Child Psychopath

I don't talk about infidels and I don't promote slavery.

Dear NF,
remember your arguments against homosexuals.

You kept saying tradition is important. We can't just allow new behaviors that were once thought to be immoral.

Well, tradition, generally, in the USA is NOT to allow experimentation on prisoners. There are exceptions but generally these have been seen as immoral. And none of them were as extreme as what you are suggesting.

Tradition goes against what you are saying.

How can you come along and break traditions?
Traditions keep national and social identity.

And so on.

Why do you, suddenly, get to change traditions given how much your arguments have rested on tradition in the past?
its the same atitude, "they arnt human" it has been used for centuries and always has ended with massive atrocities which is exactly what you are proposing hitler
Of course I consider social effects. I see none.
You do not see us Norsefire. You do not see people. You see ideas. Why do you think it is against the law? In great part because people know how it would make them feel if they knew such things were happening. You do not see what is.

That's not what you said, though. Texas doesn't show compassion to criminals, even if we don't experiment on them.
And the reason Texas does not experiment on them is because Texans have compassion for them and also the Supreme Court would also - under cruel and unusual treatment.

Morality can change
But, Oh, tradition, tradition.
Dear NF,
remember your arguments against homosexuals.

You kept saying tradition is important. We can't just allow new behaviors that were once thought to be immoral.

Entirely correct....within this specific society. You can't force it, that is. However if the people willingly gave their consent to changing the society, then it's fine.

Well, tradition, generally, in the USA is NOT to allow experimentation on prisoners. There are exceptions but generally these have been seen as immoral. And none of them were as extreme as what you are suggesting.
They can change their minds, especially after they see the logic.

Tradition goes against what you are saying.
Yes, and that's why I can't force it on society the same way crazy liberals can't force their nonsense on society (or at least, shouldn't). I can only try to persuade people to agree with me.

How can you come along and break traditions?
Traditions keep national and social identity.
I'm not breaking tradition. I do, in my dealings with society, conform.

its the same atitude, "they arnt human" it has been used for centuries and always has ended with massive atrocities which is exactly what you are proposing hitler
Oh sorry, I forgot that you, asguard, just love rapists and peadophiles.
Can't you usually figure out someone's personally at around the age 7 or 8? This kid's a psycho, contain him please. :[
"People under 18 years old who fit the criteria of a personality disorder are usually not diagnosed with such a disorder, although they may be diagnosed with a related disorder. In order to diagnose an individual under the age of 18 with a personality disorder, symptoms must be present for at least one year. Antisocial personality disorder, by definition, cannot be diagnosed at all in persons under 18."
SA, i found something quite interesting while looking that up

does this sound like anyone to you

"The disorder typically involves unusual levels of instability in mood; "black and white" thinking, or "splitting"; chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.[3] These disturbances can have a pervasive negative impact on many or all of the psychosocial facets of life. This includes difficulties maintaining relationships in work, home, and social settings.":p
Doesn't Norsefire think punishment is bad? He said jail time on first offenses were stupid, but I'm not sure if he suggested we just kill them or let them go.
Doesn't Norsefire think punishment is bad? He said jail time on first offenses were stupid, but I'm not sure if he suggested we just kill them or let them go.

Give them a second chance

And perhaps a third

Afterwards, it's more a matter of maintenance and common sense that we execute them

It's fair
Entirely correct....within this specific society. You can't force it, that is. However if the people willingly gave their consent to changing the society, then it's fine.
That is not how you argued it before. You talked about tradition, period.

They can change their minds, especially after they see the logic.
I thought morality was subjective.

Yes, and that's why I can't force it on society the same way crazy liberals can't force their nonsense on society (or at least, shouldn't). I can only try to persuade people to agree with me.
But it is legal to have gay parades. It was legal when you were complaining about it.
I'm not breaking tradition. I do, in my dealings with society, conform.
If you conform with today's society you are breaking tradition.
The death penalty

NOT as a punishment; I understand that he is a child. No, I mean it as, a way of protecting society from a major risk.

No no no.
The government should put him in training for their elite group of assassins.
Is the kid a sociopath? I don't think so, but then, I don't have a psychology degree, like all you other internet people.
He clearly doesn't have any idea of personal property, but I find nothing odd about a seven year-old boy fascinated with feeding animals to a 440 lb reptile. It seems natural. I'd be more worried about the people who would get upset over this sort of thing.

I guess you socially-whipped fags will get upset with it, though. Self-domestication and all that. Oh well.
Just send him to get therapy. I don't see him as this thread's title.

While we all may be shocked at the abruptness of his act and his low age I don't think this warrants him as a psychopath :rolleyes: as compared to the many adult criminals out here who have some mother raping murderous nasty chopping of someone to bits sort of deals.:eek:

This kids not as bad right now. :shrug:
There is no evidence this child is a psychopath or sociopath. Just about everyone has done stupid stuff at 6 years old. Feeding the animals in a zoo is something everyone is tempted to do at that age, not because they are a psychopath who likes killing animals for fun, but because it's a zoo and they want to see how the crock hunts.

The point is, there are plenty of sane reasons why people would feed crocks and it's not the same as torturing animals. It's like if you had a pet snake and you feed it mice or rats, you aren't a psychopath for doing that. I would even say you aren't a psychopath if you set a mouse trap and the trap kills the mouse.

People have to be taught right from wrong, and children aren't going to instinctively know it's wrong to feed animals. Also according to psychiatry only adults can be diagnosed as true psychopaths. This is because as children, 100% of all children exhibit psychopath like behavior until they reach the age of reason where they grow a conscience and develop their frontal lobes.

So no, I don't think this kid is a psychopath. If this kid were 14 and still doing stuff like this then I'd be more concerned. And I don't think this kid needs therapy. Yes it's wrong to feed animals in a zoo, but it doesn't take a genius to understand that 6 year olds will do stuff like this.

A psychopath is an individual without a conscience. A psychopath might kill and torture animals as a child, but so do normal kids. The difference is the psychopath enjoys doing it while the normal kid will grow a bit older and start to regret what they did.
"People under 18 years old who fit the criteria of a personality disorder are usually not diagnosed with such a disorder, although they may be diagnosed with a related disorder. In order to diagnose an individual under the age of 18 with a personality disorder, symptoms must be present for at least one year. Antisocial personality disorder, by definition, cannot be diagnosed at all in persons under 18."

Thats because ALL children are born with brains which aren't fully capable of reason. Its one thing to say an adult has a brain which isn't fully developed and is a psychopath, because the adults brain has had 25 years to reach it's finished development state.

But any brain under 25 is still growing and is still a work in progress. Any brain under 18 probably wont even be close to where it will be when it's 25.
The point here is that you cannot diagnose a psychopath at 6-8 years old, it's impossible because the brain isn't finished. Sure they might be a psychopath at 6, but at 18 they might have developed/grown a conscience.
He killed several of the animals with a rock as well. When does it become troublesome behaviour? Is it the age of the child or the animal he kills that makes the difference?
There is no evidence this child is a psychopath or sociopath. Just about everyone has done stupid stuff at 6 years old. Feeding the animals in a zoo is something everyone is tempted to do at that age, not because they are a psychopath who likes killing animals for fun, but because it's a zoo and they want to see how the crock hunts.

The point is, there are plenty of sane reasons why people would feed crocks and it's not the same as torturing animals. It's like if you had a pet snake and you feed it mice or rats, you aren't a psychopath for doing that. I would even say you aren't a psychopath if you set a mouse trap and the trap kills the mouse.

People have to be taught right from wrong, and children aren't going to instinctively know it's wrong to feed animals. Also according to psychiatry only adults can be diagnosed as true psychopaths. This is because as children, 100% of all children exhibit psychopath like behavior until they reach the age of reason where they grow a conscience and develop their frontal lobes.

So no, I don't think this kid is a psychopath. If this kid were 14 and still doing stuff like this then I'd be more concerned. And I don't think this kid needs therapy. Yes it's wrong to feed animals in a zoo, but it doesn't take a genius to understand that 6 year olds will do stuff like this.

A psychopath is an individual without a conscience. A psychopath might kill and torture animals as a child, but so do normal kids. The difference is the psychopath enjoys doing it while the normal kid will grow a bit older and start to regret what they did.

Seven year old children can hardly be expected to understand the context of a situation. In his mind most likely the boy was doing the same thing that anyone else did when feeding alligators. He's a little young to be expected to understand why a particular animal should not be fed to a carnivore. The principle involved is respect for someone else's property and feelings. There's a good chance that he hasn't had a lot of chance to learn this by example. A clue: Parents who ignore a child except to punish him when he messes up don't have a chance of teaching a child respect. After a while it's not even fear, he only learns contempt.