
Come off it people. Just because I have a religion and believe in God does not make all my views biased, all my arguments invalid, and all my ideas narrow-minded.

The Silmarillion was written by one Christian. The Bible was written by a lot more, and with a lot more historical background. Where do you think Tolkien and CS Lewis got their mythology and inspiration from? Homer's Oddysey or Virgil's Aenid? Justemig, finding the Silmarillion more coherent than the Bible, says more about you than about the books.

Sure, Turduckin and I are Christian, but we aren't Muslim as well. The religions might look (a little) similar on the surface, but as you so nicely pointed out Vienna, Allah cannot be the same God that loves all his creation equally. Wonderful logic: No God=all religions are equally misguided=all religions are equal=Islam=Christianity. Yeah.

PS. If God could create us, He could have created other life as well. What concerns us is our own deprivation and salvation. Aren't angels also extra-terrestial life? If life is discovered on some other planet, it will provide further proof that what we know cannot possibly be complete.

BTW Jenyar, don't play down the crusades, they were evil. Don't you dare glorify or condone them.
Thanks Vienna. I was just about to say that all wars are evil, except the crusades. :bugeye:

"Oh surprise surprise, I’ve just heard on the news that Islamic suicide bombers are to hit the UK soon. "
Vienna, don't play down terrorism, it is evil. Don't you dare glorify or condone it. :m:
Originally posted by Jenyar
Sure, Turduckin and I are Christian, but we aren't Muslim as well. The religions might look (a little) similar on the surface, but as you so nicely pointed out Vienna, Allah cannot be the same God that loves all his creation equally. Wonderful logic: No God=all religions are equally misguided=all religions are equal=Islam=Christianity. Yeah.

What on earth are you barbling on about?????????

Religion is a burden to mankind......period.

Originally posted by Jenyar
"Oh surprise surprise, I’ve just heard on the news that Islamic suicide bombers are to hit the UK soon. "
Vienna, don't play down terrorism, it is evil. Don't you dare glorify or condone it. :m:

I was being sarcastic, asswipe.

You remind me of the Christians I used to worship with, y'know the "Holier than thou", and the "I'm ever so righteous" type.

You worship something you can't see, can't smell, can't touch, and ultimately, can't prove exists. I left christianity whilst I had some sanity left, shame you left it too late.
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Originally posted by jusmeig
Vienna, your views are remarkably short sighted. Of course Christianity and Islam will join together. This will occur when we find life on another planet.

Gosh, you are right, I am so short sighted that I didn't see this. President Bush will convert to Islam, and we will all live happily ever after on the planet Zod.

This is very sad indeed. If this is the result of religion I think you believers should question your faith in a serious way!!!!

You are right again, religion should be questioned.
Originally posted by jusmeig

The situation in Northern is a little more complicated theat a simple Catholic Vs Protestant dispute. There is 700 years of history behind the Northern Ireland conflict. Basically it started with an English invasion of Pagan Ireland hundreds of years b4. The sectarian problems are only rampant as the enemy, in this case the british invaders happened to be members of a different religion. It is not fair to use this example as a justification for religions causing wars. The war in northern Ireland was and still is a war of independance.


I would love to give Northern Ireland independence, I'm all for it.

But do you honestly believe if N.I. gained independence, that the hatred between catholics and protestants will it wouldn't.
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Originally posted by Vienna
I would love to give Northern Ireland independence, I'm all for it.

But do you honestly believe if N.I. gained independence, that the hatred between catholics and protestants will it wouldn't.
not really, it is religion after all...that was my point
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
not really, it is religion after all...that was my point

Hello spuriosmonkey,

You are correct. It is so hypocritical when the religious nuts preach that their faith is all about love and peace, and then they kill each other.

Originally posted by Vienna
Hello spuriosmonkey,

You are correct. It is so hypocritical when the religious nuts preach that their faith is all about love and peace, and then they kill each other.


i don't think that christianity is entirely about love and peace...otherwise the bible would be totally about love and peace. Religion breeds hatred because of its nature. It claims to hold the truth and there can only be one truth. This positions can breed boundaries in a society (although not always! But does it really matter that sometimes it actually goes ok).

I am Irish. I do not hate protestants. I have lived and worked protestants for most of my life. I was baptised a catholic but have since declared myself agnostic.

If you want to believe that the hatred in NI is based on religion then so be it, but you are completely incorrect. The sectarian motive is only a front for the political motive which is: Protestants want the British in power, Catholics was the Irish Republic in power. Remove religion from the equation and the fighting will still continue, all religion does in the case of Northern Ireland is give non Irish, like you, a way of putting people into a category. Do not pass judgement on a conflict you have not expierenced first hand. You do not see me commenting on Israel etc.....

And no I will not be leaving for the planet Zod anytime soon, nor will I be departing for heaven and hell. Vienna, in the eyes of Islam I am going to hell. In the eyes of Christianity I am going to hell. How can a follower of any religion have a constructive conversation with me if I go againist everything they believe in. I do not do wrong, and I live my life the best I can......but I am doomed according to most religions? If you believe in religion you CANNOT speak objectivly, as if you were speaking objectivly you would not believe to begin!! Do not attack me, I'm just different to you.

Originally posted by jusmeig

If you want to believe that the hatred in NI is based on religion then so be it, but you are completely incorrect.

Protestants want the British in power,

Catholics was the Irish Republic in power.

And it's nothing to do with religion........right.

Answer me one question......what do the atheists in N.I. want?
Vienna, The atheists in northern Ireland have varing political views, as do the agnostics like me. I would like to see a united Ireland, but I understand this is very difficult as a large majority of the population of NI would not have it so. However the trouble in NI can be traced back as far as the first Norman invaders from England, therefore ruling out the old religion coin.

And for your imformation. I would not try and argue about NI with somebody from NI. The reason is simple. I do not have a clue what is happening really...and I am Irish. So for you to be commenting on it is very abusive indeed. It is a very complicated afffair.....that nobody can make idle comments about at the drop of a hat.
Originally posted by jusmeig

And for your imformation.

I would not try and argue about NI with somebody from NI. The reason is simple. I do not have a clue what is happening really...and I am Irish. So for you to be commenting on it is very abusive indeed. It is a very complicated afffair.....that nobody can make idle comments about at the drop of a hat.

And for your information.

I am entitled to my opinions and my thoughts, if you don't like them, then tough.
Sorry Vienna, I did not mean to offend you. I know you are entitled to your opinions and thoughts. I am simply saying that the problems in Northern Ireland are viewed totally different by people who live outside of Ireland.

When I view the problems in Palestine I can simply sum it up by saying "gOd them Jews are always fighting the muslims". This however is incorrect and highly abusive to people from that area, perople who live and breath the troubles every day.

I did not mention NI in my post, nor did I wish to bring it up at all. But the context in which it was refered to (as being a classic example of catholic vs protestant), does not paint it in the best light. There are almost 800 years of opression, with no religious significance, behind the NI saga.

