communication with other demensions


Registered Member
People from other demensions have been communicating with me through telepathy for the last 2 years. Well, actually, it's been going on much longer than that, but i did not understand it all until recently. Does anyone else have experience with this? I'm not talking about dead people communicating with me, but living beings from seperate demensions. They have givin me all kinds of warnings about how horrible the world is and that it will soon end. They have informed me that the world is a big illusion set up to destroy me. They let me know when spies are following me and such.

I can hear their voices inside my head. Often, there are too many of them talking at once and i can't really understand. Sometimes, i hear them talking in strange languages i've never heard. I also see a lot of visions...of things i can't even describe because they are so strange. I believe these are also messages from the other demensions.

well, i just thought i'd put this out there to find out if there's anyone else around here with similar abilities. thanx for reading
In all likelyhood you have a non-correctable medical condition resulting in
hallucinations. I would recommend just ignoring them.
Why do you believe the are from other dimensions?
What ARE "other dimensions", in your best estimation?
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I think you should consult a professional, such as a psychologist, about these voices you are hearing in your head. They can probably help you.
it's a good thing i expected this. I doubted that there are any other people on these forums that see it the way i do/have similar beliefs and experiences. But i thought i'd at least give it a shot.

Well, i''ve already been to many psychologists and such. And yes, i have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. But i believe schizophrenia is not so much an "illness" but an unrecognized type of ESP.

yeah, i know...i'm so "crazy"! :eek:
Give up people, he won't listen to logical, rational thoughts, because the voices in his head tell him not to.
But i believe schizophrenia is not so much an "illness" but an unrecognized type of ESP
telepathy with yourself as transmitter and recipient?
But i believe schizophrenia is not so much an "illness" but an unrecognized type of ESP.

Fair enough. So, as a receiver, what exactly are the voices saying? Do the words describe anything personal about you or are they statements about others? Are they meant for you or are you picking them up randomly?
blackwinded said:
it's a good thing i expected this. I doubted that there are any other people on these forums that see it the way i do/have similar beliefs and experiences. But i thought i'd at least give it a shot.

Well, i''ve already been to many psychologists and such. And yes, i have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. But i believe schizophrenia is not so much an "illness" but an unrecognized type of ESP.

yeah, i know...i'm so "crazy"! :eek:

Schizophrenia is not an illness. It's a brain defect where part of thebrain is slightly out of sync with the rest (like a radio being slightly off-station). The end result in your case is audio hallucination and fortunately it does not appear the defect negatively impacts your ability to think.

You have a unique first person perspective to make observations and even experiment with the hallucination and this has the potential of helping people understand more about them.

I would put the ESP assertion aside as there is no evidence (none at all) that such a thing even exists. Embrace the truth and not fantasy sweetie... it's far more interesting.
blackwinded said:
it's a good thing i expected this. I doubted that there are any other people on these forums that see it the way i do/have similar beliefs and experiences. But i thought i'd at least give it a shot.

Well, i''ve already been to many psychologists and such. And yes, i have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. But i believe schizophrenia is not so much an "illness" but an unrecognized type of ESP.

yeah, i know...i'm so "crazy"! :eek:

Right. And when those voices tell you "spies are following you", do they also say just what it is that spies could possibly want from you?????????????

That's more than just schizophrenia. The proper term for that part is paranoid delusional.
Use them to create your masterpiece of non-fictional (to you) fiction (to us). Write what they say, mold it into something beautiful.
The spies want to know how he knows they're following him, obviously.
Blackwinded, schizophrenia can be esp gone wild, yes, but not always. What I suggest you to do is to tell these voices that if they are not helping you in any way, but only coming with depressing messages as the end of the world etc, they can shut up.
These are not "higher" beings, but most likely "lower", that get a kick out of scaring people, they feed on fear. Some would call them demons, but I find that expression so degrading. It's like calling all animals beasts.
Seek out a serious medium/healer where you live and together you might cleanse these entities out.
Id like the orig poster to answer Q. In addition Id like to ask, what have you heard from these voices that lead you to believe your experience is pyschic in nature?

To Bebelina:

How did you come to the conclusion that 'lower beings' are plaguing the orginal poster and he should see a medium/healer? Can you really come to that determination based on a short post without gathering more information regarding his state of mind, his past medical history in reference to his diagnosed illness, any medications he may or may not be on, etc?

So the concept is that people with schizophrenia are really just picking up 'wavelengths from other dimensions' . . . what have you heard from the voices that validate this idea?
Is there any evidence to support the contention that it's "beings" of any kind, whether "higher" or "lower" (why discriminate against beings because of their relative altitude?), as opposed to some sort of malfunction in the brain?
Its not altitude specifically higher or lower refers to, its the spirit's growth. The more evolved, the higher the vibration.
Darkclouds, well yes, I have the persons full medical journal here in my hands...