come flyy with meeeeeeeeeee...

sounds fun! but.... some of us can't be IN the bar after 10pm. But im up for it anyhow! (if it is nearby-ish)
Some of us can't go into bars PERIOD...hahahaha.

I live in the northeast US. If you guys set a date I'll do my best to be there, but just let me mention that if you're looking for nature [orthogonal] Acadia National Park is great this time of year. I know cause I live there.

I last visited Acadia a couple of years ago with my German friends on some warm Autumn days. We hiked up the Bee Hive, and walked the beaches. Perfect. Absolutely, perfect!

On the day we visited Bar Harbor, the ship Queen Elizabeth II happened to be visiting as well. A few years earlier I'd been a passenger on this ship for a round-trip between New York City and Southampton, England. It was thrilling for me to see the great QE2 once again, anchored below me in the harbor. I thought of four-o'clock teas, dressing for dinner, dancing a Vienesse waltz, and playing vollyball in the middle of the Atlantic while the Concorde broke the sound barrier above us. Ahh, memories...

Hey Pollux, is that movie theatre still in Bar Harbor, the one where you sit at tables and eat pizza while you watch the movie? That was great!

YEAH!!! It's called Reel Pizza, they just renovated it. Haven't gone there yet since they changed it but before it was pretty cool.

Did you go to the other theatre? The Criterion? That place blows Reel Pizza away, it's gigantic, and really ornately decorated, a historic site now I believe. It is very, very cool.

I don't live in Bar Harbor but I go there all the time, usually hang out at a friend's house or around this big hotel, forget the name. There was a monster of a boat in the harbor before, we were skipping rocks at a tourist trap sailboat and one of my friends came inches to hitting this guy that was loading people onboard. I'd like to mention we must've been at least a hundred feet away, so my friend is actually a fairly good rock skipper.

I agree. It is perfect. Other than the hillbillies (the scourge of paradise!) I couldn't imagine a better place to live, and I've been to the very opposite, in Brooklyn before I moved here.
Yes, that's it! Reel Pizza. That was excellent. I missed the other place. Thanks for the scoop though, I'll catch it on my next trip.

Pollux, having lived in the midst of ugliness, you are more able to see beauty than the unfortunates who were born and raised in such beautiful surroundings. They know nothing else and thus have less appreciation for the beauty that you respect.

It's also easy for men to become jaded to beauty. After ten years of marriage some men's eyes have tired in looking upon their own wife. A guy once confided that he didn't even bother to look up anymore when his wife came into the bedroom to change after her shower. It's unbelievable to me! Both the mountains and my wife become more beautiful with each passing year. I might have seen a hundred gorgeous sun rises on this mountain, but I never miss the opportunity to see another. I'm going to be dead for a long, long, time.

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You're one of the lucky ones, ortho. I desire a spouse, but am far too young for it at this moment. Next time you come down gimme a private message or something.

As for the rest of you, come up here!
I'm yet another northerner- Minnesota. A northern alliance would be great, now we just need the ambition. :p
Why does everyone wanna go up North?
I say we all meet on the beach, in Jamaica. Big Spliff, Big Sky, Big Fun.
If I met you people, I would undoubtedly end up dropping anvils on all of you. Except maybe goofyfish and ratbat. They might be spared.
Originally posted by Xenu
I'm yet another northerner- Minnesota. A northern alliance would be great, now we just need the ambition. :p

Minnesota here
ummmmmmmm. eastern side of Europe here.

the feds can't get to me here:p
(long way from the states and they don't like to visit territories they're unfamilar with:cool:)

Viva l'Anarchy
we love you freedom!

come let's mae a party here.
I know of a great place, 20 seconds from the baltic sea.
there is nature, sea, trees, the greatest pub in Latvia not so far from there, a place for a huge bonfire, good ancient latvian type bath-house, basketball field, voleyball field, fresh stream, and "the city where the winds are born" 15km from there. 20mins by a car. It got in the top three of north and eastern europs most cleanest and beautiful city contest. it's a great place to make a party.

a dream unfortunately. you all are too far from me. except maybe for some north europeans here from scandinacia and some from the germany and netherlands, oh and a few from the uk.

see ya maybe in 5 or 4 years in the states.
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Hmmmmm. I think we need to seperate the Northerners and Aussies, and leave everyone else to rome free. Yeah, we'll give all the Northerners a red font and all the Aussies a green one. Then we'll have debates in teams! And eventually gang wars!!!!!

Yeah, we'll give all the Northerners a red font and all the Aussies a green one. Then we'll have debates in teams! And eventually gang wars!!!!!
Gosh Tyler,
This reminds me of a study done in psychology. The boys arriving at a summer camp were once randomly selected into two groups. Each group was segregated to their own living quarters. The camp staff (psychologists) sat back to watch the contention and conflict between these groups ratchet upwards, until the groups ended up raiding each other's dormitory during the night with sticks and other improvised weapons. The study had to be terminated.

These groups were selected entirely at random. Imagine how much more easily groups of different nationality, geography, or race, make the flight to violence. We are tribal beings.

Thus, I'll defend the honor of the North, and wear my uniform of red font with pride! Death to all Non-Red-Fonter's (NRF)! :rolleyes:

BTW, the book, "Lord Of The Flies" by William Golding comes to mind as well.

If all the Northerners get a red font and all the Aussies a green font, then what do people from the south of the states get? A blue font? Is ok by me, I love blue, or purple will do also. :cool:

Kmguru, what color shall we take? Blue or purple?

I've read the Lord Of The Flies too, I prefer to stay neutral, as they became real savages, those boys and I am a woman. So no "wars" on my side - may peace be with you all. ;)
I have another idea. All Earthlings should continue to use black font (except Bebelina, she can use whatever font she wants). But we must insist that any Aliens that hack their way into the Internet must use purple font.

The Black-Fonts stand united!

why should aliens use purple font? :mad: I like dark blue color better. Oh and I will get to you all who said tht they would like to talk to me. I don't like when my prey interacts peacefully with me. (see the "what are your options, soldier" thread), that's just pervers.

ok ok, I'm not an alien. I'm a solarian , just like you:)
No, no, no, not a black font please. I don't like a black font at all.

I go for the color of the Seas, blue-green, it will be then. I am more a Lunarian. :) I really Looooooove the Moon...;)

tssssss, the color of the Seas is not real good here on the Forums...anyways, you get my point...