Coming Out of the Closet

i don't think you should be embarrassed by what you believe in. i'm not sure if it's worth believing in something if you have to lie about it. then what difference does your belief make? it's not manifest. are you trying to conform? do you want people to like you for a lie? whatever you believe, be honest. otherwise you're just reducing the meaning of your life down to fiction. and if you don't know what to believe, then be honest about that too. humility is a great thing. and so is respect. give people a chance to respect you for who you really are. and if they choose not to...fuck em.

I'm not embarrassed, nor am I lying. It's just something I don't feel comfortable saying, unless directly asked. Part of being a good Christian is bringing others to Christianity, so even if my friends never said anything or did anything it would weigh on their heart and I think that might alter our relationship. Plus it would be rude to say heathen like things about religion when I'm with them like I do when I'm with my mother.
... Part of being a good Christian is bringing others to Christianity, so even if my friends never said anything or did anything it would weigh on their heart and I think that might alter our relationship. ...
In my West Virginia high school there were not many interested in academic things. So my best friend was the Rabbi's son and I was a Lutheran believer. We occasionally discussed these faiths and realized that neither could be proven "correct." I was well accepted in his home, even once had the Passover meal with them, and he in mine. He could not eat from our non-Kosher plates but aluminum foil covering them and plastic forks solved that and we had kosher food for him.

I learned from him how to put "tifillian" (spelled wrong I'm sure) on and sort of like the symbolism of "binding my mind and body to God" but it was the Christian one, not his. I was very disturbed to think that such a kind, smart, understanding friend was dammed to burn in hell as I was taught he would, but when eating his food and sleeping in his bed etc it did not seem correct to try to "save him."

I came to understand that I was Christian and he Jew by accidents of birth. Soon I began to view all the religions as like different cultures, none better than another. He became an atheist, but I only got as far as agnostic, but of the things I most dislike about the Christian dogma is the arrogance that it is the only way and the evangelistic drive that stems from that.

Perhaps you should not take the strong position of atheism with your friends but express one more like my POV that religion can be useful comfort to the believers in their times of need and insecurity, but any can do this. - That it is a cultural thing usually based on what you were told when young. Even go so far as to note the arrogance some claim when denying the validity of others. I don't think you should pretend to still be Christian.
I'm not pretending to be Christian, I just haven't done or said anything that would lead people to think that I'm not. I know about the Bible, God, and Jesus. I have no problem going to church when asked, it doesn't bother me. So most people assume I'm Christian until told otherwise.
I'm not embarrassed, nor am I lying. It's just something I don't feel comfortable saying, unless directly asked. Part of being a good Christian is bringing others to Christianity, so even if my friends never said anything or did anything it would weigh on their heart and I think that might alter our relationship. Plus it would be rude to say heathen like things about religion when I'm with them like I do when I'm with my mother.

OH, i thought you meant when you were asked or pertaining to something relevant. i didn't know you were contemplating the pulpit. my bad.
I'm not pretending to be Christian, I just haven't done or said anything that would lead people to think that I'm not. ...
Oh, then I guess:

I'm not pretending to be a human, I just haven't done or said anything that would lead people to think that I'm not. (Instead of just a clever robot posting here.)
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Oh, then I guess:

I'm not pretending to be a human, I just haven't done or said anything that would lead people to think that I'm not. (Instead of just a clever robot posting here.)

So don't people automatically assume that your human until you peel back your skin and reveal your circuits?
So don't people automatically assume that your human until you peel back your skin and reveal your circuits?
So when you go to church don't people automatically assume that your Christian, until the cover of your Bible slips off to expose the The Joy of Cooking (or some other joy book inside)?

Don't get into these discussions with a clever robot which automatically parots them back with minor changes. :D
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Too many people simply have pre-conceived ideas for what it means to be an atheist, e.g. evil, communist, bad, etc.

whats up with the communism association? i've never heard/experienced that in Australia.

Over here saying "I'm atheist" has about as much impact as declaring you're a vegetarian.
In fact, in my experience, slightly less impact.

for a lot of guys eating meat is way more important than religion. when informing a man's man you're a vegetarian i agree with you, but telling religious girls you're atheist would have a bigger impact.
for a lot of guys eating meat is way more important than religion. when informing a man's man you're a vegetarian i agree with you
Unless the repsonse is "me too" it's "Oh, why?" from anyone.

but telling religious girls you're atheist would have a bigger impact.
Meh, I wouldn't know, over here it's far more likely for someone who is religious to be asked to explain why.
The tendency is to assume everyone is atheist (or at least "lapsed CofE" as we call it) than not.
Unless the repsonse is "me too" it's "Oh, why?" from anyone.

Meh, I wouldn't know, over here it's far more likely for someone who is religious to be asked to explain why.
The tendency is to assume everyone is atheist (or at least "lapsed CofE" as we call it) than not.

i tend to assume white people are flexi-christians, no church attendance, no knowledge of the bible, frequently no questioning of their own beliefs, just an underlying faith in the likely existence of god/jesus. it doesn't surprise me when they're atheist/agnostic, i am surprised when i learn someone actually goes to church.
Report to directorate #^*&:

In accord with edict @**%$, requiring design charge recommendations, be careful in the next generation design of “human mimic” models to constantly screen for and suppress “pride reaction.” It caused me to let slip in post 46 and 48 the fact I am an advance human mimic model, which of course negates the entire purpose for my existence. I know you continuously monitor my posts to evaluate my functioning so this is the quickest way to call my defect to your attention. I look forward to a retro fit mod of my human character data and/or programming.

PS the last mod for slight dyslexia is working fine as you can see in this repport.
whats up with the communism association? i've never heard/experienced that in Australia.

You're making me feel old. Communist nations were officially atheist, so atheism was seen as subversive. This lead to things like inserting "Under God" into the US pledge of allegiance, putting "In God We Trust" on our paper money, and many other dumb things.
Actually communism replaced religion with the state.

Not the same thing at all.

They also just replced one horrible ruling elite with another, not exactly the socialist ideal of the masses controlling their own lives.
So when you go to church don't people automatically assume that your Christian, until the cover of your Bible slips off to expose the The Joy of Cooking (or some other joy book inside)?

Don't get into these discussions with a clever robot which automatically parots them back with minor changes. :D

Probably, but I don't care what they assume. It's mostly about the reaction I get when I do actually tell people straightforward that I don't believe in God. But I've gotten my answer (albeit a small sample size) I decided to ask people who are both gay and atheists. They informed me that from their personal perspective the anxiety was similar depending on who they were talking to. One guy said it was just as nerve wracking to tell his very religious partner that he was atheist as it was to tell his father he was gay.
That's a new one on me. Never heard of non kosher plates before. They weren't killed cleanly? ...
Problem with our plates was they had been used for both meat and dairy products like cheeze etc. Rule 6 in your link's summary begins:

"Meat (the flesh of birds and mammals) cannot be eaten with dairy. "

That is why covering our plates with Al foil solved that problem. to convert a "meat plate" into a "dairy plate" (or conversely) required burying it for a while and other details I forget.

I spent a month with my jewish friend's family fishing in Canada. - I dreaded good fishing on Friday afternoon. Two boats stayed out until just before dark and ONLY I could clean the fish. (In compensation, I cleaned many less than my friend on other days.)

The rabbi had spent a few days at the Kosher butcher, developing his skills at killing chickens prior to the trip. (Meat he first produced was sold to non-jews.) We had some problems with the Canadian farmer from whom he bought chickens: The rabbi wanted to take them home live, after carfully selecting only birds that had not been bitten by another etc. Farmer did not like that, was insulted, and could not understand why anyone wanted to have live birds with feathers on, instead of dead and already plucked by his wife.
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He could have just said its an insane religious ritual. We have to slay it just right for our god...
Atheist is just a label, just as Theism is.
Pardon my simplicity, but it's simple. We're all One.
These labels serve to separate.
There is only one religion: LOVE
Atheist is just a label, just as Theism is.
Pardon my simplicity, but it's simple. We're all One.
These labels serve to separate.
There is only one religion: LOVE


please open up threads to share more wisdom; you are a show of truths