communication with other demensions

Spirits are dead peoples souls, or consciousness, which is eternal. We currently would have no technology to judge how evolved they would be..
first of all, just so everyone knows...i am a girl.

as far as "what evidence is there" to suggest that these other demensions are real and are communicating with me, there really is no physical evidence i have to show to everyone else so that they will believe me. But i think the same goes for god and jesus and the devil and heaven and hell. Is it all real? I don't think anyone knows for sure no matter how much they choose to believe it is. It is just much more accepted in society to believe in god, because so many other people believe in it. But it's very possible that these religions could all be just a mass delusion. Many extreamly religious people claim they hear the voice of god talking to them and many people believe them. But how do we know for sure that someone is hearing god's voice or if they are just so incredibly obsessive in their beliefs that they have starting "hearing voices".
My only evidence is the belief, and that the experience is very real to me and that the idea of the goverment following and spying on me all seems to fit together really well because of particular incidences that keep occuring. Also, that there are many other so-called "schizophrenics" I have talked to who believe in the same things and have very similar experiences. I can't prove or persuade anyone that all this is real. That would be like... stuffing me beliefs/religion in your faces--something i hate myself, so why would i do it to others?

Someone wanted to know what the voices say to me. Much of the time, i can't understand them. It is just a bunch of talking in the 10 voices all talking and argueing at once. When i first started "hearing voices", They seemed to be coming from trees and animals. It was as though these beings from the other demensions had taken form of animals and trees so they could talk to me in the form of telepathy--what i mean is, i wasnt hearing these voices as though they were coming out of the animal's mouth, but they were putting their thoughts/messages into my head. Mostly, at that time they were warning me of the world ending, and telling me the reality of how horrible our society is.

These days, the "voices" don't seem to be coming from any particular sorce. They are just inside my head...the way that one hears their own thoughts, but they are not MY thoughts. Yes, This is what leads me to believe that something/someone is communicating with me through telepathy. And i do have my suspicions that maybe it is not someone from another demension, but the government just trying to mess with me. Sometimes they comment on things going on around me, or they warn me when a spy is close by...sometimes they even make stupid jokes or say things that make no sense. I know that this would lead people to believe that im just hearing voices, but i choose to believe otherwise.

Often, when people walk/drive by me...say for example if someone is tailgating me on the highway: it makes me angry and nervous and i will then try and force my thoughts into the tailgater's head: telling them to get off my @$$ and leave me alone. Then, when the idiot finally realizes he can just pass me in the left lane and comes driving by me, i will feel him putting his evil thoughts into my mind: saying things like, "hahaha Sucker!", or "you are doomed"
Now, is this telepathy or just me hearing voices because i am insane? I can't prove to anyone that it is telepathy, but i choose to believe it is. Most others choose to believe i'm crazy.

I will admit, even though i don't like to say it allowed, that maybe i am possibly just crazy and none of this is real and it is all just the result of some sort of misfunction of my brain. But it's bothersome to me that other people don't seem to believe or will admit it is possible that my experiences are real. I think we as humans know very little. I don't think science even necissarily proves something. Years and years ago, didn't scientists believe the world was flat? Scientists are always making new discoveries and changing things that were once said to be "proven true"
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blackwinded said:
first of all, just so everyone knows...i am a girl.

as far as "what evidence is there" to suggest that these other demensions are real and are communicating with me, there really is no physical evidence i have to show to everyone else so that they will believe me. But i think the same goes for god and jesus and the devil and heaven and hell. Is it all real? I don't think anyone knows for sure no matter how much they choose to believe it is. It is just much more accepted in society to believe in god, because so many other people believe in it. But it's very possible that these religions could all be just a mass delusion. Many extreamly religious people claim they hear the voice of god talking to them and many people believe them. But how do we know for sure that someone is hearing god's voice or if they are just so incredibly obsessive in their beliefs that they have starting "hearing voices".
My only evidence is the belief, and that the experience is very real to me and that the idea of the goverment following and spying on me all seems to fit together really well because of particular incidences that keep occuring. Also, that there are many other so-called "schizophrenics" I have talked to who believe in the same things and have very similar experiences. I can't prove or persuade anyone that all this is real. That would be like... stuffing me beliefs/religion in your faces--something i hate myself, so why would i do it to others?

Someone wanted to know what the voices say to me. Much of the time, i can't understand them. It is just a bunch of talking in the 10 voices all talking and argueing at once. When i first started "hearing voices", They seemed to be coming from trees and animals. It was as though these beings from the other demensions had taken form of animals and trees so they could talk to me in the form of telepathy--what i mean is, i wasnt hearing these voices as though they were coming out of the animal's mouth, but they were putting their thoughts/messages into my head. Mostly, at that time they were warning me of the world ending, and telling me the reality of how horrible our society is.

These days, the "voices" don't seem to be coming from any particular sorce. They are just inside my head...the way that one hears their own thoughts, but they are not MY thoughts. Yes, This is what leads me to believe that something/someone is communicating with me through telepathy. And i do have my suspicions that maybe it is not someone from another demension, but the government just trying to mess with me. Sometimes they comment on things going on around me, or they warn me when a spy is close by...sometimes they even make stupid jokes or say things that make no sense. I know that this would lead people to believe that im just hearing voices, but i choose to believe otherwise.

Often, when people walk/drive by me...say for example if someone is tailgating me on the highway: it makes me angry and nervous and i will then try and force my thoughts into the tailgater's head: telling them to get off my @$$ and leave me alone. Then, when the idiot finally realizes he can just pass me in the left lane and comes driving by me, i will feel him putting his evil thoughts into my mind: saying things like, "hahaha Sucker!", or "you are doomed"
Now, is this telepathy or just me hearing voices because i am insane? I can't prove to anyone that it is telepathy, but i choose to believe it is. Most others choose to believe i'm crazy.

I will admit, even though i don't like to say it allowed, that maybe i am possibly just crazy and none of this is real and it is all just the result of some sort of misfunction of my brain. But it's bothersome to me that other people don't seem to believe or will admit it is possible that my experiences are real. I think we as humans know very little. I don't think science even necissarily proves something. Years and years ago, didn't scientists believe the world was flat? Scientists are always making new discoveries and changing things that were once said to be "proven true"

You need to read about JOHN FORBES NASH

You are not mad, to be mad you have to believe that you can find someone who is normal and that my friend is a kind of madness in its own right!

You like myself need to know the correct voices to take notice of and the ones to make silent!

? What age group are you in
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thanks for the links. I've actually already read about John Nash, and i''ve seen "A beautiful mind" (but the movie doesn't much portray his experience the way it really was)

oh, and im 18 yrs old.
Hi Blackwinded

My cat lives in another dimension and communicates with me regularly. I wouldn't worry about the side effects of the Lithium. After a few years you'll be able to watch TV unsupervised, and perhaps get a job driving a bus.

The voices are all real. (Reality is an illusion remember. Ignore the doctors when they shout at you when you remind them about the works of many great philosophers.) After all, you've heard them.

Take my advice, and go with the flow. I have some further advice which is questionable. The further advice is take a bath with a toaster if you find water and bubbles boring on their own.
blackwinded said:
thanks for the links. I've actually already read about John Nash, and i''ve seen "A beautiful mind" (but the movie doesn't much portray his experience the way it really was)

oh, and im 18 yrs old.

No the Movie was just that a Movie, thats why I didnt give a link to any of the Movie sites!

18 is still very young and you have lots of time on your side to develope all the personal skills you need to control your gifts. I say Gifts because not all the voices that you hear will do you harm some will help you, others however are almost like evil spirits up to not good and trying to get you to bring yourself down.

Look at you life at the moment to, is it good or stressed. What do you eat (Coffee and tea and the drink) a big no no! Do you sleep well

About two years ago I had a rubbish Job, 60 hour weeks for three years - 4 hours sleep a night. I ended up drinking Coffee all the time, if not down the pub, For ever action I was taking I would say I had a voice telling me what to do. I would sit in front of poeple when out drinking and it was not there voices I heard but others telling me what I should do to my employers and work mates, I had a full plan as to how to burn the office down without being found, the voices helped a lot. To my never ending shame I almost pushed my wife to the drink herself.

Find something to do that gives you peace of mind (Dirt bikes, Mountain biking, fishing, swimming, sex) anything that do's it for yourself. I moved to Ireland and now paint pitures and make prints for a living-small on but I am happy. At weekend I ride a Yamaha Dirt bike to the top of the Local Mountains - Big change from 60 hour weeks in London.

Stay off the Coffee - you would not believe how much this has helped me, drink loads of Water, eat well, walk for hours or go and swim + sleep lots!

One by one the voices will go, until you only get the odd one and most of them will be telling you how well your doing with it all!

John once said " I don't think I will ever control the voices in my head, it just that I have learnt which one to listen to "

You can do it!

ps 42 and just starting
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This information will probably be of no real help, but...
What you described sounds VERY similar to what I experienced when I overdosed slightly on Diphenhydramine.
It was sort of a muddle of voices, as in a bus terminal.
If I tried to focus clearly on the voices, once in a while I could make out a word or two (sometimes even a whole phrase).
Sometimes the voices were even using my name.
gnasher said:
Hi Blackwinded

My cat lives in another dimension and communicates with me regularly. I wouldn't worry about the side effects of the Lithium. After a few years you'll be able to watch TV unsupervised, and perhaps get a job driving a bus.

The voices are all real. (Reality is an illusion remember. Ignore the doctors when they shout at you when you remind them about the works of many great philosophers.) After all, you've heard them.

Take my advice, and go with the flow. I have some further advice which is questionable. The further advice is take a bath with a toaster if you find water and bubbles boring on their own.

Why dont you try the bath idea first with your cat and tell us both how you did, this kid is going to be something big and soon maybe even a Doctor herself , so you go and drive your own bus, right after you take that bath!
It is awfully irresponsible of you to tell this person that it is a gift and she should embrace it and such things if you know nothing of her condition.
You do not know how this will develop in her.
You are obviously not a mental health professional and have no way to accurately judge her stability or mental condition.
Just because you think your voices worked out for you, that doesn;t mean they will work for her.
My Godmother once went after her seven year old nephew with a kitchen knife tryong to kill him because the TV told her that he was Satan.
That is not to say she will do the same thing, but you don't know how this will develop.
one_raven said:
It is awfully irresponsible of you to tell this person that it is a gift and she should embrace it and such things if you know nothing of her condition.
You do not know how this will develop in her.
You are obviously not a mental health professional and have no way to accurately judge her stability or mental condition.
Just because you think your voices worked out for you, that doesn;t mean they will work for her.
My Godmother once went after her seven year old nephew with a kitchen knife tryong to kill him because the TV told her that he was Satan.
That is not to say she will do the same thing, but you don't know how this will develop.

When you have lived with something all your life you do not have to be a professional and I am not telling her to do anything as such, All I am trying to do is show her that with the correct advice and help from both professionals and friends with the same condition ( even if they have a different angle on it ) there is light at the end of the tunnel.

What would you have me do? say nothing, share nothing and just say she has no hope. I am not willing to and cannot say in such a sort message who I have seen and which professionals I have talked to over my time. I am also no willing to say what I have in full been through myself that is my own private thing.

At no point have I said to anyone that they should take any actions, but she has more than hope and people get through these things in order to master themselves and who they are. If you don't like me saying so then hard luck!
Blackwinded, other people have shared similar stories as yours to me and they have all been from UK or US and they have all seen psychologists. And they believe the government/aliens/scientists/psychologists are experimenting on them, following them, monitoring, brain implants, hearing voices, many at the time as you do, telling them what to do, suggesting "evil" actions, degrading comments, depressing messages etc.
Conspiracy theory- heaven for some, and I won't even go into that, just saying that there are many with you who share the almost exact same experience.
I really do not know what to make of it. Masshallucination the psychologist would say, but how?
Did you hear of this phenomena before you experienced it yourself?
But it's bothersome to me that other people don't seem to believe or will admit it is possible that my experiences are real
They are real to you but there is no evidence to support the belief that it's "telepathy".
didn't scientists believe the world was flat?
Basically, no. Thousands of years ago it was believed the Earth was flat - beacause religion said so, not science.
Scientists are always making new discoveries and changing things that were once said to be "proven true"
Also not true as implied, in general, scientists add to the existing knowledge and extend its utility, eg Einstein did not prove Newton "wrong", he just showed that Newton's results went only so far in explaining things, for the most part Newton is 100% correct in everyday life - relativistic effects are not a normal part of shopping for groceries or washing the dirty dishes :D

I am going to try and break down some of the information that has been presented into a logical argument that I am hoping will better enable you to understand the truth of the situation. Below are a set of questions directed to you and their corresponding answers:

QUESTION: What evidence exists that other dimensions exist, ESP exists, and intelligent life exists that utilize ESP?

blackwinded said:
* there really is no physical evidence i have.
* i think the same goes for god and jesus and the devil and heaven and hell.
* My only evidence is the belief...
* that the experience is very real to me...
* that the idea of the goverment following and spying on me all seems to fit...
*...there are many other so-called "schizophrenics" I have talked to who believe in the same things and have very similar experiences.

TRANSLATION: My personal experience is very similar to other people's whom have been diagnosed with the same medical condition.

COMMENTS: People whom have the same medical condition very frequently experience identical or near-identical symptoms. This similarity of experience is evidence that something exists. The correct conclusion of what that something is (schizophrenia) has already been made.

QUESTION: What do the voices say?

blackwinded said:
* Much of the time, i can't understand them.
*...say things that make no sense.
* Sometimes they comment on things going on around me...
*...sometimes they even make stupid jokes...
* ...or they warn me when a spy is close by...
*...saying things like, "hahaha Sucker!", or "you are doomed"
* ...they were warning me of the world ending, and telling me the reality of how horrible our society is.

TRANSLATION: Nonsense, poor humor, and opinion.

COMMENTS: The sheer randomness and overall nonesense of the voices is evidence they are generated from a defective source.

QUESTION: Where do the voices come from?

blackwinded said:
* They seemed to be coming from trees and animals.
* ...the "voices" don't seem to be coming from any particular sorce. They are just inside my head...
* ...they are not MY thoughts.

TRANSLATION: They seemed to come from external sources and now just form inside my head and it should be noted that they are seperate form my thoughts.

COMMENTS: This is consistent with the experiences of other people with schizophrenia (evidence that the medical diagnosis is indeed correct).

QUESTION: Why is it being accepted as truth that the voices are from beings in another dimension?

blackwinded said:
* ...i choose to believe otherwise.
* ...but i choose to believe it is.
* I will admit... that maybe i am possibly just crazy and none of this is real...
* it's bothersome to me that other people don't seem to believe or will admit it is possible that my experiences are real.
* didn't scientists believe the world was flat?

TRANSLATION: I choose to accept it as truth because the idea is far more attractive than a brain defect, it's irritating that people don't acknowledge the possibility that the experiences really are what I say they are, and didn't scientists believe the world was flat?

COMMENTS: The idea is being accepted as truth based on how you feel (attracted, irritated, and validated) instead of evidence and a very concise prognosis from a medical professional. Consequently, the theory that the earth was flat was a result of not being able to see what it really was (directly or indirectly). Galileo corrected the theory ~500 years ago.

Overall, what I see is that you know the truth and simply don't like it because it's ugly and makes you feel defective. To compensate, an attractive fantasy is being embraced. I would consider coming to terms with the truth and then wield it as a creative and / or observational strength.
Oh and one thing... above and beyond it all:

* Be positive.
* Always do your best.
* Make good choices.
blackwinded said:
first of all, just so everyone knows...i am a girl.

as far as "what evidence is there" to suggest that these other demensions are real and are communicating with me, there really is no physical evidence i have to show to everyone else so that they will believe me. But i think the same goes for god and jesus and the devil and heaven and hell. Is it all real? I don't think anyone knows for sure no matter how much they choose to believe it is. It is just much more accepted in society to believe in god, because so many other people believe in it. But it's very possible that these religions could all be just a mass delusion. Many extreamly religious people claim they hear the voice of god talking to them and many people believe them. But how do we know for sure that someone is hearing god's voice or if they are just so incredibly obsessive in their beliefs that they have starting "hearing voices".
My only evidence is the belief, and that the experience is very real to me and that the idea of the goverment following and spying on me all seems to fit together really well because of particular incidences that keep occuring. Also, that there are many other so-called "schizophrenics" I have talked to who believe in the same things and have very similar experiences. I can't prove or persuade anyone that all this is real. That would be like... stuffing me beliefs/religion in your faces--something i hate myself, so why would i do it to others?

Someone wanted to know what the voices say to me. Much of the time, i can't understand them. It is just a bunch of talking in the 10 voices all talking and argueing at once. When i first started "hearing voices", They seemed to be coming from trees and animals. It was as though these beings from the other demensions had taken form of animals and trees so they could talk to me in the form of telepathy--what i mean is, i wasnt hearing these voices as though they were coming out of the animal's mouth, but they were putting their thoughts/messages into my head. Mostly, at that time they were warning me of the world ending, and telling me the reality of how horrible our society is.

These days, the "voices" don't seem to be coming from any particular sorce. They are just inside my head...the way that one hears their own thoughts, but they are not MY thoughts. Yes, This is what leads me to believe that something/someone is communicating with me through telepathy. And i do have my suspicions that maybe it is not someone from another demension, but the government just trying to mess with me. Sometimes they comment on things going on around me, or they warn me when a spy is close by...sometimes they even make stupid jokes or say things that make no sense. I know that this would lead people to believe that im just hearing voices, but i choose to believe otherwise.

Often, when people walk/drive by me...say for example if someone is tailgating me on the highway: it makes me angry and nervous and i will then try and force my thoughts into the tailgater's head: telling them to get off my @$$ and leave me alone. Then, when the idiot finally realizes he can just pass me in the left lane and comes driving by me, i will feel him putting his evil thoughts into my mind: saying things like, "hahaha Sucker!", or "you are doomed"
Now, is this telepathy or just me hearing voices because i am insane? I can't prove to anyone that it is telepathy, but i choose to believe it is. Most others choose to believe i'm crazy.

I will admit, even though i don't like to say it allowed, that maybe i am possibly just crazy and none of this is real and it is all just the result of some sort of misfunction of my brain. But it's bothersome to me that other people don't seem to believe or will admit it is possible that my experiences are real. I think we as humans know very little. I don't think science even necissarily proves something. Years and years ago, didn't scientists believe the world was flat? Scientists are always making new discoveries and changing things that were once said to be "proven true"

Why is it so important that others believe your experience to be true?

What is it you fear the most?
Firstly, You have been diagnosed as Schizophrenic, by Doctors who whilst well intentioned have not got the slightest idea what schizophrenia is except by the symptoms displayed. They know that certain drugs will help stabilise the condition but they offer no understanding to the nature of the illness. The lable of Schizophrenia itself offers no comfort to the suffer nor does it offer any insight into the condition except to state that you have a hard life ahead of you.

The simple truth is that science simply doesn't know.
They will quote all sorts of possible neurological explanations but fail to show evidence of those explanations.

Secondly, they can not accept that Schizophrenia may have it's premise in the psychic realms. It is impossible for them to even entertain the notion seriously. This is for a very valid reason. They are afterall scientists and require irrefutable evidence before they are going to go down the path of altering their diagnosis to anything other than that which has physical causality.
In a way they are correct because even the psychic has physical causality.

Unfortunately you are in between two worlds and this will always be your biggest struggle.

To accept the duality of the skeptic and the believer.

I personally believe your experiences are real however I would interpret them differently. regardless of their reality I earnestly advise that you deal with both worlds simultaneously. Seek medicated help and learn from your experience. The medications will help stabilise any paranoia and afford you a bit of rest and peace so that you have the opportunity to come to understand your experience in a way that can find some compatability with the external world.

Telepathy and pyschic pheno does exist but it can be extremely messy and very confusing to any one.

For example you complain of being spied on and followed by the governement.
This of course is a classic symptom which I believe is generated by attempts to ground the experience in some reasonable fashion.
Government conspiracy allows you some sense of reality even if it is totally wrong.
Sensing a conspiracy is something we all can do to varius degrees and in your case it is obviously so strong that you seek to validate it by using Government to give your awareness some sort of credibility. Thus your explanation is steeped in fear thus your conclusion is paranoid.
How ever if you can accept that your sensing of conspiracy is amplified and that your are reacting with fear based imaginings you can see that telepathy CAN promotes paranoia. So accept that your sense of conspiracy is amplified and that you are having trouble trying to rationalise the experience. [we are after all inherantly superstitious beings we humans]

The illness is all about your reaction to fear.

There is an old saying "Fearing is believing"

Have faith that once evidence is finally shown to prove the psychic pheno as real, proper therapys will be offered to those suffering the symptoms of Schizophrenia and other sensory disorders which at the moment are not and can not be offered.
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The assertion is simply not true. The cause of schizophrenia is known. It's a defect in how the brain's electrical activity is governed. In unaffected people, brain cells link together at a single frequency of electrical activity. The schizophrenic brain has portions that are operating at different frequencies and this results in hallucination / unclear thinking (depending which part(s) of the brain are out of sync).

It's also pretty fucked up to promote the idea of psychic powers and drug therrappy to an 18 year old with schizophrenia. While I can't say how exactly the condition affects her, there are indications in her writing that it's only resulting in babbling audio hallucination and that's something she can probably train herself to ignore without the use of drugs (unneessary drugs in schizophrenic patients can otherwise really mess them up).