Color Of Crime!!!


Angel of Light
Registered Senior Member
When will the truth on racism be told?

-There is more black-on-white than black-on-black crime.

-Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa.

-Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes.

-Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous than women.

-Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites.

-Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.

-Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate.

-Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate, and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate.

-Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes.

-Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category.

-Hispanic offenders are classified as whites, which inflates the white offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes.

The incidents:

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Upset about a racial name-calling that occurred earlier that night, several black men savagely beat a random white man who had had nothing to do with the incident. He slipped away from his attackers, but they forced him to swim into a lake to escape. He drowned. The three men were sentenced to less than a year in jail.3

Massachusetts. Four black men decided to murder the next white person they saw. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom the men stabbed to death.4

Indiana. A black man was arrested for killing seven white people with a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims due to his “deep-rooted hatred” of white people.5

Miami, Florida. The leader of a black supremacist sect (i.e., the “Yaweh ben Yaweh cult”) was convicted of the murders of several white people. He ordered his followers to kill any and all “white devils.” They killed at least seven white people, bringing back body parts to their leader.6

North Carolina. Seven black men kidnapped a white woman, raped her, put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body. The murderers said they did this for racial reasons.7

North Carolina. Four black teenagers lured a white, ten-year-old girl into an empty house. “There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of the people involved — an oversight it seldom if ever committed in the case of Amadou Diallo.”8

Boulder, Colorado. After discovering that one of their members had never had sex with a white woman, an Asian gang went looking for one. When they found a white University of Colorado student, the six men gang raped her in their minivan for two hours.

Kansas City, Missouri. An Ethiopian immigrant shot two white coworkers — killing one and critically injuring the other — at his workplace, then turned the gun on himself. At his residence, police found a three-page, signed note he had written in which he railed at “black blood sucker supreme white people” for oppressing him and black people in general.10

New York City. In a Midtown office building, a white woman was assaulted, raped, and anally raped by a black man who called her racist names during the attack. Police refused to label it a hate crime.11

Alexandria, Virginia. A black man walking through a neighborhood went over to a white eight-year-old boy playing in his great-grandparents’ front yard and slit the child’s throat, killing him. A witness says that the attacker shouted racial epithets during the attack, and the main suspect in the case owns anti-white hate literature and had written a note about killing white children. He had been previously arrested for attacking an unarmed white stranger with a hammer. (During the attack, he called his victim “Whitey.”)12

The rap music:

"Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt; kill the white people; but buy my record first; ha, ha, ha""Kill d'White People"; Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, 1993, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.

"Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long. . . . the white man is the devil. . . . the CRIPS and Bloods are soldiers I'm recruiting with no dispute; drive-by shooting on this white genetic mutant. . . . let's go and kill some rednecks. . . . Menace Clan ain't afraid. . . . I got the .380; the homies think I'm crazy because I shot a white baby; I said; I said; I said: kill whitey all night long. . . . a nigga dumping on your white ass; fuck this rap shit, nigga, I'm gonna blast. . . . I beat a white boy to the motherfucking ground";"Kill Whitey"; Menace Clan, Da Hood, 1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of what was called Thorn EMI and now is called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.

"A fight, a fight, a nigger and a white, if the nigger don't win then we all jump in. . . . smoking all [of] America's white boys"; "A Fight"; Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, 1993, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.

"To all my Universal Soldier's: stay at attention while I strategize an invasion; the mission be ssassination, snipers hitting Caucasians with semi-automatic shots heard around the world; my plot is to control the globe and hold the world hostage. . . . see, I got a war plan more deadlier than Hitler. . . . lyrical specialist, underworld terrorist. . . . keep the unity thick like mud. . . . I pulling out gats [handguns], launching deadly attacks" "Blood for Blood"; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The EMI Group, United Kingdom

"Waiting for the crackers; smuggle; his mug is in the gutters. . . . so we need your participation in the Caucasian assassination; time is wasting. . . . so who is in association with the nigger retaliation; it needs your total cooperation. . . . a confrontation will be fought by the younger generation; because we got determination; all we need is organization" "Purse Snatchers"; Onyx, All We Got Iz Us, 1995, Rush Associated Labels Recordings, PolyGram Group Distribution, Philips' Elecronics, Netherlands.
What is your point? These statistics have nothing to do with whether or not a specific person is going to commit a crime, so it's all meaningless.

I'm white so I don't commit crimes...statistically that is:rolleyes:
Oh please

Might this have possibly something to do with the fact that a disproportionate number of blacks still live in slum conditions amid inescapable poverty and rampant organized crime?

It's quite different when you compare institutionalized discrimination against a random white tourist being gunned down in some ghetto.

This is not to say that the situation vis a vis discrimination has not vastly improved to date. It's certainly better than it ever was.

But social justice will never truly be served until blacks are afforded the same standard of living, education and opportunity as any other racial/ethnic group in US (including whites.)

Until that glorious time when we finally recognize that poverty, not race is the decisive factor in behavioral trends, we'll just have to put up with the typical racist crap as exemplified by your post. :rolleyes:
Color of justice

I don't see the point of actually constructing an argument to this horseshit, but what the heck, I'm bored.

Check out the statistics on discrimination in the justice system. As I have said before, white people are twice as likely to use cocaine, but there are twice as many black people in jail for it, interesting to say the least.

There is a step system of 'de facto' descrimination built into our justice system. From profiling, to the court room. Cops don't take rich white kids to jail because they believe their parents will deal with them. Fights in white high schools don't get reported to the cops, whereas a fight in a 'black' school can get you jail time. It goes on and on and on, but certainly you have noticed the news items of cops beating the crap out of a black person for apparently no reason, or how about a whole country pissed of because their cops act so prejudiced on the job(the are only human, god save the cops! I can only hope with time this gets better).

Let your imagitation run wild with this if you would. Blacks have an average earning way lower than white people (I think it was something like 32k/year vs 28k, dont quote me, if anyone has it in front of them please share). And we all know rich people get off easier justice wise right?

But social justice will never truly be served until blacks are afforded the same standard of living, education and opportunity as any other racial/ethnic group in US (including whites.)
I'd like to see Azrael grow up under the poverty line and then see whether or not he steals in order to eat.

I'm rather suprised at my ability to stay somewhat calm in the face of such racist stupidity, I must be 'growing up' or something, WOO.
Since Im such the racist white guy here (but hey according to MTV and the media in general its a bad to thing to be white in america today) let me ask you this, if a black man attacks and rapes a white women while calling her racial slurs is that racism or not?

the reason i spell ameriKa the way I do is because what this country has become is a corruption of what our founding fathers intended it to be. its more important to be politically correct then to take a stand for what is right.
Originally posted by Xev

Your point being..........what again?

I found this and thought it was interesting since these statistics and reports are never really aired to the mass public, they are almost always brushed under the rug.
if you all really want to know why blacks live the way they do, watch MTV, people like Jay-Z, Mystikal, Master P, and other black rappers are always rapping about using drugs, drinking, calling women hoes and bitchs and the gangster life style, and the young teenagers copy this lifestyle. i take no resposibility for their problems.
Originally posted by Azrael
if you all really want to know why blacks live the way they do, watch MTV, people like Jay-Z, Mystikal, Master P, and other black rappers are always rapping about using drugs, drinking, calling women hoes and bitchs and the gangster life style, and the young teenagers copy this lifestyle. i take no resposibility for their problems.

You might try actually acquanting yourself with a few, or living in a black ghetto (I have, both -- tho' I'm white.) Then you'd know that what you see on MTV is not a true reflection of reality. Doesn't take a very high IQ to know that, by the way. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Azrael
Since Im such the racist white guy here (but hey according to MTV and the media in general its a bad to thing to be white in america today) let me ask you this, if a black man attacks and rapes a white women while calling her racial slurs is that racism or not?

the reason i spell ameriKa the way I do is because what this country has become is a corruption of what our founding fathers intended it to be. its more important to be politically correct then to take a stand for what is right.

You are nuts. Who the hell says its bad to be white? Its great, I'm on top of the ladder. I can do whatever I want and get away with it, I get a job even though I have no skills, I get lots of pay even though I read sciforums all day. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK, you are being incredibly sensative.
Everyone knows blacks being racist is no better than whites being racist, that has no actual implications in your thread however.

America has been spelled with a K since at least the 60s to symbolize its fascist tendencies.
Originally posted by Azrael
Since Im such the racist white guy here (but hey according to MTV and the media in general its a bad to thing to be white in america today) let me ask you this, if a black man attacks and rapes a white women while calling her racial slurs is that racism or not?

Yes, there are black racists. There are white racists, asian racists, and generally all sorts of bigots in the world. Happy now? And to echo Xev, what's your point??

the reason i spell ameriKa the way I do is because what this country has become is a corruption of what our founding fathers intended it to be. its more important to be politically correct then to take a stand for what is right.

Well, hopefully with your help we shall soon restore ameriKa to its former glory. :rolleyes:

You seem to be having trouble distinguishing institutional racism from individual racism. The former is a news item; the latter is a boring everyday occurrence. It has nothing to do with PC.
the reason i spell ameriKa the way I do is because what this country has become is a corruption of what our founding fathers intended it to be. its more important to be politically correct then to take a stand for what is right.

Our founding fathers expected America to be a nation of bad spellers, and you're returning to our roots by mis-spelling?


America has been spelled with a K since at least the 60s to symbolize its fascist tendencies.

Good spelling is fascism?

Wel, im nawt ay fashyst sow i wil spel badly. iz thiz betr? :p

edit 2 ad:
if blak on wite vilince iz mor comon, iznt thiz becuz ther r more whits then blaks?

teh cia factbok sez that ther ar

Ethnic groups:
white 83.5%, black 12.4%, Asian 3.3%, Amerindian 0.8% (1992)

note: a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean a person of Latin American descent (especially of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin) living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.)


if whits are betr off financialy, arnt thay mre likly to bee robed?
Good spelling is fascism?

Wel, im nawt ay fashyst sow i wil spel badly. iz thiz betr?

xev, I assure you I did not make up the rules, I just share them.

It has a lot to do, I'm sure, with how americans view the classic fascist state (Italy...Germany (not technically fascism, but whatever), etc). lots of K's in the languages (or moreso than American-English, rihgt??!?), so somehow spelling america as ameriKa means we are fascists! Thats how I think it happened anyways.
I sort of agree with overdoze. I think it would be more telling to show the crime rates by social class.

The problem is that much of the urban poor are black, and crime generally radiates from urban areas (black, white or whatever) because it's a faster way to get ahead. The organized crime families in the early 1900's were mostly white.

On the other hand, the majority of the poor white people in the states live in Appalacia or in the Ozarks, many living in such a way that they don't know other people exist, much less know enough to commit crimes against them.
I'd like to see Azrael grow up under the poverty line and then see whether or not he steals in order to eat.

Sorry to jump in without reading EVERY line, Im on break and dont have time. But this statement above is pure and simple bullshit. I have grown up under the poverty line and didnt have to resort to stealing. And instead of going to school and getting a job, most of the guys that I grew up with would rather sell dope - because its easier. And dont give me this shit that they dont have equal oppurtunities. If your under a certain income bracket - your almost guaranteed a place at any college of your choosing. (Universities excluded). Sorry, I will write more later.

Ta Ta:)
Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers
What is your point? These statistics have nothing to do with whether or not a specific person is going to commit a crime, so it's all meaningless.

I'm white so I don't commit crimes...statistically that is:rolleyes:

Azrael point is, whites, blacks, asians, hispanics, natives americans all have racists, but whites are not anymore racist than other races. Whites don't have monopoly on racism, I find that to be very true. Other races can be at least equally as racist. How hard is it to understand?
There is more black-on-white than black-on-black crime.

WRONG, 80-90% of the crimes committed by Blacks are Black-on-Black crime. 80% of the crimes committed by Whites are also White-on-White crime.

And a family member is the most likely one to hurt you, not a stranger...

Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa.

More "fuzzy" math. You must love making up fake stats...
Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes.

More stupidity..., check out the FBI stats is you don't believe me.

Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category.

-Hispanic offenders are classified as whites, which inflates the white offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes.

More lies.

Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites.

*yawn*, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Check out the main site of this retard's source... It's just some racist group's propaganda site.
I just looked at that site. Apparently we had 4 hate crimes against atheists/agnostics.

WTF?? I get an image of rogue catholic priests and baptist ministers, in some sort of ghetto, punk habits, hats on sideways doing drive-by baptisms.

I guess it's not funny... the world is just getting so strange.
I just looked at that site. Apparently we had 4 hate crimes against atheists/agnostics.

WTF?? I get an image of rogue catholic priests and baptist ministers, in some sort of ghetto, punk habits, hats on sideways doing drive-by baptisms.

I guess it's not funny... the world is just getting so strange.

Nah, I think they probably were over-zealous Jehovah Witnesses. :D