

Indeed; we all are.

I know, right?
This summer he turned his thermostat down and it got colder. PROOF there is no such thing as global warming!

No, that's how you guys assert know, your 'faith' based upon models requiring all manner of convoluted, shamelessly dishonest, 'adjustments' 'explanations', 'interpretations', for their lack of correspondence to what is...very similar to atheism as a matter of fact.
No, that's how you guys assert know, your 'faith' based upon models requiring all manner of convoluted, shamelessly dishonest, 'adjustments' 'explanations', 'interpretations', for their lack of correspondence to what is...very similar to atheism as a matter of fact.
One thing is for sure, your God did not tell Adam it was OK to use His atmosphere as a carbon dump.

Of course if you just keep praying and telling yourself that the Bible says it's OK, then you will of course adopt it as a matter of faith.

But alas the courts won't support it. It turns out that EPA regulations trump religious freedom in this case.

That being said, you folks are free to move to a country with a state religion and try your case there. A tropical country, where you won't be so cold.
This post amounts to preaching. 10 infraction points.
One thing is for sure, your God did not tell Adam it was OK to use His atmosphere as a carbon dump.

Wonder of wonders, we agree.

Of course if you just keep praying and telling yourself that the Bible says it's OK, then you will of course adopt it as a matter of faith.

Impossible, by definition.

But alas the courts won't support it. It turns out that EPA regulations trump religious freedom in this case.

I disagree. EPA regulations--indeed the EPA itself--are merely human constructs. As such, they can never trump religious freedom which is a Divine, whatever. The EPA is free to limit this Divine construct as you are free to deny the Source of your freedom to be an atheist. Humans, to impose their will, do so with the aid of their man made 'laws' but these 'laws' have no power in and of themselves to enable compliance. Compliance is gained through threat of punishment. You don't want to be punished, so you comply with/ obey the human actually have the power to do so! Sometimes if you break one of these so called laws, the enforcement agency is unaware or unwilling to pursue the issue so nothing will happen to you. With respect to your atheism vis a vis Divine Law...The Divine law you break is the requirement of perfect honesty, by rights demanded of you by virtue of who and what you are... the grounds of any consequences you have to face with respect to your atheism will be predicated on your willful, deliberate lack of honesty. Like human laws, this Divine law (requiring honesty etc.) has no power to enable or force compliance. Unlike human laws, where you have the power to comply and the desire to do so so as to avoid punishment, the situation you find yourself with respect to obedience to Divine law is utter powerlessness to obey regardless of any desire to avoid punishment. Perfect compliance is impossible and has been from the moment you first drew breath. Therefore--with respect to your last breath--you find yourself in a truly precarious position... This, Aqueous Id, is why you need the Lord Jesus Christ. He both kept ALL Divine laws perfectly and suffered the punishment deserved by ALL who have broken every one of those same Divine laws. By faith, you 'place' Christ between you and God. Jesus becomes your Substitute with respect to your lawbreaking. You give Him your negatives while He gives you His positives i.e. He becomes the lawbreaker, you, the law keeper. The Truth will set you free...
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I disagree. EPA regulations--indeed the EPA itself--are merely human constructs. As such, they can never trump religious freedom which is a Divine, whatever.
Human constructs can and has trumped religious freedom. You are fortunate to live in today's world; had you lived in 15th century Europe you would have been executed as a heretic for not believing the One True Religion (which generally aligned with whatever the government was pushing at the time.)
Wonder of wonders, we agree.

Impossible, by definition.

I disagree. EPA regulations--indeed the EPA itself--are merely human constructs. As such, they can never trump religious freedom which is a Divine, whatever. The EPA is free to limit this Divine construct as you are free to deny the Source of your freedom to be an atheist. Humans, to impose their will, do so with the aid of their man made 'laws' but these 'laws' have no power in and of themselves to enable compliance. Compliance is gained through threat of punishment. You don't want to be punished, so you comply with/ obey the human actually have the power to do so! Sometimes if you break one of these so called laws, the enforcement agency is unaware or unwilling to pursue the issue so nothing will happen to you. With respect to your atheism vis a vis Divine Law...The Divine law you break is the requirement of perfect honesty, by rights demanded of you by virtue of who and what you are... the grounds of any consequences you have to face with respect to your atheism will be predicated on your willful, deliberate lack of honesty. Like human laws, this Divine law (requiring honesty etc.) has no power to enable or force compliance. Unlike human laws, where you have the power to comply and the desire to do so so as to avoid punishment, the situation you find yourself with respect to obedience to Divine law is utter powerlessness to obey regardless of any desire to avoid punishment. Perfect compliance is impossible and has been from the moment you first drew breath. Therefore--with respect to your last breath--you find yourself in a truly precarious position... This, Aqueous Id, is why you need the Lord Jesus Christ. He both kept ALL Divine laws perfectly and suffered the punishment deserved by ALL who have broken every one of those same Divine laws. By faith, you 'place' Christ between you and God. Jesus becomes your Substitute with respect to your lawbreaking. You give Him your negatives while He gives you His positives i.e. He becomes the lawbreaker, you, the law keeper. The Truth will set you free...

Human constructs can and has trumped religious freedom. You are fortunate to live in today's world; had you lived in 15th century Europe you would have been executed as a heretic for not believing the One True Religion (which generally aligned with whatever the government was pushing at the time.)
You didn't really read my reply did you. I said as much.

I'm drawing attention to a neglected story concerning hacked emails providing incontrovertible evidence that global warming (along with human culpability regarding same) cannot be considered as anything other than theory. Instead, it is essentially touted as fact, and, consequently used as a pretext for establishing global governance in various forms. The collusion revealed by these emails resulting in suppression of evidence and the marginalization/discrediting of opponents/skeptics (who should be included in the process of peer review), severely undermines/calls into question the credibility of those employing the scientific method. I've said as much back in the day in another forum. I had never had a problem with 'science' per se, but with those doing the science. Therefore, despite limited benefits, when one considers who is actually 'doing science' i.e. employing the scientific method, science is hamstrung by definition. This conclusion is inescapable.

The story about the emails should be front page news.


What should be front page news, is that global warming has been happening for the last 20,000 years
your kidding right?
There is more sea ice around Antarctica, then at any point in time, during recorded history of Antarctic sea ice. In fact it has increased every year of measurements. And sea ice melts every year, so if Eskimos choose to live there, then they are by this determination a migratory group.
it appears you have trouble deciphering the difference.
Climate change has been happening for the entire history of the Earth, as even before the Earth had a climate, changes were happening to form the climate that we now have.

True, try to dispute this with rational facts.
What should be front page news, is that global warming has been happening for the last 20,000 years
Not this one. This one has been happening only recently, because its cause - artificial CO2 boosting - is recent.
Climate change has been happening for the entire history of the Earth,

This climate change has been happening for a couple of hundred years, only, and is a serious problem for us.

There is more sea ice around Antarctica, then at any point in time, during recorded history of Antarctic sea ice.
Yet another AGW model prediction coming true.