VitalOne said:
"Then should anyone say to you
‘Look, here is the Christ! Look, He is there!'
Do not believe it.
For false Christ's and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible even the elect.
Take heed, see I have told you all things beforehand.
Therefore if they say to you
‘Look, he is in the desert!'
Do not go out. Or
‘Look, he is in the inter rooms!'
Do not believe it.
For as the lighting comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be" - Jesus
There is a very interesting analysis one can do here.
Have you heard of the Unforgivable Sin? In Mathew Chapter 12 Jesus becomes annoyed when a Pharisee, probably Young Paul, accuses Jesus of using Demons to cast out Demons -- that Jesus is only doing "Good" in order to gain people's trust in order to fool them. Well, the idea that Goodness should be a matter for Accusation is so offensive to Christ, that he calls it the Unforgivable Sin against the Holy Spirit.
Now, look at your Passage from Paul.
Is it not EXACTLY this same Unforgivable Sin. Heck! It is even the same Pharisee. The Same Argument.
"Never believe Goodness. They only want to Fool You."
Why would the Paulists use such an argument? Well, his Congregations were hearing that the Followers of the True Apostles were seeing and receiving all kinds of Supernatural Miracles, Signs and Wonders... all of that Holy Spirit Stuff. But Paul's followers were getting nothing, and asking WHY. So Paul reacted with to two-fold Strategy. First, he redefined the Holy Spirit so that it would no longer mean anything... or nothing Supernatural. Just look at the Holy Spirit from the Book of Acts -- Miracles out the Butt. Then Look at Paul's redefinition of the Holy Spirit -- 'patience, forbearance, looking both ways when crossing the street' ... all just anything that anybody has, christian or not. Then Paul asserted the argument that Miracles were from the Devil and that Righteousness was always to be treated with suspicion -- "The Devil wants to fool you". Paul was defending his Congregations from the Real and True Apostles. It was a Territory Dispute, and Paul saw the Real Apostles as intruders.
The same Problem would follow the Paulist Congregations even after the Death of Paul. The Congregations would still have to be convinced that not experiencing Miracles was a good thing, and that the remaining Messianic Congregations, that were receiving Miracles, that they were actually evil. So when the Gospels were written, Jesus was made to quote paul -- Paulist Doctrines were superimposed upon the Ministry of Christ.
That is very ironical. Why? Well in all of Paul's 14 books, he never once EVER quotes Jesus. But when the Paulists decided to write the History of Jesus, they make Jesus quote paul. Quite backwards, don't you think.
but the Book of Mathew was the most Jewish and least Paulist of the Gospels, and there we got it right -- that Jesus said that your Passage which accuses all goodness and light of actually being some hidden evil -- that such Accusations against Goodness, that THAT is the Unforgiveable Sin.
So you should be ashamed of yourself... mostly for being stupid. If you have ever read you Bible with the least bit of attention, you would have noticed this discrepancy on your own.