christians v. the rest-come in and get ya ass kicked


pagans, doom pagans.
and also, i suppose it's a liberation from religous intolerance, maybe. i think it also shows the heritage of love that's fostered among the pagans, and some of that- i'm stickin' my head of the chopping block over this one- maybe, self produced.

yeah the more i read ya post the more depth it has
Re: ?

Originally posted by moementum7

obviously,although people did have there belief in A god/gods,christianity was a minority following some years after jesus's execution,it got popular mainly due to missionarys.
what do you do in your life? I, and hopefully many others, find your postings and comments ridiculous and obnoxious. You seem to post to belittle and gloat rather than create new thoughts. I must add how unpleasant your "hahaha"s and everpresent cheeky faces are to so many who wish to entertain a real discussion. May you be playing a joke on us all or someday realize that the intent of christianity is compassion and love for everyone, regardless of belief.
Originally posted by firingseeds
u can get ya ass kicked over anything u like, becoz god's the smartest of all. at least a good whuppin' will make ya feel a lot better.

First, at least try and type with proper English. Second, all you are doing here is asking to get your own "ass kicked". If you have any knowledge of sciforums at all you would know many many threads like this have alreay been posted. All the same points are discussed and in the end christianity proved false and wrong over and over and all the christians keep their faith and nothing is achieved. So, why even bother posting something this stupid?
- firingseeds, snakelord -

Time for a new thread don't you think?

Jezus Christus Leeft

oh yes, snake, have u heard about the love of jesus=unequalled:
that also is written up for u in the bible. all u have to do is read it and see for yourself. i laid some shortcuts out so to save u time, and the rest is up to u? for some, it can be a hard transition, jumping from the old to the new, but that is what we are taught to do.
if u trust the old testament, then u will trust the new.
free cycle

i am just one drop in a bucket, so think of me like that.
i hope that one day u could say, i love the lord jesus. i wouldn't make that my mission in life, but i hope u will: only for your own well-being, of course, and not mine.
i'll try not to laugh so much and not post those expressions of joy, oops, sorry, emotions. ok?

thanks for enlightening me about sciforums; i didn't know any of that.
...and i thought i was being clever?
the bible teaches that a soldier of the lord can overcome 10,000- i was jest being a little exuburant- but slowly winding down- i'm just doing a bit of fine tuning now.
before u go: have u submitted your life to lord jesus yet?
This was mentioned a few pages back:

it is eisier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven

My wifes father just sold his house for £700,000. The guy who bought it was a priest. Seems to me they're quite well looked after- but may suffer when it comes to entering heaven.

(For those unaware of value of the british £):

In London, (where the house is), the average yearly earning is £16,000- which would allow you to buy a house of no more than £64,000.

Aard: firingblanks reminds me of a gnat in summer. It buzzes around, makes some pointless little noise and then gets squashed. For now most are just letting it buzz around harmlessly, offering nothing of value to anything. Some have given it a swatting already but it is a resiliant insect and continues to buzz pointlessly.

- SnakeLord -

Why go off on a tangent? We are always talking about a detail of the bible that doesn't seem right to you. The problem is still there, it is not about religion, it is about a personal relationship with God. I am not saying the bible is contradictory, on the opposite I feel it is the word of God. However, sin is still there. All humans have sin in their life, and have fallen short of the glory of God.

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," (Romans 3:23)

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

"God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:17)

"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

Jesus is the only way. Good works does not get us there, devotion doesn't, humility doesn't.

"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' " (John 14:6)

"Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. 9I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture." (John 10:7-9)

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- " (Ephesians 2:8)

"These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, humility, and severe bodily discipline. But they have no effect when it comes to conquering a person's evil thoughts and desires." (Colossians 2:23)

This is the good news, that all may receive eternal life in Christ Jesus, it is the only solution for sin, it was God's secret plan to send His Son to die for us, so that none should perish. God designed hell for the Devil and his angels, not for you. He loves you, but your sin has made a gap between you and Him. Only Christ fills that gap.

Jezus Christus Leeft
Sorry Snakelord, I know you are fully capable of handling this on your own, but please allow me to intervene, for I have stumbled upon this response before yourself.

Why go off on a tangent? We are always talking about a detail of the bible that doesn't seem right to you.

Would you be equally bothered if one was to hold a scientific principle that was constantly proved wrong, and at the same time they continued to preach it as absolute truth? The bible's inadequacies are not irrelevant, for the bible is essential to the teaching of Christianity.

This is the good news, that all may receive eternal life in Christ Jesus, it is the only solution for sin, it was God's secret plan to send His Son to die for us, so that none should perish. God designed hell for the Devil and his angels, not for you. He loves you, but your sin has made a gap between you and Him. Only Christ fills that gap.

Nice try, but this is based on nothing more than unsubstantiated preaching.
Why go off on a tangent?

Ok, admittedly the talk of this priest buying a damn expensive house was irrelevant, (which is the meaning of 'tangent'). It was merely a humorous point showing priests to be well looked after by preaching to god even though jesus did not like the rich particularly. (probably because he was poor).

However most of the thins i post are not irrelevant but are there to analyse and question the beliefs you adopt on a 'as we go along' basis.

I am not saying the bible is contradictory, on the opposite I feel it is the word of God.

It's always 'the word of god', until it is shown to be a contradiction or have other blatant fault the religious folk can't answer in which case it becomes a metaphor.

We are always talking about a detail of the bible that doesn't seem right to you.

Having analysed it in depth, and continuing to do so- plus having read the original sumerian texts, of course i'll find things that don't seem right. The bible is inundated with conflicting stories, contradictions, problems that can't be answered which must therefore be metaphors. You mentioned personal relationships... I have a very personal relationship with two people: my wife and my daughter. I can tell you everything about both of them, and yet here are people claiming personal relationships with a being they know nothing about, based on the writings of ancient people who didn't even know what caused earthquakes, when they can't even form a basic agreement. Every little section forms its own unique belief based on the same or similar texts and calls the other wrong. And yet among all that it takes only one simple question and the religious people "ummm" and "uhhhh" for eternity.

Question: How much of what you believe is based on your own analysis? How much of what you believe is based on what your parents, priests or friends said?

I don't really care what anyone says, including god/jesus or the holy mushroom- i cannot just accept something of this context through faith. I require proof of such. Don't blame me, blame god- i am made the way i am, and i can't change that. The only available evidence i can see are texts dating back to a time of primitive people. All of which are so highly questionable and so full of holes it's ridiculous.

As i analyse and go along with these texts i hear the religious folk shouting: "accept jesus", "repent your sins" etc etc. All of which are 'tangent', all of which are completely pointless. It seems so few people are interested in truth as much as they are interested in spouting something their parents/priests told them. Ok, trusting others may seem important- but it does have its limits.

However, sin is still there. All humans have sin in their life

Sin is irrelevant. Stating there's sin in the world is not an answer to the blatant problems with the bible, nor is it any validity to the presence of a god.

All throughout history there have been 'spokespersons' for peace. I see this as being no different. Imagine a race of beings always in conflict- always showing much hatred for others and never accepting the fact other people believe other things, (neither of which need be true). It's no surprise some people stand up and argue about the fact we are a volatile species and try to dampen our humanity. In this particular case it comes down to basic threats, which works best but shows that very nature of human aggression.

Absolutely nothing has been achieved. Whether life in this supposed 'heaven' is full only of you decent christians, this particular life and world is full of shit and will always remain so. You can eagerly await your next life- some of us really are more concerned about this one.

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," (Romans 3:23)

Quite simply put, this quote, and all others you've put are the words and expressions of men- primitive men.

This is the good news, that all may receive eternal life in Christ Jesus, it is the only solution for sin, it was God's secret plan to send His Son to die for us, so that none should perish. God designed hell for the Devil and his angels, not for you. He loves you, but your sin has made a gap between you and Him. Only Christ fills that gap.

We'll talk when you've finished preaching at me. I can hear exactly the same thing at any church on the planet if i really wanted to.
I am not saying the bible is contradictory, on the opposite I feel it is the word of God.

This is a belief shared by many. So so many people claiming the bible is 'the word of god' and yet how far can this 'word of god' go simply because it suits people?

“Open your mouth and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:10).

This simple abstract gave rise to hundreds, if not thousands, of claims of people getting golden fillings from god. Hell, even cross shaped golden fillings.

Do you see the extent at which people can take this apparent 'word of god'? Of course they're no different to anyone else, they just interpret the same words differently and make it suit their own needs.

Shall we just 'accept' and have 'faith' that god gives his worshippers gold fillings? Can you understand the worthlessness of 'acceptance' and 'faith'?

To you and your priest jesus comes across as being god. To me, if the bible has validity, he comes across as being evil. It's openly interpretational. The simple fact you just 'accept' your own answer as undeniable truth but try to brush aside any and all questions against it shows anything but credibility.

In exactly the same manner you might sit down and call these 'gold toothed' christians mad, wrong, ill-informed, or fraud christians everyone else can do the same to you. Without proof, without fact you have absolutely no ground to stand on- exactly like the gold-toothed christians.

“Your gold and silver is cankered, and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire" James 5:3

As such we can now ask them if getting golden teeth is actually a good thing or not. They will claim this as metaphor or something along those lines. It's all tailored specifically to your needs- everything else written as the 'word of god' no longer is.

There will be billions upon billions of people who follow the same path as you throughout earths future, and maybe one of them will provide a real answer- but to date NOT ONE religious person has been able to offer anything to claim credibility of god. If we are supposed to just 'accept' and have 'faith' then fair enough... I accept and have faith god gives me golden teeth and i accept and have faith santa claus will bring me a new computer this december. There is absolutely no difference.
Re: increan

Originally posted by firingseeds
thanks for enlightening me about sciforums; i didn't know any of that.
...and i thought i was being clever?
the bible teaches that a soldier of the lord can overcome 10,000- i was jest being a little exuburant- but slowly winding down- i'm just doing a bit of fine tuning now.
before u go: have u submitted your life to lord jesus yet?

That would be hard to do sonce I don't believe Jesus is any kind of lord.

so u say jesus is no sort of lord, increan, and i suppose u call me stupid coz' i say he is. may god convict u this day, increan; now u come back and repeat that again. there is more than one way to skin a cat.