Chromosome challenge from Creationuts

I don't think the De Beers are as bad as the governments further north which used diamonds to fund wars. Which involved sending soldiers into villages to hack people's limbs off to 'pacify' them.

What does this have to do with creationism, anyway?
It's Einstuck's way of avoiding the issue. The more we progress the more bizarre and contradictory his claims become. I'm juts working at drawing out all of his nonsense. I don't think we've seen the best yet.

But some of us do. With Hiroshima as an eternal example,
it seems pretty clear that we cannot trust scientists to do the right thing with technology.
You have confused scientists for politicans.

The right thing during and after the 2nd World War would have been for all the scientists to form an international conspiracy and prevent atomic weapons from ever being made, keeping the true science and technology far away from military and political strategists.
Clearly they weren't politicans then.

No. That's what they SAID they did. There was no independant investigative body policing them, and there still isn't.
The wonderful thing about science is that its theories and its experimental methods are open to everyone. Everyone is entirely free to conduct the experiments for themselves and of course find them false if they can. Such freedom doesn’t need policing. Of course one can't do the same with religions - they have no experimental evidence at all.

They could just have easily have searched the evidence for patterns, then invented the theory to explain them, then pretend to 'discover' the patterns.
But did they? Making wild accusations doesn’t indicate any truth to them. Have the experiments been reproduced elsewhere and how many times? Have the results been verified and repeated?

The only "intellectual dishonesty" going on here, has been the hysterical attack against Christianity over the last hundred years in the name of 'science'.
Why is it intellectually dishonest for a rational paradigm to attack an irrational paradigm? And are you sure who is being hysterical here?

A scientific theory *would* be strengthened if this was how scientific 'advancement' was actually accomplished in the real world. However it is now obvious that scientists are as corrupt a bunch of liars as politicians and every other 'professional' body of criminals.
Do you have any evidence of widespread corrupt scientists, or is this just wishful thinking on your part?

.. scientists act like religious bigots, persecuting and excommunicating all who refuse to worship the status quo: satan.
Hardly, most scientists are atheists. Satan is one of the Christian gods you realize.
Einstuck said:
No. That's what they SAID they did. There was no independant investigative body policing them, and there still isn't. They could just have easily have searched the evidence for patterns, then invented the theory to explain them, then pretend to 'discover' the patterns.

99% of genetic research is now conducted behind the closed doors of international drug companies and corporations with a vested interest in the 'management' of illness, disease, and reproduction (along ethnic lines...), and military applications.

The only "intellectual dishonesty" going on here, has been the hysterical attack against Christianity over the last hundred years in the name of 'science'.

A scientific theory *would* be strengthened if this was how scientific 'advancement' was actually accomplished in the real world. However it is now obvious that scientists are as corrupt a bunch of liars as politicians and every other 'professional' body of criminals.

Science actually 'progresses' along a far different and more sinister model: there are paradigm shifts that occur somewhat like the 'fight or flight' instabilities in lower animals. In between such paradigm shifts, which can only be adequately modelled by Catastrophe Theory, scientists act like religious bigots, persecuting and excommunicating all who refuse to worship the status quo: satan.
Aint that funny, how all the new drugs, all the new effective treatments for illness, all the medical and scientific advances are made by those low-down, lying evolutionists - and they all dad-blamed work too, more evidence of their despicable treachery. I reckon the Bible scientists are saving up a mighty big cure for whatever ails a feller - they'll be a-releasin' it when it suits them, not some 'oh, I'm so sick' egghead.