Challenge from the Learner

Well it says in scripture that 'The Father' always existed, and that His Son 'His Word' Yeshua The Anointed is the beginning of creation. I've noted that 'God stretches the Universe' in my post on page 4, thus the understanding of a dimension, or realm we know nothing about, other then what's explained about it in the Word it is impossible to figure out with are little pea brains, unless its available for research, which it is not. As for people refuting my points on page 4 of this thread. I don’t even think anyone even actually read it, and I haven’t noticed anything in here to show that they have. The only ones I think I remember is people saying they wont read it because all my references to God and scripture make it invalid for them. As for (Q) the con to my last post saying. "some made valid arguments" for the other (Q) is responsible for most of them. As for paragraphs, who cares, most books are in the same format. Get use to it. If you want word art go make some fonts.
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JeffTheLearner said:
Well actually Horseman42 I've made many points on page 4 of this post and barely anyone refuted anything concerning most of what I put there, most of my arguments were simply to show 'Intelligent Design' thus, the high possibility of an incredibly intelligent Designer.
M*W: How creepy would that be, to have "an incredibly intelligent designer" out there controlling every aspect of our human lives! You fail to make your point.
JeffTheLearner said:
Some of my points were to prove the superiority of Christianity, (not as a religion, but in a personal relationship.)
M*W: Christianity is not superior however you may look at it. It's invention is suspect, it's duration is bloody, and its promise for the future is lacking in validity. Forget your belief that you will see heaven when you die, if all you're looking for is a "personal relationship," Christianity is your worst nightmare. You worship and adore it, and all it does for you is give you empty promises of a mythological dying demigod savior. You people have got to be the dumbest lot in the world.
JeffTheLearner said:
Some people made no point they just thought it was kosher to insult me instead. And some made valid arguments, and some made retarded arguments. As to the proving of Yeshua as, existing you have more then 4 different accounts in the bible alone, which according to 'Foxes Book of Martyrs', and other documents the followers of Yeshua Himself believed to their own hurt, both by gruesome deaths, and by rejecting personal wants.
M*W: Those "4 different accounts" you refer to were propaganda and nothing more. Paul influenced the gospel writers long after he wrote the NT by the insistence of his Roman compatriots. The Bible is not an historically accurate document, Jesus was no savior, and Paul was one of the greatest liars whom ever lived. This is the crap you believe in. Why on earth would anyone on this forum NOT insult you?
JeffTheLearner said:
You have unearthed documents from the Sanhedrin of the time in the D.S.S, explaining the death of Yeshua. You have Roman documents. You have testimonies from the enemies of Israel testifying of Yeshua, your have the Gnostic documents that have been recently unearthed that testify of Yeshua, you have many documents of just regular people of the land and their testimonies and much, much more, I did not even get into the archeological proof.
M*W: Since you purport to have extensive documentation of Jesus, please cite references to:

1) documents from the Sanhedrin of the time in the D.D.S.
2) official Roman documents.
3) testimonies from Israel's enemies testifying of Yeshua
4) gnostic documents that testify of Yeshua
5) documents of just regular people and their testimonies, and
6) your archeological proof.

These data will be be discerned without bias by the religious scholars on this forum.
JeffTheLearner said:
As to the older books you have documentaries like 'The Exodus Revealed' and 'Search For The Real Mt. Sinai' which cover an array of topics, concerning the Exodus, and the real location of Sinai which is not the Sinai Peninsula because that was Egyptian territory, and it clearly states in scripture that they left the land of Egypt, and went into the land of Median, but anyways, you have lots of archeological proof concerning an array books.
M*W: Older books are fine as references, but unfortunately more extensive research has been done since the older books were published. Modern biblical scholars and archeologists confirm that there was no exodus out of Egypt led by someone whose name happened to be Moses. No artifacts have been found in those digs to confirm it. Regardless of what Jayleew seems to believe, no gold Egyptian chariot wheels have been found covered with coral in the Red Sea. In fact, the Red Sea was not even in the original exodus myth, it was the Sea of Reeds, and it was an allegorical sea noted for it's life-giving properties. Even the name "Moses" means "taken from the water." As you recall, Moses' mother made a basket of reeds and put him in it, and he was withdrawn from the water and became royalty. All allegory, nothing more.
JeffTheLearner said:
You have consistent reports among many ancient cultures of a world flood, you have bitter Egyptian Historians, documents from the Persian era referred to in the bible, still in existence, Enemies of Israel and their royal documents, there is just tons of proof pointing to the accuracy of the bible.
M*W: There are more ancient reports from Sumeria that mention a global flood, but Noah's "flood" was not the original. The Bible is nothing more than copies of copies of copies of more ancient myths. Even Native Americans have their own flood myth. Without these flood myths, how could the ancients explain how the Earth got populated? All life arose out of the water. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Bible doesn't contain tons of accuracy.
JeffTheLearner said:
For the last thing make note of this, despite all other religions, concerning Judaism and Christianity, these are faiths that burden people according to the indulgence of the 'sin nature', they both require, and place many responsibilities on any form of government and their leaders, it is not an attractive faith, and it would be a faith that all governments would reject, if they could. Many people reject truth, and do it easily, but some know truth when they see it, and cannot reject its requirements. But when you establish a personal relationship with God, and diligently seek Him, and get into His presence (which too many to mention will testify of the Power of His presence manifesting with myself added to that), you find out that your 'sin nature' is the burden, and to be set free from it makes you truly free, with true freedom, and great freedom to love, to love people in truth and not like a hypocrite.
M*W: Monotheism stems from sun worship by the ancients. Life arose out of water but was nurtured by the sun. Ancient humans believed the sun to be god; hence, monotheism evolved from that. Abraham, himself, (if he existed) was a polytheist. Moses (if he existed) worshipped the sun Aten-Ra. The Jews ended up worshipping the monotheist god YHWH, the god Moses saw on the Mount -- the god Moses' created. Even the Ten Commandments were earlier than Moses. They came out of the Code of Hammarabi. There is nothing new under the sun. If you study religion closely, you will see that every story, every myth will lead you back to the most basic form of worship -- the zodiac. There are no gods but the ones we create.
JeffTheLearner said:
So thats all for now, I did not mean to type this much I wanted to make a short comment, but Oh-well. If you want me to get in dept as to why Christianity is the faith that excels all faiths, in truth and wisdom, ask and I'll start another tread concerning this topic.
M*W: Don't bother wasting everyone's time trying to prove that "Christianity excels all faiths." You just won't be able to make your point on this forum.
Jeff. I didn't read the full post because it became quite clear after the first few paragraphs that your argument was basically that the universe is so complex and precise that there MUST be an intelligent creator. I would say that is a decent point as I have often thought that myself... everyday in fact. But again the science there explains this doesn't prove that it is driven by God.

The Bible quotes which you litter your posts with are evidence of nothing, so why use these quotes when you are actually trying to prove something? It remains a simple fact, that wether there be a 'God' or not, these bible quotes are in no way representative of 'God'. They merely represent the God of which that specific religion created. In other words humans created the God talked about in the Bible.

This particular quote from the post you are eager to promote had me laughing:

Earths circular orbit; The orbit of the Earth, unlike the other planets within are universe which orbit in a elliptical orbit, the Earth orbits in a consistent circular motion of 93 million miles from the sun.

Unlike any other planets in the universe? Think that one over, please.

Life on Earth is a fluke. If Mars was a bit bigger, it could also probably have sustained life. Not to mention the possabilities of life on Titan under different circumstances and the possability of life on Europa. Doesn't appear that life is as special as you think, seeing as you ignorantly assume Earth is so unique out of the whole universe. Seems a bit silly considering we only know of a couple hundred planets due to the limits of our technology.

I guess I want to know why people like you are always keen to use science if you can somehow skew it to fit your stubbornly held beliefs, but ignore it when it contradicts what is said in the bible.

Just to remind you this is how I responded to your post on page 4 of this thread..

This is what you said....

“ So to part of my point, all of this inconceivable creative ability, unimaginable engineering, and awesome complexities which are better described by man then to even start to understand. Do you attribute this all to “Chance?” so if “Chance” far exceeds the collective abilities of man by accident, is not “Chance” more than able to contain within it all of the same abilities as you and much more. Are you not just bending a knee to “Chance” and saying; “you are my god!” and at the same time not acknowledging its wisdom, which accidentally far exceeds yours. You say there is no god, but even within your own hypocrisies you acknowledge one, and the funny thing is, that you people don’t even realize it. ”

And here is how I responded....

Sorry I wasn't able to sift through your bible quotes, and countless examples of design. Next time can you please post exactly what you are saying and not try and overwhelm us with information. Yes I get the point that the universe is full of complexity and unimaginable engineering, but this doesn't mean that god exists.

Why? Easy because I can also show you how awesome, complex and infinitly powerful your own god is. If you want proof of this just read the end of Job where god boasts how powerful he is. I would quote the exact sentences but I think we've had enough of quotes for now.

Since god is so complex by your own example then there must be a god that created god, and a god for that meta god and so on. Either that or tell me why god gets off the hook here in your countless examples and the universe doesn't?
Of course you never responded to this, so yeah you stand refuted on proving Intelligent design. So now that I've spelled it out painfully and specifically will I be getting an answer or more of the same drivel you've posted before?
Well I just did up above this page. I probably did not respond then because I was disgusted by your quote, and your hate for my Savior 'The Word Manifest as flesh'. Second of all, all of that stuff on page 4 is like 8 pages of information, unlike you I don’t have time to sit on the computer all day, I got a job, and a new house to fix up, also I read a lot for my own personal benefit, to seek God, and the learn other stuff. In other words it takes a lot of time to research all that information, and tons of typing. It took me an hour just to find all those links up above, and I'm not even sure if they have all the information on them I want.
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JeffTheLearner said:
Hey, you wanted it, so you better read it. I'm just glad I did not have to type all of it.
And "the Code of Hammarabi" that was after, you liar. Second of all it proves the Babylonian exile. [QUOTE]
M*W: The Code of Hammarabi was BEFORE the time of the Exodus. The Exodus, or at least the noted one, took place around 1350 BC.
JeffTheLearner said:
-Islam ,
M*W: I did not read this. It was not a part of our discussion.
JeffTheLearner said:
-Evidence from the ancient world .
M*W: Josephus is not a reliable source. It has known forgeries. This article is biased toward Christian beliefs. It was published by the Lutheran church. Not a valid, peer reviewed article.
JeffTheLearner said:
-Jesus ,
M*W: A somewhat less biased conglomeration about Jesus. The forgeries in Josephus and the other writers abound.
JeffTheLearner said: , , , ,
M*W: More Lutheran-biased articles by Paul Maier.
JeffTheLearner said:
M*W: Obviously, you have gleaned many websites that agree with your platform. The only trustable sources would be by unbiased scholars and archeologists who have no interest in a Christian affiliation. You can quote all day til hell freezes over articles by Christian educators, but they hold no validity in a scholarly discussion.

You simply believe a lie, and you've done everything you could find to prove that lie is truth. There may have been a Jesus, but he was no dying demigod savior. There may have been a Mary, but she had no virgin birth. There may have been a crucifixion, but Jesus didn't die. There may have been a resurrection, but it wasn't Jesus who rose. There may be a religion called Christianity, but it is and has always been, a lie.

In other words, you believe in fairy tales. You're not saved, because there is no one there to save your sorry ass.
Well, Medicine Woman its sad to see one as lost as you are. Your seem empty, and dead. You think your good at convincing people that their is no God? Well. when I was like you, I was much better at it. You can hide, run, and deny all you like, but the truth will catch up with you. I just hope you find it before you can no longer benefit by it.
Well I just did up above this page. I probably did not respond then because I was disgusted by your quote, and your hate for my Savior 'The Word Manifest as flesh'. Second of all, all of that stuff on page 4 is like 8 pages of information, unlike you I don’t have time to sit on the computer all day, I got a job, and a new house to fix up, also I read a lot for my own personal benefit, to seek God, and the learn other stuff. In other words it takes a lot of time to research all that information, and tons of typing. It took me an hour just to find all those links up above, and I'm not even sure if they have all the information on them I want.
Did you intend the above quote for me or someone else?
You think your good at convincing people that their is no God? Well. when I was like you, I was much better at it. You can hide, run, and deny all you like, but the truth will catch up with you. I just hope you find it before you can no longer benefit by it.
Please offer us some proof that there is a god. Again and again you have yet to offer any proof that hasn't been thoughly refuted.
JeffTheLearner said:
Well, Medicine Woman its sad to see one as lost as you are. Your seem empty, and dead. You think your good at convincing people that their is no God? Well. when I was like you, I was much better at it. You can hide, run, and deny all you like, but the truth will catch up with you. I just hope you find it before you can no longer benefit by it.
M*W: I am neither sad nor lost, empty nor dead. I did not invent the idea that there is no god. There just never was a god. I'm not hiding, running nor denying the truth. There is no god. I have nothing to fear.
jeff said:
it takes a lot of time to research all that information, and tons of typing. It took me an hour just to find all those links up above,
and how do you think, people became atheist, we all get indoctrinated with the god crap from birth, and after all our research(years, not mere hours) we've done, we saw the lies, irrationality of god and a religion, hence this is why all your arguements have been refuted. you can not come up with a rational arguement for god, and most certainly you cant for a religion.
Well it says in scripture that 'The Father' always existed, and that His Son 'His Word' Yeshua The Anointed is the beginning of creation.

Exactly, tired arguments thoroughly refuted. You're wasting your time.
The Earths orbit is circular? Really? Is the Earth flat too? No one had a laugh at this moronic statement? Does Jeeezus operate a magical 'season' machine? Hahahahahaha......
The most amusing thing to see is when random (nameless) people pompously spout crap and then laugh not knowing they're the joke... :D [Big grin]
Another amusing thing to see is old geezers projecting the implications of their thougts unto others statements when the thoughts and statements are absolutely unrelated. :p

Seasons have little to do with the circularity of Earth's orbit.
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JeffTheLearner said:
I did not even get into the archeological proof. [...] you have lots of archeological proof concerning an array books.

I'm curious. To what archaeological "proof" to you refer?

JeffTheLearner said:
You have consistent reports among many ancient cultures of a world flood,

I should expect so. People have a need for water and thus settle in river valleys, lakesides, seashores and other low-lying areas that irrigate well. These areas are always prone to flooding, a catastrophe that, even in modernity, we are very ill-equipped to deal with. It seems reasonable that our myths, legends and stories would include this theme across the globe. It would be more significant if the theme were uncommon.

JeffTheLearner said:
you have bitter Egyptian Historians, documents from the Persian era referred to in the bible, still in existence, Enemies of Israel and their royal documents, there is just tons of proof pointing to the accuracy of the bible.

I fail to see how this demonstrates the truth of the bible. It only serves to date the individual myths within it. If a biblical myth mentions chariots, for example, we know that the event must have been written after the 17th dynasty, since chariots did not exist prior.

But since you are comparing biblical stories to those of the rest of the world in the Near East, many, many of the biblical tales are directly adapted from stories that originated in the cultures you mentioned above among others. The Noachian flood myth is a near line-for-line copy in some cases with the older Gilgamesh epic of a more ancient Sumeria.

It seems more likely that rather than actually having access to actual "archaeological proofs," you have access to rhetoric that claims to know of archaeological evidence.
Don't search further any more.
-If God would not exist we will know who we are, but we don't know anything at all. He exists more than anyone could ever think about. By the way human could not find evidence about existence of God, because he is billions of years more advanced than we are.