step towards establishing credibility of the claim and evidence as well. If everything worked as expected I would do everything I could to help you achieve that full 100% success rate and get a fantastic new discovery acknowledged and recognized as absolute truth. Let me know what you think.

In the past I have had various degreees of success with people I have chatted to in private chat rooms over the internet. BUt as far as evidence is concerned is not as quatifiable as I would like. The situation tends to verge on entertainment and is thus lost as a way of providing definitive proofs.
However this was in the past [ 4 years ago ]and possibly it may be worth in the future attempting again to run sampling sessions over the internet in an online real time chat room/forum setting.
Strangely there is the issue of runing multiple times that confuses the issue, the internet has a delay of approximately 2 to 10 seconds depending on modem and physical distance. This creates a confusion because empressiing is instantaneous as distance is irrelevant. What the eyes see and what is actually happening in the moment are in contradiction [ mind eye/ ocular eyes dichotomy]. The empression always quicker than the moment of visual recognition. This of course is more a discipline problem than anything else. Also locating the target is open to distraction.

I will consider your offer and accept your genuine approach to the issue.

If we procede we will have to set up a stable chat room situation and then work though all the barriers to successful outcomes. Including a firm criteria as to what we are attempting to do.

Hmmmmm...I shall think on it thanks.... having the time to do it is also an issue......
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ozzie said:
In the past I have had various degreees of success with people I have chatted to in private chat rooms over the internet. BUt as far as evidence is concerned is not as quatifiable as I would like. The situation tends to verge on entertainment and is thus lost as a way of providing definitive proofs.
However this was in the past [ 4 years ago ]and possibly it may be worth in the future attempting again to run sampling sessions over the internet in an online real time chat room/forum setting.
Strangely there is the issue of runing multiple times that confuses the issue, the internet has a delay of approximately 2 to 10 seconds depending on modem and physical distance. This creates a confusion because empressiing is instantaneous as distance is irrelevant. What the eyes see and what is actually happening in the moment are in contradiction [ mind eye/ ocular eyes dichotomy]. The empression always quicker than the moment of visual recognition. This of course is more a discipline problem than anything else. Also locating the target is open to distraction.

I will consider your offer and accept your genuine approach to the issue.

If we procede we will have to set up a stable chat room situation and then work though all the barriers to successful outcomes. Including a firm criteria as to what we are attempting to do.

Hmmmmm...I shall think on it thanks.... having the time to do it is also an issue......

Thanks Ozzie, and I will await your further thoughts on this and would be happy to help in any way to define the criteria of the experiment. I might even suggest the experiment be performed in person to eliminate the lag and any error which might occur due to physical proximity (I am in California and would be willing to travel within the U.S. -if you're in another country then I sometimes have opportunities to coordinate in foreign geographies-). Naturally, this does pose a trust issue... we don't know each other and IMO some of the best steps towards establishing trust is getting to know more about each other (probably through verbal conversation) and making & keeping committments. Let me know your thoughts on this as well.
Crunchy Cat said:
Thanks Ozzie, and I will await your further thoughts on this and would be happy to help in any way to define the criteria of the experiment. I might even suggest the experiment be performed in person to eliminate the lag and any error which might occur due to physical proximity (I am in California and would be willing to travel within the U.S. -if you're in another country then I sometimes have opportunities to coordinate in foreign geographies-). Naturally, this does pose a trust issue... we don't know each other and IMO some of the best steps towards establishing trust is getting to know more about each other (probably through verbal conversation) and making & keeping committments. Let me know your thoughts on this as well.

Actually I assumed you were from the USA, I am from Melbourne Australia, in the state of Victoria.
Please don't feel I am putting you off but the problem is there are other aspects of this study and learning that may overtake any longer term plans. Empressing is not the only area I am working on.
It's just that I don't want to slow the overall development process down. Things can evolve very rapidly once certain key dicsiplines are learned. [ learning involves more than just gaining knowledge, it involves reflexes and is similar to learning a musical instrument....easy to know what to do but can be extremely hard to actualy do.] and it may prove uneccessary to plan longer term events.

However I am not totally decided and shall see what developes.

I'll keep in touch
thanks again....
blackwinded said:
But i believe schizophrenia is not so much an "illness" but an unrecognized type of ESP.

A guy I know thinks that he is god, and that he can split the sea and fly, he thinks this because he read the bible and keeps saying things from it. This is because he cannot tell what is real and what is not real and it's called schizophrenia. Are you saying that this isn't an illness?

I think that your case may be a weak form of schizophrenia, and the voices in your head aren't from other dimensions, but they are your imagination. Know that your brains can make you hear/believe/simulate anything. Ever considered that possibility?
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ellion said:
schizophrenia is not a disease.
If you know what I mean who cares... English isn't my first language. In my country you would be called an "antfucker".

By the way, every sentence starts with a capital. :rolleyes:
someguy said:
If you know what I mean who cares..
i care, not that you use the proper grammar, but that if you are going to give advice on peoples mental disorders that you at least have a minimal knowledge of what you are talking about.

In my country you would be called an "antfucker".
in whiich case you would be an "ant".

someguy said:
By the way, every sentence starts with a capital.
what is a sentence? :confused:
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A grammatical unit that is syntactically independent and has a subject that is expressed or, as in imperative sentences, understood and a predicate that contains at least one finite verb.
To suggest Schizophrenia is a form of advanced ESP is from a scientific point of view ridiculous, however there is a community In Iceland that believes in communicating with beings from other dimentions and indeed several theories in physics does indeed back up such claims that this could be possible. Although i do not think this is the case to dismiss the existance of other dimentions on our plane of existance would be foolish
An interesting note on the subject, about a year ago, I was surfing the internet to find things on interdimensional travel and I came across a website that had a story ( I guess you would call it a biography) telling about this guy (the writer) who had an event happen to him and travels, now, frequently to other dimension, he said that there are "portals" that can be used. He said that one of them is on Mt. Shasta. This is all from memory because, I can no longer find the website (I was forced to get a new internet service and my favorites were lost). Any thoughts?
I remember the first time I communicated with other dimensions.

I was strapped to a table with an intravenous drip in my arm and chains around my ankles.
I was momentarily possessed by a foreign entity that I have since come to believe was Satan himself.

The pills they gave me have prevented me from communicating again but I plan to stop taking them and then try to escape entirely within the other astral plain.

Wish me luck.