Chavez Shuts Down Free Speech!

If Bush had his protesters shot, you would all be screaming and foaming at the mouth. Why do you defend Chavez?

because Chavez...unlike Saddam...actually cares for his people. Because bought of demonstrators in Venezuela are of USA doing...and all this for the oil. Iraq has fallen, Venezuela will not.
You did not draqon, so I guess that means you are embarrassed to say what news outlets you trust, oh c'mon draqon, tell us who you trust in the news media, we won't laugh at you.
"Police killed 40 demonstrators. Tear gas was fired into the crowds of protesters in front of the presidential palace. Such repression was in vain, however."
That is a good article. By the way, the 40 demonstrators were Chavez supporters that were killed by the dictator that the USA installed.
I've seen the footage of militia gunning people down in the street for supporting Chavez after Chavez was kidnapped. The US had Venezuela for about 2 whole days before the people took it back, and rescued Chavez.

Venezuelans currently enjoy the lowest gasoline prices. It is all becomes of Chavez. His literacy program and his health care program are very successful. He has reduced poverty in that country substantially, and is continuing the progress.

What would have happened if Chavez had never returned, and that dictator we installed remained in office? All of the benefits that Chavez brought to Venezuela get be shut down, and all of the proceeds would go to the USA. Those media conglomerates were very powerful, full of lie after lie, and were an enemy of the people. Those media conglomerates were an enemy of the people. US installs dictators all the time. This is the first time I have ever heard of a country succeeding against us. The US wants to turn Venezuela ack into a sweatshop as it has done with all countries around that globe that we have impoverished through tactics such as installing dictators. We also want their oil. There is no commodity, not even gold or diamonds, more desired than oil. No region on this planet has faced more US terrosism than South America.
Chavez doesn't care for the people. He cares for himself. Sure he'll throw a few dollars of his billions at social programs to look nice, but he's not. Venezuela's brand of corrupt capitalism is the reason those people are poor. Venez will end up like Cuba.
obviously not news coverage of a political group website that is backed up by USA and is against Chavez....:p funny you.

Do gain most out of news...neutral sides news coverage must be is not gaining or loosing anything from this its news. Or read the most news on same topic and draw ur own conclusion.


You did not draqon, so I guess that means you are embarrassed to say what news outlets you trust, oh c'mon draqon, tell us who you trust in the news media, we won't laugh at you.
It's so strange that natural resource rich countries, Mexico and Venezuela in particular, have such bad economies, it makes me think the money only goes to the elites, what other explanation is there?
Hey Zak, why did Muhammed rampage about evangelizing by the sword if he valued human life?

My dearest IAC

I hope all is going well with you and eeerrrrrr thank you for your input

Talk about derailing the thread Again!!! We can discuss this in a more appropriate thread if you wish

take it ez
It's so strange that natural resource rich countries, Mexico and Venezuela in particular, have such bad economies, it makes me think the money only goes to the elites, what other explanation is there?
The economies of these countries rich in resources have no reason to be impoverished. All of this poverty is the result of the axis of terrorism (America/Britain/Israel) that have been exploiting many countries for their labor and resources.
Chavez wants the resources of Venezuela to go to Venezuelans. While America is getting worse, Venezurela is improving. The hundreds of billions that we borrow to pay rich crooked industrialists for all the weapons, supplies, and services needed for war will be paid for by Americans for generations. While Chavez is using Venezuelan income for Venezuelans, the USA is using income to pay the rich.
It's not about bribing people for votes. It's about changing Venezuela. If a president says I am going to improve the standard of living for people in this country, and fix it up in exchange for more votes, all good and fine. I don't think Chavez is exchanging the least he can for votes. The government has developed programs for the benefit of the people. Money is used to fund these programs. Chavez could be pocketing a portion, but he is nowhere near as corrupt as some of his peers. And even lightyears from the coruption of the Bush administration of terrorism.

Even Chomsky said that the term "war on terrorism" is a joke when it is the terrorists that have coined it. Hugo himself addressed the American public imploring us to take notice that our biggest threat/enemy is our own government.
It's not about bribing people for votes. It's about changing Venezuela.

Well, according to the news, the pictures of the vast demonstrations, it would seem that some of the people don't want that kind of change. So are you advocating forcing those who don't want the change to change anyway?

Baron Max