christian vs christian

I am not religious. I think manmade religion sucks. Big time. I am just an on-fire-for-Jesus born-again Christian who walks the walk and talks the talk. I am not perfect. Only Jesus is.
"Spiritual" is wimpy. It is cowardly. Either be a Christian or Jew, or worship Satan. There is no inbetween according to Jesus. You are either hot or cold. He spits our lukewarm.
I do not value stuff over people. I have no interest in marriage and giving some loser half my stuff or my peace of mind. I have no fear. Not of anything. Ever. I have seen it all and nothing fazes me. The fastest way to become dull, boring, complacent, depressed and fcked up is to get married and have kids. We have enough. We don't need to go out and reproduce like they did in the OT.
I already am humble but brutally honest, not pc, and very cool in person. I give 30% of my gross to charity--enough to pay the salaries of every board member here. I don't care about my stuff over Jesus. I care about Jesus. The Kingdom will be as it always has been--everyone worshipping Jesus. I don't care about politics that much. I just like to discuss/debate stuff I am passionate about, but in the big pic of life I really don't care about anything but being pleasing to Him. Nothing else matters. Absolutely nothing.

if you dont care about material things why did you have to include tha you could pay the salaries of every board member? why does the ammount that you donate matter? the more you donate doesnt mean shit in "heaven" well atleast what i under stand" i was under the impression christians were suppose to treat all equally. yet you shit on lori_7s stance of being spiritual lots of things are contridicting.. you say your not religous yet you throw yourself at the person who is top dog of religions im lost.

and you made a statement there is heaven there is hell, no inbetweem.. well what are you in now?
Had I known this was going to be a character assassination I would not have responded. I thought you were sincere. Foolish me. Here's a little secret: I don't care what you think or what you say. Nothing you say here affects me in the least.
Why do you even care that I have chosen to stay single? Miserable about your choice?
My threads are not always political. Do a search, Miss personal attacker. People don't go to Heaven based on their politics. They go based on their relationship (or lack thereof) with Jesus Christ/God. I do walk the walk. That's why He has given me everything I want. Why do you hate that I'm rich? That is how He wants us--not poor, broke, useless and unable to do anything for anyone in His Kingdom.
Yes, I am a chick. A hot, smart, funny, CCR chick. And that makes you furious.
If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer. If you're just going to attack then I'm done. Have a nice day.:)

for treating others how you want to be treated you sure do care alot about your income and feel the need to share it.. she is calling you out on your posts about obama and politics wich is what most of them are.. you talk about personal attacks then you attack right back you also made a comment "i dont care what you think or what you say" which is obviously a lie it is more than apparent your feathers are getting ruffled about it which means you do care. it is your choice to stay single i hope you dont have kids out of wedlock big nono.. and i dont know if this world/forum could handle another right winged selfish sandy but as i stated before you do seem to throw around the "im rich so kiss my feet" aura if any other members think im wrong please correct me
Had I known this was going to be a character assassination I would not have responded. I thought you were sincere. Foolish me. Here's a little secret: I don't care what you think or what you say. Nothing you say here affects me in the least.
Why do you even care that I have chosen to stay single? Miserable about your choice?
My threads are not always political. Do a search, Miss personal attacker. People don't go to Heaven based on their politics. They go based on their relationship (or lack thereof) with Jesus Christ/God. I do walk the walk. That's why He has given me everything I want. Why do you hate that I'm rich? That is how He wants us--not poor, broke, useless and unable to do anything for anyone in His Kingdom.
Yes, I am a chick. A hot, smart, funny, CCR chick. And that makes you furious.
If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer. If you're just going to attack then I'm done. Have a nice day.:)

you're right. i'm sorry. i don't want to attack you, and i don't want to judge you. i would however like to engage in a conversation where you explain your point of view and i explain mine, in respect to scripture and see how they compare. you identify yourself with jesus and christianity on this board, and as i understand, in your personal life every day as well, so i want to know why and what it means to you.

correct me if i'm wrong. you started a thread citing some political news regarding the legalization of gay marriage. and i wondered why this was of interest to you at all.

then i read a response that you gave someone regarding marriage, saying that you would never be married because you didn't ever want to give half of your stuff to a man.

now it makes more sense to me that you were concerned with the legalization of gay marriage, as you apparently consider marriage to be a secular contract.

where in the bible does it describe marriage as a secular contract? nowhere.

the bible describes marriage as a covenant between a man, woman, and god, and is consecrated and defined by sexual intercourse.

now adstar brought up some good scripture that i'm familiar with suggesting that pursuing and engaging in a sexual relationship (marriage) would serve as a distraction from spirituality, because it's a physical relationship. it's of the flesh, of the world, and it's material. and that's true.

that's why nuns and priests and lots of other people are celibate, and that's noble. the scripture also warns that if celibacy is a struggle for you, then it is best to marry. i asked you if you were a virgin, but i meant celibate, and i would like to know if you plan on remaining celibate for life.

and i want to point out that usually, in a case where someone would forego marriage in an attempt to be more spiritually oriented, they would also forego the pursuit of material wealth and possessions.

and this is not what your statement regarding marriage suggested at all. your statement clearly suggested that you forego marriage for the sake of the pursuit of material wealth and possessions.

i'm not jealous of you because you're rich. i am rich too. and those things in my life that i value the most, and mean the most to me, aren't for sale at any price.

i really don't think god cares all that much about whether you're rich or poor. i think everything happens for a reason and people are who they're supposed to be and live the lives they're supposed to live. it's about what you value though.

greed isn't wanting to have. greed is wanting to have more than someone else, or at the expense of someone else.

do you suggest that material wealth is an indication of a relationship with god? is that how you witness to people? by saying, "look at all of this stuff god gave me!" because some people do that.

imo, and as scripture states, a much better indication of a relationship with god is how well and how truly you love other people. you don't have to have a lot of money to do that.

would you still be singing praises if you were broke?
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24)

I'm guessing this applies to a rich woman as well...

Christians love to ignore the things that the Bible says Jesus said.
They usually prefer Paul's words instead.

The alternatives for the Christian are, water this down until it means nothing, or heed it's warning.

Jesus also taught that the wealthy person should give ALL, not most, of their wealth away and so subject themselves to complete reliance on God for even their most basic needs like food and shelter.

Any Takers?

Of course, this might require a tiny bit of faith...
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Here is another one for the Christian to reject and ignore.

Matthew 6:19-21
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

And another…

Matthew 6:1-4
1"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

This was only supposed to be Jesus talking after all...
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... you identify yourself with jesus and christianity on this board, and as i understand, in your personal life every day as well, so i want to know why and what it means to you.
... you started a thread citing some political news regarding the legalization of gay marriage. and i wondered why this was of interest to you at all.
then i read a response that you gave someone regarding marriage, saying that you would never be married because you didn't ever want to give half of your stuff to a man.
do you suggest that material wealth is an indication of a relationship with god? is that how you witness to people? by saying, "look at all of this stuff god gave me!" because some people do that.
imo, and as scripture states, a much better indication of a relationship with god is how well and how truly you love other people. you don't have to have a lot of money to do that.
would you still be singing praises if you were broke?
Why? Because I realize nothing else is more important than serving Him. Nothing.
I posted the gay marriage story because it's current and interesting. Not for any other reason.
My comment about half my stuff was just a comment and not my main reason for staying single. I love my life and don't want to change it.
I am not discussing my sex life here. Not in any way.
No, I don't consider material wealth=a relationship with God. There are plenty of broke Christians. I witness by saying whatever God tells me to say. I am always led by the Holy Spirit--not my own thoughts or words.
I love plenty of people very well. My life is full and rich.
Of course I would still praise Him if I had nothing. My love/adoration for Him has nothing to do with money.
Originally Posted by sandy
There is no in between according to Jesus. You are either hot or cold. He spits our lukewarm.
I will give you extra points if you can tell me where in the Bible this passage comes from and the context from which it was said. You seem like a fun enough lady, to bad I can not agree with your melding of politics and, seeing that you're not religious, spirituality (CCR).
I am not religious. I think manmade religion sucks. Big Time. I am just an on-fire-for-Jesus born-again Christian who walks the walk and talks the talk.
The irony of this statement is palatable. The idea of being a "born-again Christian" is the main tenet of the manmade religion in which you follow. I understand, my mother makes this miss-association all the time. You kind of remind me of her.
Why? Because I realize nothing else is more important than serving Him. Nothing. I love my life and don't want to change it.

I witness by saying whatever God tells me to say. I am always led by the Holy Spirit--not my own thoughts or words.

I love plenty of people very well. My life is full and rich. Of course I would still praise Him if I had nothing. My love/adoration for Him has nothing to do with money.
M*W: You have a religious addiction. You are not in touch with reality. You say you don't need religion or church, but, hey, I don't either. The difference is, you and your 'magical thinking' have found the Jesus fix, and that's all you need. Too bad you can't just shoot-up Jesus into your veins.
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Too bad you can't just shoot-up Jesus into your veins.

You get off faster if you smoke JC and you don't have to water Him down :m:
Didn't you sing the praise of 12 step programs... the woo - woo higher power

Watered down religion..AA
Even so, I have not once seen Lori make a derisive post. I've never seen her angry, attack anyone, degrade anyone, abuse anyone or otherwise behave in any more that suggests she does not hold herself to her standards.

Oh please:rolleyes: You speaketh too soon my friend. Lori is capable of all those things. Your post #14 is a little off. You take Sandy's quote and ascribe it to MW. MW is directing her post towards Sandy and your response makes it seem as if its toward Lori.

I'm just saying:shrug:
Didn't you sing the praise of 12 step programs... the woo - woo higher power

Watered down religion..AA

Irrelevant to this topic.
Also, now I see why you said "Higher Power" about me. You must be assuming that I am IN AA and using a Higher power.
I am NOT in AA nor do I drink. I am not an alcoholic.

Oh please:rolleyes: You speaketh too soon my friend. Lori is capable of all those things. Your post #14 is a little off. You take Sandy's quote and ascribe it to MW. MW is directing her post towards Sandy and your response makes it seem as if its toward Lori.

I'm just saying:shrug:

My wording was clear. I said:
I'm a nube.
I've not seen her do any of those things in the entire time I've been here.

Secondly, I did not direct Sandy's quote to Medicine Woman.
You misread my post completely if you think such is the case.
Lastly, My response to MW is isolate and speaks ONLY on what MW said that I confronted.

I suggest that you read posts far more carefully before you jump to inaccuracies.
Secondly, I did not direct Sandy's quote to Medicine Woman.
You misread my post completely if you think such is the case.
Lastly, My response to MW is isolate and speaks ONLY on what MW said that I confronted.

I suggest that you read posts far more carefully before you jump to inaccuracies.

You first ascribe this quote to MW but it was written by Sandy in post#13:

Originally Posted by Medicine*Woman
Had I known this was going to be a character assassination I would not have responded. I thought you were sincere. Foolish me. Here's a little secret: I don't care what you think or what you say. Nothing you say here affects me in the least.
Why do you even care that I have chosen to stay single? Miserable about your choice?
My threads are not always political. Do a search, Miss personal attacker. People don't go to Heaven based on their politics. They go based on their relationship (or lack thereof) with Jesus Christ/God. I do walk the walk. That's why He has given me everything I want. Why do you hate that I'm rich? That is how He wants us--not poor, broke, useless and unable to do anything for anyone in His Kingdom.
Yes, I am a chick. A hot, smart, funny, CCR chick. And that makes you furious.
If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer. If you're just going to attack then I'm done. Have a nice day

See? You have it as originally posted by MW. Then you go on about Lori as if it was MW who had responded to Sandy with said quote. That's what I was referring to.

Also in truth Sandy just gave her opinion based on her own life and faith and then Lori went on to try and psychoanalyze her with 'fear of intimacy' (as if every human being has a responsibility to pair up), accuse her of being 'arrogan't for being single, not to mention assuming Sandy was choosing her 'things' over 'communion' and then goes on to say Sandy wishes she were a man. Now that's hardly what I would call a post without any derision.

I'm just sayin:shrug:
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24)

I'm guessing this applies to a rich woman as well...

Christians love to ignore the things that the Bible says Jesus said.
They usually prefer Paul's words instead.

The alternatives for the Christian are, water this down until it means nothing, or heed it's warning.

Jesus also taught that the wealthy person should give ALL, not most, of their wealth away and so subject themselves to complete reliance on God for even their most basic needs like food and shelter.

Any Takers?

Of course, this might require a tiny bit of faith...

it's because of the love of money and material wealth and greed. i suppose the more money you have, the more at risk you would be. if you look at the effect that greed has on the world you can see it's pretty toxic on many levels.

if you have faith in money and not god, that's a problem. and if you value money more than people, that's a problem.

the bible teaches that the true measure of wealth is in fruits of the spirit, which are intangible things that cannot be bought or sold.

and there will be no money in the kingdom, so the love of it here and now is not preparing a christian in any way for their supposed destiny. quite the opposite actually. if people aren't willing to put their money where their mouth is here, then why would they there? there will be no fearful and/or greedy people in the kingdom who value possessions over people...who want to take, own, or have more than someone else, or at the expense of someone else. people like that won't fit in.
Here is another one for the Christian to reject and ignore.

Matthew 6:19-21
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

And another…

Matthew 6:1-4
1"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

This was only supposed to be Jesus talking after all...

i'm not rejecting or ignoring this. but don't tell anybody. ;)