Christians: Your Thoughts

While that is true how does making rude comments aid your argument? They just get more attention. We aid sometimes in hurting Christianity, for example, every sin we commit.

I could have just started ringing off four letter words left and right in response to him telling me to put my head up my ass.

I simply provided counterpoints with some sass. These atheists HATE being patronized. I'm sure that if he realized I was so young he'd freak out. the angrier they get the more confused and redundant their preachings. So I tried to back him into a hole. I really don't think I stepped out of line.
I could have just started ringing off four letter words left and right in response to him telling me to put my head up my ass.

I simply provided counterpoints with some sass. These atheists HATE being patronized. I'm sure that if he realized I was so young he'd freak out. the angrier they get the more confused and redundant their preachings. So I tried to back him into a hole. I really don't think I stepped out of line.

That is your call. If you feel that way then that is all you. By the way you are not the only young one. Really though you can learn a whole lot here. Not teaching you just making a statement.

Thank you,
His son,
Not the only but probably the youngest.

I have learned a lot here. I used to hate muslims in general with every fiber in my body. But there were two people here whos defence of Muslims I lapped up like water until I realized there is two sides to every arguement.
Relax. Allow yourself to believe. Conformity is sexy. Decision making can be so taxing. Why not let us express your feelings? Everything has been designed for your comfort and convenience. World events are so complicated, take it easy, you can have it all. Revel in useless information.
Polemics get no-one anywhere and certainly not fast....engage in the dialect, respect the antithesis for what is is...a mirror to our own fulfilment.
Christianity was a cult chosen (from many) by Rome to spread around was appealed to middle-class housewives and the young idealist...
...ring any bells?
I'm sure that if he realized I was so young he'd freak out.
Being young is no reason to be disrespectful. I've been on a lot of forums in the past few years, and for some reason everytime I got into an argument with the neo-nazis, my age was somehow part of the argument. Be happy that sciforums isn't like that. Just how young are you by the way?
Christianity was a cult chosen (from many) by Rome to spread around empire... it was spin... it appealed to middle-class housewives and the young idealist...
...ring any bells?

M*W: What do you think about the theory that the NT may have been written by certain influential Roman citizens as a parody on Jesus?
That's the most bizarre idea you've had yet, I think you should write a book about it, I know there's a crowd out there who would love to read it!

M*W: Unfortunately, it's not my own idea. Other scholars have already written about it:

Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus, by Joseph Atwill, Ulysses Press, 2005.

Jesus Was Caesar: On the Julian Origin of Christianity: An Investigative Report, Francesco Carotta, Aspekt, 2005.
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I assume you've read up on this then and that you are prepared to engage in a critique of the salient points?
No, there doesn't seem to be a tidal wave of interest by historians in the hypothesis that Jesus was Julius Caesar, are you saying Julius Caesar was actually the first Pope, or something?