Christian tips to doing battle with evil atheists

Pretending to be tolerant theists, milad. Jeez, you do need all the i's dotted, don't you?

Or are you saying they are tolerant atheists because they pretended to be Christians?

No, you see Sam, pretending is something theists do, it is what and who they are, and they don't know a world that is any different from the one in which they are pretending to live.
they don't know a world that is any different from the one in which they are pretending to live.

Exactly, hence my contention the points are either deluded or not written by a theist.

1. Remember that they are people, just like you are. Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, they are not some lower life form we share this planet with.

2. More than likely, they are smarter than you are. This can be difficult to come to grips with, but it does appear to be true and is a claim that is actually supported by the Bible (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

3. Statistically, they are also as moral, if not more so than you are. While it is a good thing that they generally are highly moral, it is a shame that we, who often times claim the moral high ground, seem unable, or unwilling, to match our words with our lives.

4. They will probably thump you in debate. They are much more likely to have carefully thought through their position and understand why they believe what they do. We are more likely simply to present some argument that the person we heard it from guaranteed would destroy the enemy. The problem with that is that many of them have heard the same arguments many times and are easily able to counter them.

5. Don't under-estimate their knowledge of the Bible. Many of them are more familiar with the Bible than the average Christian is. And they know all of the passages that will cause you a problem, and will not hesitate to challenge you with them.

So, as a Christian, what chance do we have when doing battle with the godless empire? Here are some suggestions that may make your stay here more rewarding.
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And, that was a brilliant post, clearly one in which you spent the good part of the day formulating what would be a response of superior intellect and insight.

simple post > dumb post. i don't need to point out why, i just enjoy pointing it out. i'll save my superior intellect and insight for someone who's less set in their ways.
simple post > dumb post. i don't need to point out why, i just enjoy pointing it out. i'll save my superior intellect and insight for someone who's less set in their ways.

Stop being an asshat and get the hell over yourself. :rolleyes:
The fact that you lack the ability to support your claims and respond to questions does not make me a douche, sir. It certainly speaks volumes about you, though.

And the fact that you have asked me no questions nor have I made claims in this thread says... what about you?

You are right, you aren't a douche. Douches are at least useful.

You are so right, Q. I guess I can't. Maybe you should show me a claim I have made or a question you have asked me here, then?

Wait. That's right, neither have occurred in this thread. Perhaps I have trouble with remedial skills, the jury is still out. You have made your blatant stupidity plain time and time again.

Well, if I have such a problem, at least I can learn. I'm afraid there's no cure for stupid, Q. Sorry.

You are so right, Q. I guess I can't. Maybe you should show me a claim I have made or a question you have asked me here, then?

Post # 25. I asked 2 questions there.

Perhaps I have trouble with remedial skills, the jury is still out. You have made your blatant stupidity plain time and time again.

Looks like the yoke is on you. ;)
Why would you choose to believe in that which didn't exist? And, how is stupid not to believe in that which doesn't exist?

You did ask this. I invite you to explain how they are relevant to post 24. If they are not, then why should I waste my time answering them?

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you expected me to pay thorough attention to irrelevant questions. For future reference... I won't. I'll probably ignore their existence.

If you want my answers, I'd suggest a new thread entirely.

Wait, do you need me to give you any definitions for words like "relevant" or "reference"? I know context clues tend to elude you.
You did ask this. I invite you to explain how they are relevant to post 24. If they are not, then why should I waste my time answering them?

So, remedial is your problem. I'm now obliged to hand-hold you through the English language.

You said:

"all belief is by choice"

Then, I asked:

"Why would you choose to believe in that which didn't exist? And, how is stupid not to believe in that which doesn't exist?"

So, I asked you why would you choose to believe in something that didn't exist? Is that not a relevant question to your claim?

Then, I asked why is it stupid NOT to believe in things that don't exist? That would be a follow up question, also relevant.

Need more help or can you handle it now?
Ah Q, I see I have, again, overestimated you.

Your question is irrelevant because it implies that belief requires existance. It also requires that something be said to exist or not. My statement said neither.

This is a simple issue of you being too incompetent to comprehend what is said or the context in which it is said, and then asking a question based on things which you wish had been said.

Maybe a class or two in effective communication techniques is in order? Effective reading comprehension, perhaps?
Your question is irrelevant because it implies that belief requires existance.

No, your analysis is incorrect. There is no requirement for existence, only the fact that something can or cannot exist.

It also requires that something be said to exist or not. My statement said neither.

There are no other alternatives, so your statement did not have to state such. The question was posed for one of two obvious alternatives.

This is a simple issue of you being too incompetent to comprehend what is said or the context in which it is said, and then asking a question based on things which you wish had been said.

Clearly, you're just incapable of answering questions to your claims. Why not just say so?
QUOTE=(Q);2286722]No, your analysis is incorrect. There is no requirement for existence, only the fact that something can or cannot exist.

When in doubt you seem to return to your selective memory. How does one answer your question,"Why would you believe in something that does not exist?" without facing the fact that some sort of existence is accepted by the person being asked as absolute truth(aka belief). This question is of the same sort as if you asked,"Have you stopped beating your mother?" It is, in fact, a trap. I'll refer you to the philosophy section as far as whether anything can be objectively proven at all.

In summary, one believes in what one believes to exist. Whether it is a belief in the existence of the planet Neptune to a belief in a deity of any sort does not matter. All truth is that which the person believing it to be true believes to be true.

There are no other alternatives, so your statement did not have to state such. The question was posed for one of two obvious alternatives.

Yes, to believe something exists or not is a binary function. I believe I explained why the two portions of what was asked were different above.

Clearly, you're just incapable of answering questions to your claims. Why not just say so?[/QUOTE]

I just did. Here's my question for you, does anything exist that one does not believe in? If not, why not? If so, can you give me examples?

Don't worry, I won't hold my breath for you to provide a reply that has any value. Otherwise you would, in fact, post your idea in philosophy and discuss it there. The topic about 'how to find truth' may be a good one.

No wait, stay out of there, too much actual thought for you. I know how you lean on your silly rhetoric.
Actually, try researching a few terms:

Subjective Reality
Objective Reality

If you can understand those, maybe you'll understand, someday, why your closed-minded position is flawed.
This question is of the same sort as if you asked,"Have you stopped beating your mother?" It is, in fact, a trap. I'll refer you to the philosophy section as far as whether anything can be objectively proven at all.

Nonsense. It is no such trap, it is simply a relevant question posed to your claim. It's a trap only in the sense that you cannot answer the question honestly.

I just did. Here's my question for you, does anything exist that one does not believe in? If not, why not? If so, can you give me examples?

Black swans. This was a classic example. It was believed there only existed white swans, until black swans were discovered to exist.

Anyways, don't trouble yourself over your lack of capacity. I already know full well you can't support your claims.
Actually, try researching a few terms:

Subjective Reality
Objective Reality

If you can understand those, maybe you'll understand, someday, why your closed-minded position is flawed.

Here's a few for you to research, to return the favor:
