Christ: He's Back Matraiya, Ram Bomjan Palden Dorje

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Christ: He’s Back!

I’m certainly a Catholic, but I am glad that I have carefully been hedging my bets, as it seems that in these obvious End Times we are now experiencing the Coming Again of a Great Messiah, but not from where a good Catholic would at first expect, not from a Judeo/Christian Source. Apparently God learned His lesson there the last time. It appears that our Modern Messiah may come as the Matraiya Buddha. It may be that he is already here, and is now busy preparing himself for the role He will have to play.

He is a young man of Nepal, sixteen years old, and his name is variously spelled: Ram Bomjon, Ram Bamjan, Ram Bomjan. His ‘Buddhist’ name is Palden Dorje. The media has been calling him the “Buddha Boy”. So far he is famous for having had not eaten or drank for some six months while in silent meditation.

Of course, many people are skeptical when they hear of this, and the media only encourages such skepticism by reporting the story most marginally, partially and selectively – to please their modern skeptical and dismissive audiences. It is represented that Groups of Researchers are being consistently turned away. However, a more thoroughly researched account points to a great many verifications that the wider Media has been ignoring. Check this site:
We find that the young man was a trained ascetic from a very young age, and has the endorsements of his local Guru, a famous and high ranking regional Guru, and a Committee of Holy Men who all suppose him to be the Matraiya Buddha in the making. Now I hate to reveal this about the Religious Character, but it certainly is far from common for the Old Men of any Religion to acknowledge any ascendancy or superiority in any Young Men of their Religion. It is more common, even ordinary, for the Old Men of Religion to have great contempt for youth. So it MUST be a great and significant endorsement that so many Religious Old Men are willing to surrender their claims of self importance and to take their positions behind and underneath this lad.

Additionally, the Government of Nepal, in order to well regulate their own jurisdictions, sent a committee of nine specialists to study this New Matraiya, and they also came away with a solid endorsement.

In this context, when a group of Secular Atheist Skeptics arrived, introducing themselves with a slurry of rude questions and a front of obnoxiousness, well, the people, already reassured by their own Holy Men to the satisfaction of their Religion, and already reassured by their own Government Researchers, to satisfy their modern sense of rationality, well, people saw no need for this redundant group of slandering atheists and chased them away without a second thought. The Media pretends that this only group that was rejected was the only group that ever applied. One wonders why the Media would be so reluctant to express just why the local populations were so thoroughly convinced while focusing only on the smallest group which was dissatisfied only because its hostility put them at the greatest distance from the event. Perhaps the Media thought that they could save words by reporting ignorance, as informed knowledge would take so many more columns.

Here allow me to outline some of the details that the media choose rather to set aside. Besides the miraculous fasting (and any small town could soon uncover any fraud occurring there… as it would be no easy feat to sneak food miles into the jungle day after day without detection), there have been several Christ-like miracles. In two separate instances persons who were known to be dumb gained the ability to speak after having come into Our Young Lad’s presence. Then there has been the Wonder of the Lights – as the young Lad sits in meditation in the dark of night he glows in various colors – green at 10 o’clock, yellow by eleven, and the White Light at Midnight. Indeed, that Government Group that investigated, shot a video in which they recorded lights going in and coming out of the Our Young Buddha.

It was reported lately that Our Young Man went missing, but it was subsequently reported that he had only become concerned about the growing carnival atmosphere around the tree in which he was meditating. Several snake bites and then a mysterious fire at this one location were enough to convince Our Buddha in Becoming to pick up and find a better place to finish his Six Year Meditation. You see, on May 16th 2005 he had announced that he would need to complete a six year course of Meditation. So, as yet, he has only just less then one year completed of this six year program. And, again, incidentally, we are handed one more occurrence to reinforce the Big Picture View that the Essential End Time Episode will occur in 2012.

Now, as a personal observation, yes, I think this Young Man will be the Second Coming of Christ, the Modern Messiah, the Matraiya Buddha. But He is not there yet. He has just the blend of vanity and humility that makes for Spiritual Greatness. He would not cut his hair with the rest of his Monkish Fellows while on pilgrimage (having a head of gloriously thick hair), and now He is the only one of his district to suppose Himself to NOT be of the stuff of a Buddha, but claims nothing more than Lama status, being a ‘Rinpoche’, or a Bodhisattva -- all while the Old Experts are saying “Yeah, yeah, sure sure” but nonetheless expect the highest things from this Young Man. Indeed, about 7 months into His meditation, his brother heard him saying that to capture his attention he must be addressed with the Mantra “OM NAMO BUDDHA GYANI”, which is the local patois for the Sanskrit AUM NAMO BUDDHA JNANI – it is a Mantra addressing the Enlightened Buddha. What can we infer? Well, the World now has its Caterpillar in the process of becoming the Butterfly. It took 40 days of fasting in the Wilderness to make a Messiah. It will take 6 years of fasting in the Jungle to give us a Matraiya. Now, we must consider that these things are never entirely preordained. We only need to review the disastrous end results of the Messiah’s short curtailed career to see that these things do not necessarily always work out for the best. So, for this new Young Matraiya, we should all probably pitch in at the level of the Collective Consciousness and wish, pray, and meditate for his support. Add our fasts and whatever penances we do for his benefit and progress. Perhaps this popular support at the root level will make all the difference later on when the elite classes of our Societies will deliberate on crucifying Him as well. Humanity must stand behind this Matraiya, this Messiah, this Time, or again we might lose out and then have to wait another two thousand years for our next slim opportunity.

Anyway, I would suggest we all take up a small ritualistic practice for the next six years, of several times a day repeating a few times “AUM NAMO BUDDHA JNANI” or “OM NAMO BUDDHA GYANI”. And then to wish our Young Man luck and good fortune. He may be our last and best chance. Just envision the possibility that this Young Matraiya could forge the link that joins Humanity to Divinity – the link that joins the Collective Consciousness to the Divine Consciousness. He might be the One Spark that will start the Universal Fire. Like those Knowledgeable Holy Men of Nepal, lets all swallow our pride and get behind this young man.
you failed to mention the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were collected by his handlers before his disappearance.

i have followed this story from the start of the coverage, and i have read nothing of "lights emanating from him". in fact, he was covered at night by a screen so that people couldnt see what he was doing during the late night hours.

i smell a charlatan.
He has alot of competition. WitnessJudeJury and Qorl as a couple of examples. May the best Christ win.
If This was really a messiah with all the might of god at his disposal why wouldn't they just let the skeptics come? They would certainly come away with thier tails between thier legs if it were true.
Does this mean that you will no longer support the killing of unmarried girls who become pregnant Leo?
lets all goto the land of nod and the twilight zone, oh sorry leo it's not dreams it's visions or is that hallucinations.
The Devil Inside said:
you failed to mention the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were collected by his handlers before his disappearance.

i have followed this story from the start of the coverage, and i have read nothing of "lights emanating from him". in fact, he was covered at night by a screen so that people couldnt see what he was doing during the late night hours.

i smell a charlatan.

Actually, it is a rather poor community and only $7000 was collected.

But you should be informed to learn that he left it all quite far behind him. You see, he didn't go off to cash any checks. He was found, but only much deeper in the jungle where any amount of cash could only weigh him down.

Your problem is that you are cynical.

Also, it is something of a tradition in the East for private citizens to put up money in subscription for the building of shrines and temples. Yes, in Protestant America all such monies go into inflated salaries and car payments, but in the Himalayan Mountain communities, such funds really are dedicated to building a shrine here and a temple there. Go to India and simply take a look around. Those Temples and those Shrines, ubiquitous as they are, simply do not build themselves.

One can go on line and read the book concerning Sai Baba of Shirdi, a recognized Saint, and one can be properly bored to death with the occassional page which ennumerates the plans, subscriptions and the details of construction regarding temple improvements and shrines. No shame is attached to these enterprises.
Sock puppet path said:
If This was really a messiah with all the might of god at his disposal why wouldn't they just let the skeptics come? They would certainly come away with thier tails between thier legs if it were true.
Does this mean that you will no longer support the killing of unmarried girls who become pregnant Leo?

Well, you see, at a point enough is enough.

Once one's point is proven, what does redundancy serve?

For the good of the skeptics themselves? Well, you see, at a certain level of skeptical orthodoxy, there is no convincing. They will always suspect a trick or a conspiracy and suppose themselves only short in being able to detect it.

One needs only refer to the Study that the Sterling Hospital turned in regarding Pralad Jnani who had not eaten or drank a thing in 60 years. The Sterling Hospital conducted a 10 day study and observation and confirmed the viability of the claim -- that for 10 days Pralad Jnani neither ate nor drank, and yet showed not the least decline, or dip in body weight.

But what good did it do? The Skeptics were not convinced but only turned around and declared that ANY Scientist to turn in such a Report is NOT to be considered impartial. Skeptics are ready enough to throw out any PROOF as being invalidated on simple grounds of being prima facia impossible.

So, what can a reasonable person do with such a close-minded orthodox and doctrinaire Skeptic but to put a good boot up his ass and send him on his way.
Such 'claims' come regularly, like farts.
I guess that 'time will tell'.
'True believers' tend to dissipate, in time, just like said flatulence, when their 'trick pony' never does fly!

(Who was that little fat Indian 14 year old savior of the world a few years ago? Baba Ji or something? (Don't hear much from that crowd anymore either!) Last I heard, all young teens think that they are the saviors of the world. You gotta be a real ... (needy?) ..naive.. to believe them!)
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nameless said:
(Who was that little fat Indian 14 year old savior of the world a few years ago? Baba Ji or something? (Don't hear much from that crowd anymore either!) Last I heard, all young teens think that they are the saviors of the world. You gotta be a real ... (needy?) ..naive.. to believe them!)

At the time of Transcendental Meditation's great revolutionary success in the West, and Maharishi got so rich and famous right away, a great many other 'Gurus' immediately decided to exercise about the same 'business model'. And as a 'business model' the scheme does sort of 'work'. It has grown almost ubiquitous throughout the New Age Community -- you make big promises and charge a lot of money and people simply intuitively suppose that they will get what they pay for.

But we only have to look at Bomjan Ram Palden Dorje, our Young Man of Nepal, and see that he has no business plan. He is charging nothing. Indeed, he has been doing his best to dodge the crowdes, being foiled there only by the overriding need to sit still long enough to get a year of meditation in now and again. No promises. But we do hear of some spectacular claims for him that can't be readily dismissed. Afterall, this is a small town he is from and people would not enjoy being fooled by a neighbor. The claim is that the Young Man has not eaten or drank for a year. In a small town, how could a violation of that claim ever be kept secret, particularly with the young man being so far back into the Jungle, by more than a few miles, and by only a few passable paths. Smuggling food would have been a most arduous conspiracy. If they were fakes, they would have found something easier to claim.

Oh, and all of those Gurus who reached the height of their popularity back in the 70's and then peaked, and then declined. They are still out there. Now they are fat middle aged men, but they retain enough of their dues paying 'devotees' so that they don't have to find actual jobs. But, honestly, one would think that if they could not do anything else, they could watch their personal appearance -- the figure they cut -- their grooming, hygiene and diet. After all, their public has already forgiven them for not being able to perform any of the Real Proofs of Divinity, that is, Miracles... so the least that they could do in return is to at least LOOK the part. Instead we have fatso pastey looking degenerates calling themselves 'gurus'. You know, if Fashion Models and Hollywood Actors can exercise the self-control to look well, then why should not some Guru be able to summon the same degree of self-discipline. They've been spoiled by their public who obviously no longer expect anything from them.

This reminds me of that leader of the outlawed Chinese Group -- Falun Gong. The Guru, there, claimed to be over 80 years old, but that his Discipline returned him to a youthful appearance. Well, ten years ago, that 40 year old man was able to get away with such a story. But what did he do? he got old and fat -- the typical 40 to 50 decline. But with the least care of diet and exercise he might have saved appearances. But these spoiled fakes are too lazy even to act out their parts faithfully.

If all a 'Guru' can do for people is to put on a Guru Show, then it should at least be a convincing one. And the Audiances for such spectacles should be more demanding. One should at least require that one's Gurus be more ascetically and spiritually accomplished than one's self. And this is where that Young Man from Nepal has succeeded. I myself can fast well enough for 3 or 4 days at a time, five or six times a month, and in physical appearance, though in advanced age, I still appear toned, athletic and with no extra body fat protruding. But I admire that Young Man of Nepal for being able to top me on those scores. And that is before mentioning his abilities to glow in the dark or to make miraculous cures.
again, i repeat: he was covered at night, by all reputable accounts. there is NO evidence of him glowing.

sai baba ALSO shows the signs of aging setting on. havent you seen him in the last few years? he is fat. he has wrinkles..he is a fraud.

you show no reference to this boy leaving all the money behind. yes, there were HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars left with his handlers, as i read in a usatoday article.

the claims about this boy are dubious, at best. it is entirely possible that they are true, but until i see something other than sensationalizing of him, i wont believe a word of it.
Leo Volont said:
... so the least that they could do in return is to at least LOOK the part. Instead we have fatso pastey looking degenerates calling themselves 'gurus'. You know, if Fashion Models and Hollywood Actors can exercise the self-control to look well, then why should not some Guru be able to summon the same degree of self-discipline. .
Holy Shit! Can one get any more shallow and ignorant than this??!!

Afterall, this is a small town he is from and people would not enjoy being fooled by a neighbor.
Non sequitor.
Unless he were that town's claim to fame!
'Collaborations' between the 'small village' and the 'miracle boys' have not been rare...
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The Devil Inside said:
you show no reference to this boy leaving all the money behind. yes, there were HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars left with his handlers, as i read in a usatoday article.

He went into the jungle. he doesn't eat. What would he spend the money on?

You see, you are cynical. You have NO IDEA that some people might actually have Spiritual Ambitions.

And yes, you're right -- Sathya Sai Baba is a big gross disgusting bag of pus.

Back in 1988 I took Sathya Sai Baba's old driver out and got the guy drunk, and WOW you should have heard what I heard.
nameless said:
Holy Shit! Can one get any more shallow and ignorant than this??!!

Perfection is all in the Details.

Why should we value any particular Guru if they can't even exert enough willpower over themselves to keep from over-eating. If they can't keep from indulging one appetite, then how many other appetites are they allowing to run rampant?

Attention to detail is not shallow. It is rather a concern for thoroughness.
scorpius said:
WTF,,, I thought God was ALL KNOWING??? :confused:

Well, that is the View of Greek Philosophy. But the odd thing about Greek Philosophy is that it supplies us both with Theological Nonsense and then the Atheism that objects to the same Theological Nonsense. It is as though the First Generation of Greek Philosophers made up a Model for Religion that the Second Generation of Greek Philosophers could deride and ridicule. Indeed, these Philosophical musings don't qualify as religion at all, but are simply empty speculations.

True Religion comes from Saints and Mystics, not from seculative philosophy.

Besides... while some unapproachable and transcendent Divinity may well be All Knowing, what on earth would that have to do with the people on this World?
Leo Volont said:
Perfection is all in the Details.
You must be 'perfect' to be able to recognize and describe it, eh? Otherwise, it would simply be idle speculation that you assert as 'Truth'!?

Why should we value any particular Guru if they can't even exert enough willpower over themselves to keep from over-eating. If they can't keep from indulging one appetite, then how many other appetites are they allowing to run rampant?
If, by 'Guru', you are simply referring to a 'spiritual teacher', your criticism might, 'might', be justified, if that 'guru' is spouting about 'will power'. Yet, as far as I can see, you would still have to know everything that he does before criticizing him. Otherwise, you criticize from ego and arrogance and ignorance. The 'girth' of the piano teacher is irrelevent. If you 'hang-up' on his irrelevencies, you will not learn piano.
If, by 'guru' you are referring to an 'Enlightened Master', by what standard, again, do you criticise? Are YOU an 'enlightened master' thereby knowing all the signs and symptoms of said master? Have you read it in some book? Idle speculation? Experience?
Perhaps the genetic 'girth' of the 'guru' is a cosmic Truth meant to weed out the obsessively shallow, the vain, the anal retentive, the ignorant, the judgemental; in essence, to weed out the 'riff-raff' that would otherwise waste his time and is totally unprepared to 'evolve' on that level?!?

Attention to detail is not shallow. It is rather a concern for thoroughness.
If your guru teaches you that attention to detail is necessary, and gives you the particular 'detail' of which to pay attention, than feel free to 'learn' it. If you are applying your own ignorant (speculative) standards (learned, possibly, from your mundane life) to something beyond your experience (an enlightened master), this is where you will remain.
If you hate 'fat' than the perfect master who could guide you to Truth will be fat! Or ugly, or retarded, or whatever you 'hate most' that you must GROW past (or through) to be in the proper 'receptive' condition for 'spiritual progress'. If you cannot 'see' through such trivialities, the 'deeper truths' will remain hidden from you.
The only thing that requires the 'attention' (constant) and 'thououghness' of which you speak is the harnessing of your rampant ego.

Good grief, man, just think of the kind of person who would actually say something like this;
"Sathya Sai Baba is a big gross disgusting bag of pus."
No one but another shallow, hateful, judgemental person would have anything to do with him.
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