christians v. the rest-come in and get ya ass kicked

Re: fee cycle

Originally posted by firingseeds

the basics in education were laid down for me as a kid growing up; what more do u need- the system to think for u? (because that's all it's doing). the bible is an education itself. u should try it, sometime.
i havn't even covered meself in this post. there's heaps of holes in it, u could fire a cannon thru. but, what the hell- live a little!
and u still won't learn anything, will u?

Perhaps you were educated before you had a proper grasp on the world. The system to think for me? How about a book to define morality? The admonishment that i am sinful? That sounds more like "the system thinking for me" than independent thought.
Re: free cycle

Originally posted by firingseeds
u are probably much too young and inexperienced, anyway, to understand much; and also u may not have the strength of character.

How can you assess anyone's strenght of character from behind a computer screen? And i hope you do not make that assumption based on my opposing view to yours. That narrowminded idea leads to bigotry and elitism.
free cycle

did i once say u were sinful? i'm more concerned with your brain. u seem to spend time on my education, rather than just accept i know what i'm talking about. my assumption is if u can't acknowledge god u are basically spoon- fed world fodder. the world will chew u up and spit ya out, but god, when u receive him, will never, ever, let u go.
one thing i mean't to say was, i didn't mean to be so hard on you, and i think u have handled that well. good on ya.
have a good one
the rest arn't so hot are they? theres no god, god doesn't exist, he's not real- he's real, alright, and every knee will bend.
"Spoon fed." In my opinion it seems that the only spoon feeding here is done with a large healthy dose of faith, and that my aversion to accepting your lord (a fuedal term) is in fact a rejection of what i ought to do.
free cycle

there is a lord on earth, actually, the lord of death. without jesus we are all subservient to him. so, as u kinda' stated, to deny your creator, is- on a large part- a denial of yourself.
if u really thought about it, u would see that we may be no better than ants; what's one ant over another?
If we are no better than ants and truly peons in existence, then pray tell why does god spend so much time trying to make us right?
hi, free cycle,
if u think about it we really are like peons- there's been millions and millions of people? anyway, i couldn't give a better answer than the bible.
john 3: 16
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish,
but have everlasting life.
pretty deep, if u think about it.

john 3:17
for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world thru him might be saved.
Yes, we are worthless peons, unconcerned and unimportant. I don't see any reason why god would love us, i know that supposedly he does. We "sin" all the time, ignore him, kill his son, but he still hopes that we like him? It seems so impractical. Picture a man just waiting for you to aknowledge him so he can give you a gift, is that realisitic? And do you really desire eternal life?
i don't think u realize the significance of what god offers, and that is why god offers it, because man is so dark, or lacking in depth. even jesus on the cross said, forgive them father, coz they know not what they do. u must come to realize that god is kinda much higher than what we are- comparing an adult to a baby wouldn't even come close. havn't u yourself tasted compassion for someone less fortunate than yourself? and remember, we are made in his image.
as for eternity and stuff, i'm kinda' past worrying about it. and yes, it's the greatest gift one could be given. and, by the way, i actually love god, more than i value my own life. these things are just superficial to u, but that's probably only becoz god's not that relevant in your life; and u havn't tasted the joy of his glory- which would be like trying to explain the taste of sugar to someone who has never tasted it- or trying to explain the colour yellow to a blindman who has never seen.
As worthless as humans seem, it is impossible to deny that we are central in christianity and in god's supposed life. He spends all of his time on us, therefore he and his life are controlled by us. I understand that he is awesome, all powerfull, etc ,etc. None of that explains why he would waste all of his time and emotions on us, compassion is a human feeling. And is you ignore your eternal life, aren't you ignoring the purpose of christianity?
compassion a human feeling? god had compassion on us. everlasting life- hell, that took me years to even think about. i don't like to see too far past my nose. also, GOD TEACHES us not to boast about tomorrow, for who knows what tomorrow may bring. nor is hope a bad thing, i mean, hope is better than no hope. u been around people dying much? there's probably a much different reality to the one u may be living. young people have an indestructible attitude to life and it's only circumstance that drives home the reality.
if u love god u give your life to him; if u don't? well, life goes on. there is much wisdom in the words of god, and it really is a bit more advanced than wordly concepts.
there is a saying in the bible that an unrighteous man, tho he walk in the land of uprightness, will not uphold the majesty of the lord. there is only one god, and man is not god. nor does acceptance of god lead to instant happiness, but eventually, trust does.
I understand what god is told to give, i simply maintain that it is a subjective experience caused by a whole host of factors. What was the most desireable thing of olden times? I would assume that a prolonged life (in the face of early mortality) would be very high on the list. Thus, the original purpose of christianity has now been eclipsed by its provision of meaning, not meaning through eternal life. Remember, you shall live forever with god.
i'm not much of a theologist, free cycle, and most of what i've glimpsed is crap, anyway- for me, that is- maybe others derive great things from theology? the nuts and bolts of the matter is that i'm past caring or worrying about sin, pitfalls of living etc. i know i'm committed to god and he to me, so, how to express the joy of the lord to doubters? very hard, tho i still think reason can overcome, or lay down basics for the future. ya see, free cycle, i'm past all the fear sort of stuff, and the doubting, but there's still very few people i trust. but, u know, i find a great many gracious people in the community about me, and those things and people i value highly. maybe we just don't know who we entertain, sometimes?
just remember, jesus be the judge and not any other kind of judge at all. i don't really follow what christianity says or doesn't say- i just accept people as they present themselves. in the end, u can't really be anybody but yourself.
i liked what u said about provision of meaning, i will have to think about that.
Originally posted by firingseeds
so, how to express the joy of the lord to doubters?

*creeps in quietly*

*whispers to the camera (imagine an australian accent)*

Here we see the religious fanatic in his natural brain state. This delusion, or bending of mind to fit retarded assumptions yields a powerful euphoric effect that in fact re-enforces itself. Mother nature is a twisted whore for allowing such a condition to permeate the human mind, but it really comes down to the choices given the individual. Regardless as you can see our specimen here is basically mad due to the delusionary effects of his riduculous assumptions. Fascinating!

*lets camera roll for a couple of minutes*

*creeps away*
aussies always go on about new zealand and sheep jokes. here's an international one i heard: AUSSIE where the men are men, and the sheep are nervous:D that's why they give them lots of land, so's the sheep can run away:D
and there is only one wesmorris ;)
Originally posted by firingseeds
that's why they give them lots of land, so's the sheep can run away:D

What if the sheep are horny? *shrug*
Originally posted by firingseeds

and there is only one wesmorris ;)

I'd imagine that's probably a good thing for a lot of reasons. ;)