Classic UFO Sightings.

See what I mean, folks? Even after I carefully explained to him WHY we all think of him as a big joke and a idiot he comes back and posts THIS!!! He's not even bright enough to realize that he's his own worst enemy.

And he's actually foolish enough to think we'd take him seriously - WOW!!!

Aw c'mon now, I believe him. Seriously. I do.:itold:
See what I mean, folks? Even after I carefully explained to him WHY we all think of him as a big joke and a idiot he comes back and posts THIS!!! He's not even bright enough to realize that he's his own worst enemy. And he's actually foolish enough to think we'd take him seriously - WOW!!!

You are just a spigot of hate. Instead of explaining anything to a troll like you, I think I'll do something fun instead.
You are just a spigot of hate. Instead of explaining anything to a troll like you, I think I'll do something fun instead.

The truth hurts, doesn't it? As I said before, show us some REAL science in your idiotic claims and I'll make a full public apology. But you can't do that, can you? Because all you've got is nonsense and garbage!
The truth hurts, doesn't it? As I said before, show us some REAL science in your idiotic claims and I'll make a full public apology. But you can't do that, can you? Because all you've got is nonsense and garbage!
Why are you filled with such vitriol? I've never seen so much hostility. Did someone hurt you and your taking it out on me? Who hurt you?
Why are you filled with such vitriol? I've never seen so much hostility. Did someone hurt you and your taking it out on me? Who hurt you?

Answer: You with your feeble nonsense. I find it and you disgusting for continuing it.

You are nothing but a liar and a crank. And I'll never get off your case until you admit it - or leave. Either one would be perfectly fine with me.
It was the Casimir Effect that strongly influenced my ideas about the vacuum, about the space-time continuum. As near as I can tell, the vacuum is just this soup of virtual particles. So I wondered, how does this quantum soup filled with virtual particles fit together with the space-time continuum? There are just too many things to talk about to really explain it well. I just had this feeling, this impression that electromagnetic fields (down to the photon) had to be ontologically supported. In other words the quantum vacuum and the space-time continuum are a support structure for light, for electromagnetic fields. Without such a support structure, energy cannot be expressed as light or as particles with mass.

Many physicists, and people like ReadOnly, still mistakenly believe that the vacuum of space is nothingness. This view is completely wrong. Space-time (and the quantum vacuum) are something; they are a particular kind of medium, albeit a very difficult medium to detect or even understand. Once you understand that such a medium exists, then you can figure out how to manipulate the medium of space-time, the medium of the quantum vacuum. It will take a very very long time before the scientific community figures this out.
Answer: You with your feeble nonsense. I find it and you disgusting for continuing it. You are nothing but a liar and a crank. And I'll never get off your case until you admit it - or leave. Either one would be perfectly fine with me.
Was it something I said? Did I disrupt your world view? Did I unhinge your paradigm? Is that why you're upset with me. :bawl:

The truth is, the quantum vacuum, which I call the luminiferous aether, could just as easily be thought of as spirit. It is this ghostly field that causes allows light to exist, and secondarily everything in the standard model. Such a ghostly field could easily be interpreted as God, or as a spirit world of some kind. In my view, the alchemists had the right idea all along. The laws of physics are just observations about this ghostly field. Eventually the physics community will leave behind people like Read-Only who are an albatross to the advance of science. It is inevitable that creativity and imagination will win out, and young physicists will be inspired with ideas for experiments not tried before, experiments that attempt to manipulate the aether medium (quantum vacuum).
Was it something I said? Did I disrupt your world view? Did I unhinge your paradigm? Is that why you're upset with me. :bawl:

The truth is, the quantum vacuum, which I call the luminiferous aether, could just as easily be thought of as spirit. It is this ghostly field that causes allows light to exist, and secondarily everything in the standard model. Such a ghostly field could easily be interpreted as God, or as a spirit world of some kind. In my view, the alchemists had the right idea all along. The laws of physics are just observations about this ghostly field. Eventually the physics community will leave behind people like Read-Only who are an albatross to the advance of science. It is inevitable that creativity and imagination will win out, and young physicists will be inspired with ideas for experiments not tried before, experiments that attempt to manipulate the aether medium (quantum vacuum).

Typical. Wrong again, as usual, on all points.

It's the people like me that keep science on a steady, PRODUCTIVE course. It's people like you that attempt to impede progress by gumming up the efforts of real scientists by tossing your nonsense around everywhere.
Many physicists, and people like ReadOnly, still mistakenly believe that the vacuum of space is nothingness.

This is yet another of your LIES!! Show me where I have EVER said that or be prepared for me to report you for outright lying!!! And you better get on it QUICKLY!

This is a prime example of why I dislike you so much!
In my view, the alchemists had the right idea all along. The laws of physics are just observations about this ghostly field. Eventually the physics community will leave behind people like Read-Only who are an albatross to the advance of science. It is inevitable that creativity and imagination will win out, and young physicists will be inspired with ideas for experiments not tried before, experiments that attempt to manipulate the aether medium (quantum vacuum).

There is a huge problem with this idea that science will lose out to "creativity and imagination". First, science has a lot of creativity and imagination. But we all know what you mean. You mean the creativity and imagination without the math and proof and skepticism. Without the work. The problem is that existed before science and it failed. The reason human technology is what it is today is science and the scientific method. If your methods are superior, then they will win out. All you need is to show its superiority by way of advancing human knowledge where science could not. There is a good bible quote that fits here. "By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?" You are attempting to pick grapes from thornbushes. Good luck with that. How is that experiment going?
This is yet another of your LIES!! Show me where I have EVER said that or be prepared for me to report you for outright lying!!! And you better get on it QUICKLY!

This is a prime example of why I dislike you so much!

I have explained to him that space is not nothingness. Others have too. But the thing about Mazulu that I find infuriating is that he never seems to read and understand what other people write in their replies. I don't know if he just does not read them, or if his reading comprehension is nonexistent. All I know is that he never acknowledges anything anybody writes. And like this "space is nothingness" issue, after we have explained to him that is not our position, he persists on misrepresenting our position. I saw this on the debates last night from both sides and concluded it was dishonesty.
There is a huge problem with this idea that science will lose out to "creativity and imagination". First, science has a lot of creativity and imagination. But we all know what you mean. You mean the creativity and imagination without the math and proof and skepticism. Without the work. The problem is that existed before science and it failed. The reason human technology is what it is today is science and the scientific method. If your methods are superior, then they will win out. All you need is to show its superiority by way of advancing human knowledge where science could not. There is a good bible quote that fits here. "By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?" You are attempting to pick grapes from thornbushes. Good luck with that. How is that experiment going?

I'm going to tinker with the experiment this morning. I want to download the wave form creation software to one of the pc's at work so I can edit the waveforms on my breaks. That should help speed things up.I'm actually not against hard work or mathematics like you say. Both of those are necessary tools. Perhaps the scientific community will reach the same conclusion about how QM and SR/GR are just two faces/two facets of the same medium. Perhaps it just takes as long as it takes.
I have explained to him that space is not nothingness. Others have too. But the thing about Mazulu that I find infuriating is that he never seems to read and understand what other people write in their replies. I don't know if he just does not read them, or if his reading comprehension is nonexistent. All I know is that he never acknowledges anything anybody writes. And like this "space is nothingness" issue, after we have explained to him that is not our position, he persists on misrepresenting our position.

:shh: I know that scientists recognize that space-(time) is something, not nothing. Read-Only has been such an asshole to me that I decided to "get his goat". You at least have taken the time to try to understand what I've been saying; you've asked questions and asked me to clarify. In contrast, Read-Only has demonstrated everything that is wrong with science today. If he retired, or was hit by a bus, science would instantly make a dramatic breakthrough. Anyway Cheezle, thank you for demonstrating the correct way to treat people like me.
It's the people like me that keep science on a steady, PRODUCTIVE course. It's people like you that attempt to impede progress by gumming up the efforts of real scientists by tossing your nonsense around everywhere. This is yet another of your LIES!! Show me where I have EVER said that or be prepared for me to report you for outright lying!!! And you better get on it QUICKLY! This is a prime example of why I dislike you so much!
Productive? Do you embed pencils in your ceiling tiles? Is that what you mean? You're such a hothead, I bet you're the albatross that holds science back.
:shh: I know that scientists recognize that space-(time) is something, not nothing. Read-Only has been such an asshole to me that I decided to "get his goat". You at least have taken the time to try to understand what I've been saying; you've asked questions and asked me to clarify. In contrast, Read-Only has demonstrated everything that is wrong with science today. If he retired, or was hit by a bus, science would instantly make a dramatic breakthrough. Anyway Cheezle, thank you for demonstrating the correct way to treat people like me.

I see, so Read-Only was correct when he said you lied.
I see, so Read-Only was correct when he said you lied.
I didn't lie. I didn't know what his position was. All I know is that he represents everything bad about the science community. I merely dragged his name through the mud.
Please stop debating, We're going nowhere quoting each other.
Now that science is aware that space-time is something, not nothing, the next step is to figure out how to manipulate it. Rapid and repeated frequency linear chirping is a method used to induce a curvature in space-time (a gravity field). With any luck, I'll be able to prove this with an experiment.
Aw c'mon now, I believe him. Seriously. I do.:itold:
You know you're one of my favorites here (even though you look like a Vulcan). As far as I'm concerned, everyone else here should be fed to the zombies (except the nice people).