Christians vs Atheists

Which shall you support?

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The long awaited Christians vs. Atheists thread.

The Christians wish to spread the word of the true savior, Jesus.

The Atheists wish to put a stop to religion all together by censoring anything that has religious implications in the public arena.

So here is your chance to join the ranks.
Hopefully this survey will be good insight on the religious beliefs of the scipopulous.
Atheists want to do what now? Golly, I must have missed the news letter.
I cannot vote in your poll for many reasons. As has been stated many times on this forum, atheism isn't a religion.
as an atheist I honestly dont give a damn what anyone believes as long as they dont force their( imo) stupid primitive ideas on those who think differently.
the world would obviously be better off without superstitious/religious beliefs that are basicaly just trying to keep people from advancing and improving mentaly.
you want to stay stupid,be my guest just keep the stuff like ID bible creation out of public schools and dont try to present it as "science"b/c it aint!
Well we know one thing for sure.
Atheists are by far the most forceful of their beliefs compared to other religions.

Of course, most all religions try to promote their beliefs in the schools and such, but they aren?t nearly as bad as the atheists.

The atheists flood young minds with their atheistic beliefs like there's no tomorrow. Their beliefs that religion doesn't belong in the public domain is how they brainwash others into believing that all other religions are false. This is the reason why there are so many atheists running around these days. The bias of the atheist beliefs that no religion should be taught in the schools is the main method they use to promote their religion. Although some may say it isn't a religion.

There is no truly non-denominational school that allows teachers to promote whichever religion they wish to promote. The atheists wish more than anything that their belief in no religion should be spread by eliminating the teaching of religion from the public domain.

There is no religious belief taught more in the public domain than the atheist belief that no belief should be taught in the public domain. Amazing.
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The best part about being a theist is that you don't need facts on your side, just primitive superstition and fear. Thanks for that cool skill.
Cool skill, the truth is taught in schools. Its simply what is known.
If this contradicts your religious beliefs thats your problem, maybe you have a phony religion?
luuk said:
Jesus rules (literally), nobody sucks because he loves them all

By cool skill:
They label me Crusader for the Crusades, but I prefer Christian Terrorist for Christian Terrorism.

Nine hundred years ago, the Dark Ages ended. Soon, the 'Christian Terrorism' began. Western Europe turned it's eyes toward the Holy Land, and moved to take it from the Saracens.
Atheists don't have an agenda, because it is not an organized group of people. They are individuals who happen not to believe in the supernatural.
"The truth is taught in schools"
I can't stop laughing.
cool skill said:
"The truth is taught in schools"
I can't stop laughing.

I think he meant the non-US schools. I think you are allowed to teach just about anything in the US, even creationism in biology class.
True they are not as organized as most religions. They do however have their organizations. They don't just happen to not believe in religion. It's a conclusion they came to from the information they were given. Needless to say, they have their methods of forcing their points on others.
spuriousmonkey said:
I think he meant the non-US schools. I think you are allowed to teach just about anything in the US, even creationism in biology class.
Who knows.
Sorry doc, I'd love to know where these schools are that teach the truth. Talk about phony beliefs and mysticism.
cool skill said:
Who knows.
Sorry doc, I'd love to know where these schools are that teach the truth. Talk about phony beliefs and mysticism.

My schooling was ok.

Kindergarten - can't remember

Elementary school - Thomas More school (Tilburg - Netherlands)

Pre-university school - St Paulus Lyceum (Tilburg - Netherlands)

University - Utrecht University (Utrecht - Netherlands)
I did give examples, monkey.
The atheists promote their religious belief more than other religions.
Especially their belief that religion shouldn't be in the public.
Haven't you ever bumped into an atheists that starts yelling and pulling their hair out everytime they see people holding hands and praying together in a public park?

Normal religions promote their religion by promoting their religion.
Atheists on the other hand promote their religion by stopping others from promoting their religion.
cool skill said:
Haven't you ever bumped into an atheists that starts yelling and pulling their hair out everytime they see people holding hands and praying together in a public park?

People don't pray in public here.
Well try it and see what happens.
Get a job as a school teacher, and lead your students in a morning praise of Jesus.
That will sure rattle the atheists nerves.
It's funny how no other non-Christian religion would get as rattled by a teacher leading students in prayer to Jesus.