Christian miracles

Here's one for the original OP, The Virgin Mary Appears in a glass building structure, Clearwater, Fl:


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I lived in Clearwater, Florida, USA during the time of the apparition's original appearance. People went absolutely bananas during the first few weeks, crying out in tongues, weeping, selling t-shirts (no, really, you don't expect the capitalists to stay away do you?)

Anyway, the phenomenon was there for quite some time, at least months, before some idiot kid shot the window - said kid banking a lot on there not being a hell - :D

The "miracle" disrupted traffic for weeks, (they had to reroute the road, a decent sized highway, to accommodate the crowds) and it was on my route to work. Very selfish of me, but it sucked.

As such things go however, this one was fairly impressive...

Some more links:

Personally, I think it looks like the streaking that occurs from window washing...
See? So it also looks like someone's thumb, or a nipple, or an upside-down taco. But if you are Bible-crazy, you will see that iconic image.
Of course for me it's academic. I don't honestly care if people believe in Xemu or Xenu or Allah or Smurf-berries. Unless they start killing one another over if it's XeMU or XeNU or Mohammad was the "LAST" Prophet or the second to last or smurf-berries are red or blue. As of now only Muslims are killing one another over these silly memes.

oh really? then you know nothing, just a brain washed dude, that make theories about muslims from his own washed thinking, pleas, lol, do you really think it's because of relegion, hahahahaha, silly, and i must say, you really don't know nothing, your mind is empty, you just see in black and white, and the things that you see in tv. pleas, lol
Wishful thinking.

That's simply not true. Think of 10 modern inventions made by Muslims that changed the world. By modern I mean in the last 150 years. How's that for a window?

i'm not going to answer your other comments cause you know nothing, and you'll start again proganada, you're not the kind of people that can discuss, your thinking is dictatorship, do you think hat every oen should beleive your theoreis,
anyway, who do you think invented the first camera dark room with that hoel for light, who invented chimistry, who upgraded maths and created so many theories still use till toaday, who do you think invented soap, who do you think invented the eye glasses, who do you think discovered the surgeries, who do you think invented the surgery tools that soem of them still used till toaday, who do you think invented the clocks, etc etc etc... as i said, you know nothing, useless to talk to some who don't know nothing, you are just uneducated in any way, your just a brain washed, i feel so sorry for you, you're a primitive, get a life, lol, no offence, but whatever

See? So it also looks like someone's thumb, or a nipple, or an upside-down taco. But if you are Bible-crazy, you will see that iconic image.

as we all said, we can see it many images, but, some are too clear to see them other images, like in other topic of myne, it just make the people who belong to that relegion, more proud, that's all,end of story :D
as we all said, we can see it many images, but, some are too clear to see them other images, like in other topic of myne, it just make the people who belong to that relegion, more proud, that's all,end of story :D

I don't get why you would be proud of a random resemblance to the icons of your religion, especially since Mohammed warned against that exact thing.
By the way: You don't believe in modern Christian Miracles do you? Yet here you are posting in a thread about Christian Miracles. Have you ever thought about how that could offend someone who does? You Scifes and 786 are quick to get pissed off when YOUR superstition is on the hot plate, but perfectly happy to ridicule other people's superstitions. You do know a LOT of people truly believe in John Edwards to channel their dead fathers or daughters, wives or friends and yet you write this:

I know you don't get it, but, you're acting like a hypocrite.

lol, are you trying to dig to make me mocking of christanity, pleas... lol,
i already said, there are no modern miracles, not in islam, not in christanity, but you see, are god creation (for a theist) and a nature creation (for an atheist) anyway, those pictures, and scenes, just make the pearson be more proud of his relegion, his culture, or etc etc... so, do you understand?

i'm acting like a hypocrite, oh really? how is that? lol,
or forget it, it's useless to talk to an empty minded, racist, intollerant, inrespectebal, theorical((make things from his mind from pictures he see without even making searches IN THE REAL WORLD, not in films and movie))n lol, you really make me laugh, anyway, sorry cause i talked to you, and sorry cause i ever discussed with you, you're just a hypocrite, and racist, no one can discuss with you. get a life, don't waste your life in front of your pc screen, get a girlfriend, have friends in REAL LIFE, have fun, in the REAL LIFE, cause it seems you don't know anything, also it would be good for you to try some travel and know the world with YOUR EYES!
anywya, don't answer on those replyes, i know you'll just start a new proganada, and new agressive replyies, lol,

I don't get why you would be proud of a random resemblance to the icons of your religion, especially since Mohammed warned against that exact thing.

if you don't have a relegion, you want get it, ;)
it just make me, like, kinda exited about it, and more convinced of my relegion, for example, like, how a hall phrase in arabic appear from trees, a hall sentence, not a word, :p
and what part you meant that Mohamed(pbuh) warned us about it? :p
Mohammed warned about icons and images, but that's none of my business.

I wonder why you would find such inspiration, because of the Spaghetti Monster thread. The spaghetti monster is a made up thing, and we can find images of it all over the place!!!!!!! That means that anyone can find anything if they look for it. Which means that Islamic images in nature don't mean a damn thing.

Mohammed warned about icons and images, but that's none of my business.

I wonder why you would find such inspiration, because of the Spaghetti Monster thread. The spaghetti monster is a made up thing, and we can find images of it all over the place!!!!!!! That means that anyone can find anything if they look for it. Which means that Islamic images in nature don't mean a damn thing.

doesnt mean a damn thing for you, if you beleived in god, and had a relegion you'll understand, but now you cant, as an atheist, you can never do, it's beyond your mind,
anyway, moahmed(pbuh) didnt warned us about icons, or images, he warned about the bad pictures, like the naked pictures, also for the alive people pictures, but, toaday, and many centuries ago, we drawed pictures, faces, but, not naked ones, but there are some, also drawing nature, animals anything but humans is ok, but everyone is making pictures since centuries, but not naked women pictures, or immoral ones,
check my arabic art topic, enter to profile, and look at it at my topics list, you'll see it, :)
God seems to be sending mixed messages. He's sending Christian images to Christians, Islamic images to Muslims, Buddhist images to Buddhists, FSM images to atheists... I just wish he would be more specific.

God seems to be sending mixed messages. He's sending Christian images to Christians, Islamic images to Muslims, Buddhist images to Buddhists, FSM images to atheists... I just wish he would be more specific.

don't you get it, there is no modern miracles, it's all quincedence, wich it happened to be. :p
miracles are over after islam, 1400 years ago. But i still like those pictures, :p
OK, I guess it's like having a favorite football team, and then finding a cool shirt with the same colors.

OK, I guess it's like having a favorite football team, and then finding a cool shirt with the same colors.

yes, now you get it, it's not even about being a miracle or message or something,
see, it's so simple, if you think simple,