christian vs christian


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
in the many years that i've spent here, i've been stereotyped by many, and by some of my beliefs, into a certain role that i do not belong.

i call that role "religious", and demand a segregation, based upon my experience, between spiritual and religious.

i find, based on her posts, sandy to be what i call "religious", and not the kind of christian that i wish to identify myself with, that is, those of us who are spiritual.

i would like to engage sandy with this thread, and i would like some questions answered, from someone who professes to believe the bible.

to start, in a recent thread, you claimed to value material possessions over intimacy with fellow human beings...

i would like to know where the bible condones or encourages this behavior, and especially where it discourages it, and how you, in light of that, rationalize your behavior.

it seems to me that you are acting out of fear, which we all know, is the opposite of faith. do you not trust god to provide you with the correct husband? OR, are you afraid of what you might become without all of your stuff?

because from what i know of god, the perfect way to humble you is to take away all your stuff.

then will you still be singing "jesus is my meal ticket"?

when you post, it is almost always of political and/or economic origin. i wonder what you imagine the kingdom will be like.

there will be no politics or economy in the kingdom. are you prepared for that?
in the many years that i've spent here, i've been stereotyped by many, and by some of my beliefs, into a certain role that i do not belong.

i call that role "religious", and demand a segregation, based upon my experience, between spiritual and religious.

i find, based on her posts, sandy to be what i call "religious", and not the kind of christian that i wish to identify myself with, that is, those of us who are spiritual.

i would like to engage sandy with this thread, and i would like some questions answered, from someone who professes to believe the bible.

to start, in a recent thread, you claimed to value material possessions over intimacy with fellow human beings...

i would like to know where the bible condones or encourages this behavior, and especially where it discourages it, and how you, in light of that, rationalize your behavior.

it seems to me that you are acting out of fear, which we all know, is the opposite of faith. do you not trust god to provide you with the correct husband? OR, are you afraid of what you might become without all of your stuff?

because from what i know of god, the perfect way to humble you is to take away all your stuff.

then will you still be singing "jesus is my meal ticket"?

when you post, it is almost always of political and/or economic origin. i wonder what you imagine the kingdom will be like.

there will be no politics or economy in the kingdom. are you prepared for that?

I am not religious. I think manmade religion sucks. Big time. I am just an on-fire-for-Jesus born-again Christian who walks the walk and talks the talk. I am not perfect. Only Jesus is.
"Spiritual" is wimpy. It is cowardly. Either be a Christian or Jew, or worship Satan. There is no inbetween according to Jesus. You are either hot or cold. He spits our lukewarm.
I do not value stuff over people. I have no interest in marriage and giving some loser half my stuff or my peace of mind. I have no fear. Not of anything. Ever. I have seen it all and nothing fazes me. The fastest way to become dull, boring, complacent, depressed and fcked up is to get married and have kids. We have enough. We don't need to go out and reproduce like they did in the OT.
I already am humble but brutally honest, not pc, and very cool in person. I give 30% of my gross to charity--enough to pay the salaries of every board member here. I don't care about my stuff over Jesus. I care about Jesus. The Kingdom will be as it always has been--everyone worshipping Jesus. I don't care about politics that much. I just like to discuss/debate stuff I am passionate about, but in the big pic of life I really don't care about anything but being pleasing to Him. Nothing else matters. Absolutely nothing.
I am not religious. I think manmade religion sucks. Big time. I am just an on-fire-for-Jesus born-again Christian who walks the walk and talks the talk. I am not perfect. Only Jesus is.
"Spiritual" is wimpy. It is cowardly. Either be a Christian or Jew, or worship Satan. There is no inbetween according to Jesus. You are either hot or cold. He spits our lukewarm.
I do not value stuff over people. I have no interest in marriage and giving some loser half my stuff or my peace of mind. I have no fear. Not of anything. Ever. I have seen it all and nothing fazes me. The fastest way to become dull, boring, complacent, depressed and fcked up is to get married and have kids. We have enough. We don't need to go out and reproduce like they did in the OT.
I already am humble but brutally honest, not pc, and very cool in person. I give 30% of my gross to charity--enough to pay the salaries of every board member here. I don't care about my stuff over Jesus. I care about Jesus. The Kingdom will be as it always has been--everyone worshipping Jesus. I don't care about politics that much. I just like to discuss/debate stuff I am passionate about, but in the big pic of life I really don't care about anything but being pleasing to Him. Nothing else matters. Absolutely nothing.

you don't think it a bit arrogant to not want to commune with another for the sake of your stuff or your "spirituality"?

in the kingdom, communion is the number one priority. right?

clearly defined in the bible, the way to worship jesus is to love each other as you would be loved by him.

do you do that?

and if you don't care about politics, then why are your threads always politically motivated. do you think that republicans go to heaven?

you fear intimacy. which is the foundation of communion, and the basis of the kingdom.
M*W: There is nothing wrong with being spiritual, and I commend you for that. Each of us may have a different meaning of what being spiritual is.

As for sandy, she is a bitch for jesus... a robot for religion... a zombie for god.... In other words, she drank the Kool-Aid and has burped it all over herself.

Speaking of which... sandy is a man. I can tell by the way she/he writes.
book of Matt
27:50 +
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split

You don't need a church.. as you so put so well .. you are the church ;)

It's a Personal relationship.. God lets you know what you need to know
You don't get it from a priest, rabbi or comes from the main source directly now
M*W: There is nothing wrong with being spiritual, and I commend you for that. Each of us may have a different meaning of what being spiritual is.

As for sandy, she is a bitch for jesus... a robot for religion... a zombie for god.... In other words, she drank the Kool-Aid and has burped it all over herself.

Speaking of which... sandy is a man. I can tell by the way she/he writes.

sandy wishes she were a man, but she is obviously not one. and as far as i can tell is not subject to one, including jesus.
book of Matt
27:50 +
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split

You don't need a church.. as you so put so well .. you are the church ;)

It's a Personal relationship.. God lets you know what you need to know
You don't get it from a priest, rabbi or comes from the main source directly now

i know what you're talking about, but i don't think sandy does, and yet she spouts her religion all over the place, as many who are "on fire for jesus" do. i'd honestly like to know about what spiritual experiences sandy draws her faith from, and how it justifies being alone.

whatever they are; they don't match up with mine. mine match up with the bible.

you think you are above all of the men on the face of this earth?

if so, that is irrational. so is denying yourself a bond with a man.

you think that you would not benefit from being subject to a man in a holy union such as marriage?

that is arrogant.

for someone who supposedly "walks the walk", you seem to be very concerned with things of the flesh, and materialism. in the kingdom, everything is "owned" by god, and is shared equally, because we are all valued equally. how does that fit in with your current thinking?
i know what you're talking about, but i don't think sandy does, and yet she spouts her religion all over the place, as many who are "on fire for jesus" do. i'd honestly like to know about what spiritual experiences sandy draws her faith from, and how it justifies being alone.

whatever they are; they don't match up with mine. mine match up with the bible.

Hi Lori :)

Not wanting to answer for Sandy. She is reponsable for her own reponse to the Will of God. But i would like to offer you some scriptures that may make you think again about your black and white stance on marrage.

Being without a Wife/Husband is not the same as being alone. We are with God. And with our brothers and sisters in Jesus whenever we have the joy of meeting them.

Have a read.

1 Corinthians 7
32 But I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord—how he may please the Lord. 33 But he who is married cares about the things of the world—how he may please his wife. 34 There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world—how she may please her husband. 35 And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may serve the Lord without distraction.

But remaining single should only be to those who are given the ability to do it.

1 Corinthians 7
7 For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.
8 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Paul was a single man and a messanger of God. He refers to His ability to do without a wife as a Gift from God.

Just something for you to consider Lori.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I would also like to add that you can be very loving and have incredibly close relationships with others without marrying them. I have become incredibly close to some people without ever having met them in person.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
you don't think it a bit arrogant to not want to commune with another for the sake of your stuff or your "spirituality"?
in the kingdom, communion is the number one priority. right?
clearly defined in the bible, the way to worship jesus is to love each other as you would be loved by him.
do you do that?
and if you don't care about politics, then why are your threads always politically motivated. do you think that republicans go to heaven?
Lori said:
you think you are above all of the men on the face of this earth?
if so, that is irrational. so is denying yourself a bond with a man.
you think that you would not benefit from being subject to a man in a holy union such as marriage?
that is arrogant.
for someone who supposedly "walks the walk", you seem to be very concerned with things of the flesh, and materialism. in the kingdom, everything is "owned" by god, and is shared equally, because we are all valued equally. how does that fit in with your current thinking?

Had I known this was going to be a character assassination I would not have responded. I thought you were sincere. Foolish me. Here's a little secret: I don't care what you think or what you say. Nothing you say here affects me in the least.
Why do you even care that I have chosen to stay single? Miserable about your choice?
My threads are not always political. Do a search, Miss personal attacker. People don't go to Heaven based on their politics. They go based on their relationship (or lack thereof) with Jesus Christ/God. I do walk the walk. That's why He has given me everything I want. Why do you hate that I'm rich? That is how He wants us--not poor, broke, useless and unable to do anything for anyone in His Kingdom.
Yes, I am a chick. A hot, smart, funny, CCR chick. And that makes you furious.
If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer. If you're just going to attack then I'm done. Have a nice day.:)
Speaking of which... sandy is a man. I can tell by the way she/he writes.

I find this unlikely. I do find her recent Avatar to be umm... interestingly contradictory with her beliefs.
MW: Lately I notice more and more you stating your OWN conclusions and even.. beliefs... as facts.

ETA: Corrected Header on this quote
]Had I known this was going to be a character assassination I would not have responded. I thought you were sincere. Foolish me. Here's a little secret: I don't care what you think or what you say. Nothing you say here affects me in the least.
Why do you even care that I have chosen to stay single? Miserable about your choice?
My threads are not always political. Do a search, Miss personal attacker. People don't go to Heaven based on their politics. They go based on their relationship (or lack thereof) with Jesus Christ/God. I do walk the walk. That's why He has given me everything I want. Why do you hate that I'm rich? That is how He wants us--not poor, broke, useless and unable to do anything for anyone in His Kingdom.
Yes, I am a chick. A hot, smart, funny, CCR chick. And that makes you furious.
If you have any other questions I'm happy to answer. If you're just going to attack then I'm done. Have a nice day

For someone claiming personal attacks were used, you seem to be the only one using them. I guess that is walking the walk?

Lori is confronting something and confrontation is one means of examination and learning.
It goes both ways.

I am a noob (nube).
Even so, I have not once seen Lori make a derisive post. I've never seen her angry, attack anyone, degrade anyone, abuse anyone or otherwise behave in any more that suggests she does not hold herself to her standards.
I disagree with the majority of her posts. Yet I respect her posts and enjoy her participation. She behaves admirably and honorably and I respect her differences gladly.

You, Sandy, I see break every claim you make. You contradict yourself constantly. You betray your beliefs with bad behavior. You're vulgar, hateful and attack people with glee. When someone disagrees with or questions you, you turn viscous.

I do not respect your posts, whether I agree with any of them or not.

You were out of your league the moment Lori put fingertip to keyboard and had you been wise, you would have shunned this thread like a rabid dog shuns water.
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I find this unlikely. I do find her recent Avatar to be umm... interestingly contradictory with her beliefs...You, Sandy, I see break every claim you make. You contradict yourself constantly. You betray your beliefs with bad behavior. You're vulgar, hateful and attack people with glee. I do not respect your posts, whether I agree with any of them or not.
You were out of your league the moment Lori put fingertip to keyboard and had you been wise, you would have shunned this thread like a rabid dog shuns water.

:D You'd rather I have a cross as my avatar? Ha! I am not one of those freaky-deaky weirdo Christians. I am a cool one who wins people to Jesus on a daily basis. I do not care what you say. I am NOT pc. I will not sugar-coat my words because someone might get offended. I am passionate about my beliefs in God and country. Keeping Americans (even liberals) alive is an awesome job. I have a great life. Why would I flee? I have nothing to hide. Have a day.
:D You'd rather I have a cross as my avatar? Ha! I am not one of those freaky-deaky weirdo Christians. I am a cool one who wins people to Jesus on a daily basis. I do not care what you say. I am NOT pc. I will not sugar-coat my words because someone might get offended. I am passionate about my beliefs in God and country. Keeping Americans (even liberals) alive is an awesome job. I have a great life. Why would I flee? I have nothing to hide. Have a day.

I'm not certain of this.

You see, I am an atheist. (Well known that this is the case...)
I also love Jesus. Strange? Perhaps.
Yet, whatever the truth about the man may be, the legacy that exists is based upon principles that brought much needed radical change.

"He" brought topics to immediate attention that civilization struggles with to this day.
Racism. Bigotry. Hatred. Hypocrisy.
"His" teachings singly transformed a major religion from a bloodthirsty and violent belief to one that promoted understanding and peace. Can you think of any other historical character who so effectively and drastically changed an ancient belief?

A "Christian" is one that follows the teachings of the one from which the practice is named.

For being "On fire for Jesus" you seem to have a great deal of difficulty in practicing the belief upon which your faith is founded.
Political Correctness has nothing to do with it.
I'm not certain of this.
You see, I am an atheist. (Well known that this is the case...)
I also love Jesus. Strange? Perhaps.
Yet, whatever the truth about the man may be, the legacy that exists is based upon principles that brought much needed radical change.
"He" brought topics to immediate attention that civilization struggles with to this day.
Racism. Bigotry. Hatred. Hypocrisy.
"His" teachings singly transformed a major religion from a bloodthirsty and violent belief to one that promoted understanding and peace. Can you think of any other historical character who so effectively and drastically changed an ancient belief?
A "Christian" is one that follows the teachings of the one from which the practice is named.
For being "On fire for Jesus" you seem to have a great deal of difficulty in practicing the belief upon which your faith is founded.
Political Correctness has nothing to do with it.

I knew you were an atheist. I could tell by your post directed at me. Being on fire for Jesus means you walk the walk. You don't drink, smoke, do drugs or anything stupid. You get people saved/churched. You spend a good part of your day witnessing to anyone who needs it. You make people smile. The Bible says to be fishers of men. I do this on a daily basis and I do it well. God and Jesus are not some wimpy gods who never get furious, angry, violent etc. They hate what I hate--terrorism, criminal activity, laziness etc.
I knew you were an atheist. I could tell by your post directed at me. Being on fire for Jesus means you walk the walk. You don't drink, smoke, do drugs or anything stupid. You get people saved/churched. You spend a good part of your day witnessing to anyone who needs it. You make people smile. The Bible says to be fishers of men. I do this on a daily basis and I do it well. God and Jesus are not some wimpy gods who never get furious, angry, violent etc. They hate what I hate--terrorism, criminal activity, laziness etc.

Well... carry on.
I am not religious. I think manmade religion sucks. Big time. I am just an on-fire-for-Jesus born-again Christian who walks the walk and talks the talk. I am not perfect. Only Jesus is.
"Spiritual" is wimpy. It is cowardly. Either be a Christian or Jew, or worship Satan. There is no inbetween according to Jesus. You are either hot or cold. He spits our lukewarm.

Bollocks. Says who?

Why don't you try that passage about offering a blanket to your neighbour, and imagine that on the theological plane?
WOW first 2 posts in and haymakers are being thrown.. in the red bikini lori_7 in the blue bikini Sandy ding ding ding "throws some oil in the right to cool them off"