Christians Need Some Logic....

c20H25N3o: I do not rejoice in death. Please let me state that for the record. I too like you welcome this life for the love that is in the world, the love of my children, the love of my wife.
M*W: So what? We all strive to love and be loved. Do you think YOU are the only member on sciforums who wants and gives love?
c20: But I am not a fantasist as you would have me be. The human being begins as a seed. There is no need to tinker.
M*W: Don't quit your day job. You have no idea what you are talking about. We now understand biomedical technology enough to perform prenatal ultrasonography, amniocentesis, intrauterine corrective surgical manipulation of the growing fetus, and more.... There is plenty need to 'tinker' when tinkering would
ensure a healthy baby. But that's not all. We know how to use stem cells to rejuvenate damaged heart muscle that is in end-stage congestive heart failure. We can now repair motor and sensory neurons in the brain to cure Parkinson's disease as well as schizophrenia and depression. We can now implant stem cells into the diseased pancreas to cure diabetes. Tinkering with the cells of the human body (and our pets) life is becoming longer, and we are challenging death. Research is currently being done to transplant stem cells into the face and neck to rejuvenate our youthful appearance without going under the knife. I foresee that stem cells will be used to cure arthritis and bone disease without invasive surgeries. The best part of this new biomedicine technology is we don't have to kill embryos to do it. In the USA, scientists who received NIH grant funding are not allowed to use embryonic stem cells. However, private organizations such as GlaxoSmithKline and private hospitals CAN and DO utilize embryonic stem cells. The wonderful thing is that we can grow them right in the lab from scratch utilizing one's own bone marrow for stem cell transplantation. Only the ignorant believe this is a sin. Didn't Jesus promise 'everlasting life?'
c20: You will never understand the code of life. Do you not see that for every thing you discover, it will open up new discoveries? For each unit of the code you discover, you will see that even that code is made up of another code and so on and so forth. As clever as you are you cannot begin to understand the mysteries of the human seed. You are scratching the outer layer of an onion, but if you keep chopping away at the onion you will just start to cry.
M*W: Do you understand the code of life? What's wrong with discovering things that prompt further scientific research? Understanding the mysteries of the 'human seed' is what I do for a living. You only show your ignorance. Science is discovered without using religion. I feel certain that Cris is not just scratching an onion. Your analogy is childish.
c20: Your intellect will not allow you to give up. Pride will not allow you to say "This is too complicated for us. Some greater force must be at work here"
M*W: Our intellect and our pride are two different concepts. The only greater force in science is the intellect. The definition of 'pride' is broad. Some people may be proud they lie and steal from others. Pride in science is honorable.
c20: I tell you the truth, man will not discover the code of life for it is not permitted you.
M*W: Man has already discovered the code of life, and it is definitely permitted to be known by all.
c20: You hate the Christian scientist (David F for example) because they say "As amazing as the things are that we know, they all point to the fact that some higher intelligence is at work here"
M*W: No one hates David F. You are putting words in our mouths. You are an evil person, because you spread hate.
c20: Come on Cris, I am sure you are an academic genius but even you have to step down from your fantasy at some time.
M*W: Scientists never step down from their fantasy, because fantasy becomes reality. Cris is more qualified to discuss such matters, but you simply cannot understand anything beyond your religion. You're still living in the Dark Ages. I pity your children.
c20: Can even the most prestigous scientist in the world create a butterfly from scratch? Could you have designed the ribosome from scratch? You want to say "But we are a part of Nature and Nature just is" and then you say "We are a part of nature and must change it to make it stronger". But it is a terrible arrogance and I mean that in a non personal sense. We Christians call that arrogance 'The spirit of the world'.
M*W: You 'christians' are what's wrong with the world.
c20: Let's just hypothesise for one moment that you did indeed manage to tinker with the human seed and reversed its will to die. Of course there would become a terrible population problem so you would then need to expand into the Universe. This is your plan. To boldly go etc etc. But what of those who have gone before you? Those lives that did die? Were those peoples lives for nothing? What of all the injustices done in the flesh? Do you just forget their names? Tell them it's unlucky for them? Do you not see that this is arrogance? To write off humans who have walked before you? And let's suppose you do master cold fusion or some other technology to perform space travel so that you can populate the Universe. What of law and order? Or will you change the human seed to produce flesh made from titanium or some other indestructable substance?
M*W: Tinkering with the human seed has been done since the beginning of time. It's not just new science. The 'oldest profession' was not prostitution. It was midwifery. When Moses was on the Sinai, the Habiru prevented pregnancies in their camels by inserting a pomegranate pit into the camel's uterus so the camel wouldn't be pregnant in the caravan. In the ancient world contraceptives were used in women and men. Ointments made of olive oil, honey, cedar resin, balsam tree juice, lead, myrtle salve, alum, gums, resins, oil of roses and figs were used to prevent pregnancy. In men, the concoction of the above was rubbed on the tip of the penis as well to kill the sperm upon exit.

Abortions were also common in those days. Ox bile, cow parsnip, myrtle, wallflower, bitter legumes were molded into seeds the size of pomegranate pits and inserted into the vagina. Linseed, fenugreek, mallow, marsh mallow, wormwood, absenthium, pepper, honey and myrrh in a long bath inserting this concoction into the vagina while drinking sour wine and eating pungent foods was sure to expel the fetus from the vagina.

Back in ancient days, women had as many babies as they could to help with growing crops and cultivation of the land. It was expected of them. But, they also had these concoctions the midwives used to prevent pregnancy or induce abortions. In the Dark Ages, European midwives placed twigs into the uterus as an abortificant. They soon discovered that seaweed (kelp) called Laminaria worked best, especially if the fetus was more than 12 weeks of age. Believe it or not, laminaria is still used today! There was no 'overpopulation' then, and there is no 'overpopulation' today. The world is not settled evenly.
c20: I love Star Trek, dont get me wrong but I know it's just a cool TV program for kids developed from fantasy.
M*W: I'm not a Trekkie, but I have seen some of the programs, and they were not made just for kids. The stories have morals, and I know plenty of adults who follow Star Trek.
c20: when the program is over, I have to go and make dinner and get my kids bathed and dressed for bed. I read them a story and kiss their little noses. They say "Gudnight dad" and I kiss them again giving them a little squeeze so they know how much I love them. Love is the greatest thing here Cris. Love is, was and will be. God is love and the spirit of love says "Thou shalt have no other gods but me".
M*W: How arrogantly you think that those of us who are atheists don't have love in our lives nor can give love. That's absurd! And we definitely DON'T have any gods we worship! Christianity teaches arrogance like an adrenaline rush. You're not experiencing the truth, but you're arrogantly trying to convince us that you are the only one who is loved or who can love! Give it up! There is no true love to be found in christianity! christianity requires conditional love. All religions require conditions for love. It's only atheists who give love and receive love genuinely without any conditions. If you think atheists do not deserve the cycle of love, then you are a hypocrite, and a lost one, at that.

Why don't you just stick to the things you know. Christianity is NOT your strong suit. You are less educated in christianity than everybody on this forum.
Cris said:
What makes you think that could ever occur?
A brain.

:D Sorry I couldn't resist..... :D

You imply you have a deeper understanding of Einstein’s religiosity which I know you do not since you quoted him out of context.
How was that out of context?
Besides.... quotes apart, its shown that he was a very intuitive guy, which makes it very likely that he actually believed in God (or a god).

We know he had no patience for the personal god concepts of the larger religions so what do you think he meant by your quote?
I don't think he actually believed in any specific religion, but it does seem he believed in a greater power, even if he couldn't understand it. Which is very close to my case....
SnakeLord said:
... it is ludicrous to see someone in 2004 acting in the same manner.

2004 years since what?

Matthew 18:1-4: Jesus again talked to his disciples, saying "...whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

[Matthew 5:10-12]
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

I'm just as happy as a pig in poop ;)
2004 years since what?

Since? Try reading it again.

Matthew 18:1-4: Jesus again talked to his disciples, saying "...whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Ah.. the desire of the religious man to become "the greatest". I suppose it stands to reason that a man who happens to find himself low on "the ladder of life", would concoct a 'next life' (c) where he then becomes better than those who were successful in this one.

You know, I have always found this need for fame and recognition quite bizarre. Can people not just be happy being who they are, regardless to how others perceive them? Is it that bad to know you'll be forgotten eventually? Our positions on this ladder can come from many things.. from hard work to getting lucky, but it doesn't change who we are to ourselves, who we are to our loved ones. Those who desire to be greater only do so because they feel lesser within themselves.

I sincerely wish you and your kind the courage and the strength to free yourself from your chains.

[Matthew 5:10-12]
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

And again.. It would only be those who have such abjectly miserable lives that would 'create' such a notion. Yes, life sucks for some people.. Instead of hoping it will get better in the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that.. I would sincerely urge people to find the courage within themselves to make their lives more enriched, more successful, and more meaningful.

I'm just as happy as a pig in poop

Although I could question how happy a pig in poop really is, I would prefer to ask you just how happy you really are. All this talk of persecution shows an inner hatred, and sorrow for your life as a human. If there is a 'next life' (c) for you, I hope you do better than you apparently have in this one.
SnakeLord said:
Since? Try reading it again.

What event signified zero before we incremented in earth year cycles to record 2004?

Try reading it again. You get an extra point for giving me the latin and the english meaning for A.D.



I do not rejoice in death.

Why not? Doesn’t death mean entry to paradise for you? Why would you not welcome death?

I too like you welcome this life for the love that is in the world, the love of my children, the love of my wife.

But don’t you believe that that is just a short temporary phase for you? Wouldn’t you all be better dead and living altogether in a spiritual eternal heavenly paradise free of earthy burdens and worries and basking in the glow and glory of your deity?

Why is earthly life so important for you as a Christian? For me it is vitally important because I believe it is all I have.

But I am not a fantasist as you would have me be.

With zero evidence for it the supernatural is entirely a fantasy. Show some real evidence or accept that you are fantasizing.

The human being begins as a seed. There is no need to tinker.

Human life has evolved through a long series of largely random, chaotic and entirely undirected events and processes. The result is an inefficient fragile organism subject to rapid decay with little defence against external dangers, poisons, radiation, bacteria, and many diseases. It is not that we should tinker but more importantly that we should engage in an urgent massive redesign. With current research in genetic engineering, stem cells, anti-aging, mind uploading, and neuro-enhancements, we find we are on the verge of significant changes to the human form that should be openly welcomed, although for many it might seem frightening. The target should be open-ended lifespans with very high quality of life.

You will never understand the code of life.

Only someone who can see the future can have authority to say never. Do you qualify? And what the heck is the code of life?

Do you not see that for every thing you discover, it will open up new discoveries?


For each unit of the code you discover, you will see that even that code is made up of another code and so on and so forth.

What is your evidence to support such an infinite regression?

As clever as you are you cannot begin to understand the mysteries of the human seed.

Why not?

Pride will not allow you to say "This is too complicated for us. Some greater force must be at work here"

It isn’t pride but extensive past evidence of discovery that shows us that if we seek then we discover. You are encouraging the defeatism of religion again – the attitude that your god is the answer to everything and that we are wasting our time trying to improve ourselves.

I tell you the truth, man will not discover the code of life for it is not permitted you.

Why is that truth? What is your evidence? Are you so frightened that we will create life and that that will destroy your fantasies of creator gods?

You hate the Christian scientist (David F for example) because they say "As amazing as the things are that we know, they all point to the fact that some higher intelligence is at work here"

There are no facts that point to a higher intelligence. Do you have an example of such a claim?

Can even the most prestigous scientist in the world create a butterfly from scratch?

Stating what we can’t do now has little to no bearing on what we can do in the future.

Could you have designed the ribosome from scratch?

Can we do it in the future and would we want to? I suspect we can eventually devise something more efficient and superior.

You want to say "But we are a part of Nature and Nature just is" and then you say "We are a part of nature and must change it to make it stronger". But it is a terrible arrogance and I mean that in a non personal sense. We Christians call that arrogance 'The spirit of the world'.

It is not arrogance to change something that doesn’t work very well. It is arrogant to assume that humans are so perfect that they deserve special attention from a super being.

Let's just hypothesise for one moment that you did indeed manage to tinker with the human seed and reversed its will to die.

Biological organisms have no such thing as a will to die. Complex biological organisms tend to decay through wear and tear. Very simple organisms like bacteria do not age and will only die if they cannot find nutrition. Decay in complex organisms is simply the result of inefficient maintenance and repair sub-systems, all of which we should be able to improve through drugs, genetics and advanced technology.

Of course there would become a terrible population problem so you would then need to expand into the Universe.

No not necessarily. We’d need to take responsibility for the limited planetary resources and strictly control breeding rates and hence control population size. But yes, the universe is huge and there should be every reason to move out into it. With unlimited lifespans it would also not be so bad that it will take centuries to reach other star systems.

But what of those who have gone before you? Those lives that did die? Were those peoples lives for nothing? What of all the injustices done in the flesh? Do you just forget their names? Tell them it's unlucky for them? Do you not see that this is arrogance? To write off humans who have walked before you?

What has gone before cannot be undone but that is no reason not to move forward with new developments into the future for those that have survived. Your thinking and claims for arrogance seem somewhat bizarre on this point.

What of law and order?

Doubtless it will be based on some semblance of reason as it is today. Not sure what issue you are raising here.

Or will you change the human seed to produce flesh made from titanium or some other indestructable substance?

Ideally if mind-uploading succeeds then we should be able to dispense entirely with biology. It is our sentient intelligence that needs to survive, i.e. the neural networks that comprise our brain. The storage medium is largely irrelevant.

Love is the greatest thing here Cris. Love is, was and will be.

Love is an emotional state that can be experienced like any emotion. It is pleasant rather than unpleasant but otherwise has no great importance. But without survival love is meaningless.

God is love and the spirit of love says "Thou shalt have no other gods but me".

So God is a collection of specific neural-chemical reactions then? And apparently pompous, selfish, arrogant, and recognizes the existence of other gods. Very curious statements for you to make.
Cris said:
Why not? Doesn’t death mean entry to paradise for you? Why would you not welcome death?
That's a very good point. Unfortunately, most "Christians" seem to forget about that. Most "Christians" are too focused on fear, and they cannot see that their fear has no base whatsoever. It completely contradicts their belief. This is true particularly to Catholicism, because catholicism is based on fear. Other kinds of "Christians" tend to not focus on fear. Definetely not on the same degree.
What event signified zero before we incremented in earth year cycles to record 2004?

Try reading it again. You get an extra point for giving me the latin and the english meaning for A.D.


Eh? Lol, what has any of this got to do with what I said? Read it again, and kindly don't reply until you understand it.
c20H25N3o said:
I do not rejoice in death. Please let me state that for the record. I too like you welcome this life for the love that is in the world, the love of my children, the love of my wife.

Luke.14:26 "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." and so jesus said. so you should rejoice in death.

c20H25N3o said:
I love your sycophantic nature

I'm surprised you could even spell sycophantic, but is'nt that what you doing with god/jesus.
have you read the parable of hank.
pavlosmarcos said:
Luke.14:26 "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." and so jesus said. so you should rejoice in death.

I'm surprised you could even spell sycophantic, but is'nt that what you doing with god/jesus.
have you read the parable of hank.

Jesus is worthy because of His actions. His actions speak louder than His words in my book.
c20H25N3o: Jesus is worthy because of His actions. His actions speak louder than His words in my book.
M*W: Jesus'actions were written by Paul. Jesus' words were written by Paul - OR - you can believe what the Gnostic Gospel writers said, because Jesus actually spoke to them first-hand.
c20H25N3o said:
What event signified zero before we incremented in earth year cycles to record 2004?

Try reading it again. You get an extra point for giving me the latin and the english meaning for A.D.



Because to people who have knowledge of what "history" records, time was based on Jesus' birth for much of "Western Civilization". If you go to a Muslim country, it's based on an event in Muhammad's life. There are other calendars for other countries.

Christianity basically controlled Europe for 1000 years. It doesn't necessarily mean very much, except that people decided to base a calendar off of Jesus' supposed birth year. Roman time was based on the founding of Rome by Romulus and Remes (or something like that).

To the Jews, time I think is based on the creation of the world, we're supposedly in year 5000 something.

I think it's Anno Domini, with "in the year of our Lord" being its meaning.
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My point was simply that people of several thousand years ago, who knew little about the world, had an excuse to make a face out of phenomenon such as lightning. I then went further to state that someone who lives in 2004 does not have that same excuse.
SnakeLord said:
My point was simply that people of several thousand years ago, who knew little about the world, had an excuse to make a face out of phenomenon such as lightning. I then went further to state that someone who lives in 2004 does not have that same excuse.

I know. I was pointing out that the year number signifies something. It is interesting in light of the discussion and most relevant. Why is it so?


I know. I was pointing out that the year number signifies something. It is interesting in light of the discussion and most relevant. Why is it so?

Not only does it not have any relevance to the thread topic, but it has no relevance to what I was saying either. If you want to know why we count the years as we do, I'm sure google will provide an answer. However, in either case it still gives no excuse for people who live in this day and age acting like they're as knowledgeless as ancient shepherds.
SnakeLord said:
Not only does it not have any relevance to the thread topic, but it has no relevance to what I was saying either. If you want to know why we count the years as we do, I'm sure google will provide an answer. However, in either case it still gives no excuse for people who live in this day and age acting like they're as knowledgeless as ancient shepherds.

The point was that in my world the 'in the year of our Lord' means something to me. Look the title of this thread is deleberately flaming. Do you blame me for defending my faith here under the banner of Religion? I happen to believe in the bible as do many other followers of this very popular religion. I follow it's teachings. I believe I live by grace. But grace is not something one can buy or trade off. It is an eternal gift. It cannot be bought.I am just a man, I have done good things and bad. I am in no way perfect. But I believe that Jesus died to show me that no matter what I had done, God would give up everything for me. I believe Jesus came as a human being and lived a life in the flesh. I believe He was tortured and put to death in the most excruciating way possible. You cannot believe the pain He must have suffered. He was innocent. He was an innocent. His love is God. He loves God Almighty. The Spirit of God is poured out on believers.

Luke 10:21
At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.
Look.. You stated that some things are too complicated for us, and then - as a result to that - somehow equated it to the answer "god must have done it", because some things are currently too complicated for us to understand in full.

I likened this to ancient people giving a god excuse for lightning, simply because it was too complicated for them at that time.

While I can understand why ancient people did it, the modern day person has no excuse. While you can believe in a god if it is your nature to do so, it's really quite naive to say "god did it" everytime you find something too complicated to understand.

He was tortured and put to death in the most excruciating way possible. You cannot believe the pain He must have suffered. He was innocent. He was an innocent.

Many innocent people die in many painful ways every single day of the week. Shit happens. Of course, god should have known better than to place his son on earth during that particular time. Why not try now? Do you think he would be tortured now? Most likely he'd be given some pills and a nice looking white jacket, but he wouldn't be tortured or killed.
SnakeLord said:
Look.. You stated that some things are too complicated for us, and then - as a result to that - somehow equated it to the answer "god must have done it", because some things are currently too complicated for us to understand in full.

I likened this to ancient people giving a god excuse for lightning, simply because it was too complicated for them at that time.

While I can understand why ancient people did it, the modern day person has no excuse. While you can believe in a god if it is your nature to do so, it's really quite naive to say "god did it" everytime you find something too complicated to understand.

Many innocent people die in many painful ways every single day of the week. Shit happens. Of course, god should have known better than to place his son on earth during that particular time. Why not try now? Do you think he would be tortured now? Most likely he'd be given some pills and a nice looking white jacket, but he wouldn't be tortured or killed.

But if he wasn't put to death and risen from death our faith would be worthless. It is eternal life we seek and we find it in Him. This is our faith.


The point was that in my world the 'in the year of our Lord' means something to me. Look the title of this thread is deleberately flaming.

Are you insinuating that you don't need logic? That is obviously what this says..
But if he wasn't put to death and risen from death our faith would be worthless. It is eternal life we seek and we find it in Him. This is our faith.

And so by your own admission, the whole 'jesus thing' isn't about love but about the prizes?

Further to which, you're almost saying that mankind had absolutely no choice but to kill him - not because that's what they wanted to do, but that's what god thought was required. As such, you liken man to a puppet on a string. As this is the case, we're all naturally innocent anyway, given that we only do what we do due to god's master plan and control.