Child Psychopath


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
So, what do you do with a child like this? Institutionalize him? Punish the parents for what he did?

7-Year-Old Breaks Into Zoo, Feeds Live Animals to Croc

SYDNEY, Australia — A blank-faced 7-year-old boy broke into a popular Outback zoo, fed a string of animals to the resident crocodile and bashed several lizards to death with a rock, the zoo's director said Friday.

The boy jumped a security fence at the Alice Springs Reptile Center in central Australia early Wednesday, then went on a 30-minute killing spree, using a rock to slay three lizards, including the zoo's beloved, 20-year-old goanna, which he then fed to "Terry," an 11-foot, 440-pound vsaltwater crocodile, said zoo director Rex Neindorf.

The boy, whose deadly acts were caught on the zoo's security camera, also threw several live animals to Terry over the two fences surrounding the crocodile's enclosure, at one point climbing over the outer fence to get closer to the giant reptile. In the footage, the boy's face remains largely blank, Neindorf said.

"It was like he was playing a game," he said.

He killed 13 animals worth around $5,500, including a turtle, bearded dragons and thorny devil lizards, Neindorf said. Although none were rare, some would be difficult to replace, he said.

"We're horrified that anyone can do this, and saddened by the age of the child," Neindorf said.

Alice Springs police said they identified the boy, who lives locally, but were unable to press charges because of his age. Children under age 10 are not criminally liable under the law in the Northern Territory.

"By all accounts, he's quite a nasty 7-year-old," said Neindorf, who plans to sue the boy's parents. "If we can't put the blame onto the child, then someone has to accept the responsibility."

The zoo's security system, which relies on sensors, probably did not detect the boy because he is so small, Neindorf said.

So, what do you do with a child like this? Institutionalize him? Punish the parents for what he did?

Yep, lock him away. He's a danger to himself and society. And make his parents pay in full for all damages - where were they while he was doing all this, eh? They are most certainly responsible for letting him loose on the world.
sadly your probably right that this child will BECOME a scopath.
Children cant be diognosed with personality disorders under the DMS-IV

as for a treatment, its almost impossable to treat someone with a personality disorder, the DMS-IV says that only long term behavorial theorpy has been shown to have any effect at all and even this was limited. Futher more people with this disorder are more likly to end up in jail or dead which limits access to them for controled resurch. This is one of the reasons im strongly against the death penelty is that if we are going to have any chance of helping kids like this we need resurch subjects and that means the serial killers and baby killers ect
The death penalty

NOT as a punishment; I understand that he is a child. No, I mean it as, a way of protecting society from a major risk.
The death penalty

NOT as a punishment; I understand that he is a child. No, I mean it as, a way of protecting society from a major risk.

Because he displays some signs, at a VERY EARLY age, that may demonstrate a propensity to be dangerous in the future, if lots of other cirteria has been met?

In that case, YOU should be put down as well.

1.) The most likely scenario, by far, is that his parents are at fault for his behavior. There is a very good likeliehood he was abused, and if not, he is certainly not being raised correctly. Get him out of his environment and punish those who are really responsible for his behavior.
2.) Where were the parents of the 7 yeard old, when he was hoping the fence of the zoo into dangerous cages?
I'd put him in an early form of special ops...perhaps Australia has military schools for this career path?
Because he displays some signs, at a VERY EARLY age, that may demonstrate a propensity to be dangerous in the future, if lots of other cirteria has been met?

At least, we should put a tag on him and monitor him closely.
can a person be born a psychopath? A sociopath? Or are they all made?

As far as all the research I am familiar with suggests, there are some factors that someone CAN be born with to help the process along, but they ALL appear to be made.

Having a faulty frontal lobe, for example, could be a contributing factor, but without the systemic abuse or other dramatic shaping factors involved, the frontal lobe deformity would not be enough in and of itself.

At the VERY least, the family should be vigorously investigated.
i agree with one raven TO A POINT, there are compleatly organic causes in SOME CASES but these seem to be reasonably reversable (execpt for dementia related). However these are unlikly in a child so young. Brain tumors arnt very common in that age group. Sexual abuse and\or long term physical abuse (both being the victom of and observing) are more likly. Its probable that his mother or father are being abused by the other spouse and that one or both are abusing him
Take him away from his parents, put him on some form of watch and therapy until he is 18
longer than that skaught, You cant time limit therapy for a sociopath. It needs to be life long, even then im not sure i would trust him to be without supervision no matter how the therapy goes because sociopaths are in general really charismatic and can hide there disorder. Thats why it always surprises people when a serial killer is caught because they litterally are "the guy next door".

Mass murders are a compleatly different kettle of fish and there are generally signs with them (depression, resentment, anxiaty ect)
Like a cat, he played with his kills.
Is it better when we let other people kill animals for us?
How about those who eat veal?
longer than that skaught, You cant time limit therapy for a sociopath. It needs to be life long, even then im not sure i would trust him to be without supervision no matter how the therapy goes because sociopaths are in general really charismatic and can hide there disorder. Thats why it always surprises people when a serial killer is caught because they litterally are "the guy next door".

Mass murders are a compleatly different kettle of fish and there are generally signs with them (depression, resentment, anxiaty ect)

Yeah, you're right, I meant to say until he is at least 18. I think that if by that age, he has shown significant signs of improvement, then maybe he could be weaned off of the therapy, but never the "watch".
Simon Anders,

God sake, there is a HUGE difference between killing to eat and sociopathic tenancies. Only morons like PETA would concider that viewpoint correct