Child Psychopath

Lock him up.

Before you get angry, that's not meant as a punishment, it's to keep him somewhere he cannot hurt others.
VI, that's what I said, except why lock him up? Execute him, and then we don't have to waste resources and facilities.

Not as a punishment, but as maintenance
actually no, there isnt any animal on earth which is cruel.
This is not correct and many a cat owner has had the mundane experience at home. Have you never seen a cat torture a mouse or bird for a long time before killing it.

All animals bar humans act in there nature and only hunt to eat or to defend themselves and there young.
This is an overgeneralization. Many predators kill and forget where they stashed food. Animals are known to kill and then simply walk away. They kill if territories are crossed.

Dolphins, for example, will even rape other members of their own species.

You are idealizing animals.

Humans on the other hand hunt for fun and are also the only species which expects its members to show some regard for eachother.
Tell that to members of a pack. Social animals definitely have rules and expectations around regard, respect etc.

In general most humans only kill or have animals killed in there name for food and clothing (leather). We CHOSE as a socaty to make sure this is done as humanely as possable.
Factory processes speak against this 'we' you are talking about. There have been some better recent trends but 'we' have very mixed practices in relation to this.

Now there are other justifyable reasons to kill, for protection, for medically nessary resurch which we have no other means of obtaining (wonder wether james ever uses medican because all of it is tested on animals) yet again this is not how a sociopath works
We have many hunters who hunt for fun and for the trophy. As one counterexample amongst many.
Not only he's idealizing animals, he's not accepting that he's an animal as well.
I have to agree with
John99 here.

He fed the croc. In my estimation this child is at 4 year old level. With his hands he fed the croc, like a father caring for his brood. His instincts unsubdued he climbed the fence, his methods crude what to expect? You eat a steak dripping with blood? What to expect? Judge not this child. Give him a hug and a smile. Tell him he was wrong?

There are many people who own snakes. They go to the store buy baby mice and even adult mice and drop these in the tanks with their pets - because certain snakes, perhaps most, will only eat live food. The rodents - mammals - are terrified and get crushed to death.

Are these snake owners sociopathic?

Look I agree the kid has problems, in fact serial killers tend to be cruel to animals when they are children.

But I want us to stop pathologizing small portions of the world and start noticing how widespread patterns are and also to take responsibility for where we accept or even demand pathology.
Its disgusting that he didn't kill the rare ones or its disgusting that they would be difficult to replace?

It's disgusting that they have to mention how much it cost them. I understand they are concerned with the cost of the situation but it hardly seems the right place or moment to bring it up.
I guess in the end it's just business..
The tendency to see animals as objects or things that are for your own benefit, and if not are a nuisance, is what's wrong with the world. Kids do pick up on that you know..
To everyone. I actually hadn't read your opinion when I posted that. He's smart, he understands life is meaningless, and only something which exists. He can see things from a purely objective view point, searching for knowledge by conducting experiments. He seems perfectly fine to me.
To everyone. I actually hadn't read your opinion when I posted that. He's smart, he understands life is meaningless, and only something which exists. He can see things from a purely objective view point, searching for knowledge by conducting experiments. He seems perfectly fine to me.

I couldn't disagree more. He doesn't seem to have any understanding of life at all.
To everyone. I actually hadn't read your opinion when I posted that. He's smart, he understands life is meaningless, and only something which exists. He can see things from a purely objective view point, searching for knowledge by conducting experiments. He seems perfectly fine to me.
And if he experiments on you?
Betrayer of Hope,
When you read this

and responded with this:

you can simply think of Norsefire as an experimenter like the kid. You know life is meaningless, etc.....

I was just surprised Norse would say something like that. I thought he was for morals and junk.
I was just surprised Norse would say something like that. I thought he was for morals and junk.

'Course I'm for morals. Torturing animals isn't very moral, don't you think so?

I feel that society would be alot better off if we would just be willing to do the dirty work. Compassion, sometimes, is a weakness.
Betrayer of Hope,
When you read this

you can simply think of Norsefire as an experimenter like the kid. You know life is meaningless, etc.....

Regardless, you came to the wrong conclusion.

I value life highly, especialy human life. However, this does not mean I value all human beings equally, or that I even value all of them.

The cold-blooded, twisted, evil, and corrupt, I don't value much, if at all.

I value the willing, the hard-working, and the well-meaning. Not the vicious criminal scum.