Christian miracles


Valued Senior Member
just walk with me on the line,
i'm trying to make a test, :D or an experemint, i'll tell you the results when i finish, it's sicologic experement.

look at this, some picture of christian miracles:



what do you think? amazing =)

so, just say what you want, and what you think
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for anyone who think i'm offending this relegion, no i'm not, and sorry, i said it's just a sicologic expirement i wanted to make, :D
M*W: I think these photos can be explained simply, but I'm sure some christians out there will believe they are miracles.
just walk with me on the line,
i'm trying to make a test, :D or an experemint, i'll tell you the results when i finish, it's sicologic experement.

look at this, some picture of christian miracles:



what do you think? amazing =)
Perhaps they might catalyze a sense of wonder but I seriously doubt whether such things can muster an increased spiritual output from even a practitioner.
Behold! The reason it's pointless to look for images that aren't really there:


Then there's the issue of things being Photoshopped, which happens far more than miracle proponents would like to admit. There's also the assumption the camera sees everything exactly as it really is, forgetting that like the eye, the camera has a lens which collects and manipulates light in a very specific way and doesn't always tell the whole story.
Which is a major part of how a photographer can use pareidolia to his advantage. Lining up the right angle can give a drastic appearance even if head on, it's rather mundane.

Magic link included for your pleasure. Collect all six.
What's the sicologic experiment? Did we pass?
'Sic' means 'thus', as in 'just like that'. So 'sicology' would be the study of the way things are found, without analysis, without categorization, without impinging in any way on the object. A 'sicologic experiment', more commonly referred to as a sicological experiment is one with which the scientist merely observes a thing in all its contingency and draws no conclusions.
'Sic' means 'thus', as in 'just like that'. So 'sicology' would be the study of the way things are found, without analysis, without categorization, without impinging in any way on the object. A 'sicologic experiment', more commonly referred to as a sicological experiment is one with which the scientist merely observes a thing in all its contingency and draws no conclusions.

Ah, the navel-gazer!
Perhaps they might catalyze a sense of wonder but I seriously doubt whether such things can muster an increased spiritual output from even a practitioner.

I know from experience with theists from various denominations that such things (such as those sightings) are sometimes given great value and the aspirant is expected to take them as ultimate or at least sufficient proof of God.

"You say you saw God in your dreams. And still you doubt His existence! You're incorrigible!"

But you would have to actually experience being told such, at a church, face to face. That is something to behold.

Many Christians (but also others) like to play the Doubting Thomas card on anyone who seems to lack faith or conviction.

so, do you think there's truly such miracles, maybe i couldnt find pictures, do you think there are miracles?
and how you explain it, if it is true?