Christian tips to doing battle with evil atheists

I used to argue with atheists. No more. Oh, I am still a christian, but I recognize that all belief is by choice. I'm in a relationship with a "True" Atheist. She simply has not ever believed in any form of deity. We respect each other's right to believe as we choose, and things work out.

Ah well. Too bad everyone can't respect each other and move forward. Too much stupidity on both sides, I think.
I used to argue with atheists. No more. Oh, I am still a christian, but I recognize that all belief is by choice. I'm in a relationship with a "True" Atheist. She simply has not ever believed in any form of deity. We respect each other's right to believe as we choose, and things work out.

Ah well. Too bad everyone can't respect each other and move forward. Too much stupidity on both sides, I think.


Oh, I am still a christian, but I recognize that all belief is by choice.

Too much stupidity on both sides, I think.

Why would you choose to believe in that which didn't exist? And, how is stupid not to believe in that which doesn't exist?
Christians Tips To Doing Battle With Evil Atheists

Evil? Me?

Pray for me brothers & sisters.(that would be my tip for the resident Christians).

Despite everything else, God will tune in. I just hope that little tin pot General in NK doesn't push the button while God's concentrating on my problem. An atheist's disbelief in God probably means more to Him than nuclear war. Shit!..Now I'm worried....forget it.... I need God to keep his head on straight so all you Christians shut the !@#$ up until God figures this one out.
Sorry. I respect the semi-literate and above in a text based forum. I'm sure you are a swell guy when not faced with such difficult tasks as reading english and understanding it, at LEAST literally. Therefore, you are only a douche here. I'll reserve judgement on your douchebaggery in person for the event of us meeting.

I find those a very respectful, considerate way of approaching debate from the Christian side.

i disagree, seemed arrogant and condescending in parts to me. where it said "atheists are probably more committed to their morals", in our lectures they said belief was irrelevant, the likelihood of a person stopping to help someone in need depended more on the strength and extent* of their belief than whether it was atheist or christian.

there are good points in there, and i think atheists could benefit from one designed for them, but i disliked the tone.

*time they'd spent thinking about/questioning their belief
Therefore, you are only a douche here. I'll reserve judgement on your douchebaggery in person for the event of us meeting.

The fact that you lack the ability to support your claims and respond to questions does not make me a douche, sir. It certainly speaks volumes about you, though.
I'll repeat the question, "WHAT BURDEN OF EVIDENCE, SAM???"

The lack of delusional thinking from brainless twits supporting their medieval cults in the link of course. What else?:p

Surely you can see that such intelligent well framed arguments about athiests could never come from a theist?

I can't believe you needed me to point that out. :bugeye:
The lack of delusional thinking from brainless twits supporting their medieval cults in the link of course. What else?:p

Surely you can see that such intelligent well framed arguments about athiests could never come from a theist?

I can't believe you needed me to point that out. :bugeye:

All you had to say was that there was no evidence to support your claim. Simple really.
So you think those arguments were made by a theist?

Why (Q), thats positively generous of you! :p
Pretending to be tolerant theists, milad. Jeez, you do need all the i's dotted, don't you?

Or are you saying they are tolerant atheists because they pretended to be Christians?