Christ: He's Back Matraiya, Ram Bomjan Palden Dorje

Leo Volont said:
One needs only refer to the Study that the Sterling Hospital turned in regarding Pralad Jnani who had not eaten or drank a thing in 60 years. The Sterling Hospital conducted a 10 day study and observation and confirmed the viability of the claim -- that for 10 days Pralad Jnani neither ate nor drank, and yet showed not the least decline, or dip in body weight.

Bullocks! He did dip in body weight, and he has a hole in his palate in which water filters through, thus sustaining him.

Attention to detail is not shallow. It is rather a concern for thoroughness.

Uh... yeah.
Hi Leo,
Thanks for the post. There's no need to convince those that don't belive, better to remained silence....OM NAMO BUDDHA GYANI..OM NAMO BUDDHA GYANI..OM NAMO BUDDHA GYANI
"Then should anyone say to you
‘Look, here is the Christ! Look, He is there!'
Do not believe it.
For false Christ's and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible even the elect.
Take heed, see I have told you all things beforehand.
Therefore if they say to you
‘Look, he is in the desert!'
Do not go out. Or
‘Look, he is in the inter rooms!'
Do not believe it.
For as the lighting comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be" - Jesus
Leo Volont said:
Besides the miraculous fasting (and any small town could soon uncover any fraud occurring there… as it would be no easy feat to sneak food miles into the jungle day after day without detection)
Yeah, come on guys. We all know there isn't anything to eat in the jungle. You'd have to air-lift in food.


Leo your a riot, thanks for the wonderful jokes, you further make yourself look like an ass in our presence, keep coming with this crap, and we will send you some free prozac. ;)
Raithere said:
Yeah, come on guys. We all know there isn't anything to eat in the jungle. You'd have to air-lift in food.



There have been videos that have come out of Nepal showing the mileau of the area in which this young man has gone without eating or drinking. It is crawling with people -- hundreds of tourists milling about. and they go there for one reason -- to see that the Boy DOESN'T move an inch, because he is supposed to be Meditating, and to especially see that he isn't eating or drinking.

And you are insinuating the that he has been climbing the trees shaking down coconuts.

Yeah, that makes sense.
VitalOne said:
"Then should anyone say to you
‘Look, here is the Christ! Look, He is there!'
Do not believe it.
For false Christ's and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible even the elect.
Take heed, see I have told you all things beforehand.
Therefore if they say to you
‘Look, he is in the desert!'
Do not go out. Or
‘Look, he is in the inter rooms!'
Do not believe it.
For as the lighting comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be" - Jesus

There is a very interesting analysis one can do here.

Have you heard of the Unforgivable Sin? In Mathew Chapter 12 Jesus becomes annoyed when a Pharisee, probably Young Paul, accuses Jesus of using Demons to cast out Demons -- that Jesus is only doing "Good" in order to gain people's trust in order to fool them. Well, the idea that Goodness should be a matter for Accusation is so offensive to Christ, that he calls it the Unforgivable Sin against the Holy Spirit.

Now, look at your Passage from Paul.

Is it not EXACTLY this same Unforgivable Sin. Heck! It is even the same Pharisee. The Same Argument.

"Never believe Goodness. They only want to Fool You."

Why would the Paulists use such an argument? Well, his Congregations were hearing that the Followers of the True Apostles were seeing and receiving all kinds of Supernatural Miracles, Signs and Wonders... all of that Holy Spirit Stuff. But Paul's followers were getting nothing, and asking WHY. So Paul reacted with to two-fold Strategy. First, he redefined the Holy Spirit so that it would no longer mean anything... or nothing Supernatural. Just look at the Holy Spirit from the Book of Acts -- Miracles out the Butt. Then Look at Paul's redefinition of the Holy Spirit -- 'patience, forbearance, looking both ways when crossing the street' ... all just anything that anybody has, christian or not. Then Paul asserted the argument that Miracles were from the Devil and that Righteousness was always to be treated with suspicion -- "The Devil wants to fool you". Paul was defending his Congregations from the Real and True Apostles. It was a Territory Dispute, and Paul saw the Real Apostles as intruders.

The same Problem would follow the Paulist Congregations even after the Death of Paul. The Congregations would still have to be convinced that not experiencing Miracles was a good thing, and that the remaining Messianic Congregations, that were receiving Miracles, that they were actually evil. So when the Gospels were written, Jesus was made to quote paul -- Paulist Doctrines were superimposed upon the Ministry of Christ.

That is very ironical. Why? Well in all of Paul's 14 books, he never once EVER quotes Jesus. But when the Paulists decided to write the History of Jesus, they make Jesus quote paul. Quite backwards, don't you think.

but the Book of Mathew was the most Jewish and least Paulist of the Gospels, and there we got it right -- that Jesus said that your Passage which accuses all goodness and light of actually being some hidden evil -- that such Accusations against Goodness, that THAT is the Unforgiveable Sin.

So you should be ashamed of yourself... mostly for being stupid. If you have ever read you Bible with the least bit of attention, you would have noticed this discrepancy on your own.
as it seems that in these obvious End Times we are now experiencing

Purely out of interest, but how are we experiencing "obvious" end times? That's how your argument started and you haven't even done the courtesy of supporting that claim.
How convenient that they turn away the very people that could have proved or disproved the miraculous nature of the events you describe.

Did it occur to you that God tends to order the killing those following rival religions? Anyway, Buddhists are atheists, and Buddha taught a healthy skepticism.
Leo Volont said:
There have been videos that have come out of Nepal showing the mileau of the area in which this young man has gone without eating or drinking. It is crawling with people -- hundreds of tourists milling about. and they go there for one reason -- to see that the Boy DOESN'T move an inch, because he is supposed to be Meditating, and to especially see that he isn't eating or drinking.

And you are insinuating the that he has been climbing the trees shaking down coconuts.

Yeah, that makes sense.
You're right; no one in the entire history of mankind has been able to fool a crowd of people into believing something incredible was happening when it really wasn't. :sarcasm off:

SnakeLord said:
Purely out of interest, but how are we experiencing "obvious" end times? That's how your argument started and you haven't even done the courtesy of supporting that claim.

Well, Mr. Science, with all of the demonstrative indications for Global Warming, and with projections going toward replacing Food Crops with Energy Producing Produce, all while World Populations are still increasing.... do you see ANY POSSIBLE SURVIVAL Scenario?

Please, if you see a way where it can all somehow work out, then, really you NEED to write a book. People would be very interested.

As it is, everybody is quite hopeless about the World Situation. But since nobody can do anything, nobody talks about it. It makes no sense to stir up the commoners.

But I guess you just got stirred up.
spidergoat said:
Anyway, Buddhists are atheists, and Buddha taught a healthy skepticism.

Well, you are assuming that all Buddhists agree with Buddha. They don't. Only the smallest number of Buddhists agree with that fat nihilistic tub of lard, the Gautama. They call it Nihayana or "Small Wheel" Buddhism.

Gautama, the rich spoiled prince, was jealous of the power exercised in the Northern Kingdoms by the Brahmin Priesthoods and stirred up his Philosopy of Cynical Stoicism as a reaction. The Merchants in the town welcomed his Rebellion with open arms, and they funded the Belief System, more or less simply to give them an excuse to run the Priests out of their towns.

But the People are more than a few selfish Merchants, and they wanted their Religion back. With the Brahmins gone, they took what they had and made THAT their Religion. Mahayana Buddhism. It gave us back God, and also the Moral Sense of Compassion and Divine Providence. Mahayana Buddhism even gives us the Boddhisattva Ideal -- specifying a kind of Christ Savior or Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

but, yes, if you go to down to about 5 villages in Burma, you can still find about 20 people who still believe in Gautama's Atheism. You might notice what a Grand Civilization it was able to create for them.
Well, Mr. Science, with all of the demonstrative indications for Global Warming, and with projections going toward replacing Food Crops with Energy Producing Produce, all while World Populations are still increasing.... do you see ANY POSSIBLE SURVIVAL Scenario?

Wow, I think you need to stop watching TV. I get this feeling you watched Day After Tomorrow and have become all paranoid because of it. In the meantime spend some time at and you'll see it's not quite as "end times" as you clearly would like to believe.

As it is, everybody is quite hopeless about the World Situation.

I disagree. You should spend less time listening to jesus threats about world destruction and more time listening to scientists.

But I guess you just got stirred up.

O..k. Can't even ask a person to support their claims anymore without them getting all silly about it.
SnakeLord said:
Wow, I think you need to stop watching TV. I get this feeling you watched Day After Tomorrow and have become all paranoid because of it. In the meantime spend some time at and you'll see it's not quite as "end times" as you clearly would like to believe.

The Wonderful Thing about Science that Politicians and the Corporations love is that Science can't seem to Prove a goddamn thing until it is far too late.

Look at the Tobacco Lawsuits. They are still going into court claiming that Science has not "proven" that tobacco is harmful.

It is now over 30 years since all those Troops in Vietnam were exposed to Agent Orange, and still the Government stands by the Science which shows there is no Proof that Agent Orange is harmful.

Now Science is doing the same with Desert Storm Syndrome -- where our Generals ordered the Iraqi Chemical Warehouses burned down and everybody downwind is now experiencing the longterm results of exposure to Chemical Nerve Gas, but good ol Science can't Prove that anybody has come to any harm because of it.

You see, they have so over-specified the criteria for Truth, that absolutely no Truth outside of double-blind completely controlled laboratory experiments could ever be said to constitute "proof".

You smoke a million cigerettes and eat one carrot and die. Science will say it might have been that deadly phuquing carrot.

So, really, Civilization needs to re-evaluate its hatred for Lawyers. Maybe it is the Scientists that should be our Number One Enemies.

We should ask them to prove to us why we shouldn't kill them all right now.
Also, there is the Argument from History. There has been 21 Civilizations. They have all Collapsed. We can draw parallels between all of the fallen Civilizations and our own Civilization. The Parallels indicate that our own Civilization is on the verge of collapse.

Yes, it is not logically inevitable. But the probabilities are extremely high. Particularly when you can see that NOBODY is doing anything to deflect the inevitable.

If everybody is making every effort to steer directly toward the Iceberg, well duh.

Well, what does it mean for Civilization to Collapse? Civilizations are the amalgum of Institutions that provide for and distribute the necessary supplies to communal groups. The outstanding point of these Institutions are their complexity and efficiency. In our Own Civilization a very complex Economy and Infrastructure is employed in providing food and energy to billions of people in the Metropolitian Areas, where the skyhigh realestate prices woudl assure that there would be virtually not the slightest hint of the smallest home garden.

History shows us that the Collapse of Any Civilization has resulted in sever Depopulation, and this has been in regards to largely Rural Civilizations, with people close to the fields already. Our Own Civilization would be devastated.

Picture this scenario -- a Big California Earthquake at the same time as another Aggressive Adventure by an American President, so the American Stockmarket drops like a rock. The OPEC Countries worry about the value of the Dollar and so they begin to accept EUROs and YEN for Petroleum Currency (now, the Dollar is secured in value because the American's insist that the U.S. Dollar can be the ONLY international instrument for the exchange of Oil). If ANY hard currency can be used to purchase Oil, the Dollar collapses. The American Economy would grind to a halt. The Trucks would stop running. Foreign Foodstufs ordinarily destined for America would go to Asian and European Markets, where the currencies are still worth something. Even American Businessmen would be economically driven to export remaining goods to foreign markets. Overnight there would be no food or oil left in America.

The Urban Centers would have only the food left on the shelves. These would disappear overnight because of hording. In 45 days 90% of the Urban Populations would be starved out.

Mormons would survive because they have been instructed to fill their cellars with a year or two's worth of food. But since everybody would soon know this, Mormon families would be attacked -- houses would be burned down just to get at the cellars.

There are plenty of disaster scenarios. In a complex Economy,anything could become the weak link in the chain. For instance, with the high prices for Oil... what will happen when suddenly the price of Wheat Alcohol for Car Fuel can get more than from baking bread. When Fuel Alcohol is worth more than Food, almost immediately billions of people will be marked out for starvation... well until the degree of accompanying economic collapse reduces the demand for Fuel, but by that time the damage might already be done. Starvation sparks riots. Now, one can interr people into Camps in order to prevent the Riots and to monitor the Starvation, but after the 20th Century experience with Concentration Camps, I think people will riot before getting on the Trains. Civilized Institutions are linked -- a Complex Economy is a House of Cards, and when things begin to topple, then everything will be likely to go all at once.

This is how easy a Civilization can collapse. Around 800 years ago the Rich Landholders in China had themselves made exempt from Taxes, because they provided jobs and so many Charitable services to their society...the same old Arguments about how wonderful and giving Rich People are. So, then some accountant put 2 and 2 together and started a program where Small Farmers would sell their land to the Rich Tax Exempt Large Landholders and lease it back at a rate undercutting what their Tax Rate would be. One couldn't argue with the Math, within a few years EVERY Inch of Land in China was in the Hands of the Large Landowners and it was all exempt from Taxes. Imperial China was bankrupt. No dredging of the channels, no police, no army, no relief supplies in famine. The first regional Famine sparked Internal Rebellion which demonstrated the Army's weakness which attracted foreign Barbarian Invasion. In less than 10 years it was all over. Rebellion, famine, civil war -- vast tracks of China were completely depopulated. Over a glitch in the Tax Math.
spidergoat said:
Anyway, Buddhists are atheists, and Buddha taught a healthy skepticism.

Actually buddhists state there are six categories of being;

1) demons, 2) ghosts, 3) Asuras, 4) Animal, 5) Human, 6) gods.

There is certainly no monotheistic god in buddhism nor is there any creator god, nor do the gods control our destiny in any way.

Yet, there are still gods in buddhist cosmology. Which does not make them, strictly speaking, atheist.

A healthy skepticism though - yes.