Child Rapist in Heaven

There you go with another unsuccessful attempt at obfuscation. You made the mistake of using a universal quantifier instead of an existential quantifier. In other words, don't say "always" when you mean "sometimes." Otherwise, your folly will continue to be exposed.

Listen Nutter, just because you aren't linguistically tuned enough to discern when one is being serious about a phrase like "you always..." or when it is being used as a rhetorical device, doesn't mean that you should demand conformity of others to your incipient preferences. Nor does it mean that I have made any folly, and you certainly haven't exposed one.

At least you admit your mistake. Try to be more careful henceforth. Perhaps if you would proofread some of your sloppy posts and off-the-cuff rants in the future you will be spared any further embarrassment.

Once again, your opinions of what are sloppy, rants, and even embarrassment for that matter are confined to your little world, and that world only. If you are going to bring them to a public message board, then understand that they are only going to be as considered as the consideration you give others', which from what I'm seeing, is not much at all. Oh and as for mistakes, you have not admitted to yours, that is what makes us so different after all.

1. If, as you maintain, Christianity is unsubstantiated fiction, then what difference does it make if you are confronted with these perceived "ominous threats"? Why should these perceived "ominous threats" bother you?

You fail to understand that some don't stop with just a verbal threat, but I didn't think you would because you also failed to contemplate the threat in the first place. Fiction doesn't hurt, but a brick hurled by a completely deluded person who cannot differentiate fiction from fact does. While that fortunately cannot happen here, it still is disheartening to know that the attitudes behind such violent acts ARE hurled. You might not throw a brick at me (I say that hesitantly) but your attitude that saturates your responses is a festering breeding ground for those who may be a bit less restrained than you, and it only encourages them. Let's please not get into how people of faith have justified the slaughtering of others simply because they reject the faith-heads' beliefs. Seriously, don't respond to me concerning this, if you have a question on it, go read a book about it.

2. Understand that these perceived "ominous threats" are not personal "threats" issued by the speaker towards you, rather, the speaker is simply conveying to you the consequences of your action or forebearance to act. The speaker is actually doing you a favor by alerting you to the consequences.

It is only not issued by the speaker because they know they can't get away with directly condemning someone to hell. So they do the next best thing, "My God condemns you to hell.", or "You have condemned yourself to hell," which is the same thing in sheep's clothing. I don't understand how these threats--which is what they are--are not personal, especially how the "consequences" include an individuals very "soul" in an eternal torment of unimaginable anguish.

Alas, how you would "like it to be" is irrelevant with respect to, as you yourself have admitted, the fact that "God has damned [you] already."


As it is written:

"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." - John 3:18

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." - John 3:36

Of course you can choose to believe it or not believe it. If you truly reject the entire proposition, then why get your panties in a wad concerning the issue and spend your summer pontificating in an internet discussion forum over a supposed "fiction"? On the other hand, if you do not reject the proposition, you know what to do.

I'll take this as a perfectly demonstrated microcosm of my point. I don't think I need to note that the first verse insinuates that if you do not believe, then you are condemned. And if that went unnoticed, then the threat would certainly be detected in the second verse where it says that the wrath of God abideth on him/her. So you present these threats, and then in a pseudo-tolerant and ingratiating manner, you remark, "Of course you can choose to believe it or not." You say this as if I chose not to believe it, that would be the end of it. In your opinion, it clearly isn't; you believe that if I choose to reject this, then I will pay for it with my ever-boiling skin and ever-gnashing teeth in a lake of fire which is fueled by my own sins. I do regard this is as completely absurd and fictitious conjures by intolerant people much like yourself, and I will gladly spend a summer discussing it because as you've just demonstrated to me and everyone reading that you yourself, the one doing the condemning, is completely oblivious to it's absurdity and your own hostile tone. This is a problem which results in much unnecessary schisms, hostilities, and even deaths and if I can but get you or anyone else to see just how insensitive, un-loving, cruel, ungrounded, masochistic, insidious, intemperate, strident, and immoral what you promote is, then my time is well spent.

Perhaps it is you who should, what is it you so pompously say, ah, "Govern thyself accordingly."

I'll go ahead and say this now, for all your hypocritical accusations of "soiling up" threads, our duel of insults is doing just that to this thread. I recommend we stop it, as it is obviously not going to get anywhere, nor is it contributing anything of value to anything. We could go back and forth for pages and pages, but I think it would be best if we didn't.
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Listen Nutter, just because you aren't linguistically tuned enough to discern when one is being serious about a phrase like "you always..." or when it is being used as a rhetorical device, doesn't mean that you should demand conformity of others to your incipient preferences. Nor does it mean that I have made any folly, and you certainly haven't exposed one.

Once again, your opinions of what are sloppy, rants, and even embarrassment for that matter are confined to your little world, and that world only. If you are going to bring them to a public message board, then understand that they are only going to be as considered as the consideration you give others', which from what I'm seeing, is not much at all.

You fail to understand that some don't stop with just a verbal threat, but I didn't think you would because you also failed to contemplate the threat in the first place. Fiction doesn't hurt, but a brick hurled by a completely deluded person who cannot differentiate fiction from fact does. While that fortunately cannot happen here, it still is disheartening to know that the attitudes behind such violent acts ARE hurled. You might not throw a brick at me (I say that hesitantly) but your attitude that saturates your responses is a festering breeding ground for those who may be a bit less restrained than you, and it only encourages them. Let's please not get into how people of faith have justified the slaughtering of others simply because they reject the faith-heads' beliefs. Seriously, don't respond to me concerning this, if you have a question on it, go read a book about it.

It is only not issued by the speaker because they know they can't get away with directly condemning someone to hell. So they do the next best thing, "My God condemns you to hell.", or "You have condemned yourself to hell," which is the same thing in sheep's clothing. I don't understand how these threats--which is what they are--are not personal, especially how the "consequences" include an individuals very "soul" in an eternal torment of unimaginable anguish.


I'll take this as a perfectly demonstrated microcosm of my point. I don't think I need to note that the first verse insinuates that if you do not believe, then you are condemned. And if that went unnoticed, then the threat would certainly be detected in the second verse where it says that the wrath of God abideth on him/her. So you present these threats, and then in a pseudo-tolerant and ingratiating manner, you remark, "Of course you can choose to believe it or not." You say this as if I chose not to believe it, that would be the end of it. In your opinion, it clearly isn't; you believe that if I choose to reject this, then I will pay for it with my ever-boiling skin and ever-gnashing teeth in a lake of fire which is fueled by my own sins. I do regard this is as completely absurd and fictitious conjures by intolerant people much like yourself, and I will gladly spend a summer discussing it because as you've just demonstrated to me and everyone reading that you yourself, the one doing the condemning, is completely oblivious to it's absurdity and your own hostile tone. This is a problem which results in much unnecessary schisms, hostilities, and even deaths and if I can but get you or anyone else to see just how insensitive, un-loving, cruel, ungrounded, masochistic, insidious, intemperate, strident, and immoral what you promote is, then my time is well spent.

Perhaps it is you who should, what is it you so pompously say, ah, "Govern thyself accordingly."

I'll go ahead and say this now, for all your hypocritical accusations of "soiling up" threads, our duel of insults is doing just that to this thread. I recommend we stop it, as it is obviously not going to get anywhere, nor is it contributing anything of value to anything. We could go back and forth for pages and pages, but I think it would be best if we didn't.

Well said !
Dont waste any more time on him, he is laughable..
Well said !
Dont waste any more time on him, he is laughable..

The task of raising awareness is truly is a cross to bear, if you'll pardon the expression and self-aggrandizing. :p

It's not so much he's a waste of time for me, but that I am regrettably a waste of time for him. I highly doubt he will actually consider anything I've said past the extent required to come up with a combative response, and it certainly won't amount to more than a pathetic atheist's glossolalia in his opinion. So you're unfortunately right, overall, it's a pretty big waste of time.
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"Well said Nutter"...spoken like a true fisher of men. Instead of opting to catch and release, you filleted that small fry like the catch of the day.

OK, I got lost several pages back.
God judges you by your thoughts, not your acts? (in this guys case)
Paradise has nothing to do with you and everything to do with God. Your reward for ending up in heaven is that you get to bask in God's glory.

That blows.
"Well said Nutter"...spoken like a true fisher of men. Instead of opting to catch and release, you filleted that small fry like the catch of the day.


You know, I'm still not sure you're not actually Nutter as well, and if you are, posting something like this in response to somebody congratulating my pwnage of you and him is even more embarassing and pathetic than your arguments are to begin with.

And I think you meant to say "My God filleted him," or maybe "HE filleted himself." Right?

You know, I'm still not sure you're not actually Nutter as well...

And I think you meant to say "My God filleted him," or maybe "HE filleted himself." Right?


I'm pretty confused by all your random and irrelevant pictures, but at least this one isn't bordering on pornography. Oh thank goodness, he's asleep, maybe we can sneak actual meaning and direction back into this thread before he wakes.
That's truly wonderful but not an answer to the question. Try again.

Life is your time to decide to accept the will of God or reject the will of God.

Just because God already knows what decision you will make does not make your decision a waste of time. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
A father cooking some food on a stove looks down and see's his 4 year old daughter reaching up to the stove top. He gives her warning, Do not touch the stove or you will get burn’s. The little girl goes into a temper tantrum and screams at her father for "Threatening her" by saying she is going to be burned.

The little girl then stubbornly reaches up and put her hand on the oven plate in an act of defiance against her father and a show of independence and bravery. She then starts to scream in pain and yells even more at her father who warned her of the consequence of her actions.

That little girl in on this thread right now. There are a lot of little kids like that on this forum.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
OK, I got lost several pages back.
God judges you by your thoughts, not your acts? (in this guys case)
Paradise has nothing to do with you and everything to do with God. Your reward for ending up in heaven is that you get to bask in God's glory.

That blows.

hence people are trapped to conditional life, not so much because they are prohibited from entrance into the state of liberation, but because they consider conditional life a "great deal".
A father cooking some food on a stove looks down and see's his 4 year old daughter reaching up to the stove top. He gives her warning, Do not touch the stove or you will get burn’s. The little girl goes into a temper tantrum and screams at her father for "Threatening her" by saying she is going to be burned.

The little girl then stubbornly reaches up and put her hand on the oven plate in an act of defiance against her father and a show of independence and bravery. She then starts to scream in pain and yells even more at her father who warned her of the consequence of her actions.

That little girl in on this thread right now. There are a lot of little kids like that on this forum.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

How adorable, even with all the grammatical and spelling errors. But let's come up with a more fitting scenario, shall we?

A father has a little boy and upon this boy's acquiring of rational thought, the father promptly ties him up close to a hot stove. The father then tells the boy that he was born dirty and being dirty, he must be purged by the flames and then slowly pushes the boy's hand ever closer to the hot stove. "It's hot, you don't want to touch that!" explains the father, "but I should make you aware of an escape from this horrible fate. I've sent my very only begotten and beloved hand to take your place on that stove. If you accept on faith that I've masochistically seared my own hand instead of yours and do everything I say from now on, then your hand will be spared. Aren't I a loving father for doing all this to you? Nevermind why I choose to fix your dirtiness by way of searing hot torture, or why I chose to make you dirty by default in the first place...instead focus on how gracious and forgiving I am of you!"

In one instance, the boy realizes the absurdity of the entire situation, notes that the ropes being used to hold him are only tied around his wrists and nothing else, and walks away from the psychotic father leaving him to his own devices. He is ever bewildered at people running in the opposite direction, jubilantly and fatuously rushing into the father's "loving" set-up and worshiping him for saving their hands that didn't really have to be burned at all in the first place.

This grown man, once a little boy, is in this thread right now. There are a lot of grown-ups like that on this forum, and there should be more.
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Life is your time to decide to accept the will of God or reject the will of God.

It's not about accepting any wills or lack thereof, it's about being asked to believe in something that you are simply incapable of believing in. You for instance can never bring yourself to "just believe" that allah exists and is the god you should be accepting the will of. As a result of that you will be tortured forever because allah is the real deal.

Did any of that have any sway over your lack of belief in this entity? Of course not, absolutely bloody regardless to the threats, the claims of punishment - and yet for some bizarre reason you expect me to do the exact thing you're not even capable of. Why would you think I am any more capable than you?

Regardless to threats and claims I am simply unable to just believe in these things - as are many millions of people around the globe, and indeed every person on the planet with regards to any claimed entity other than the one they happen to believe in.

It is not a choice on my part, I just can't - and thus might ultimately burn, or be punished in some other manner depending on which god is the real one all because I fail to do something that I can't possibly do.

Just because God already knows what decision you will make does not make your decision a waste of time.

This is where you make the error. It isn't a decision or choice on my part - it is an inevitablity based upon my nature. I can no more choose to believe in gods than you can choose to believe in leprechauns, (we can both happily lie or pretend - but honestly.. no). If you disagree go for it.. Believe in leprechauns right now. I just want you to see if you can do it. The answer is.. You can't.

So yes, this is all a waste of time.
How adorable, even with all the grammatical and spelling errors. But let's come up with a more fitting scenario, shall we?

A father has a little boy and upon this boy's acquiring of rational thought, the father promptly ties him up close to a hot stove. The father then tells the boy that he was born dirty and being dirty, he must be purged by the flames and then slowly pushes the boy's hand ever closer to the hot stove. "It's hot, you don't want to touch that!" explains the father, "but I should make you aware of an escape from this horrible fate. I've sent my very only begotten and beloved hand to take your place on that stove. If you accept on faith that I've masochistically seared my own hand instead of yours and do everything I say from now on, then your hand will be spared. Aren't I a loving father for doing all this to you? Nevermind why I choose to fix your dirtiness by way of searing hot torture, or why I chose to make you dirty by default in the first place...instead focus on how gracious and forgiving I am of you!"

In one instance, the boy realizes the absurdity of the entire situation, notes that the ropes being used to hold him are only tied around his wrists and nothing else, and walks away from the psychotic father leaving him to his own devices. He is ever bewildered at people running in the opposite direction, jubilantly and fatuously rushing into the father's "loving" set-up and worshiping him for saving their hands that didn't really have to be burned at all in the first place.

This grown man, once a little boy, is in this thread right now. There are a lot of grown-ups like that on this forum, and there should be more.

I believe you are doomed:

1 Corinthians 1
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“ I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”

20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I believe you are doomed:

1 Corinthians 1
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“ I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”

20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Of course you believe I am doomed. I admit without restraint that if you are right, then I am hopelessly damned! But I've listened to your wisdom and considered your savior; I have comprehended this message, dare I say to a greater extent than you; I have memorized scriptures and read article after article on them, sometimes only one being in consideration per article; I have experienced your faith and seen your revelations; I have prayed to your god and marveled at his miracles; I have praised him and submitted to him in reverence and humility; I have witnessed his "resurrecting power" in my life; and I have thought on all of this a great amount...and while I don't claim to know everything there is to know concerning Christianity or the Bible, I know enough and have been through enough to know that it is all entirely incipient, inconsistent, and based on nothing substantial to speak of.

If intellectual pursuit and honesty leads me to hell, then so be it, at least I go with the satisfaction of understanding that the God who egomaniacally sends me there does so because I refuse to dull my mind. That is something I have not done, and don't plan on doing, no matter what the threat or heavenly incentive.
Of course you believe I am doomed. I admit without restraint that if you are right, then I am hopelessly damned! But I've listened to your wisdom and considered your savior; I have comprehended this message, dare I say to a greater extent than you;

Is it such a dare for a proud person who thinks they are superior to others to make such an aroagant claim? No it comes natural to people like you. But of cource you do not see that as a evil do you. You probably see that as a sign of self justification of strenght and indeipendance. Instead of the disgusting thing it really is.

I have memorized scriptures and read article after article on them, sometimes only one being in consideration per article; I have experienced your faith and seen your revelations; I have prayed to your god and marveled at his miracles; I have praised him and submitted to him in reverence and humility; I have witnessed his "resurrecting power" in my life; and I have thought on all of this a great amount...and while I don't claim to know everything there is to know concerning Christianity or the Bible, I know enough and have been through enough to know that it is all entirely incipient, inconsistent, and based on nothing substantial to speak of.

I,I,I,I,I,I. thats 6 sentances that all begin with I. How full of yourself you are.

Here is a message just for you.

2 Peter 2
18 For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. 19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. 20 For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”

If intellectual pursuit and honesty leads me to hell, then so be it, at least I go with the satisfaction of understanding that the God who egomaniacally sends me there does so because I refuse to dull my mind. That is something I have not done, and don't plan on doing, no matter what the threat or heavenly incentive.

You Pompous Ass.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Is it such a dare for a proud person who thinks they are superior to others to make such an aroagant claim? No it comes natural to people like you. But of cource you do not see that as a evil do you. You probably see that as a sign of self justification of strenght and indeipendance. Instead of the disgusting thing it really is.
I,I,I,I,I,I. thats 6 sentances that all begin with I. How full of yourself you are.

Here is a message just for you.

2 Peter 2
18 For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. 19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. 20 For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”
You Pompous Ass.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I am being genuine, not pompous. Perhaps you don't have a very good concept of what that is. When it comes to genuine thoughts you obviously don't, as you retreat to verses to do your speaking for you. And I can't seem to understand why you and other Christians erroneously think the the number of "I"'s used correlates to selfishness. Here's a number for you; 8,851. That's how many times God says "I" in his bible. He uses "me" 4,096 times, "my" 4,370 times, and this is speaking nothing of the "he"s that refer to himself or his son. Guess that makes him the most selfish and arrogant of all.

By the way, we all make spelling mistakes, but jeez. The little effort you put into being correct in your typing seems to me very reflective of the little effort you put into your beliefs. It's a shame, if you weren't so concerned with exposing my expressions of individuality (of which you seem to be an enemy) as bad things, maybe you would have actually listened to what I was saying. (I doubt it.)
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There will be no sex in eternity, the desire for sex will no longer exist. We will return to a child like state of being.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

if that is true all i have to say is crew heaven i'd rather be totured for all enerity if it means sex
You Pompous Ass.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You know Adstar, I couldn't help but consider your accusation of my being pompous a bit more than I let on in my earlier post, which I'll summarize in a nutshell here:

You:"I believe your doomed."
Me:"I strongly disagree."
You:"How dare you use the word 'I', it's so indicative of your arrogance, which is what you are filled with."

I thought we should examine one another's core beliefs and then decide who really might the pompous one be.

I'll bet you believe that at the heart of the entire universe is a God who created it all with you specifically in mind. Of all the things he could be doing with his divine powers, you believe that he slavishly comes to every beckon from your call, takes time and gentle care to calm your emotions, solve your problems for you, answer your prayers, and receive the much-wanted praise you give him. You probably think he's so attentive to you in fact that he intently watches even your thought life, a retributive finger ready in case you even think about going in a wrong direction. You are absolutely babied by him, and Christians endorse these beliefs wholeheartedly.

I on the other hand, believe that I am entirely on my own in this life--which is on a cosmic scale, virtually insignificant--in terms of living it and making my own choices, and that a God, if he is there at all, he is not pampering me or overly concerned with what I am thinking any particular moment.

You believe that for some reason, the fact that you exist merits you eternal life, one way or the other. You think that this universe somehow owes you a second life and that simply because you can think about death more than other creatures, you don't have to actually die. Not only do you think this, but you think that the same God that created the entire universe chose to make himself known only in one interpretation of one book in one religion in one species on one planet (of which there are billions) which just so fortuitously happens to be the one you've stumbled upon. Nevermind anyone who thinks freely or has a different opinion about your opinions, God fully supports your view and your view alone; anyone seen disagreeing or even questioning for that matter is at risk of doom in hell. Hell is another interesting and telling belief you hold; people who fail to see that you are right get what's coming to them. That's not arrogant? Furthermore, your idea of heaven is undoubtedly more attractive by the promise of pure bliss, or in other words, the ultimate fulfillment of your satisfactions.

I believe that this life is all I have, and that when I die, that will be the end of me forever. The only thing eternal about after that is how much I will be missing out on. No demanded second life, no eternal pleasures, just complete nothingness. My life will be over and I will most likely soon be forgotten.

If you hold the beliefs of other common Christians, then you believe that everything you do, from your thoughts to your actions, is of supreme importance. You believe that God has a plan for your life, and that each second of your existence is a glorious fulfillment of that plan. You move your arm upwards? Divinely inspired.

I once again think that my life has no significance on a cosmic scale, and that personal purpose is only what I make of it. What I have made of it is a quest for free thinking and what is true with a refusal to settle for something I know is highly flawed as a candidate for truth. You think that is pompous of me.

So, in case all this text is harsh on the eyes, here is a nutshell-synopsis of it:

-Christian: "God, the highest form of life imaginable, is obsessed with everything about me." [Who is worshiping who here?!]
-Me: "I am alone and largely insignificant when it comes to a cosmic scale, and receive no special attention or pampering from a deity that I also claim to be ultimate."
-Christian:"I will live forever, I cannot truly die."
-Me:"I have a relatively short time, and that is it, after that I retreat back into the non-existence from which I came. My existence will vanish, I will truly die."
-Christian:"My life is stamped with divine approval and direction."
-Me:"Mine is not."

And I am the pompous one apparently.