Christian tips to doing battle with evil atheists

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
Interesting post from here:

Christians Tips To Doing Battle With Evil Atheists

Some things to keep in mind:

1. Remember that they are people, just like you are. Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, they are not some lower life form we share this planet with.

2. More than likely, they are smarter than you are. This can be difficult to come to grips with, but it does appear to be true and is a claim that is actually supported by the Bible (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

3. Statistically, they are also as moral, if not more so than you are. While it is a good thing that they generally are highly moral, it is a shame that we, who often times claim the moral high ground, seem unable, or unwilling, to match our words with our lives.

4. They will probably thump you in debate. They are much more likely to have carefully thought through their position and understand why they believe what they do. We are more likely simply to present some argument that the person we heard it from guaranteed would destroy the enemy. The problem with that is that many of them have heard the same arguments many times and are easily able to counter them.

5. Don't under-estimate their knowledge of the Bible. Many of them are more familiar with the Bible than the average Christian is. And they know all of the passages that will cause you a problem, and will not hesitate to challenge you with them.

So, as a Christian, what chance do we have when doing battle with the godless empire? Here are some suggestions that may make your stay here more rewarding.

1. Don't feel like you have to win all of the battles. You are not going to. In fact, you may not win any of them. Be satisfied with being able to clearly and logically express what you believe and why. While you may never convince another person on this group, you will have helped yourself by taking the time to understand what you believe and why, and to verbally present it. 1 Peter 3:15 says in part "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." We are challenged to give an answer, not to win a fight.

2. Be respectful, open and truthful. The remainder of 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to make our defense "with gentleness and respect". Realize that the people you are debating with really do have a lot to offer. Don't throw away the opportunity to learn from them because they do not believe in the God we hold dear. Don't make the mistake of believing that everything an atheist says is suspect.

3. Treat them the way you would like to be treated yourself. Remember what Jesus says in Matthew 7:12: "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Jesus tells us to initiate the desired treatment, not just respond to others in the way we are treated. Most atheists here will treat you with at least the same amount of respect that you show to them.

4. Be willing to admit that there are things you don't know. Believe it or not, it will not hurt your position.

5. Remember that our walk is by faith and that we cannot prove that God exists or that the Bible is true. We might be able to make an argument to support those beliefs, but do not mistake that for proof.

6. Remember that while the Bible may be authoritative to you, like it is to me, to an atheist it is just an old book and has no more authority than the Iliad.

7. Enjoy your stay with us, learn and share, and don't get too worked up about anything.

8. Don't feed the trolls.

Here's a few more:

The entire law is summed up in one word: Love. (Romans 13:8-10)

Christians--along with the egotistical 'intelligentsia'--would do well to remember that God cannot be comprehended by the mind being 'understood'/'grasped' primarily by the heart. "Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter the Kingdom of God" (Matt. 18:3)

The Shepherd calls out; only His sheep 'hear'/respond to His Word. (John 10:22-31)
The only battle that is really notewortht is the battle within all of us, and I don't know that there are ant rules governing that one.
This Christian has clearly never posted on sciforums.

Would be interesting if he/she were to do so and then give some tips.
I find those a very respectful, considerate way of approaching debate from the Christian side. JMy mother's Christian and approaches things much this way, and neither this little list nor her attitude imply that they're "doing battle" or think atheists are "evil." I think that's hyperbolic spew from some overanxious atheist.

Frankly, I think we'd all be better off with a little humility, understanding, and compassion from all sides.
This Christian has clearly never posted on sciforums.

Would be interesting if he/she were to do so and then give some tips.

If you're referring to me, I believe I registered for the 2nd time in '04. Actually, back in the day '98ish, I'm pretty sure the forums were initially segregated because I was getting on the athiests nerves. I'm done arguing. Sharing ideas, yeah. Communicating, yeah. Arguing, no.
I was referring to the Christian handing out tips in the opening post link. :p

Actually, back in the day '98ish, I'm pretty sure the forums were initially segregated because I was getting on the athiests nerves. I'm done arguing. Sharing ideas, yeah. Communicating, yeah. Arguing, no.

Did you post with the intention of arguing? I recall that I was not really inclined to enter into a debate on religion, but it was hard to avoid.
No it was not my intent. I was and am still so naïve.
He's a tip for atheist, next time you get sales pitch for Jc... tell them you're already saved... a pastor for Calvary Chapel told me that one ;)
I find those a very respectful, considerate way of approaching debate from the Christian side. JMy mother's Christian and approaches things much this way, and neither this little list nor her attitude imply that they're "doing battle" or think atheists are "evil." I think that's hyperbolic spew from some overanxious atheist.

Frankly, I think we'd all be better off with a little humility, understanding, and compassion from all sides.

But it's not really from the Christian side. It's a subtle insult to theists written from the atheist side.
But it's not really from the Christian side. It's a subtle insult to theists written from the atheist side.

I actually find it a pretty accurate summary of discussing faith. There are some things that can't be explained, and I don't think it makes someone stupid to believe some seemingly irrational things.
Also, that's why I said "hyperbolic spew from some overanxious athiest." However, I don't think it's a bad way to explain faith.
I thought as much.


I thought these were quite illuminating:
You are asked to attempt to use Neutral Point of View wherever possible. Where there is a lack of consensus, then multiple points of view should be presented.

followed by:
Weak Atheist

A person who concedes the possibility that a god or gods may exist, but maintains that such is improbable. Also known as "implicit atheism": The lack of theistic belief without a conscious rejection of it.

Weak Theist

A weak theist wants to believe in God, and on occasion, they think they do. On other occasions they simply go through the motions, either intermittently plagued with doubts and questions, or simply ignoring them. The method of dealing with such doubts and questions depends on the nature of the person concerned.

Clearly neutral. :p