Classic UFO Sightings.

Between the two of us, I am the only one who has an idea for building a gravity drive. Since you don't, that makes you the idiot.:blbl:

Tell you what, dude! Let's go back to one of Neverfly's suggestions: If you provide SOLID EVIDENCE that ANY of your woo-woo/idiotic/mindless/etc. claims are true, I'll publicly retract any and every negative thing I'd said about you. Deal??
To have technology that would do wonders for humanity, and just sit on it. That's not morally responsible.

To claim to have such a thing and not, enjoying the perceived power you think you have. Another moral issue.

But carry on...start with some of the basics, so we who are slow can keep up.
Tell you what, dude! Let's go back to one of Neverfly's suggestions: If you provide SOLID EVIDENCE that ANY of your woo-woo/idiotic/mindless/etc. claims are true, I'll publicly retract any and every negative thing I'd said about you. Deal??

It is a sure thing you will never have to pay up on that bet. Mazulu will never actually perform the experiment. For one thing he does not have the skills to do it. And for another thing, by procrastinating he can delay failure indefinitely. He has had access to key component of his experiment, the fancy signal generator, for months. So far he has not even been able to load his chirp waveform.

Although Mazulu often talks like he is absolutely sure the gravity beam will work, sometimes he seems much less sure. It is the same with his story of the space aliens. Sometimes he says the idea came from a telepathic message from the space aliens, and other times he will say that he just thought why would not gravitational frequency shifting of photons work in reverse. Those two explanations seem to be inconsistent. Inconsistent everywhere except inside Mazulu's brain. I am sure he has rationalized it to himself in a very nuanced way.
It is a sure thing you will never have to pay up on that bet. Mazulu will never actually perform the experiment. For one thing he does not have the skills to do it. And for another thing, by procrastinating he can delay failure indefinitely. He has had access to key component of his experiment, the fancy signal generator, for months. So far he has not even been able to load his chirp waveform.

Although Mazulu often talks like he is absolutely sure the gravity beam will work, sometimes he seems much less sure. It is the same with his story of the space aliens. Sometimes he says the idea came from a telepathic message from the space aliens, and other times he will say that he just thought why would not gravitational frequency shifting of photons work in reverse. Those two explanations seem to be inconsistent. Inconsistent everywhere except inside Mazulu's brain. I am sure he has rationalized it to himself in a very nuanced way.

Hi, Cheezle,

You're right, of course. ;) It was just a way to drive a toothpick under another fingernail - something he deserves for maintaining his idiotic stance on what he considers "science." And you're also correct about his inconsistencies. They are yet another indicator of a troubled and somewhat disturbed mind.

There's another little something about him that I haven't mentioned before that I will now since you just happened to mention his electronic equipment. Remember when he said (more than once) that he "works on the clocks of 'scopes for Textronix"? That one sort of stuck in my craw and I have doubts that he even works for that company - except perhaps in the role of floor sweeper.

Here's why: I and a large number of people I know have used 'scopes for decades. And not a single one of us have ever referred to that particular subunit as a "clock." Instead, we call it by it's proper name - "Time Base Generator" or "Sweep Frequency Generator" or simply "Sweep" when using it. But never, NEVER by a little back-woodsy term like "clock!!"

Also, as a matter of fact, the big majority of them WERE Textronix units. They make top-of-the-line equipment. And I think this little jerk has picked up on that from somebody and uses it as an attempt to try and claim some degree of professionalism. Phooey! He's about as professional as the 4-year-old across the street.
Hi, Cheezle,

You're right, of course. ;) It was just a way to drive a toothpick under another fingernail - something he deserves for maintaining his idiotic stance on what he considers "science." And you're also correct about his inconsistencies. They are yet another indicator of a troubled and somewhat disturbed mind.
My god! You are such a hateful person. Were you abused or mistreated as a kid?
To have technology that would do wonders for humanity, and just sit on it. That's not morally responsible. To claim to have such a thing and not, enjoying the perceived power you think you have. Another moral issue.
Inspire me.

But carry on...start with some of the basics, so we who are slow can keep up.
Start with fabric of space-time, the ontological part that makes it act the way it acts. So I envisioned it as a unification of quantum mechanics and special relativity. The wave-function is a mathematical solution that is used for all QM solutions. So I elevated wave-functions to the status of an ontological phenomena. Then I gave it a characteristic that captures SR; that ontological wave-function has to exist fundamentally as $$c = \lambda f = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon_0 \mu_0}}$$.

The ontological part of the space-time continuum is unmeasurable, just like the wave-function is unmeasurable. They both share characteristics of (1) the are ontological and (2) they are not measurable. So they go together.
That's all I have time for.
My god! You are such a hateful person. Were you abused or mistreated as a kid?

Mazulu- hold on!
You are the one who has repeatedly said, in thread, that you like to "tease", "torment" and "mock" physicists and skeptics by telling them about your ideas.
You've repeatedly and regularly spewed some of the most hateful words against anyone who disagrees with you.

Yet, you react, hypocritically, to his words which are, frankly, no worse than your own many times over.
Mazulu- hold on!
You are the one who has repeatedly said, in thread, that you like to "tease", "torment" and "mock" physicists and skeptics by telling them about your ideas. You've repeatedly and regularly spewed some of the most hateful words against anyone who disagrees with you. Yet, you react, hypocritically, to his words which are, frankly, no worse than your own many times over.
I wish I didn't have to engage in all of this negativity. That's not why I come here. I come here because I want to argue for my version of an aether theory that I put together by taking some elements of quantum mechanics (the wave-function), combining it with some special relativity (the invariance of c) and coming up with an aether that acts like our experimental data. Once you have such an aether medium, then you can look for a connection between electromagnetic fields and gravity (which is the precursor to a gravity drive).
I wish I didn't have to engage in all of this negativity. That's not why I come here. I come here because I want to argue for my version of an aether theory that I put together by taking some elements of quantum mechanics (the wave-function), combining it with some special relativity (the invariance of c) and coming up with an aether that acts like our experimental data. Once you have such an aether medium, then you can look for a connection between electromagnetic fields and gravity (which is the precursor to a gravity drive).

YOU brought every single bit of the negativity upon yourself, Bub - you've only yourself to blame. You never would have attracted such treatment if you hadn't started babbling all your nonsense and pure garbage. After that, you had only one way to go - down. And on top of THAT you continued to dig your hole ever deeper and deeper!!
YOU brought every single bit of the negativity upon yourself, Bub - you've only yourself to blame. You never would have attracted such treatment if you hadn't started babbling all your nonsense and pure garbage. After that, you had only one way to go - down. And on top of THAT you continued to dig your hole ever deeper and deeper!!

You're getting off topic. The name of the thread is Classic UFO Sightings. That means it's perfectly acceptable to talk about UFO related conversation including UFO propulsion.

On the subject of UFO propulsion, this is how I think they do it...
Although Mazulu often talks like he is absolutely sure the gravity beam will work, sometimes he seems much less sure. It is the same with his story of the space aliens. Sometimes he says the idea came from a telepathic message from the space aliens, and other times he will say that he just thought why would not gravitational frequency shifting of photons work in reverse. Those two explanations seem to be inconsistent. Inconsistent everywhere except inside Mazulu's brain. I am sure he has rationalized it to himself in a very nuanced way.

The aliens didn't explain it the way you or I would explain something in words. They raised my consciousness so that I could see the larger picture. Certain points were emphasized. Light (photons/electromagnetic energy) were emphasized as being foundational. Foundation meaning that light/photons/electromagnetic radiation are closest to the ontological fabric of space-time. There are clues of this. The famous equation E=mc^2 tells you that mass is made of energy. Energy can't be expressed without a medium. If the medium is empty of matter, then the energy is expressed as electromagnetic radiation. When this aether medium "kinks" into something localized (like a standard model particle), the energy is contained in the mass. In particle-antiparticle annihilation, the kinks cancel each other out, and the energy escapes into the aether medium as light (gamma rays).

In the case of gravity (caused by the stress-energy tensor), the + energy of the planet/star/black hole is trying to annihilate with the negative energy of gravity. But they are fundamentally different now and cannot cancel out. So the curvature of gravity (caused by the negative energy component) "sits" under the +energy of the planet/start/, and we have Newtonian gravity, and the stress energy part of the Einstein equations. But all of this occurs in an aether medium made of waves. We can see these waves in the Casimir effect and other experiments.

Without using the stress-energy tensor, there is a way to induce a gravity field. I'll explain that...
The aliens didn't explain it the way you or I would explain something in words. They raised my consciousness so that I could see the larger picture.

Higher consciousness? The effect must have been very short lived. Perhaps when the aliens pulled the probe out of your orifice it faded immediately.

Certain points were emphasized. Light (photons/electromagnetic energy) were emphasized as being foundational. Foundation meaning that light/photons/electromagnetic radiation are closest to the ontological fabric of space-time. There are clues of this. The famous equation E=mc^2 tells you that mass is made of energy. Energy can't be expressed without a medium. If the medium is empty of matter, then the energy is expressed as electromagnetic radiation. When this aether medium "kinks" into something localized (like a standard model particle), the energy is contained in the mass. In particle-antiparticle annihilation, the kinks cancel each other out, and the energy escapes into the aether medium as light (gamma rays).

In the case of gravity (caused by the stress-energy tensor), the + energy of the planet/star/black hole is trying to annihilate with the negative energy of gravity.

Gravity is not energy, it is a force. You do understand the difference don't you? High school physics. Force is measured in Newtons and Energy in Joules. I know you like this Zero Energy Universe idea. That zero energy can split into positive and negative energy. I understand why it appeals to you. It is like magic and you like magic.

But they are fundamentally different now and cannot cancel out. So the curvature of gravity (caused by the negative energy component) "sits" under the +energy of the planet/start/, and we have Newtonian gravity, and the stress energy part of the Einstein equations. But all of this occurs in an aether medium made of waves. We can see these waves in the Casimir effect and other experiments.

Without using the stress-energy tensor, there is a way to induce a gravity field. I'll explain that...

I like how you slip in the word medium as if by saying it over and over everybody will just believe it.
Higher consciousness? The effect must have been very short lived. Perhaps when the aliens pulled the probe out of your orifice it faded immediately.
Ha ha ha!
Gravity is not energy, it is a force.
The gradient of the potential energy is a force: $$\vec F = -\frac{\partial U}{\partial x}\hat x$$.

You brought up an interesting point. Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object has by virtue of being in a gravitational field.

The aether medium, which I maintain really does exist, balances the +E energy content of the planet/star/blackhole with the -E or negative potential energy of gravity. It's about energy conservation. Between the energy content of a planet/star/etc and the negative energy of its gravity field, together, they would add to zero if they were the same thing. But curvature of space-time can never annihilate with the energy that causes it, because the two are not compatible for the annihilation process.
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Ha ha ha!

The gradient of the potential energy is a force: $$\vec F = -\frac{\partial U}{\partial x}$$.

You brought up an interesting point. Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object has by virtue of being in a gravitational field.

The aether medium, which I maintain really does exist, balances the +E energy content of the planet/star/blackhole with the -E or negative potential energy of gravity. It's about energy conservation. Between the energy content of a planet/star/etc and the negative energy of its gravity field, together, they would add to zero if they were the same thing. But curvature of space-time can never annihilate with the energy that causes it, because the two are not compatible for the annihilation process.

Typical Mazulu nonsense.
I've been thinking about you, with respect to the aliens. It's been a while since I've gotten anything from them. They answered some of my questions. Yes, they move cargo and personell with their spaceships. Why don't we ever see them? There have been encounters with aliens and spaceships. These beings can manipulate space-time (ours and others) in ways that we cannot envision. Earth is in the navigational network. But they don't travel through our space-time.

So why don't they just land and introduce themselves? Answer: we're not culturally ready. We don't have any kind of frame of reference in common. They are vastly superior to us technologically. They can manipulate space(-time); not just ours, but other coexisting space-times. Gravity manipulation. In the quest to overcome entropy, they have discovered technologies that would be bizarre and strange to us. They can alter human perception... I think you get the idea.

Humans can't even understand where the laws of physics come from. Manipulating them is thousands of years beyond us; stuff they've mastered ages ago.

Anyway Cheezle, they send you a warm "Hello".
I've been thinking about you, with respect to the aliens. It's been a while since I've gotten anything from them. They answered some of my questions. Yes, they move cargo and personell with their spaceships. Why don't we ever see them? There have been encounters with aliens and spaceships. These beings can manipulate space-time (ours and others) in ways that we cannot envision. Earth is in the navigational network. But they don't travel through our space-time.

So why don't they just land and introduce themselves? Answer: we're not culturally ready. We don't have any kind of frame of reference in common. They are vastly superior to us technologically. They can manipulate space(-time); not just ours, but other coexisting space-times. Gravity manipulation. In the quest to overcome entropy, they have discovered technologies that would be bizarre and strange to us. They can alter human perception... I think you get the idea.

Humans can't even understand where the laws of physics come from. Manipulating them is thousands of years beyond us; stuff they've mastered ages ago.

Anyway Cheezle, they send you a warm "Hello".

The aliens that talk to me say that they often make fun of the aliens that talk to you. And that the ones that talk to you are mentally ill and delusional. That they sit in boxes that their toys come in and think they are in space ships. And that they are so fat that they warp everything they walk on, including space time. And that it is just a funny joke that they say that but the fat crazy bastards actually believe it.

But the aliens that talk to me tell me they do love you,though, showing all your patience and good humor towards their fat crazy bastard lampshade cousin. And they feel bad that you are being manipulated in such a way. They are trying to bring legal action against the one that talks to you. And yeah, it's only one. He has multiple personality disorder. So they are sorry for the disruption and are glad to hear he hasn't been bother you for a while.
I've been thinking about you, with respect to the aliens. It's been a while since I've gotten anything from them. They answered some of my questions. Yes, they move cargo and personell with their spaceships. Why don't we ever see them? There have been encounters with aliens and spaceships. These beings can manipulate space-time (ours and others) in ways that we cannot envision. Earth is in the navigational network. But they don't travel through our space-time.

So why don't they just land and introduce themselves? Answer: we're not culturally ready. We don't have any kind of frame of reference in common. They are vastly superior to us technologically. They can manipulate space(-time); not just ours, but other coexisting space-times. Gravity manipulation. In the quest to overcome entropy, they have discovered technologies that would be bizarre and strange to us. They can alter human perception... I think you get the idea.

Humans can't even understand where the laws of physics come from. Manipulating them is thousands of years beyond us; stuff they've mastered ages ago.

Anyway Cheezle, they send you a warm "Hello".

See what I mean, folks? Even after I carefully explained to him WHY we all think of him as a big joke and a idiot he comes back and posts THIS!!! He's not even bright enough to realize that he's his own worst enemy.

And he's actually foolish enough to think we'd take him seriously - WOW!!!
See what I mean, folks?
And he's actually foolish enough to think we'd take him seriously - WOW!!!

I had a similar thought. That one was mind boggling. I dunno, but if I actually believed aliens were telling me universe secrets... I wouldn't tell anyone.

Except my therapist.