Classic UFO Sightings.

Yes, I know a thing or two about warp drives and how they're used by space-alien space-ships

Is there some limit to the amount of insanity allowed on this forum?
Is there some limit to the amount of insanity allowed on this forum?

I'm not insane. I work. I pay taxes. I pay property taxes and I have a mortgage. I mostly get along with my inlaws. I'm the most normal person here. :wave:
Who's Mazulu?

Yes, I know a thing or two about warp drives and how they're used by space-alien space-ships. Sorry though, no traveling back and forth in time (it creates nasty little paradoxes AND multiple universe). You can get away with a very small and reasonable violation of conservation of energy (if you understand alien technology). But you can't photocopy entire universes. Nor can you move every particle to a specific position/momentum, simultaneously, to reproduce a time in the past.

Oktober; Mazulu.
Mazulu; Oktober.


Mazulu said: "But you can't photocopy entire universes. Nor can you move every particle to a specific position/momentum, simultaneously, to reproduce a time in the past." This is absolutely true and very well put.
I'm not insane. I work. I pay taxes. I pay property taxes and I have a mortgage. I mostly get along with my inlaws. I'm the most normal person here. :wave:

Have you told your inlaws that you are making a gravity beam device based on designs telepathically transmitted to you from space aliens or etherial spirits or god. It seems unlikely they would consider your sane if you told them about that. Maybe you are hiding your insanity from them.
Oktober; Mazulu.
Mazulu; Oktober.
Mazulu said: "But you can't photocopy entire universes. Nor can you move every particle to a specific position/momentum, simultaneously, to reproduce a time in the past." This is absolutely true and very well put.
Hi Oktober! I love you're avatar!
Have you told your inlaws that you are making a gravity beam device based on designs telepathically transmitted to you from space aliens or etherial spirits or god. It seems unlikely they would consider your sane if you told them about that. Maybe you are hiding your insanity from them.
I told them. I told some friends at work. Nobody minds in the least. You see, as long as I carry on with my responsibilities, and I'm not planning to do anyone in, nobody cares. It's really just a a need to be unique. After all, how many people do you know who can channel warp drive technology from space aliens?

Too bad you can't appreciate all of the careful reasoning that went into coming up with a method to curve space-time (beyond the stress-energy tensor). But the information is out there. Sooner or later, someone is going to arrive at the same conclusion I did.
A society without Mountain Scholars is like a society without knowledge, in that they bravely illustrate what we are most afraid of, what we all know deep down in our hearts, that aliens has walked amongst us in the past, will walk with us in the future and occasionally in the past future and future past depending on the negative energy contained at past-present NOW. Mountain Scholars have psychically contextualized this knowledge in future historical documents that our progeny will impart to us by traveling back through the vortex of Space-Time at great risk to themselves and the very fabric of this Universe
More likely they posted this information/technology on a physics forum. They were laughed at and ridiculed. The same information will be rediscovered in about 150 years and will be considered insightful and brilliant.
A society without Mountain Scholars is like a society without knowledge, in that they bravely illustrate what we are most afraid of, what we all know deep down in our hearts, that aliens has walked amongst us in the past, will walk with us in the future and occasionally in the past future and future past depending on the negative energy contained at past-present NOW. Mountain Scholars have psychically contextualized this knowledge in future historical documents that our progeny will impart to us by traveling back through the vortex of Space-Time at great risk to themselves and the very fabric of this Universe

When one is faced with people of today a central theme emerges - Mountain Scholars are either adored or despised, their presence however, be it in the highest reaches of the Himalayas, the Alps or even the Andes, leaves no one undecided nor uncertain. Society is powered by peer pressure, one of the fundamental and most powerful and forces in the world. As long as peer pressure uses its power for good by harnessing the positive energy in the Earth's core, Mountain Scholars will always have a pre-eminent place in society.

I hope that helps you to emerge from that shroud of ignorance out into the light

Oh, no!!! Another one! We're *surrounded* by idiots and deluded people!

They used to be rather silent and easily ignored - but with today's technology they're able to spread their GARBAGE across the face of the entire Earth!! Egad!
More likely they posted this information/technology on a physics forum. They were laughed at and ridiculed. The same information will be rediscovered in about 150 years and will be considered insightful and brilliant.

Nope. By that time, hopefully we will have managed to remove the "idiot gene" from the pool.
Idiocy is a point of view. From my perspective, you're an idiot. :D

Wrong again, Batman! Idiocy is easily identifiable as a definite thing because those so afflicted babble NONSENSE as opposed to those like me who enjoy REAL science. And your personal form of idiocy has been recognized and pointed out by many, MANY sane people right here.
Wrong again, Batman! Idiocy is easily identifiable as a definite thing because those so afflicted babble NONSENSE as opposed to those like me who enjoy REAL science. And your personal form of idiocy has been recognized and pointed out by many, MANY sane people right here.
We should take a vote. Who thinks Read-Only is an idiot?

I do. That's one vote.
The aliens do not come to visit us. The aliens live here. Hidden in another dimension which we cannot see. But there are people called "observers", who see your body energy.

They are already here.
We should take a vote. Who thinks Read-Only is an idiot?

I do. That's one vote.

HA! Good luck with that!

Here's yet another proof of your insanity: You claim the alien told you about affecting gravity, etc. with your silly flashing lights. And your whole delusion falls apart right there - if they/he told you that, they/he would also have been smart enough to tell you HOW to build such a device.

So it's VERY clear who the idiot is here and who is perfectly sane.
The 'idiot' argument here is a bit much.

The proper word is "deluded."

I, for one, do not believe Read Only is an idiot. I also do not believe that Mazulu is an idiot. Even if they were idiots, it would be irrelevant. It's the internet.
Mazulu may as well have stuck his tongue out at ReadOnly. It's all ad homs and opinion.

If you want to settle the issue- the most efficient and most effective way is to provide evidence for each of your claims. Let that merit be the basis of deciding. Not a vote, which won't go over well (Fallacy of appealing to the masses).
The 'idiot' argument here is a bit much.

The proper word is "deluded."

I, for one, do not believe Read Only is an idiot. I also do not believe that Mazulu is an idiot. Even if they were idiots, it would be irrelevant. It's the internet.
Mazulu may as well have stuck his tongue out at ReadOnly. It's all ad homs and opinion.

If you want to settle the issue- the most efficient and most effective way is to provide evidence for each of your claims. Let that merit be the basis of deciding. Not a vote, which won't go over well (Fallacy of appealing to the masses).

There isn't any issue to BE settled. ;) It's a foregone conclusion that he IS deluded and an idiot as well. Just how many non-idiots have you come across that claim they have discussions with an alien, eh? ;)

And if wants to provide EVIDENCE of his claims, I'm all for it!!
There isn't any issue to BE settled. ;) It's a foregone conclusion that he IS deluded and an idiot as well. Just how many non-idiots have you come across that claim they have discussions with an alien, eh? ;) And if wants to provide EVIDENCE of his claims, I'm all for it!!
Between the two of us, I am the only one who has an idea for building a gravity drive. Since you don't, that makes you the idiot.:blbl:
Between the two of us, I am the only one who has an idea for building a gravity drive. Since you don't, that makes you the idiot.:blbl:

Nope, again - that just PROVES you're deluded, that's all. "Obsessed" is another word that fits your mental state quite accurately.