Child Psychopath

I am fully aware of the links and the likelihood, but that is no reason to keep a person under tight surveilance and constant therapy throughout his life.
Especially if that person shows significant signs of improvement.

I don't support punative measures for people simply due to a "likelihood" to commit crimes some time in the undetermined future.

There are lots of connections and correlations that can be drawn - none of which justify pre-emptive punishment in my view.
Oh, I know. I was trying to be provocative. But think about it for a moment. He was cruel. But many animals are cruel just like he was. Also by proxy a good number of animals are treated poorly by us. IOW the sociopathology is spread out and hidden. So individuals are not sociopaths, but society is.

I just wanted to push on what I see as complacency.

The evil is always somewhere else.
actually no, there isnt any animal on earth which is cruel. All animals bar humans act in there nature and only hunt to eat or to defend themselves and there young. Humans on the other hand hunt for fun and are also the only species which expects its members to show some regard for eachother.

In general most humans only kill or have animals killed in there name for food and clothing (leather). We CHOSE as a socaty to make sure this is done as humanely as possable. Now there are other justifyable reasons to kill, for protection, for medically nessary resurch which we have no other means of obtaining (wonder wether james ever uses medican because all of it is tested on animals) yet again this is not how a sociopath works
actually no, there isnt any animal on earth which is cruel. All animals bar humans act in there nature and only hunt to eat or to defend themselves and there young. Humans on the other hand hunt for fun and are also the only species which expects its members to show some regard for eachother.

You can't say that with any valid certainty.
Ever see a whale appear to play with and torture a live seal before eating it?
Dolphins have been witnessed apparently gang-raping, terrorizing and essentially beating other dolphins to death without eating them.
Chimps have displayed some behavior which appears to be cruel and even vindictive.
even if true what difference does it make?
you suggesting we abolish murder laws? rape laws? torture laws?
even if true what difference does it make?
you suggesting we abolish murder laws? rape laws? torture laws?

Of course not.
Where did I even HINT at that?
Don't try and build such absurd strawmen with me.

I am just pointing out the fallacy in the claim that humans are the only animals capable of cruelty.
im not talking about punishing him but rather the true stated purpose of the justice system, ie to protect sociaty. Its not his fault he is the way he is and it wont be his fault when he starts killing but he is a threat and needs to be taken seriously.

I agnologe your point that you cant punish people proactivly but by the same token the mental health system is set up to treat people with certain disorders. Thats the real distintion between a serial killer and someone suffering antisocial personality disorder. The second is a pschyological disorder and requires treatment both for his benift and the benifit of sociaty as a whole. The second is a label aplied to someones crimes, i do take your point that he isnt a serial killer until he starts killing and he is to young to get a diognosis of ASPD but it is fair to say that he is a seriously disterbed child and needs treatment for that problem.

After all, what would you suggest if we had known what ted bundy was capable of and did nothing
The kid needs guidance, his parents are oblivious and dont know how to be parents. As a matter of fact he is probably perfectly normal but behind for his age and most likely he had no idea what he was doing. How does a kid disappear and break into a zoo long enough tio do this damage?

The zoo should have protected these animals better, it is THEIR responsibility and his parents should have protected him better. He needs love and he will be OK.
He fed the croc. In my estimation this child is at 4 year old level. With his hands he fed the croc, like a father caring for his brood. His instincts unsubdued he climbed the fence, his methods crude what to expect? You eat a steak dripping with blood? What to expect? Judge not this child. Give him a hug and a smile. Tell him he was wrong?
actually these sorts of personalities are specifically banned from the millarty, we expect our troops for the most part to work as peace keepers and assist the federal police overseas in stabilisation missions and therefore we want our troops to be respected. You should have seen the amount of press an ACUSATION of detaine abuse by australian solders got and that was over the fact that adicuate acomidation couldnt be provided on the first night after capture for a POW and therefor he was kept in a dog kennel which was the only aviable secure enclosure.

Torture for instance is about to be made a specific federal offence and made extra trestrial so that an australian citizan involved or adding in a torture can be charged for ofences commited against australia.

basically there is no way in HELL he would ever be alowed to serve
The question is what if this child does not understand suffering? Make him suffer? The case is closed/
wouldnt make the slightest difference john. If i atached electrodes to your testicals would that make you empathise with an ant?

because to a sociopath we are all just THINGS, they cant feel empathy period, watching someone in pain excites them just like killing a random bad guy on the latest computer game excites a gamer. The difference is that in a sociopath its linked to sex as well which is why they are called sexual sadists
There is also no way to know if this kid really is a sociopath or not from what we have presented here.
Even a real psychologist spending real time with him wouldn't enter lightly into that diagnosis - and if more than one interviewed him, they may not even agree.
Simply displaying apparent indifference to the animals he was feeding to the croc does not necessarily imply the kid is a sociopath - it is a lot more complex than that.
The kid obviously has a psychological problem and might indeed grow up to be a psychopath. But, this here is the larger problem:

"He killed 13 animals worth around $5,500, including a turtle, bearded dragons and thorny devil lizards, Neindorf said. Although none were rare, some would be difficult to replace, he said."

Almost as disgusting in itself.
Its disgusting that he didn't kill the rare ones or its disgusting that they would be difficult to replace?