christians v. the rest-come in and get ya ass kicked


when i am in an enviroment i slowly adapt that enviroment to my conditions, my flavors- in other words to suit myself. when i came to this country, i renamed a bay, and called it after myself. can a gnat do that?
get back to ya.

hi,bless u. nice to see ya.
i now understand the tale about abraham and the man calling for water, but a divide separates them that can't be crossed.
funny thing, tho, i reckon snakelord knows in his heart that jesus is real, but he swears black and white he isn't?
i guess he has his reasons.
in a way, the people who don't know much about god are really the innoccent. amazing, eh?
me personally, would rather the innoccent remained that way, but it is a blessing to know thy creator- and his purpose.
human emotion will fail u, but god's strength will overcome.
free cycle

i'm on to ya now. u EXPECT christians to just fall down and roll over. this is one machine u havn't met before, and not even in the movies.
what do i do in life? i don't don't even make the average wage. why? what do u do? and now u wanna "gargle" with the buddhists. u will accept re-incarnation and can't accept god: that is just stupid. in any religion, why is it u have to be good to get anywhere? quote me the universal LAW of good and bad? and how that relates to salvation? and why it relates to salvation?

buddha can't save anybody. anybody who knows, knows that buddha presents his case to and for a higher force than he. most westeners i call bullshit buddhists, coz' they carry their ego's everywhere with them; and even tho some of them have a name change, underneath it's still good old "buddy."
i suggest u swat a bit harder before u start telling me where to go...and get a real life. america's just one big shakespeare; or havn't u noticed?
when i am in an enviroment i slowly adapt that enviroment to my conditions, my flavors- in other words to suit myself. when i came to this country, i renamed a bay, and called it after myself. can a gnat do that?
get back to ya.

This paragraph, along with all the others you've ever made, is a pile of old worthless tripe and bears no relevance to anything. I wonder why you feel this constant need to waffle complete and utter bollocks. Feel free to continue with such pointless garbage all you like, i will not be responding in future.

snake got married in a registry office and i guess your daughter wasn't christened
u old hypocrite!

Eh? You do like talking out of your ass don't you? Kindly explain how i'm an 'old hypocrite' please. I'm not a christian thus i fail to see why i would get married in a church or have my daughter christened...
- DefSkeptic -

What I spoke, was the good news the Jews were waiting for. It is for all people, first the Jew then the Gentile.

"For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes--Jews first and also Gentiles. " (Romans 1:16)

Would you be equally bothered if one was to hold a scientific principle that was constantly proved wrong, and at the same time they continued to preach it as absolute truth? The bible's inadequacies are not irrelevant, for the bible is essential to the teaching of Christianity.

I agree. The Bible teaches many things, but the Word of God points to redemption, which is through the Lord Jesus Christ. When God created man He created him with a free will. God wants us to trust Him. Without a free will we wouldn't be able to trust him, because we would be unable not to trust him. When man commited sin, he stopped trusting God, instead he believed the Devil who he had never before met. There were two trees in the garden (well more since it was a garden but two central ones...), the Tree of Life and the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Man could have chosen life instead of disobeying God. Instead man sinned and fell away from God. Since then sin has been a problem in all of creation, it drags mankind down, it is a heavy burden on the heart. God's plan for mankind wasn't to sin, it was to trust Him and live abundantly. God still loves mankind however, and therefore He made a plan of salvation, which is through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to God except through him.

Nice try, but this is based on nothing more than unsubstantiated preaching.

This is what the Bible is about.

Jezus Christus Leeft
- SnakeLord -

Do you see the extent at which people can take this apparent 'word of god'? Of course they're no different to anyone else, they just interpret the same words differently and make it suit their own needs.

How do you interpret my previous quotes differently?

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. '" (John 14:6)

Shall we just 'accept' and have 'faith' that god gives his worshippers gold fillings? Can you understand the worthlessness of 'acceptance' and 'faith'?

No. God's worshippers aren't perfect, God is. How is faith worthless if:

"Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked; but the righteous will live by their faith." (Habakkuk 2:4)

"So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law." (Romans 3:28)

Faith saves us.

To you and your priest jesus comes across as being god. To me, if the bible has validity, he comes across as being evil.


It's openly interpretational. The simple fact you just 'accept' your own answer as undeniable truth but try to brush aside any and all questions against it shows anything but credibility.

There are some parts that aren't as clear as others, I will give you that, however God's plan for salvation through Jesus Christ is clear.

Jezus Christus Leeft
Re: increan

Originally posted by firingseeds
so u say jesus is no sort of lord, increan, and i suppose u call me stupid coz' i say he is. may god convict u this day, increan; now u come back and repeat that again. there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Jesus in no kind of lord, there I repeated it now what?
do u know u have to be absolutely stupid not to know jesus, and even sillier to not know that god exists: it's really like trying to talk to babies. y'know, each and every man's biggest problem is trying to come to terms with: is there a god? people find it too incredulous to believe in a virgin birth, yet the world around us is just as amazing; awesome, actually. birds flying, humans, animals, fish whales, trees, flowers, the list is endless. and idiots just wonder, and can't decide. and then they think they have an answer. amazing! somehow it just made itself? how incredibly naive.
Firstly from one of your other posts:

"For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes.." (romans)

This same very thing was said by many when they laid claim to receiving golden teeth from god. It's so easy just to create anything you want to as and when it suits knowing full well you never have to show any evidence or prove any claim you make. Those who were dragged off to dentists were all proven as frauds.

The very principle in life of needing evidence is paramount. Without the need for any evidence or proof to suggest a claim it completely breaks down the difference between truth and fiction, right and wrong.

I can now state i can fly. I have true faith i can fly. Without jumping off a roof who's to say i'm wrong, including me? And thus throughout our entire lives we can just make up any old shit we want in order to get what we want. It's fraudulent. Ok, you might in your heart believe it to be true, as i do with my ability to fly, but basing your life on such pointless act of 'just believing because it suits' is frankly rather pathetic. You're in a rather difficult position i will admit.. If you do you get this wonderful eternity to float around space, if you don't however- if you even consider denying the faith with no evidence clause you burn forever. Well, fuck it, might aswell add that to the list- sure i'll have faith in that- because i have absolutely nothing to lose. It's irrelevant if it's true or not- truth is never an issue in life. I am now one of you christians. Don't expect me to read the bible though- what's the point? It's not like anything that says is gonna make a difference. I don't need evidence, not that the bible supplies much anyway, i just need to believe whatever i want- or should i say need.... because if it is true i do not want to burn.

If i wanted evidence i could just drink poison- jesus told me with faith in him the poison would be harmless.... Doh! he also said we can't test god.... perfect. Oh but wait.... who gives a shit, i don't need evidence anyway.

To base your whole existence in such meaningless style is truly sickening.

When man commited sin, he stopped trusting God, instead he believed the Devil who he had never before met. There were two trees in the garden (well more since it was a garden but two central ones...), the Tree of Life and the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

I've spoken about this at length before. Until they had eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledged of good and evil they would not have known what good or evil was. They wouldn't have realised what a sin was, what listening to the devil instead of god meant etc.

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. '"

You interpret this as the son of god telling people how to get to god? I interpret this as some arrogant jewish carpenter handing out a lot of self-righteous, and self-promoting garbage in order to get himself known, rich and a gorgeous young blond wife. People have been doing exactly the same ever since.

Snake said: Shall we just 'accept' and have 'faith' that god gives his worshippers gold fillings? Can you understand the worthlessness of 'acceptance' and 'faith'?

No. God's worshippers aren't perfect, God is. How is faith worthless if:

I wouldn't claim worshippers of anything were anywhere near perfect. I think you missed the point. These people had absolute faith that god have given them gold teeth. Without the need to prove the claims they're worthless. That person just has the faith, like my faith in flying, because they can. The minute they're dragged off to the dentist they're all shown as frauds- By which stage they don't even acknowledge that fact they just continue with the same faith. It's mentally damaging. They grab a belief so firmly to heart and would die believing it, even if its shown to be nonsense. The 'faith' controls them. Faith starts off at one stage and then just keeps dragging you deeper and deeper into anything the mind can conjure until you drown. Fact does not work in that manner. You find something, get evidence, analyse etc etc and eventually end up with fact. Once it's a fact you say "ok then, what's next" and thats the end of it. One progresses and actually answers questions- the other just does whatever it wants and has no need to back itself up.

"I can fly"

"Cameras take photographs."

The second one is openly testable and completely undeniable. When we want to take photo's we buy a camera.

The first one will never be tested and has absolutely no value whatsoever. Undoubtedly you'll disagree, and such is your choice to- it's not like you need to supply evidence to the contrary.

"I can fly, i can turn invisible at will, i can deceive lions into thinking im an elephant and my house is actually a 13th century castle but only appears like a house to the mortal eye."

It's an in-depth analysis which i touched upon in another thread, if you remember, you responded for a while.

There are some parts that aren't as clear as others, I will give you that

But of course who cares? It's not like anyone has to find reason to those unclear parts.

however God's plan for salvation through Jesus Christ is clear.

Indeed. Don't ask, don't question, just think whatever you want and done with it. Bravo. Btw, did you know i was round your house for dinner last night but i wiped the memory of everyone there so nobody remembers?

Firingseed: Worthwhile posts as always. Congrats.
- SnakeLord -

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. '"

You interpret this as the son of god telling people how to get to god? I interpret this as some arrogant jewish carpenter handing out a lot of self-righteous, and self-promoting garbage in order to get himself known, rich and a gorgeous young blond wife. People have been doing exactly the same ever since.

Yes to your question. By saying this Jesus Christ was persecuted by the jews, he didn't receive any reward for it.
IT has been stated numerous times before me. Just because you believe that the world is beautiful and complicated, there is no connection to the idea that it has been intelligently designed. Perhaps we have grown into this world and therefore find it appealing. If we woke up everyday and thought it was all rubbish would we enjoy existence? I doubt it. Maybe those who thought it was ugly were selected against. It is naive to believe that your own sophmoric wonder is sufficient evidence for something far greater than you.
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Re: free cycle

Originally posted by firingseeds
i'm on to ya now. u EXPECT christians to just fall down and roll over. this is one machine u havn't met before, and not even in the movies.
what do i do in life? i don't don't even make the average wage. why? what do u do? and now u wanna "gargle" with the buddhists. u will accept re-incarnation and can't accept god: that is just stupid. in any religion, why is it u have to be good to get anywhere? quote me the universal LAW of good and bad? and how that relates to salvation? and why it relates to salvation?

buddha can't save anybody. anybody who knows, knows that buddha presents his case to and for a higher force than he. most westeners i call bullshit buddhists, coz' they carry their ego's everywhere with them; and even tho some of them have a name change, underneath it's still good old "buddy."
i suggest u swat a bit harder before u start telling me where to go...and get a real life. america's just one big shakespeare; or havn't u noticed?

I think i was gone when you wrote all that, but you have confused me with someone else. I have made no claims to Buddhism (though only because i know too little). I don't recognize your need to be saved, so your salvation to me is meaningless. No average wage? Have you passed secondary school? Perhaps with more formal thought your views would change.
free cycle

hi, yes i did have u mixed up with someone else. never mind, it was a good plug, anyway.
free cycle, the world has nothing to offer. dead works are just dead. have u not had any awareness at all from something i've posted? like i just repeated, dead works truly are dead. in buddhism it's called being on the wheel. the world has no comprehension of spiritual perception- how could it!. this perception isn't a contrived idea, or even a group idea- it is just something that comes with depth. now this depth is not the phoney depth either, but if u have one truth in your life- one absolute truth- then u are practically free. this doesn't mean u are free of problems, hassles etc, but just a liberation from ignorance. u are probably much too young and inexperienced, anyway, to understand much; and also u may not have the strength of character.
fee cycle

as for education, free cycle, i'm still at school, and almost 50. education never ceases. i don't need formal education to tell me that. i learn't a data base system for a store inventory out of a $17 book, whereas a formal computer course would have cost me a few thousand dollars and lots of valuable wasted time. it would have given me a certificate, tho, but it's all quite worthless, anyway. i rely on the creator for my bread and butter.
the basics in education were laid down for me as a kid growing up; what more do u need- the system to think for u? (because that's all it's doing). the bible is an education itself. u should try it, sometime.
i havn't even covered meself in this post. there's heaps of holes in it, u could fire a cannon thru. but, what the hell- live a little!
and u still won't learn anything, will u?
Originally posted by firingseeds
u can get ya ass kicked over anything u like, becoz god's the smartest of all. at least a good whuppin' will make ya feel a lot better.

I'd believe in god more if people learned how to spell ;-)

oh, yeah, juju, what got up your nose?
not a bad handle u got there, either, by the way.

yeah, anyway, ya need a deviation to work from.