christian vs christian

In a black & white photo, it looks Grey. Are you a zombie?
Yep, I'm a chick. All chick. A hot, cute, smart, funny CCR. And that makes liberals furious.
Yep, I'm a chick. All chick. A hot, cute, smart, funny CCR. And that makes liberals furious.

how does that make liberals mad?

you may be a chick but who besides your self ofcourse says your hott cute funny or smart?

all of your actions on here atleast point a different direction on atleast some of thoes accusations :D
Yep, I'm a chick. All chick. A hot, cute, smart, funny CCR. And that makes liberals furious.

I remember watching CNN and Ann Coulter arguing one side, and some fat, dumpy looking liberal arguing the other. She ended up making some comment along the lines "that is what makes liberals impotent". The fat guy shot back that he was more than willing to prove to Ann he was definitely NOT impotent. It's the only time I've seen her speechless.

The only thing that makes me furious is having others trying to force their belief structure on me.
I give 30% of my gross to charity--enough to pay the salaries of every board member here.

Wow Sandy you make that much money who are you really Benny Hinn.... And yes only a Religous person would be able to make that much money...
thought it was common sence my facial features point tward caucasion right? wrong im black and you referenced the KKK

I thought more Mongolian or oriental, especially in the eyes.

I referenced the KKK? Where? :p