Communicating With Extraterrestrials


Registered Member
Hello All,

I consider myself to have been blessed by early-childhood contact with two extraterrestrial beings, Gabriel and Yeshua. Gabriel is of the tall, Nordic type of ETs, and Yeshua is of the small, gray-type of ETs. They are both extremely loving and concerned about the spiritual awakening of humanity, and they have shared their spiritual philosophy with me. They have also made it clear that everyone has the ability to communicate with their own ascended extraterrestrial guide.

This is an exciting time for me! I want to share in the joy of communing with spiritually advanced extraterrestrial beings, and I want to help bring their message of love and unity to the world. From my first meeting with my guides at the age of four, I have always felt their love and warmth towards the human species.

I suppose my purpose in sharing my experiences with you is simply to let you know that you, too, can be in constant communication with a spiritually awakened ET, and that we are all on a path toward reunion with the Universal Spirit. My heart reaches out in love to all who are reading this message, and I would love to be in email contact with you if you want to know anything about my experiences or what we can do together to bring spiritual healing to the world.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
Was there something specific you wanted to discuss or was this just free advertising for the sake of free advertising?
Next time, quickly check with them if life existed in other places, and if yes, where.


Was there something specific you wanted to discuss or was this just free advertising for the sake of free advertising?

Dear SnakeLord,

I suppose if you mean free advertising of love, universal oneness, etc., then my post was advertising for the sake of advertising^^ I simply wanted to share my experience, and discuss the details if any questions arose.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Next time, quickly check with them if life existed in other places, and if yes, where.


Life exists everywhere within the multiverse. I suppose if you are speaking of sentient life, the number of planets would be limited. Gabriel and Yeshua are much more interested in sharing messages leading to spiritual awakening than they are giving me information about life on other planets. They have only shared the location of their planet.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Interesting names. How are you able to communicate?

My first meetings with Gabriel and Yeshua were at the ages of four and seven respectively. During these first meetings, I met with them on board their spacecraft. Since the age of 22, I have met with them in two main ways: (1) via telepathic meditation, and (2) via dream-state astral travel.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
Life exists everywhere within the multiverse. I suppose if you are speaking of sentient life, the number of planets would be limited. Gabriel and Yeshua are much more interested in sharing messages leading to spiritual awakening than they are giving me information about life on other planets. They have only shared the location of their planet.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Ok where is it?
A case of parents that likes to smoke extreme amount of weed in their house.
A case of parents that likes to smoke extreme amount of weed in their house.

Perhaps. He certainly cannot discern dreams, hynapompic, and hypnogogic hallucainations from reality. It's hard to tell if there is any schizophrenia on top of it (the telepathic meditations suggest it but he hasn't given up enough info).

Perhaps. He certainly cannot discern dreams, hynapompic, and hypnogogic hallucainations from reality. It's hard to tell if there is any schizophrenia on top of it (the telepathic meditations suggest it but he hasn't given up enough info).

Dear Posters,

It is a common, though not very creative, comeback for sceptics to discern the cause of ET contact as a symptom of a hallucinogenic disorder or schizophrenia. I will not defend my sanity here, though I will mention that I have a PhD in Pastoral Counseling, and am aware of the differences among dreams, hallucinations, schizophrenia, and ET contact.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
Having a PhD does not make one clean of likely being a candidate for a nuthouse.

Having a PhD does not make one clean of likely being a candidate for a nuthouse.

Of course, but it does make one more aware of their experience, particularly if said experience falls within their field of study.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
Are you a certified counselor?
Since you live in South Korea, how do you get re-certified?
Why are they no longer meeting with you as an adult?
Dear Posters,
It is a common, though not very creative, comeback for sceptics to discern the cause of ET contact as a symptom of a hallucinogenic disorder or schizophrenia.
well, why would you expect anything else, extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence.
I will not defend my sanity here,
well you will need to if you cant supply evidence for you claims, because that all you will be thought of without it, a complete loon.
though I will mention that I have a PhD in Pastoral Counseling, and am aware of the differences among dreams, hallucinations, schizophrenia, and ET contact.
then you need to supply evidence, else your aledged PhD, just becomes an appeal to authority.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr sir duke prince lord of the manor king geeser
Emissary to the great all powerful
Flying Spaghetti Monster and his noodley appendage.
So Paul, where did you receive your Ph.D.? Was your thesis published? May we read it anywhere?
"Paul Daniel Payne is an author, educator, and pastoral counselor currently living in Seoul, South Korea. He has a PhD in Pastoral Counseling, and is an ordained interfaith minister. He is also the founder of The Fellowship of Yeshua, a spiritual organization dedicated to introducing people to their ascended soul guide for the purpose of spiritual awakening."
"The Alien Seeker News (ASN) is dedicated to the truth and bringing us closer to the disclosure of that truth. We have felt alone far to long in the cosmos. It is time to realize that we are a part of an all-expanding universe of life with neighbors all around us. We should not waste another precious minute alienating ourselves from all the knowledge and possible love that encompasses us. It will be then that we will embrace our fellowman, by knowing that we share but one community and reside under one flag, which is that of earth."
My first meetings with Gabriel and Yeshua were at the ages of four and seven respectively. During these first meetings, I met with them on board their spacecraft.

I used to talk with a lot of 'abductees', and I'm sure - given your apparent qualifications, that you'll realise there's a lot more to it than saying you met with them, they spoke of 'universal oneness' and all that crap, and that was that. In saying, it would be beneficial if you could explain this original encounter at 4 in detail.
