Christian tips to doing battle with evil atheists

I actually find it a pretty accurate summary of discussing faith. There are some things that can't be explained, and I don't think it makes someone stupid to believe some seemingly irrational things.

It is trying to exchange one's awareness that it is irrational and not understood for merely believing a dogma and then claiming it is understood which causes problems.

No atheist will ever bug you about saying "there are things I don't understand about reality."

Its saying "'god' is the answer to everything not understood about reality" which hacks them off and leads to stupidity, enshrined ignorance and all the evils of religion.
Robobabes, I think you mean. That's where I abandoned even sympathetic credulity.

As for how to deal with evil atheists, I understand there's a church where the preferred tactic is to stand around with placards, screaming anti-semitic and homophobic slurs, but it just seems so offensive somehow.