Chemical evolution:

You assume too much in accusing all ID advocates as being motivated primarily by fear of death, rather than a studied logical conviction that unguided abiogenesis is simply an unworkable fantasy.
Well no. It's just so dumb.

Politics has to be involved somewhere for it to be so dumb.
And you did not eagerly contribute to making it ugly a long while ago? Falsely accusing me and all other ID advocates of being religiously motivated hypocrites?
In response to ....??????
Look in the mirror.
Says the person who is unable to make a single post without resorting to some form of personal comment, which has now spread to include family members? If you are an example of a theist posting in a Science forum, I won't waste my time any longer.

I NEVER start the ad hominem, but if you want it come and get it. It'll be like fencing with an unarmed man.

You really don't want me to compare you to an early hominid who shook his stick at the sky to warn off this unseen enemy that made loud noises and threw water and fire at him and his troup(e).
Troup, how apropos.....:)
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Hmm....therefore your beloved missus clings to her flying spaghetti monster god out of a terrible fear of death. But that's ok provided she never ever shares her comforting faith with strangers. Goes to the dark side and becomes a god-botherer.

What she doesn't do, is act like a childish Idiot, and preach and demand of others, to accept what she does.
You assume too much in accusing all ID advocates as being motivated primarily by fear of death, rather than a studied logical conviction that unguided abiogenesis is simply an unworkable fantasy.
Nup, I believe you have shown again, that I've hit the nail, fair square on the head!:p And taking into account, your other mythical beliefs and forced non participation elsewhere, have resorted to that sort of stuff, we know you so well for. :D
Check out any scientific work tomorrow, and nothing will have changed, from the general held belief in the overwhelmingly supported, theory of Abiogenesis and evolution.
That's the way it is old friend, so no use crying over never being able to refute or debunk that fact.
This is really becoming ugly. I'm out.
Q-reeus has hit a brick wall...don't worry too much, just smile at the fact that he needs to scrape the bottom of the barrel in the hope of getting me to return fire, and then have James moderate and ban me.:rolleyes: [q-reeus will tell you what a good friend he is of mine, along with his other many fabricated fantasies in his gullible mind :D]
Here James Tour[God bless his cottin pickin little soul!!] starts his "science lesson" of with a prayer to his "captive" congregation.....

In response to ....?????? Says the person who is unable to make a single post without resorting to some form of personal comment, which has now spread to include family members? If you are an example of a theist posting in a Science forum, I won't waste my time any longer.

I NEVER start the ad hominem, but if you want it come and get it. It'll be like fencing with an unarmed man.

You really don't want me to compare you to an early hominid who shook his stick at the sky to warn off this unseen enemy that made loud noises and threw water and fire at him and his troup(e).
Troup, how apropos.....:)
Thanks for reminding me of the futility of engaging with you. As many others here have remarked the same, though on nominally different topics.
...What she doesn't do, is act like a childish Idiot, and preach and demand of others, to accept what she does....
And there you go again. Making up total shit. Which ID advocate discussed here has EVER DEMANDED acceptance of his/her/their beliefs? Mythical indeed - with you the myth maker!
Either way, she still makes far more sense then you ever have...ghosts, goblins, fifth dimensional Alien beings, woo woo woo woo!!!!]
Making up more shit as usual. I don't believe in any of those you named there. Get a grip on yourself.
And there you go again. Making up total shit. Which ID advocate discussed here has EVER DEMANDED acceptance of his/her/their beliefs? Mythical indeed - with you the myth maker!
Be honest for once in your life...stop being a damn hypocrite for once in your miserable life.
The facts stand that Abiogenesis is till the only theory for how life started, and your hero has been debunked many times over, and shows his stupidity in taking the bible so literally, and you in your support of him.
Making up more shit as usual. I don't believe in any of those you named there. Get a grip on yourself.
Oh, sorry...just Aliens then...Aliens from the fifth dimension? And I'm pretty sure ghosts also, except I'm really too lazy to go and show you up for what you are.
ps: And of course conspiracies!!! conspiracies galore! Your 9/11 fiasco is one, correct q-reeus? Fat Freddy, eat your heart out!!:D
You're a gullible hypocrite q-reuss and a fraud to boot.
Be honest for once in your life...stop being a damn hypocrite for once in your miserable life.
The facts stand that Abiogenesis is till the only theory for how life started, and your hero has been debunked many times over, and shows his stupidity in taking the bible so literally, and you in your support of him.

Oh, sorry...just Aliens then...Aliens from the fifth dimension? And I'm pretty sure ghosts also, except I'm really too lazy to go and show you up for what you are.
ps: And of course conspiracies!!! conspiracies galore! Your 9/11 fiasco is one, correct q-reeus? Fat Freddy, eat your heart out!!:D
You're a gullible hypocrite q-reuss and a fraud to boot.
Caught out multiple times but a degenerate psyche leaves you unable to answer truthfully. Instead blind irrational attack as defense. Nothing new. Not having long ago been banned for such egotistical madness is the greater crime imo.
You think way too much of yourself. I don't waste too much time replying in detail as you have a reputation from other subforums of asserting BS as 'fact' and using the 'you are stupid' tactic whenever challenged as to your 'facts'.
And so you post yet another - seventh, eighth ? - change of subject in lieu of response.

Whatever my character flaws, they have no relevance to your failure to address issues, or your continual changing of the subject when confronted. The issues involved can be addressed without any reference to my objectionable personality whatsoever.

Why aren't you doing that?
I have yet to come across any remotely workable hypothesis for unguided addition of a proto-cell wall other than as an accidental engulfing event by a somehow extant lipid enclosure
So? You apparently think a "proto-cell wall" (whatever that is supposed to be) had to be an "addition" - where did you get that idea? What do you imagine it was an "addition" to? - you hinted at a self-replicating assemblage, a mysterious entity whose nature would be a fantastic discovery or deduction from our current state of ignorance, and as far as we know an extremely unlikely one.

And on the other end: Where did you get the apparent impression that an an accidental "engulfing" event (of anything) by a lipid "enclosure" would be rare or unlikely?

A couple of posts ago you were trying to tell us that the "evolutionists" were claiming the engulfed was necessarily a self-replicating arrangement of molecules. They aren't.
You have also made reference to the "correct evolutionary sequence" and the "first cell" and so forth, just on this page - more concepts you cannot have acquired from real life "evolutionists". Unless you are deliberately trolling and wasting time (which intellectuals you find persuasive have made lucrative careers of doing) you clearly have no idea what you are trying to talk about, and in particular what "evolutionists" are saying or arguing or employing as theory.

That is: Given your demonstrated unfamiliarity with evolutionary theory - Darwinian or any other - your claims of ignorance are not evidence of anything, and you have posted quite of bit of evidence supporting my claim that you have no idea how Darwinian evolution works, or what is workable by way of Darwinian evolution. I have quoted some of it, above. If you have some kind of response to that observation, now would be the time.

(btw: As a hint toward what a "response" would look like: Notice that the accusations there - that I employ 'you are stupid' as a tactic, for example - are never supported by quotes or other evidence either in your posts or in the other posts and other threads. Neither have I ever seen them, from you or anyone, accompanied by a presentation of "challenging" facts. In this thread, for example, there are at least a half dozen requests from me to you for a presentation of challenging facts, and not a single response from you containing such facts - that, not 'you are stupid' tactics, is what you have been reading and posting on this thread.)
And so you post yet another - seventh, eighth ? - change of subject in lieu of response.

Whatever my character flaws, they have no relevance to your failure to address issues, or your continual changing of the subject when confronted. The issues involved can be addressed without any reference to my objectionable personality whatsoever.

Why aren't you doing that?
So? You apparently think a "proto-cell wall" (whatever that is supposed to be) had to be an "addition" - where did you get that idea? What do you imagine it was an "addition" to? - you hinted at a self-replicating assemblage, a mysterious entity whose nature would be a fantastic discovery or deduction from our current state of ignorance, and as far as we know an extremely unlikely one.

And on the other end: Where did you get the apparent impression that an an accidental "engulfing" event (of anything) by a lipid "enclosure" would be rare or unlikely?

A couple of posts ago you were trying to tell us that the "evolutionists" were claiming the engulfed was necessarily a self-replicating arrangement of molecules. They aren't.
You have also made reference to the "correct evolutionary sequence" and the "first cell" and so forth, just on this page - more concepts you cannot have acquired from real life "evolutionists". Unless you are deliberately trolling and wasting time (which intellectuals you find persuasive have made lucrative careers of doing) you clearly have no idea what you are trying to talk about, and in particular what "evolutionists" are saying or arguing or employing as theory.

That is: Given your demonstrated unfamiliarity with evolutionary theory - Darwinian or any other - your claims of ignorance are not evidence of anything, and you have posted quite of bit of evidence supporting my claim that you have no idea how Darwinian evolution works, or what is workable by way of Darwinian evolution. I have quoted some of it, above. If you have some kind of response to that observation, now would be the time.

(btw: As a hint toward what a "response" would look like: Notice that the accusations there - that I employ 'you are stupid' as a tactic, for example - are never supported by quotes or other evidence either in your posts or in the other posts and other threads. Neither have I ever seen them, from you or anyone, accompanied by a presentation of "challenging" facts. In this thread, for example, there are at least a half dozen requests from me to you for a presentation of challenging facts, and not a single response from you containing such facts - that, not 'you are stupid' tactics, is what you have been reading and posting on this thread.)
I think you just might have made a reasonable defense lawyer for a crime syndicate. Amazing performance. You really want to keep it stoked but not me. Got it?
Caught out multiple times but a degenerate psyche leaves you unable to answer truthfully. Instead blind irrational attack as defense. Nothing new. Not having long ago been banned for such egotistical madness is the greater crime imo.
Whatever q-reeus....Some people have active minds that are used for good. Some people have gullible minds that need be fed with all sorts of nonsense.
And there you go again. Making up total shit. Which ID advocate discussed here has EVER DEMANDED acceptance of his/her/their beliefs? Mythical indeed - with you the myth maker!
Check out any scientific work tomorrow, and nothing will have changed, from the general held belief in the overwhelmingly supported, theory of Abiogenesis and evolution.
Still havn't checked out latest scientific work q-reeus?
Is that because they will all proceed under the logical assumption of the theory of Abiogenesis?
Probably upset you too much I suggest.

In the meantime again, as it seems to be lost in the usual unsupported allegations, myths, denials, untruths, and hopeful mythical banter.......

A chemist who doesn't understand evolution
James Tour is an organic chemist. He is a Professor of Chemistry and Professor, Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, and Professor of Computer Science at Rice University (Houston, United States). James Tour is attracting a lot of attention on the Intelligent Design Creationist websites because he is sympathetic to their main claim; namely, that evolution is wrong [see A world-famous chemist tells the truth: there’s no scientist alive today who understands macroevolution].

Tour is one of the few genuine scientists who signed the Discovery Institute’s "A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism" (2001) that stated, "We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged." (There are very,very, few biologists who signed.)
more at link...................

the article concludes thus..............................
Ignorance is curable. If that's the only problem facing James Tour then he could do no better than read Stephen Jay Gould if he really wants to understand macroevolution. He will get a heavy dose of "pondering and thoughtfulness." I don't think he's up to it. I don't think he really wants to learn.

Here's why I don't think he really wants to learn about evolution.
James Tour said................
"What a comfort it must be to be pleasantly settled in one camp or the other, but I can not be so settled, and hence I have few tent-fellows. Based upon my faith in the Scriptures, I do believe (yes, faith and belief go beyond scientific evidence for this scientist) that God created the heavens and the earth and all that dwell therein, including a man named Adam and a woman named Eve. As for many of the details and the time-spans, I personally become less clear. Some may ask, What’s “less clear” about the text that reads, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth”? That is a fair question, and I wish I had an answer that would satisfy them. But I do not because I remain less clear.

I hope that’s satisfactory; I mean for me, a scientist and a Christian, to be unsure of a few things in both science and Christianity. The question is not fundamental to my salvation as a Christian which is based upon the finished work of Jesus Christ, my confession in him as Savior and my belief in his resurrection from the dead. And I used to think that my outward confession of skepticism regarding Darwinian Theory was also of little consequence to my career as a scientist. Specifically, in the past, I wrote that my standing as a scientist was “based primarily upon my scholarly peer-reviewed publications.” I no longer believe that, however.

In the last few years I have seen a saddening progression at several institutions. I have witnessed unfair treatment upon scientists that do not accept macroevolutionary arguments and for their having signed the above-referenced statement regarding the examination of Darwinism. (I will comment no further regarding the specifics of the actions taken upon the skeptics; I love and honor my colleagues too much for that.) I never thought that science would have evolved like this....

Hence, by my observation, the unfair treatment upon the skeptics of macroevolution has not come from the administration level. But my recent advice to my graduate students has been direct and revealing: If you disagree with Darwinian Theory, keep it to yourselves if you value your careers, unless, of course, you’re one of those champions for proclamation; I know that that fire exists in some, so be ready for lead-ridden limbs. But if the scientific community has taken these shots at senior faculty, it will not be comfortable for the young non-conformist. When the power-holders permit no contrary discussion, can a vibrant academy be maintained? Is there a University (unity in diversity)? For the United States, I pray that the scientific community and the National Academy in particular will investigate the disenfranchisement that is manifest upon some of their own, and thereby address the inequity."

I suppose I'm going to be labeled as one of those evil "Darwinists" who won't tolerate anyone who disagrees with me about evolution.1

I'm actually not. I just don't like stupid people who think they are experts in evolution when they have never bothered to learn about it. Here's my advice to graduate students in organic chemistry: if you want to know about evolution then take a course or read a textbook. And remember, there's nothing wrong with admitting that you don't understand a subject. Just don't assume your own ignorance means that all the experts in the subject are wrong too.
I think you just might have made a reasonable defense lawyer for a crime syndicate. Amazing performance. You really want to keep it stoked but not me. Got it?
Maybe you don't know why you are unable to actually discuss anything, so my repeated requests are unfair - plausible?

At any rate, this is something you should be able to handle - and it's a matter of interest:
And on the other end: Where did you get the apparent impression that an an accidental "engulfing" event (of anything) by a lipid "enclosure" would be rare or unlikely?