Child Rapist in Heaven

Enmos said:
And how exactly did you come across this knowledge ?

when i was small i always thought that "everything can't just end". then one day i realized that "everything can't just end". i'm not sure how. maybe if you keep thinking about something, it turns into a belief, and when you keep thinking about the beliefs, they turn into knowledge.
i have given so much thought to my beliefs that they are not even beliefs anymore: they are Facts that can Never change.

Ah, the self-fulfilling prophecy. A powerful tool of the mind indeed.

The-Fact-That-Can-Never-Change is that everything Always changes. this

Wouldn't that mean that that fact changes too?

religions exist to give people hope even though there is no hope, there is only the thought of hope. without hope, people would drown in their sorrow. if everyone drowned, everyone would be in heaven, but it can't happen because there is "hope".

I seem to be the anomaly as I have no religion nor hope really, yet I'm not drowning in my sorrows by any means. In fact, I'm quite happy. Oh, I see, this must mean I'm in heaven!

i have always existed.

:bugeye: Oh okay Yorda which is one letter away from Yoda which is who you kinda remind me of in some impy, creepy ways...why is it I always end up talking to the weirdos on this board :crazy:

bad question. if i'm non-existent, there is no need/will to feel anything.

Bad response, I never said there wasn't.
when i was small i always thought that "everything can't just end". then one day i realized that "everything can't just end". i'm not sure how. maybe if you keep thinking about something, it turns into a belief, and when you keep thinking about the beliefs, they turn into knowledge.

Yeah, it turns into knowledge of your own beliefs.
Sounds like you brainwashed yourself. lol
Yet you still seem to know you once made it up, so please dont go around presenting them as facts. You might confuse a few people..
Sounds like you brainwashed yourself. lol

actually i didn't. you brainwashed yourself to believe that when you die, you dissapear.

i didn't brainwash myself because it's a fact that you can't die.

i don't know how i know that you can't die, but i just know it!
actually i didn't. you brainwashed yourself to believe that when you die, you dissapear.

i didn't brainwash myself because it's a fact that you can't die.

No you say that whatever you make up becomes fact after a while.
I mean.. !!

Furthermore, your theory doesnt falsify mine :p
because it's a fact that you can't die.
how's your great grandmom doing??? What abouth your greatgranddad?... Well how abouth your other side of the family... Seriosly starting to see a patern?
Even at best you won't live for a other 90 years don't delude yourself and it what a 120 years nobody in their right mind will ever remember you unless for family tree reasons
Yes, of course the Qur'an offers companions (virgins) and servents for the righteous who achieve the privilege to enter heaven. This is undisputed, and there is nothing wrong with this. After all, it's called heaven for a reason.

So, were these virgins and servants not able to get into Muslim heaven? Is that how they serve their time in Muslim hell?
how's your great grandmom doing??? What abouth your greatgranddad?...

their bodies died long ago, but their souls live on forever.

Even at best you won't live for a other 90 years don't delude yourself and it what a 120 years nobody in their right mind will ever remember you unless for family tree reasons

lol, like i care if nobody remembers "me".

here's the proof that i can't die: what we call "i" exists in every human, therefore "i" live forever.
their bodies died long ago, but their souls live on forever.

lol, like i care if nobody remembers "me".

here's the proof that i can't die: what we call "i" exists in every human, therefore "i" live forever.

And what if the human race becomes extinct ?
And what if the human race becomes extinct ?

no prob, there's always other humans on other planets (aliens) :p, and even if the entire universe was destroyed, life would still start over, because... otherwise it wouldn't have appeared from nothing in the first place.

i really wish i could die, it's really annoying to live forever. that's why the gods are so crazy and evil, because they're bored of their eternal lives. maybe some day i will be a god too.

by the way, there's 12 hours in a clock/day because the giants had 12 fingers. important to know. the evolution thread was closed so i couldn't write there.
no prob, there's always other humans on other planets (aliens) :p, and even if the entire universe was destroyed, life would still start over, because... otherwise it wouldn't have appeared from nothing in the first place.

i really wish i could die, it's really annoying to live forever. that's why the gods are so crazy and evil, because they're bored of their eternal lives. maybe some day i will be a god too.

by the way, there's 12 hours in a clock day because the giants had 12 fingers. important to know. the evolution thread was closed so i couldn't write there.

by the way, there's 12 hours in a clock day because the giants had 12 fingers. important to know. the evolution thread was closed so i couldn't write there.
Whatever look to the inside of your hand if you have a hook look at the other hand if you don't have hands or their presenly occupied with something more intiligent try to find a other hand and look at the inside, you notice 5 fingers of wich one oposable thumb (if your lucky) you can yuse that yoint to tap the other 4 fingers you you got 4 fingers that you can touch with your thumb, you will notice that each finger has 3 little grooves in them on the back, theres where the orginal 12 count comes from relevant?
The christian heaven perhaps, although the gospels are short on details.

Unlike the Islamic heaven, which is a erotic fantasyland...provided you happen to be male.

The Sadducees asked Jesus a question His answer gives us wisdom

Matthew 22
23 The same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him and asked Him, 24 saying: “Teacher, Moses said that if a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother. 25 Now there were with us seven brothers. The first died after he had married, and having no offspring, left his wife to his brother. 26 Likewise the second also, and the third, even to the seventh. 27 Last of all the woman died also. 28 Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had her.”
29 Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.

The bible heaven is a trip back to a garden of eden like state of innocence. The "islamic" heaven is a trip to a sex orgy with multiple sex partners for every man and when they are bored with the woman they have lots of pretty boys.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: I have just read the pathetic denials from the supposed islamic apologist in here. Of cource islams promotes a carnal heaven with sex, sex sex and more sex as a reward.
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PS: I have just read the pathetic denials from the supposed islamic apologist in here. Of cource islams promotes a carnal heaven with sex, sex sex and more sex as a reward.

At least the Islamic religion is honest in its baited hooks, Christianity merely uses the negative; fear of hell.
Honestly though, what's wrong with sex, sex, sex and more sex?

I don't see what the problem is.