I told my mother the other day that I didn't feel that comfortable with any of my friends back at school, to tell them that I'm atheist.
It seems friends are the first people to talk too, next to Mom of course, about such deep personal items. Trust is often born from such associations between friends.
And being your Mom's kid, religion is oosually the last thing most would debate with parents, as to tell them (her) about such an awe inspiring concept, which may conflict their opinion; they may feel as if they 'failed'....! (tough concept to talk to parents about, I know this personally)
It looks to me like you walk on the wild side!
It can also be surmised that you are chatting with us perhaps, because “we don't matter”, but can at least give you ideas, right? I feel used........
My mother (while not atheist, believes religion to be utter nonsense) said that she wondered if it was how gay people feel when they meet new people.
Mom has a valid point in the observance of the 'feeling' of being accepted or approved of.
i like just being honest as the first order and allow the friends 'to be or not to be'.........!
Even if you’re comfortable with yourself you're still hesitant to what others reaction might be. So is being an atheist anything like being gay in that respect?
Sure, as the idea of being accepted is hugenormous (new word) to the minds of people.
Most cannot exist without associations or even ‘fitting in’ to a community.
I know it took me years to tell just some members of my family that I am an atheist. Even my fiance didn't know until relatively recently. I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience, or any opinion on the matter.
1) Lot’s of people have a tough time with accepting ‘the renditions of God’ as purported in belief systems (religions). Heck some even say, "well my god is better than yours"
2) Not many have a Mom that was kind enough to observe the feelings as yours did between the gay and religious beliefs of the ‘peer review’ platform. (culture)
Cool Mom, to me, and you doing fine sharing your feelings to even us…. don’t matter’s…..(giggle giggle).
Wisdom for city life:
“only share information that you would want your worst enemy to use against you”
It goes with what I said to my daughter when she asked me, “what is the scariest thing in the world to you?” and I said, ‘what your best friend can do to you’
I told her that, ‘people close to you can hurt you far more than any physical pain, that to me is a scary realization' i said, 'think about it’
then on a larger scale…..look at what religions have done to mankind; God didn't do any of it!