Child Rapist in Heaven

This guy loves children. He fantasizes about sex with them all the time. But he never does anything about it. He never looks at child porn. He never touches a child, etc.
He is a good man and does good things. He dies and goes to heaven.

Christ says For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.

If such thoughts occupy his mind--even a portion of the time--he is not a good man despite the fact he does good things. If the recognition of this paradox did not bring him to seek salvation through faith in Christ, then he did not go to heaven.

His idea of paradise is sexually assaulting children. Does he get to?

It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Now, that said...

...there shall by no means enter anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life...

Furthermore, addressing the notion of "his idea of paradise"...

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love* Him...

Can you get kicked out of heaven?

Certain angelic beings were in fact kicked out of heaven. We (Humanity) were kicked out of Eden. There is no returning to heaven for those angels and there is no returning to Eden for Humanity. However, Humanity now has the option of choosing to gain heaven, which is something far better. If you choose heaven--and actually get there--you will never be kicked out.

Or do you not get to have the paradise you want?

the tabernacle of God is with men ("In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore"), and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

If you want a place characterized by the presence of God along with fringe benefits such as no death, no sorrow, no crying, and no pain... then, yes.

* Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

Love is patient and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, it does not insist on its own way, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.

Love of neighbor follows naturally from love of God. It is obvious that this individual, fantasizing as he is, is not loving children, nor their parents, nor God...Love of the kind expounded in the passage above is to 'color' or animate any other aspect of human love...obviously this cannot be done in the case of this man described by you...what is being done by him is not love...demonstrating love of the kind described above is only possible through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

In order for the Holy Spirit to indwell someone, that person must repent of their natural/'norml' ways of thinking and behaving towards neighbor and God (generally characterized by selfish orientation towards neighbor culminating in outright hatred, and disbelief or 'false images' of God leading to hatred of Him or the idea of Him etc.), be willing to set all that aside, and obey God's command to believe the Gospel which is to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.

In other words: If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me.
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Christ says For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.

That last one isn't all that bad; a victimless crime shouldn't be bunched with those others.

Love of neighbor follows naturally from love of God. It is obvious that this individual, fantasizing as he is, is not loving children, nor their parents, nor God...Love of the kind expounded in the passage above is to 'color' or animate any other aspect of human love...obviously this cannot be done in the case of this man described by you...what is being done by him is not love...demonstrating love of the kind described above is only possible through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

That's an odd theory. I have love for my neighbor and my parents, and I don't molest children, yet I surely do not love God or have the indwelling of the holy spirit as well. Your religion doesn't have a monopoly on genuine emotions nor does it hold the rights to distribute them.

In order for the Holy Spirit to indwell someone, that person must repent of their natural/'norml' ways of thinking and behaving towards neighbor and God (generally characterized by selfish orientation towards neighbor culminating in outright hatred, and disbelief or 'false images' of God leading to hatred of Him or the idea of Him etc.), be willing to set all that aside, and obey God's command to believe the Gospel which is to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Your claim may be intriguing to me had I not done this many times before to such an extent that I would have said something along these lines myself. Such a grand claim requires grand success, and seeing as how I am an anomaly, my existence alone rips the carpet out from under this.

In other words: If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me.

I've always thought this passage should have been prefaced in the sacred texts: "To All Preachers: How To Raise Mindless Sheep"
...there shall by no means enter anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life...

So wait, those that are going to go to heaven are already written down? Whatever is the point and purpose of all this mortal existence nonsense then?
SnakeLord said:
“ ...there shall by no means enter anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life... ”

So wait, those that are going to go to heaven are already written down? Whatever is the point and purpose of all this mortal existence nonsense then?

Hmm, this actually quite disturbing..
That last one isn't all that bad; a victimless crime shouldn't be bunched with those others.

Ha-Ha...Making such a claim you willfully lie to yourself...believing the lie makes you the victim of self deception.

That's an odd theory. I have love for my neighbor and my parents, and I don't molest children, yet I surely do not love God or have the indwelling of the holy spirit as well. Your religion doesn't have a monopoly on genuine emotions nor does it hold the rights to distribute them.

Not surprizingly, you seem to "love" playing the victim...having been made in God's Image you're a victim of self denial ("I surely do not love God") along with self hatred...My religion indeed has a monopoly on genuine humanity by virtue of Immanuel i.e. The Incarnation...therefore by extension, it does in fact have a monopoly on genuine emotions and does "hold the rights to distribute them."

With such a self centered "love" like yours expressed, who needs enemies?

Thankfully, He took note of your pathetic estate, showing you The WayPath of alternative to the path you are currently on, that of being (as concerns you) the ultimate victim i.e. self destruction.

Your claim may be intriguing to me had I not done this many times before to such an extent that I would have said something along these lines myself. Such a grand claim requires grand success, and seeing as how I am an anomaly, my existence alone rips the carpet out from under this.

You should have pleaded the this quote--and the one previous--it's patently obvious you're the victim of self indictment. Your own rash comment "rips the carpet out from under" your pretentious self so? Christ declares many are called, few are chosen. Regardless, your existence is part and parcel of an overall plan to bring Glory to God. Whether you are a vessel unto honour or unto dishonour is your 'call' if you will.

The grand claim is all yours i.e. the 'claim' you make by suggesting God doesn't exist...if what you say is true regarding the requirements of grand claims, then I'd say the only thing grand is the extent/degree of your claims' failure.

The Word of God Written (and Incarnate) declares: God ensnares the [worldly] wise [and those wise in their own conceit] in their own craftiness.

I've always thought this passage should have been prefaced in the sacred texts: "To All Preachers: How To Raise Mindless Sheep"

"I've always thought"--"...yeah, well, there's still time to change the road you're on."
Ha-Ha...Making such a claim you willfully lie to yourself...believing the lie makes you the victim of self deception.

Not surprizingly, you seem to "love" playing the victim...having been made in God's Image you're a victim of self denial ("I surely do not love God") along with self hatred...My religion indeed has a monopoly on genuine humanity by virtue of Immanuel i.e. The Incarnation...therefore by extension, it does in fact have a monopoly on genuine emotions and does "hold the rights to distribute them."

With such a self centered "love" like yours expressed, who needs enemies?

Thankfully, He took note of your pathetic estate, showing you The WayPath of alternative to the path you are currently on, that of being (as concerns you) the ultimate victim i.e. self destruction.

You should have pleaded the this quote--and the one previous--it's patently obvious you're the victim of self indictment. Your own rash comment "rips the carpet out from under" your pretentious self so? Christ declares many are called, few are chosen. Regardless, your existence is part and parcel of an overall plan to bring Glory to God. Whether you are a vessel unto honour or unto dishonour is your 'call' if you will.

The grand claim is all yours i.e. the 'claim' you make by suggesting God doesn't exist...if what you say is true regarding the requirements of grand claims, then I'd say the only thing grand is the extent/degree of your claims' failure.

The Word of God Written (and Incarnate) declares: God ensnares the [worldly] wise [and those wise in their own conceit] in their own craftiness.

"I've always thought"--"...yeah, well, there's still time to change the road you're on."

I've heard all this before from several shouting mouths, spittle gathering at the corners, trying desperately to outshout the terrible emptiness in the vacuous silence of their beliefs. The fact that I openly laugh at all this should indicate to you how inadequate I think your reasoning for believing these things are. I know them perhaps better than you do. You bring the incipient, elitist, ignorant, fatuous, self-indulged, and deluded tone that so many of your "privileged" kind brings, except yours is slightly different in that you are especially intolerant and oblivious to your own hypocrisy. I hope for your sake you're right about there being time to change the road you are on. Come back to me when you get your own thoughts for a change, either that or when you are able to add something of value in a discussion, not just ad hominems.

(A little advice: cutting and pasting my phrases and then injecting them into your rants isn't really effective. All they tell me is that you don't have a good enough response so you just attempt to throw the grenade back. And bolding "I"s is a not very successfully disguised attempt at trying to say "Look how many times he said "I" or "me" or "my"! How arrogant, all he thinks of is himself!" because what little arrogance of mine that could be gathered from such insidious propaganda is at once thwarted in size by the amount you've made evident in your response.)

What I find most humorous is you say all this like you think it is something other than your opinion.
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So wait, those that are going to go to heaven are already written down? Whatever is the point and purpose of all this mortal existence nonsense then?

They are written down because they are foreknown. But we do not know.

God knows the future.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I've heard all this before* from several shouting mouths, spittle gathering at the corners, trying desperately to outshout the terrible emptiness in the vacuous silence of their beliefs. The fact that I openly laugh at all this should indicate to you how inadequate I think your reasoning for believing these things are. I know them perhaps better than you do. You bring the incipient, elitist, ignorant, fatuous, self-indulged, and deluded tone that so many of your "privileged" kind brings, except yours is slightly different in that you are especially intolerant and oblivious to your own hypocrisy. I hope for your sake you're right about there being time to change the road you are on. Come back to me when you get your own thoughts for a change, either that or when you are able to add something of value in a discussion, not just ad hominems.

(A little advice: cutting and pasting my phrases and then injecting them into your rants isn't really effective. All they tell me is that you don't have a good enough response so you just attempt to throw the grenade back. And bolding "I"s is a not very successfully disguised attempt at trying to say "Look how many times he said "I" or "me" or "my"! How arrogant, all he thinks of is himself!" because what little arrogance of mine that could be gathered from such insidious propaganda is at once thwarted in size by the amount you've made evident in your response.)

What I find most humorous is you say all this like you think it is something other than your opinion.

*"A little advice" to you: He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck,will suddenly be broken beyond healing.
So.. a pigeon has a better quality of life than a human who has sex? ROFLMFAO. How?
well according to your value system of sex, sex and more sex, an animal beats you hands down (or maybe I should say, without its hands) - sex is an easier and more frequent for an animal than a human being

I guess he thinks animals dont have sex.. LOL
what on earth makes you think that?
They are written down because they are foreknown. But we do not know.

That's truly wonderful but not an answer to the question. Try again.

sex is an easier and more frequent for an animal than a human being

ROFLMFAO!! Speak for yourself.

A pigeon will mate perhaps 4 or 5 times per year. If that's all you're getting no wonder you're so stuck up and frustrated. Oh wait.. you're celibate - that's so not good for you.

But anyway, what you say makes no sense. I ask what exactly is wrong with sex, sex and more sex to which you basically say "it's wrong because animals do it more" (which they don't lol).... wtf??
well according to your value system of sex, sex and more sex, an animal beats you hands down (or maybe I should say, without its hands) - sex is an easier and more frequent for an animal than a human being

what on earth makes you think that?

Hmm apparently i got that wrong...